【创新方案】高中英语 Module4 Section Ⅱ Ⅰntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 4Section 语言点一语言点二语言点三识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实识 记 掌 握理 解 拓 展应 用 落 实mass, campaign, sandstorm, frightening, dust, forecast, process, citizen, strength, mask.根据英语释义选词语释义选词 填空1 a strong wind in a desert area, which carries sand through the air2 causing fear or terror3 a large nu

2、mber/amount ofsandstormfrighteningmass4 a series of planned movements carried out by armed forces5 a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result6 someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state7 the very small pieces of dirtcampaignprocess citizendust8 to say wh

3、at is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now9 the physical power and energy that makes someone strong10 a piece of cloth or other material that you were over all or part of your face to protect you from germs or harmful substancesforecaststrengthmask.根据所给词给词 性及汉语释

4、义汉语释义 写出单词单词1 adj.吓人的;可怕的 adj.感到可怕的 v使害怕2 n沙尘尘;灰尘尘 adj.满满是灰尘尘的3 vt.预报预报 ;预预告 n预报员预报员4 n力量;力气 v加强;巩固 adj.强大的;强壮的5 vi.骑骑自行车车 n自行车车 n骑骑自行车车的人frighteningfrightenedfrightendustdustyforecastforecasterstrengthstrengthenstrongcyclebicyclecyclist 1frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材原句)It has lasted for t

5、en hours and was very frightening.它持续续了10个小时时并且非常可怕。(鲜鲜活例句)I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.我曾意外遇到过过一条毒蛇,吓得我要命。(二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点(1)frightened adj. 惊吓的,受惊的,害 怕的be frightened at 受惊吓(2)frighten vt. 使惊吓,害怕frighten sb. into doing sth. 吓唬唬某人做某事frighten sb. out of doing sth. 使某人不敢做某事He was

6、 frightened at the thought of his huge debts.他一想到他背负负的巨额债务额债务 便胆战战心惊。The girl was by the dog.那个受到惊吓的女孩被那条吓人的狗给给吓坏了。He frightened the old lady into signing the paper.他恐吓那位老太太签签了字据。frightenedfrightenedfrightening2mass adj.大量的,大规规模的 v集中,聚集 n大量;群众;块块,团团(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材原句)Scientists have tried many ways

7、to solve this problem and in China, a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.科学家们尝试们尝试 了好多方法解决这这个问题问题 ,而且在中国一场场大规规模解决沙尘尘暴问题问题 的运动动已经经开始了。(鲜鲜活例句)Dark clouds massed on the horizon.天边乌边乌 云密布。(鲜鲜活例句)Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们们的最新产产品瞄准了大众市场场。(二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点masses of/a mas

8、s of 许许多,大量the mass of 大多数,大部分the masses 群众,平民Many countries oppose the development of mass destructive weapons.许许多国家反对对研制大规规模杀伤杀伤 性武器。There are dark clouds in the sky.天空中有很多黑云团团。点津a mass of/masses of后可跟可数名词词复数或不可数名词词,且谓语动词谓语动词 与该该名词词的数保持一致。masses of/ a mass of 3strength n力量;力气(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材原句). b

9、ut the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.不过过有时时沙尘尘暴的力量之大使人们们震惊。(鲜鲜活例句)I dont have the strength to climb any more.我没有力气再往上爬了。(二)明辨易混失误误防范比较较 strength, force, energy, powerstrength着重指人的力气,体力force主要指自然界的力量,暴力以及法律、道德或感情的力量;(物理学的)力;军事力量energy主要指人的精力;(物理学的)能,能源power主要指做一件事情所依靠的能力;功能;权力,权势用s

10、trength, force, energy和power填空He has got enough to lift the box.Knowledge is .We should put all our into our study.The earthquake in Japan made us realize the of nature.strengthpowerenergyforce4process n进进程;过过程;程序;(自然的)作用 v加工;处处理(教材原句)This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because o

11、f climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.土地变变成沙漠的过过程是由于气候变变化和人类类乱砍树树木和铲铲除草地所致。(鲜鲜活例句)It is a long process to obtain a drivers license in the UK.在英国取得驾驶执驾驶执 照是一个漫长长的过过程。(鲜鲜活例句)How fast does the new computer process the data?这这台新计计算机处处理数据有多快?(二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点in process 在进进行中in

12、 (the) process of 在过过程中;在进进行中 No Talking. Examination in process.不要讲话讲话 ,考试试正在进进行。However, a lot of problems emerge applying to it.然而,该该方法在实际实际 运用过过程中出现现了许许多问题问题 。in the process of.用所给单词给单词 的适当形式填空1I am (fright) to take the tablets, but also scared of what will happen if I dont. 2She is a lawful (ci

13、ty)3My eyes fixed on a (dust) old book at the back of the shelf. frightenedcitizen dusty4The number of motor vehicles on roads of Beijing is (forecast) to hit 5 million by the end of the year. 5Theyve been sent high energy foods to boost their (strong)6I want to encourage (cycle) to take advantage of more opportunities to get out by bike.forecast/forecastedstrengthcyclists.单项单项 填空1The little boy hasnt the _ to lift tha


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