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1、ShanghaiLateststatisticsfromSIPO showed that as the end of 2012, validinventionpatentsamounted to40,309inShanghai,up 29.5%. The invention patent hold- ingsofeach10,000heads reached 17.2(calculated on the baseof23.5millionpermanent population), achieving the goal of 16inventionpatentsforeach 10,000 h

2、eads. In2012,37,139inventions were filed in Shanghai, 11,379 of which were granted, up 15.5% and 24.2% respectively.上海根据中国国家知识产权局公布 的数据显示袁截至 2012 年底袁上海有效发明专利量为 4.0309 万件袁比 2011 年增长 29.5豫袁 上海每万人口 发明专利拥有量为 17.2 件 渊按照常 住人口 2350 万计算冤袁 超额实现了 上海市政府提出的野到 2012 年年底 上海每万人口发明专利拥有量达到 16 件冶的目标遥 据统计袁2012 年上海市发明专

3、利 申 请 量 为 3.7139 万 件 袁 比 2011 年增长 15.5豫袁其中发明专利 授权量为 1.1379 万件袁 比 2011 年 增长 24.2豫遥GuangdongGuangdong IP Office, Guang- dongDevelopmentandReform Commissionandother7govern- ment organs jointly released guid- ance on promoting IPR pledge fi- nancinginGuangdongprovince. According to the document, efforts

4、 will be expended to promote IPR pledgefinancing,andfacilitate transforming of economic develop- ment.Accordingtothedocument, Guangdong will set up IPR trad- ing platform and open fast chan- nels for IPR pledge financing, in- cludingpatent,trademarkand copyright.广东近日袁广东省知识产权局尧省发 改委尧 省经信委等 9 部门联合发出 叶

5、关于加快推进我省知识产权质押 融资工作的若干意见曳袁要求加快推 进知识产权质押融资工作袁 实现知 识产权市场价值袁 促进经济发展方 式转变遥 根据意见的部署袁 广东省将建 立专利尧商标尧版权等知识产权质押 登记快速通道袁 建设知识产权交易 公共服务平台等遥ShandongShangdongprovincerecently introducedseveralregulationson intensifying works concerning IPR toboostcorecompetitivenessofenterprises. Thepaper points out thatthe quan

6、tity of invention fil- ings by enterprises and numbers of enterpriseapplicantsshouldbe doubled by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan period and reach 20,000 and 10,000 respectively. The paper highlights enterpris- es爷 role ofmaininnovatorsand the importance of IPR in accelerat- ing the change of eco

7、nomic growth mode. According to the paper, ef- forts should be exerted to improve patent service network and estab- lish a high quality of law enforce- ment team.山东日前袁 山东省政府正式出台 叶关于加强知识产权工作提高企 业核心竞争力的意见曳袁 明确提 出到野十二五冶末袁实现全省企业年 发明专利申请量和提交发明专利申 请的企业数量野双倍增冶袁即分别达 到 2 万件和 1 万家的目标任务遥据介绍袁 意见突出企业创新主 体的地位袁突出发

8、明专利创造尧知识 产权在加快转变经济发展方式中的 支撑和引领作用袁 提出要健全专利 信息服务网络袁 加强执法队伍建设 等遥YunnanKunming Iron and Steel Hold- ing Co., Ltd, China Southern Pow- er Grid and other 5 Yunnan- based companies have been affirmed as enterprises with IPR advantages by Yunnan IP office. The selection is basedonthedocumentsentitled Regula

9、tions on Affirming Enterpris- es withIPRAdvantages.Upto now, 16 enterprises have been rec- ognized as enterprises with IPR ad- vantages. It is known that 22 evaluation standards including the size of en- terprises, industry character, inven- tion applications and grants in the latest 3 years were st

10、rictly referred.云南日前袁云南省知识产权局根据 叶云南省知识产权优势企业认定管 理办法曳袁经过申报尧推荐尧初审尧专 家评审尧省知识产权局审定批准等 程序袁 认定昆明钢铁控股有限公 司尧云南电网公司等 7 家企业为云 南省知识产权优势企业遥 至此袁云 南省认定的知识产权优势企业共 计 16 家遥 据悉袁 此次优势企业认定工作 根据企业规模和产业特点袁 围绕近 3 年发明专利授权量尧专利申请及授 权量增幅等 22 项评价指标进行评 审遥CHINAREPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY社址院北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路 远 号邮编院员园园园愿愿电邮院糟蚤责灶藻憎泽岳增蚤

11、责援泽蚤灶葬援糟燥皂编辑中心院82803936采访中心院82803956办公室院82803009发行部院愿圆园猿源猿愿缘广告部院愿圆园猿源猿缘愿印刷院解放军报印刷厂圆园13 年 2 月 6 日星期三出版中文主编院吴辉英文审校院崔卫国February 6袁 圆园13孕怎遭造蚤泽澡藻凿 燥灶 宰藻凿灶藻泽凿葬赠悦澡蚤灶藻泽藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则原蚤灶原悦澡蚤藻枣押 宰怎 匀怎蚤耘灶早造蚤泽澡 砸藻增蚤泽藻则押 Cui WeiguoINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY责任编辑柳鹏耘曾藻糟怎贼蚤增藻 耘凿蚤贼燥则Liu Peng实习编辑孟逸君Practice 耘凿蚤贼燥则Meng Yijun英文翻译姜

12、旭TranslatorJiang XuBeijingNo.1Intermediate People爷sCourtrecently made its first instance ver- dictinthecaseofMcDonald爷s Corporation爷strademarkdispute, approving registration of the trade- mark 麦肯基 MCCONKEY filed by Guangzhou Mcconkey FoodCom- pany ownedbyapersonnamed He Lechao, upholding the previou

13、s decisionmadebytheTrademark ReviewandAdjudicationBoard (TRAB) under the State Adminis- tration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) that the trademark 麦肯基 MCCONKEYconstitutesnosimi- laritywithMcDonald爷sCorpora- tion爷s trademarks 麦当劳 and Mc- Donald爷s. In December 2003, He Lechao appliedforregistrationof

14、No. 38041030trademark 麦 肯 基 MC- CONKEY to the Trademark Office (TMO) under SAIC, certified to be used in services of coffee bar, fast food restaurant, restaurant on Class 43. In December 2007, McDonald爷s Corporationchallengedthetrade- mark in question during the publi- cation period and sought rejec

15、tion to TMO on the ground of similari- ty. Denied by TMO, McDonald爷s Corporation then brought the case to TRAB three years later in De- cember2010.McDonald爷sheld thattrademarksMcDonald爷s,Mc had gained popularity in the world and in China as well- known restau- rant brands. The trademark in ques- tio

16、ncopiedtheirregisteredtrade- mark McDonald爷s and were used on the same class, then similarity wasconstituted.McDonald爷sCor- poration held that He Lechao obvi- ously violates the principle of good faith and his registration should be rejected. TRAB held that the evidences presented by McDonald爷s Corpora- tion during the publication period failed to prove the reference trade- marks McDonald爷s and 麦当劳 are well- knowntrademarksbeforethe trademark 麦肯基 MCCONKEY in question was registered. In parallel,



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