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1、辽辽 宁宁 科科 技技 学学 院院(20092009 届)届) 本科毕业论文题目:On Humanism of Renaissance in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer and Its Enlightenment论乔叟的论乔叟的坎特伯雷故事坎特伯雷故事中文艺复中文艺复 兴的人文主义及其对我们的启示兴的人文主义及其对我们的启示专题:专 业:班 级:姓 名:xy2009001学 号:指导教师:辽宁科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 1 页论文共 23 页,其中:专题 页,译文 页辽宁科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 第页On Humanism of Renaiss

2、ance in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer and Its EnlightenmentAbstractGeoffrey Chaucer (13431400) is regarded as the father of English poetry. His works presented us an array of characters from all aspects of life and a panoramic view of the English society at that time. In his writings, Chaucer affi

3、rms mans right to earthly happiness. His unfinished frame narrative worksThe Canterbury Tales is often regarded as the representative of Chaucers humanism.In order to research humanism of renaissance in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer and its enlightenment to us, the writer will illustrate the enlig

4、htenment through analyze the humanism embodied in this book. The writer will expound the enlightenment with the concept of scientific development and the modern management. The thesis consists of the following five parts: The introduction advocates a general idea of background information and the so

5、cial significance of The Canterbury Tales so readers can understand the basic information of this thesis. The second part deals with the definition, the source of the Renaissance and humanism and the rise of the humanism so readers may have certain cogitation of the terms. The third part makes a spe

6、cific analysis of some tales in The Canterbury Tales as a case of proving Chaucers humanism that readers can have certain degree understanding of humanism. The fourth part discusses the enlightenment to us that is people-oriented idea, as well as its important role in modern management, which reader

7、s can understand the active role of people-oriented idea in China. The conclusion points out that humanism have an impact on literature and human beings life. Furthermore, Chaucers humanism of life has a profound influence on modern management. It can conduct our society to develop smoothly. Key wor

8、ds: humanism, people-oriented, the concept of scientific development, modern management辽宁科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页论乔叟的坎特伯雷故事中文艺复兴的人文主义及其对我们的启示摘要杰弗雷乔叟被认为是英国文学之父。他的作品给我们展示了他所处的那个时代的英国社会各个方面的全景画面。他被视为人文主义的信使。在他的作品中,他肯定人们追求俗世快乐的权利。他的未完成的叙述框架诗集坎特伯雷故事使他生活在人们的记忆中。坎特伯雷故事往往被认为最能够代表乔叟的人文主义精神的著作。为了研究文艺复兴时期的人文主义在坎

9、特伯雷故事中的体现及其对我们的启示,本论文将通过分析人文主义在本书中的体现来阐释人文主义对我们的启示。很多历史学家证明人文主义是一种可以推动社会进步的先进思想。本论文将从科学发展观和现代管理这两个方面来阐释人文主义对我们的启示。本文由以下五部分组成:前言部分简要介绍了研究的背景信息,坎特伯雷故事的重要社会地位,使读者对本论文的基本信息有所了解。第二部分论述了 “文艺复兴的人文主义”的定义以及人文主义的产生,从而使读者对文艺复兴和人文主义这两个名词有一定的认识。第三部分通过具体分析坎特伯雷故事中的几个故事,使读者对乔叟在坎特伯雷故事中的人文主义有一定的领悟。第四部分论述了人文主义对我们的启示,即

10、以人为本的思想,以及这种思想在现代管理中的重要作用,从而使读者清楚了解以人为本的思想在中国的积极作用。结论部分指出坎特伯雷故事及其人文主义思想在文学上的重要地位以及对人们现实生活具有的指导意义。乔叟关于人生的人文主义思想对当代企业管理有着深远的影响并有助于引导社会平稳发展。关键词:人文主义, 以人为本的思想, 科学发展观, 现代管理辽宁科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 III 页ContentsChapter 1 Introduction.1Chapter 2 British Renaissance Humanism.32.1 Renaissance in England.32.2 Huma

11、nism .32.2.1 The Rise of Humanism.32.2.2 The Specific Concept of Humanism .42.2.3 The Characteristics of Humanism.42.3 Humanism in Renaissance.5Chapter 3 Humanism Reflected in “The Canterbury Tales” .73.1 Humanism Reflected in the “Prologue”.73.2 Humanism Reflected in “The Knights Tale”.93.3 Humanis

12、m Reflected in “The Nun Priests Tale”.10Chapter 4 Humanisms EnlightenmentPeople-oriented Idea.124.1 People-oriented Idea.124.1.1 People-oriented Idea in Our Party.124.1.2 The Inevitable Result of Evolutionary Humanism-People-oriented Idea.134.2 People-oriented Idea in the Application of Modern Management144.2.1 A Case of People-oriented Idea in the Modern Management .154.2.2 The Characteristics of People-oriented Idea in the Modern Management.164.2.3 People-oriented Idea in the Application of Modern Management 1


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