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1、建立贸易关系习题及答案建立贸易关系习题及答案Establishing Trade RelationsI.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences:1._ in 1995, this company specializes in the export of cotton piece goods.A. Establish B. Established C. Establishing D. To be established2._ please find the catalogues and latest p

2、rice list. A. Enclosed B. Enclosing C. Enclose D. Enclosure3. We will forward all the necessary information of the item mentioned above _ receipt of your reply.A. with B. upon C. in D. of4. We look forward _ your favorable news.A. on B. to C. at D. of5. The present market is favorable _ importers. A

3、. with B. for C. in D. toMost people were favorable to the idea. 大多数人赞成这个主意。The conditions are favorable for opening a new business. 各种条件有利于开办新企业。6. Because the article falls _ the scope of our business activities, we are writing you in hope of _ trade relations with you.A. within, establishment B.

4、within, establishingC. below, set up D. below, setting up7. Thank you for the sample _ in your letter.A. enclose B. enclosed C. enclosing D. being enclosed8. We take the pleasure of introducing ourselves_ an experienced importer_ line of daily products.A. of, on B. as, in C. for, by D. be, at9. Than

5、k you for your price list showing various kinds of products now_ for export.A. available B. be available C. to be available D. being available10._ create severe competition for home produced goods.A. Import B. Importing C. Imports D. ImportedII.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. We ar

6、e willing to enter into business relations with your company(公司) on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.2. We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of air conditioners(空调).3. In order to export our products to Western Europe, we are writing to you to seek cooperation pos

7、sibilities(合作机会).4. We have a lot of colors and sizes to meet different needs.5. We have airmailed you some leaflets about our products. If you are interested in any of the items, please let us know.6. With years of efforts we have enlarged our business scope and now we deal in nearly 100 kinds of g

8、oods.7. Our main business covers the import and export of various light industrial products.8. If your corporation does not import the goods mentioned above, please give this letter to a firm who may be concerned.9. As an exporter of motor bicycle, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in

9、this line.10. To give a general idea of products, we are sending you separately a catalogue together with three pamphlets for your information.III. Translate the following sentences into English:1.兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝(imitation jewelry)的出口公司,在这一行已有多年经验。2.你们上周写给总部(the headquarter)的信已转交给我们公司,因该产品属我们经营。3.我们可

10、供出口的轻工产品(light industrial products)种类繁多。4.很高兴收到你方内附插图目录的来信。5.我们盼望收到你们 对于我们产品的具体要求。6.我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司(private company) ,非常希望与你们建立贸易关系。7.经理简单地给我介绍了一下 Johnson 公司的情况,他们有可能成为我们的客户。8.为了让你们对表格中的产品有个大体了解,特随附小册子及最新的价格单各一份。9.我们的产品质量(quality)上乘,价格优惠。10.我们了解到你公司是手工艺品(handicraft)的出口商,因此冒昧地写信给你。(take the liberty of

11、)I take the liberty of reading the letter , even though it was addressed to you.IV. Translate the following letter into English:先生:我们从上周的中国日报获悉,贵方对丝绸服装(silk clothes/garments)感兴趣。兹介绍本公司,是我地服装行业最大的出口商。我们愿意与你方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系。我们的真丝服装采用高档真丝面料,传统工艺(traditional workmanship)加工而成。现随附一份插图(illustrated)目录及最新价格单

12、供你方参考。如有意,请寄具体询价。收到后,当即航寄报价及样品。盼早复。 约翰.史密斯V.Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:Write a letter to Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co. Ltd.( P. O. Box 22789 Taiz Street, Sanaa, Republic of Yemen) telling them:1. you are introduced by the Commercial Couns

13、elors Office of their embassy in Beijing(驻北京的大使馆商务参赞处);2. you wish to set up business relations with them;3. the main scope of your business is exporting chinaware(瓷器);4. samples and catalogues will be sent to them upon receipt of their specific inquiries.be in a position to do sth.能够We are in a pos

14、ition to accept orders according to the customers samples.我们公司能够在三个月之内装运。Our company is in a position to effect shipment within three monthsunder separate cover 另函,用另外一封信We have sent you under separate cover a range of pamphlets for your information.I. B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.CII1我们愿意在平

15、等互利的基础上与你公司建立贸易关系。2我们致函,介绍本公司是各种空调的最大的出口商之一。3为了把我们的产品扩展到欧洲市场,我方致函贵方寻求合作机会。4我们有各种各样的颜色和尺寸,能满足多种需求。5我们已经航空邮寄给贵方有关产品的(单页)广告单。如对某些感兴趣,请告知。6经过多年的努力,我们已经拓展了业务范围,目前我们经营近百种产品。7我们主要业务是多种轻工产品的进出口。8万一贵公司不进口上述产品,如能将此信转给相关的公司,我们将非常感激。9作为摩托车出口商,我们愿与贵方在这一行作些交易。10为了让你们大体了解我们的产品,另封寄上目录一份以及三份小册子供贵方参考。III.1. We are in

16、troducing ourselves as an exporter of imitation jewelry with years of experiences in this line.2. Your letter addressed to our head office last week has been given to us because the article you mentioned falls within our business scope.3. We have various kinds of light industrial products available for export.4. We are glad to receive your letter enclosing a



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