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1、四年级下册期末质量检测题 1 姓名_ 得分_ 听力部分(40) 一、 听录音,选出你听到的英语或对应的汉意,将其序号填入提前括号, 每小题读两遍。 (10 分) ( )1.A.cucumber B.donkey ( )2.A.goat C.goose ( )3.A.pretty B.beautiful C.expensive ( )4.A.tomato B.carrot C.potato ( )5.A.下雨的 B.多云的 C. 多雪的 二、 听录音,选择你听到的内容完成句子,将其序号填入提前括号,每 小题读两遍。 (5 分) ( )1.Look at the

2、_. Its so big. A. wash room B. music room ( )2.Go to the _,please . A.classroom B. art room ( )3.I like the _. coat B.brown jacket ( )4.Its _yuan . A.sixty-nine B.ninety-six ( )5.Where are _? slippers sandals 三、 听录音,选择句子中所包含的选项,将其序号填入提前括号,每小 题读两遍。 (5 分) ( )1.A. TV room B.canteen

3、 room ( )2.A. windy B.rainy C.cloudy ( ) B.yellow C.colourful ( )4.A.cows C.cold ( )5.A.dinner B.lunch C.breakfast 四、 听录音,选出与所听内容对应的图画在图下打“V.(5 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、 听录音,按所听内容为图画重新排序,用“”表示。 (5 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、 听问问题,选答语,将其序号填入提前括号,每小题读两遍。 (10 分) ( )1.A. Its eight y

4、uan. B.I am seven. C.I have six. ( )2.A. Its green. B.Its on the desk. C.No, it isnt. ( )3.A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, I am. C.Yes, they are. ( )4.A.I like winter. B.Lets play football. C.Its cloudy. ( )5.A.No, they arent B. No, it isnt. C. No these are. 笔试部分(60 分) 一、 根据汉意写单词。 (10 分) 1.小的 2.寒冷的 3.蓝色的 4.讲桌

5、5.西瓜 _ _ _ _ _6.鸭子 7.白色的 8.足球 9.下雪的 10.十二 二、 从 B 栏中选出 A 栏字母组合的好朋友,拼成 5 个新单词,并将其小 写形式写在横线上。(5 分) A 栏: RAB GR JACK SUN DR B 栏: ET ESS NY EEN BIT1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 三、 单项选择(10 分) ( )1.Its hot_Beijing. A. in B.on C.with( ) 2.How many_are there? A. cucumber B. geese ( )3.-_ are the pretty socks?

6、-They are four yuan.A. How many B. How old C.How much ( )4.School is over. Lets _.A.go to home B.go home C.go to school ( )5.Those _my baby shoes.A.are ( )6.Its hot today. You can wear your_.A.jacket B.sweater C.shorts ( )7.I want the cheap one. That one is too_.A.pretty B. expensive C.nic

7、e ( )8.This is _ desk.A.teater B. teachers C. the teachers ( )9.-_ is it? -Its black.A.How many B. What time C.What colour ( )10.-_horses? -No, they arent. A.They are B. What are C. Are they 四、 情景选择题(10 分) ( )1. 你想对售货员说想买一双网球鞋时,说: A. I want a pair of slippers, B. I want a pair for sandals. C. I want

8、 a pair of sneakers. ( )2.你想知道爸爸的体恤衫多少钱,怎么问: A. Dad, how many is your T-shirt? B.Dad, how much is your T-shirt? C.Dad, how much are your T-shirt? ( )3.当你想问那是谁的裙子时说: A.Whos that skirt? B.Whose skirt is that? C.Who dress is that? ( )4.当你找不到靴子时,你怎么问妈妈? A.What colour are your boots? B.How much are my bo

9、ots? C.Where are my boots? ( )5.你想知道唐山的天气怎么样怎么问老师? A.How weather like in Tangshan? B. What is the weather like in Tangshan? C. Whats the weather like today? 五、根据图片提示完成句子,注意书写要求。 (10 分)1. that room? Yes, it is. 2.Its and here. You can wear your . 3. Its . Its time for class.4.How many are there? 六、根据

10、情境,补全对话,将其字母序号填在横线上。 (8 分) Mom: Sarah, have dinner. Sarah: _? Mom: Its 6:30 .Hurry up. Sarah:OK , _. Mom:They are tamatoes. Sarah:Are they carrots? Mom:_. Sarah:_? Mom: They are eleven yuan.七、 阅读短文,判断正误。Tick (v)or cross (x) 。 My name is Jenny. I am a student. I like my school. My music room is on th

11、e first floor. My art room is on the first floor ,too. My computer room is on the second floor. I like P.E. class. My P.E. teacher is Mr. Liu. He is very tall and strong. Today he wears a blue T-shirt, black jeans and a pair of white sneakers. I wear my new shorts. They are forty-eight yuan. My frie

12、nd wears his green shirt. Its colourful. There are twenty-three girls and nineteen boys in our class. Our playgroud is very big. Its sunny and windy today, but its not hot .We play football together.( )1. Her computer room is on the first floor. ( )2.Her P.E. teacher is short and strong. ( )3.Her P.E.teacher wears a blue shirt. ( )4.Her shorts are new. ( )5.Her skirt is colouful and expensive.A.How much are they? B.Yes ,they are. C.What time is it? D.What are these? E. How much is it? F.No ,its not.( )6.There are 42 students in her class. ( )7.Today is very hot. ( )8.Her P.E. teachers


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