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1、大连海事大学大连海事大学毕毕 业业 论论 文文二二一四年六月一四年六月装订线基于分时模型的 LEO 卫星网络无环路由算 法专业班级:通信工程 4 班姓 名: 冯玺宝 指导教师: 那振宇 信息科学技术学院I摘摘 要要随着 Internet 应用的快速发展,民用和军用两方面需求都推动卫星通信系统向网络化发展,LEO 卫星网络具有轨道高度低、传输时延小、对地面设施依赖小、不受地理环境的影响以及用户终端实现简单等优点,且能提供多媒体通信服务。具有星间链路的 LEO 卫星星座通信系统能够在真正意义上实现全球覆盖,是全球移动通信系统不可替代的重要组成部分。综合这些优点使得 LEO 卫星网络成为卫星通信研究

2、的热点。在 LEO 卫星网络中,每颗卫星可同时与多颗其它相邻卫星通过星间链路(ISL)相连接,信息可以通过多种不同的路径传输,并且由于 LEO 卫星的高速运动以及卫星网络拓扑的快速动态变化,传输路径中断频繁,因此路由算法设计成为 LEO 星际网络的关键问题之一。LEO 卫星网络路由必须针对卫星网络的特点设计,且适合于 LEO 卫星网络独有的特点。本文首先介绍了 LEO 卫星网络的发展现状,介绍了现有的几种典型 LEO 卫星系统,从 LEO 网络的特点出发讨论了 LEO 卫星网络中路由问题及其难点,全面综述了卫星网络路由算法的研究现状。然后研究了如何利用 OPNET 和 STK 对LEO 卫星网

3、络进行仿真场景设计,从而为模拟验证卫星网络在传输层、网络层等层次上的数据传输以及路由的性能提供一个有效的研究平台。最后针对卫星在各时间片之间进行路由表切换时可能出现的路由环问题,具体分析了一种基于分时模型的 LEO 卫星网络无环路由算法的设计,同过在已经搭建的仿真场景下进一步验证理论,证明基于分时模型的 LEO 卫星网络无环路由算法确实可以去除环路改善端到端的时延问题。同时采用简化路由表节省卫星资源,减少卫星有限存储空间的占用。关键词:关键词:LEO 网络;路由;星间链路;网络;路由;星间链路; 无环路由;时延无环路由;时延IIABSTRACTWith the rapid developmen

4、t of Internet applications, the satellite communication systems begin the network era in both civil and military areas. LEO satellite network , which is independent of ground facilities and geographical environment, not only has the advantages of low orbit altitude, low transmission delay and the us

5、er terminal easy to implement, but provides real-time multi-media services. The LEO satellite communication system with ISL can implement real global coverage and become an irreplaceable part of global mobile communication system. Above all, LEO satellite system is becoming the hot research directio

6、n of the satellite communication. In LEO satellite networks, each satellite is linked with other satellites via ISLs that information can be transmitted on different paths. Especially due to high-speed movement of LEO satellite, fast dynamic satellite network topology and frequent switch of transmis

7、sion path, routing algorithm is very important for LEO satellite networks. LEO network routing algorithm should not only consider characteristics of satellite network, but also take its own characteristic into account. This dissertation first introduces the status of LEO satellite networks, and seve

8、ral typical LEO systems, summarizes the research status of the satellite network routing algorithm, discusses the problems and difficulties of routing algorithms for LEO networks, according to their characteristics. And then the dissertation discusses how to design a simulation scenario using OPNET

9、and STK in order to provide an effective research platform to verify data transmission and routing on both transport layer and network layer. Finally, considering the routing loop problem cased by switching routing table between each time slices, the dissertation analysis a LEO network routing algor

10、ithm without loop based on timeshare model. Through the simulation scenario set up before, the simulation results prove that the algorithm can eliminate loop and improve end-to-end delay. At the same time, the simplified routing table can save satellite resources and reduce occupation of the limited

11、 satellite limited storage space on board. Key words: LEO network;routing;ISL;Routing without loop;delayIII目目 录录第 1 章 绪论.11.1 课题来源及背景.11.2 研究目的及意义.51.3 国内外发展现状.61.3.1 国外卫星路由算法研究现状.61.3.2 国内卫星路由算法研究现状.61.3.3 国内外发展综述.71.4 本文研究主要研究内容.7第 2 章 LEO 卫星网络典型路由算法分析 .92.1 LEO 卫星通信系统概述 .92.2 几种典型的低轨卫星系统.102.2.1 Iridium 系统.102.2.2 Teledesic 系统.112.2.3 Globalstar 系统 .132.3 现有的典型 LEO 卫星路由算法分析 .142.4 本章小结.15第 3 章 LEO 卫星移动通信网络仿真场景设计 .173.1 LEO 卫星星座覆盖特性分析 .



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