牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 3《The world online》(Grammar and usage)教学设计

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《牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 3《The world online》(Grammar and usage)教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 3《The world online》(Grammar and usage)教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Unit3 TheThe worldworld onlineonline GrammarGrammar andand usageusage 教学设计教学设计单单 元:元:Unit 3 The world online 板板 块:块:Grammar and usageThoughtsThoughts onon thethe design:design: 本节课学生将学会: 1)什么是助动词(用于协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词,自身没有词义,不可单 独使用) 。 2)助动词的功能(a. 表示时态; b. 表示语态; c. 构成疑问句; d. 与否定副词 not 合用,构成否定句; e.

2、 加强语气) 。 3)最常用的助动词(be, do, have and modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare ) 4)半助动词(have (got) to, had better/would sooner/rather ( than)/cannot (help) but/be (not) to/be supposed to/ought to/used to/be about to/be able to) 。练习设计多样,通过操练和运用,突出了在篇章中练习语法结构,训练学生在阅读及其它实际运用中掌握语

3、法知识,提高能力。TeachingTeaching aims:aims:1. After learning auxiliary verbs, the students will know about some basic information about auxiliary verbs (words used as auxiliary verbs; function of auxiliary verbs);2. After learning auxiliary verbs, the students will be able to summarize usages of common and

4、 important auxiliary verbs; 3. After learning auxiliary verbs, the students will apply what theyve learned about auxiliary verbs.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 Lead-inLead-in (PPT(PPT 4)4) Q: What are auxiliary verbs?A: Auxiliary verbs are used in forming tenses, moods and voic

5、es of other verbs. The verbs used for this purpose include be, do, have and modals.ExplanationExplanation 学生英文动词种类模糊,所以有必要向学生解释清楚什么是助动词。为学习其功能、 搭配奠定基础。StepStep 2 2 IntroductionIntroduction (PPT(PPT 5)5) Point out the auxiliary verbs. 1. He doesntdoesnt like English.2. He isis singing. 3. He hashas g

6、otgot married. 4. He waswas sent to England. 5. DoDo you like college life? 6. DidDid you study English before you came here? 7. DoDo come to the party tomorrow evening. 8. He diddid know that.ExplanationExplanation让学生试着找出助动词,初步认识助动词,感悟其用法。StepStep 3 3 Presentation(PPTPresentation(PPT 6-24)6-24) Aux

7、iliaryAuxiliary verbs:verbs: be (am/is/are/was/were/been) do (does/did) have(has/had) modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare ) A phrasal auxiliary verb(have (got) to, had better/would sooner/rather ( than)/cannot (help) but/be (not) to/be supposed to/ought to/used to/be a

8、bout to/be able to) 1.1. bebe(am/is/are/was/were/beenam/is/are/was/were/been)The small animals areare kept in the cages. He isis giving a lecture. The Internet has too much information that has not beenbeen evaluated for accuracy. Your house isis bigger and nicer than mine. I amam to go abroad on bu

9、siness tomorrow. Tip:Tip: 1) be 作为本动词表示状态或客观存在等意思。 2) be +不定词连用, 表示约定、义务、命令等未来的动作或状态。 3) be +现在分词构成各种进行时态。 4) be +过去分词构成被动语态。 5) be 用于 have/has/had 后构成完成时。 2.2. do(does/did)He didntdidnt find any useful information on the Internet. These kinds of errors dodo not occur as often when people use tradit

10、ional reference materials. Then, why doesdoes he come here? You dodo know a lot about computers. Never diddid I see such a strange man. Tip:Tip: 1) do 作为助动词时的时态、人称和数的变化有 do, does, did 三种形式。 2) do+主词+原形动词构成疑问句。 3) do+not+原形动词构成否定句。4) do(+not)+主词用于附带问句。 5) do +原形动词用于加强语气句。 6) Never (Only) 等+do+主词+原形动词

11、用于倒装句3.3. have(has/had)I havehave never seen such a strange man. Can I havehave my hair cut now? I often havehave my assistant help me do it. Tip:Tip: 1) 助动词 have+过去分词构成完成时态。 2) have +受词+过去分词表示请或让别人做某事。 3) have +受词+原形不定词表示请或让某人做某事。 4.4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/d

12、are)Ok, I shallshall do what you said. I shallshall never do such a thing. You shallshall give me a cigarette, or I shall tell the boss. Where shallshall I meet you? You shouldshould work harder. You must put on more clothes in case you shouldshould catch a cold. WillWill you give me a cigarette? Th

13、is willwill be what you need. She willwill stand there sleeping for hours. Ok, I willwill do it. CanCan I help you, sir? I am checking out. CouldCould you give me the bill? Of course we cancan wait. CouldCould it be the charge for the fruit? I cantcant helphelp thinking of it. MustMust I go with you

14、? No, you needntneednt. You mustntmustnt forget your medical card. Oh, it is wet outside. It mustmust havehave rainedrained yesterday. So it mustmust bebe slippery outside. Do be careful! You needntneednt havehave told me that much. I daredare not say it is ugly. How daredare you say so? Tip:Tip: 1)

15、shall 表示发言者的意志,包括诺言、决心、强制等; shall 用于询问对方的意向。 2)should 表示义务,责任等。 3)will 用于第二人称疑问句中,询问对方意志或请求。will+原形动词用于所有人称, 表意愿。would +原形动词表示过去一段时间的习惯。 4)can, could 在口语中相当于 may, might,表示许可。 can, could 表示能力,相当 于 be able to。 can, could 表示怀疑、推测,一般用于疑问句或否定句。 can,could 用于惯用语。cant help 或 couldnt help+动名词表示不得不、忍 不住。5)mus

16、t 表示必须、义务等,强调主观因素。 need 可以对 must 引导的一般疑问句作否 定回答。 must 的否定式表示不准,禁止等意思。 must+have+过去分词表示对过 去情况的推断。must+原形动词表示对现在情况的推断。 neednt+have+过去分词 表示过去不必做却已经做了的事。 6)dare 作为情态助动词,一般只能用于疑问句或否定句中。 5.5. A phrasal auxiliary verb(have (got) to, had better/would sooner/rather ( than)/cannot (help) but/be (not) to/be supposed to/ought to/used to/be about to/be able to )It


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