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1、12012 年各区“一模”完成句子题荟萃花都区71昨天,大雨使我们未能准时到达那里。The heavy rain _ us _ arriving there on time yesterday.72平时周日,迈克和妻子都不想在家里做饭。_Mike _his wife _ to cook at home on Sundays.73她忙着准备晚饭以致她忘记给妈妈打一个电话。She was _busy preparing for supper _ she forgot to give a call to her mother.74我发觉学习一门外语很有趣。I find it interesting

2、_ _ a foreign language.75在广州,鲜花随处可见。Flowers _ _ everywhere in Guangzhou.白云区71. 快点,否则我们会错过最后一班火车。_ _, or well miss the last train.72. 昨晚,我花了整整一个晚上把这部小说读完了。I _ a whole night _ reading this novel last night.73. 只要你不放弃,你的梦想肯定能实现。Your dream can come true _ _ _ you dont give up.74. 你能告诉我你多久去一趟图书馆吗?Can you

3、 tell me _ _ _ _ to the library?75. 每年三月份都会在白云山种植很多幼树。Many young trees _ _ on the Baiyun Hill in March every year. 从化市71. 比起看电视,Lily 更喜欢上网。Lily surfing the Internet to TV.72. 去年他们村附近建了一条新的公路。A new road near their village last year.73. 对于我们来说,保持校园整洁是很重要的。for us keep our school clean and tidy.74. 汤姆今天

4、早上起床太晚以至于不能按时到校。Tom got up he couldnt arrive at school time this morning.75. 在会议上老师给予了我们多么有用的信息啊!the teacher gave us at the meeting!2天河区71今天的早间新闻有什么特别的内容吗? Is _ _ _ in _ morning news? 72. 爸爸和妈妈都无法阻止她去听西城男孩的演唱会。 _ her father _her mother could keep her _ _ to the concert of Westlife. 73. 早期的奥林匹克运动会,只允

5、许男性运动员参加比赛。 In early days only male athletes _ _ _ take part in the Olympic Games. 74. 如果你想得到这份工作,一定的经验是必需的。 _ is necessary that you have some experience_ _ _ to get the job. 75. 消防员在讲座上跟学生解释火灾发生时如何从大厦逃生。 At his lecture, the fireman explained to the students _ _ _ _ a building if a fire happens. 增城区

6、71. 我们应该阻止人们砍伐太多树木。We should _ people _ _ too many trees.72. 如今很多人有电脑是很普遍的。_ _ common for many people _ _ computers nowadays.73. 他太粗心而没有发现试卷里的错误。He was _ careless _ find the mistakes in the test paper.74. 我不确定下周她会不会来我的生日晚会。Im not sure _ _ _ _ to my birthday party next week.75. 我们学校的图书馆一次可以借 3 本书。Thr

7、ee books _ _ _ at a time in our school library.萝岗区71. 消防员用了三天才把那场大火扑灭。It _ the firefighters three days _ _ _ the big fire.72. 付了钱后,网上书店才会送书给你。 The Internet Shop _ _ books to you _ youve paid the money.73. 每天值日的同学必须保持课室的清洁明亮。The students on duty every day _ _ the classroom _ and _.74. 我们学校的报告厅够大,可容纳约

8、 500 人。The lecture hall of our school is _ _ _ _ 3around 500 people.75. 早餐喝鲜奶有益健康,但我女儿更喜欢喝酸奶。Its good to drink fresh milk at breakfast, _ my daughter _ _ yogurt.16 中71. 她直到三岁才会讲话。She _ speak _ three years old.72. 实际上,我一点都不喜欢他的新发型。_ _, I dont like his new hairstyle at all.73. 他发现在比赛前很难入睡。He found _ _

9、 to _ _ before the competition.74. 今天天气多么好啊!_ fine _ it is today!75. 如果我们不保护环境,地球将处于极大的危险之中。If we dont protect the environment, the earth will _ _ _ _.番禺区71. 母亲叫我不要担心她。Mother asked me _ _ _ _ her. 72. 她没有来,因为她很忙。 She didnt come _ _ _ very _. 73. 我想知道那时候天是否正在下雨。I wanted to know _ _ _ _ at that moment

10、. 74. 他跑得那么快,以致我不能抓住他。He ran _ _ _ I _ catch him. 75. 所有的问题必须用英语来回答。All the questions _ _ _ in English. 星海中学71. Jack 够强壮能把那块石头搬走。Jack is _ _ _ _ the stone away. 72.他早起床以便能赶上头班车。He got up early _ _ he _ catch the first bus. 73. 父母不允许我们玩电脑游戏。We _ _ _ _ play computer games by parents. . 74. 她和我都没有看过这部电

11、影。_ she _ I _ _ the film. 475. 他想知道在哪里能买城市地图。 He wanted to know _ _ _ _ a city map. 侨兴中学71. 广州以美食而闻名。Guangzhou _ _ _ delicious food.72.我的表哥一回来,就会去青岛度假。My cousin will go to Qingdao for holiday _ _ _ he _ back.73. 这是一场多么有趣的游戏_ _ _ game this is!74. 你能告诉我怎样才能去火车站吗?Can you tell me _ _ _get to the station

12、 ?75. 早上 8 点之前,这项工作必须要完成。The work _ _ _ before 8 oclock in the morning.象圣中学71. 我会在你出差时帮你照顾你的小狗。Ill help you _ _ _ your little dog while you are on business.72. 2012 年奥运会将在伦敦举行2012 Olympic Games _ _ _ in London.73. 她如此的繁忙以致每天都很晚才睡觉。She is _ _ _ she goes to bed late every night. 74. 这是多么有趣的一节英语课啊!_ _ the English lesson is!75. 你能告诉我怎样弹钢琴吗?Could you tel


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