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1、- 1 -剑桥英语一级下册期中测试题Name: Score:I、听力(20 分)一、听音判断,将你所听到的单词的序号填在题前括号内。 (6 分)1. ( ) A. beach B. pea C. bean2. ( ) A. kite B. ride C. read3. ( ) A. woman B. women C. man4. ( ) A. lamp B. lemon C. lemonade5. ( ) A. basketball B. baseball C. badminton6. ( ) A. wall B. water C. what二听读音选序号(14 分)1. Nice to se

2、e you. A. again B. gain C. now D. too 2. Its good to see you . A. bag B. back C. bed D. bad 3. This ,please. A. week B. wait C. wail D. way4. Put your hands on your. A. head B. face C. feet D. desk5. a moment. Its ready. A. Wait B. face C. Just D. After6. Hello, my name is . A. Ted B. Den C.Net D. M

3、et7.The is eating a corn. A. horse B. dorm C. horn D. TorchII、笔试(80 分)一、选择题(10 分)1. -Do you often eat fish? - A. Yes, never. B. Yes, I do.C. No, I do. D. Yes, I dont.2. -Opps! -Dont worry. Let me help you.-Thank you!-A. Thanks. B. Youre welcome. C. Yes! D. Its great!- 2 -3. -Hows your holiday? - A.

4、Thank you. B. Its great! C. Yes. D. No.4. -Can I have some apples? -A. Sure! B. Yes, you cant C. Thank you. D. No, you can.5. -Mrs. Wang, Im sorry. Im late. -AWhy? B. Im sorry! C. Thats OK. Dont be late next time D. Youre welcome.6. -Excuse me. May I come in? -A. Yes, sure. B. Thats good. C. Yes, yo

5、u cant D. No, you can.7. -Whats the English for “Mian tiao”? - _A. bread B. carrot C. apple D. noodles8. -Im sorry! - _ A. Thats OK. B. Yes, please C. Im sorry, too D. Thanks.9. -What books do you like reading? -_A. I love it. B. I like picture books.C. OK! D. I dont like stories. 10. -Which coloure

6、d balloon do you like? - _A. I like balloon. B. Yellow, please. C. Oh, its beautiful. D. Thank you.二把单词和相应的图片连起来(20 分)listen queue drink kick clap jump sleep climb paint fly- 3 -三、根据图片把单词填写完整(6 分)1.can_ _ 2. c k 3. t g r 4.m k 5. ch ps 6. c r r t四、英文加减法,请圈出正确答案。 (10 分)1) one + three = _ A. four B. f

7、ive C. two 2) six four = _ A. three B. two C. one 3) eight five = _ A. six B. three C. two 4) four + six = _ A. eight B. nine C. ten5) ten two= _ A. eight B. seven C. six五、根据所给音标写出字母(大、小写都写)或单词(10 分)1. hen _2. bg _3. pen _4. pig _5. dg _六、划出下列单词中的元音字母。(9 分)1、bird 2、apple 3、brown 4 、rubber 5、boy6、fri

8、dge 7、walkman 8、window9、chips 七、翻译下列句子 (10 分)1、Come here , please! _! 2、May I come in?_?3、Nice to see you!_?4、Which coloured balloon do you like?_?- 4 -5、This reading-room is very nice._.8、读短文,判断正误 , 对的填”T” 错的填”F” 。(5 分)I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m., I go to school and

9、 play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon, I play badminton. In the evening, I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton?( ) 1. I dont like sports.( ) 2. My favourite sport is table tennis.( ) 3. I go to school at seven in the morning.( ) 4. I watch TV in the afternoon.( ) 5. I play badminton with my friends in the morning.


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