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1、填空1 Dont _(嘲笑)the people in trouble.2 _(她信守承诺)to visit her aunt regularly. 3 He studies music _(在他闲暇时).4 Harriet is lost and her parents are really _(为她担心). 5 I walked as fast as I could,but I couldnt _(赶上他). 6 You must leave here_(尽可能快).7 His dream _(实现)at last with his great effort.8 We talked abo

2、ut how to _(解决)the waste.9 The old traditions are _(正在消失).10 _(不要担心),everythings under control.11 Are you still _(保持联系)your old friends? 12 It is helpful to_(养成好的习惯) of reading in language learning.13 The ground _(被大雪覆盖着).14 In mountain areas, _(同我年纪相仿的儿童) cant afford to go to school. 15 _(我不相信)in t

3、hese so-called health foods. 16 Even worse,_(车坏掉了) on the way home. 17 It is known to all that _(知识始于实践). 18 Im sorry,Mr white!I _(忘记带我的家庭作业). 19 I will _(尽我最大的努力)to help you.20 _(许多的人)have realized the importance of saving food.21 It is difficult for me to _(做出决定).22 Youd better _(看医生)about your co

4、ugh.23 I was so happy that I _(情不自禁地鼓掌) my hands. 24 They got up late and _ (匆匆忙忙地去了学校). 25 Has your father left Wuxi for Shanghai?Yes. He _(离开已有两天).26 He always _(积极采取行动) protect the wildlife. 27 Jim,do you know Lu Xun is a great Chinese writer? Yes,I have just_from Mr.Wang.(借了一本鲁迅写的书)28 He is good

5、 student. He is always _ (总是在前五名).29 His parents has been ill and he has to _ (照顾他们). 30 Have you _(听说过这个故事)before?31 The new star was _(是一位中国科学家发现的)32 Dont watch TV in bed.Its_(对你的眼睛有害)33 What he has done has_(增加了我们的困难)34 My little daughter wants to be a policewoman _(当她长大后)35 Project Hope has_(筹集许

6、多钱)since 1989.36 I _(听见她在唱歌)just now. 37 He was_(甚至更成功)than his father. 38 It is our duty to_(保持我们的环境干净整洁)39 Dont _(失去信心)in face of difficulty.40 Its difficult for me to _(做出决定).41 I always_(练习使用计算机)every day.42 Hainan Island is_(中国的第二大岛屿).43 Regardless of the size of the team, _ (我们都乐于为你服务).44 Beca

7、use the _(水对环境非常重要), he encouraged everyone to participate in the protection of our river, river, lake, sea and so on.45 It is said that some people_(在事故中丧生).46 In many countries,_(英语被用作第二语言).47 The ancient bridge was_(石头制作的).48 He was_(据说已经离开了车站)when the policemen arrived.49 _(强烈建议)that strict meas

8、ures should be taken to reduce the ever-increasing road traffic accidents.50 _(无论这份工作多么有吸引力),the lady will not take it.51 Full advantage_(应该充分利用科技)to help people live a better life.52 The head teacher _(忍不住笑了)when she spotted the ridiculous scene in class.53 _(简单来说),she is not exactly fat,but rather

9、 well built for her age.54 Many kinds of animals are believed to have_ (从地球上消失).55 You will be admitted to the cinema after they _ (检查你的票).56 Hardly _(她刚一出门)when a friend came to visit her.57 How he wished that he_(牢记)what the teacher said in class.58 I fell in love with Amsterdam_(我第一次参观这座城市).59 I

10、cant stand_(人们在我周围抽烟).60 _(没有什么区别)to soldiers whether it is safer there, because their duty is to protect people and their property.61 Fred discovered that he had _(有音乐天赋).62 Get onto my shoulders and _(看一看)over the fence.63 Shakespeares plays are seen by_(数百万的人)every year. 64 Whenever I see the bir

11、ds,Ill _(梦想在空中飞翔).65 He _(既不说英语也不说法语).Instead,he speaks German.66 I will use the prize money to help_(支付学费).67 It is hot_(而不是暖和).68 Conor did not _(返回)Ireland until 1937.69 _(快睡吧)Its late.70 Peters wife always _(要求他不要吸烟).71 This machine _(用来切割东西).72 Jane,your bedroom is so dirty.Sorry,_ (我马上去打扫).73 My father spends much money on books,_ (尽管不富裕).74 He sat_(面对面)with me.75 He doesnt run _(像他姐姐一样快).76 She has though



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