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1、英语论文摘要范文 AbstractTraditionally, theories of international relations are based on soverignty andstates. As the strides and leaps made in IT technologies largely accelerate theexpansion of Cyber space, today, cyber security has become an increasingly serious,and ever-hot, major international issue ove

2、rshadowing other conventional areas ofsecurity in recent years. The nature and distinctive features of Cyber space, whichevolves and changes rapidly today, is challenging the focuses and scopes ofinternational relations.In particular, the recent exposure of the so-called PRISM Revelation; scandalaga

3、in ignites a global explosion of security concerns, suspicions, frictions andconflicts in the Cyber space that were once a local, insalient issue. The fact thatSnowden alone is capable of triggering a global turbulence reveals the astonishinglyenormous challenges posed by cyber imbalance to national

4、 or even internationalsecurity. The unfolding debate on state surveillance, Internet censorship and the manyother manifestations of state power exercising sovereignty over the network make thevery idea that making Cyber space a harbor free of states influence sound unrealistic,or outdated.Also, Cybe

5、r space brings changes to international community. Theinterconnectivity nature of Cyber space makes that one country s cyber securityconcerns not only its national security and people s livelihood, but also the stabilityand prosperity of the world as a whole, which means using Cyber space as abattle

6、field is in no one s interest. Therefore, Cyber space should not be a place whereevery gain for one country is a loss for the others, and vice-versa. Rather, it should bea place of competitive collaboration, where states challenge each other, but fairly,while seizing the opportunities to collaborate

7、 for collective good.This paper is intended to explore the influence of the development of Cyberspace on international relations in the wake of the Prism Revelation, so as to have abetter understanding of changes and new characteristics of today s internationalrelations. Unlike the past, Cyber space

8、 has emerged and become a criticalconsideration when addressing international politics, it is reshuffling the world slandscape and reshaping the political, economic, military and social patterns.AbstractLisa Jane Smith is an American female writer of young-adult-themed literature.The Vampire Diaries

9、 is one of her representative works. Since its publication oftrilogy in 1991, the novels have won wide readership across the globe.This thesis conducts an analysis of The Vampire Diaries from a new perspective,considering it transcends the form of Gothic novel, and explores the inheritance andbreakt

10、hrough of Gothic features in The Vampire Diaries, focusing on its theme,characters, then plots development.On the fiction theme, The Vampire Diaries inherits the Gothic theme of horror,love, and conflicts between good and evil; but further develops the above themesthrough combination of modern eleme

11、nts and fantasy. For the vampire image andcharacterization, The Vampire Diaries still possesses the vampire image and power intraditional Gothic novels, and brings more distinctive vampires supernatural powerand unique behaviors. Compared with traditional Gothic vampire stories, the plot ofThe Vampi

12、re Diaries gets more involved and more twisted scenario.As the representative work of modern vampire fictions, The Vampire Diariesinheritance and breakthrough of Gothic fictions in turn brings itself huge success andgreat reputation. And as the sub-genre of Gothic fiction, vampire fictions will belo

13、ngstanding and get prosperous due to its unique features and cultural backgroundin today s developed society.ABSTRACTThomas Hardy is regarded as both a major novelist and a prominent poet duringthe transitional period of the 19thcentury to the 20thcentury. He is most famous for hisNovels of Characte

14、rs and Environment;, which gains him worldwide reputation. TheReturn of the Native is a representative one of this series.The Return of the Native is regarded as Hardy s first tragic novel in which thecharacters fates are closely related to the natural environment. As a nature-lover,Thomas Hardy fre

15、quently expresses his deep concern towards nature in this novel andappeals to construct a harmonious relationship between man and nature. His ecologicalthoughts embodied in The Return of the Native are in accordance with the ideas ofecocriticism. To put it briefly, ecocriticism is a newly-emerged li

16、terary criticismconcerning the relationship between man and nature in literary works. The intrinsicvalue of nature and ecological holism are its core concepts. This theory argues for theintrinsic value of nature, regards both man and nature as the indispensable componentsof the whole ecological system, maintaini



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