
上传人:索**** 文档编号:140917552 上传时间:2020-08-02 格式:PDF 页数:3 大小:6.65KB
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1、国庆节的英语作文带翻译:国庆的第一天 In this autumn wind sends bright season, we ushered in the motherland of the 61 year old birthday, here I for the motherland said loudly: Happy Birthday! Today, with my mom and Dad together came to the street, the street is really decorate, heavy traffic! The warm sun shines on th

2、e persons body to be more to render the holiday atmosphere, the mother took my hand, and I? Holding my fathers hand! Live is a harmonious family. People in the street from time to time to cast envious eyes, seems to be thinking: if my family and I can do so! To the city, my mother took me to a cloth

3、ing store, a smile on the face of an aunt, she said to us, wow! A good and harmonious family! Get together to buy clothes? I nodded with a smile. My mother said to my aunt that I had the right clothes to wear, the aunt was wearing my mother came to a clothes rack, and then picked up a piece of cloth

4、ing, I have a test and then to my mother said: this is how ah? My mother smiled at me and said, what do you think? Me! Good! Anyway, I look good in anything! Casual! I said casually. Mother smiled at me: you go to try and see! I nodded. At this time my father was impatient and said: try something, y

5、ou dont bother ah! My mother said angrily: you come out with the baby to buy clothes on so impatient? How did you come to be a father! My father listened to me to see a helpless voice: oh. I feel very happy, because they love me very much to say this! The amount of this! How much is it? Mother asked

6、. Aunt on my mother said: 60 yuan! My mother said to her, 50! Sell ah? Aunt reluctantly said: good! My mother took 50 yuan. Aunt took a convenient bag and put it in. And then said to me, well? Give you a regular future! I nodded! The first thing is so smooth! And then we went to a pair of trousers.

7、In the sunset partner we bathed in the glow of the wash, in this great mother of the 61st birthday told a paragraph, we are marching dawn back home. In this national day, we are very happy! 在这秋风送爽的季节里,我们迎来了祖国母亲的第61 周岁的华诞, 在此我对祖国说声:生日快乐! 今天,我随着爸爸妈妈一起来到了街上,街上可真是张灯结彩, 车水马龙啊!温暖的阳光照在人的身上更加渲染了节日的气氛,妈妈 牵着我

8、的手,而我呢?牵着爸爸的手!活是一对和睦的家庭啊。街上 的人时不时投来羡慕的目光,心中似乎在想:要是我和家人也能这样 该多好啊! 到了城中城,妈妈领着我到了一家服装店,迎面来了一个面带微 笑的阿姨,她对我们微笑的说:“哇!好和睦的一家啊!一起来买衣 服的?”我微笑的点了点头。妈妈对阿姨说有没有我合适的衣服穿, 那位阿姨戴着我妈妈来到了一个衣服架子旁,然后挑了件衣服,对我 验了验然后对我妈说:“这件怎么样啊?”我妈妈对我笑了笑说道: “你觉的呢?”“我啊!不错啊!反正我穿什么都好看!随便啦!” 我漫不经心的说道。妈妈对我笑了笑:“你去试了看看啊!”我点了 点头。这时我爸爸就不耐烦的说道:“试什么

9、试,你不闲烦啊!”我 妈妈生气的说道:“你啊陪宝宝出来买个衣服就这么不耐烦吗?你是 怎么当爸爸的啊!”我爸爸听了对我看看了看无奈的说了声:“哦。” 我听了心里挺高兴的,因为他们很爱我才说这话的嘛!“额就这件吧! 多少钱啊?”妈妈问道。阿姨对我妈妈说道:60 元吧!我妈妈对她说 了说:“ 50 吧!卖不卖啊?”阿姨无奈的说道:“好吧!”我妈妈拿 出了 50 元。阿姨拿了个方便袋放了进去。然后对我说道:“嗯?给你 以后要经常来啊!”我点了点头呵呵!第一件就这么顺利啊!过后我 们又上了一家买了件裤子。 在晚霞的伴侣中我们沐浴在朝霞的洗涤,在此中伟大母亲的61 岁 生日也告一段落,我们踏着朝霞回了家中。在这个国庆节里我们非常 的开心!



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