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1、通信与电子信息工程专业英语,English for Communication and Electronic Information Engineering,By yang Email:,学习本课程的目的 掌握专业英文的阅读、翻译、写作的基本方法; 学习、积累英文专业词汇; 了解专业领域的一些技术、知识。,本课程的主要内容 专业英语基础知识 精选专业文献的阅读、讲解及翻译练习 专业文献(摘要)的写作练习,学习本课程的主要方式 课前预习 课堂讲解重点难点 课后练习 课堂练习、小测,建议 准备笔记本 准备英汉专业词典,要求 独立完成作业 遵守课堂纪律,Lesson 0 科技英语基础知识 The B

2、asic Knowledge of Scientific and Technical English,Lesson 0 科技英语基础知识 The Basic Knowledge,0.1 科技英语的特点 features 0.2 专业英文翻译概述 Translation 0.3 专业英文翻译的几种基本方法 Translation Methods 0.4 关于数量 Numbers and Quantities 0.5 关于数学符号和数学式 Mathematic symbols and Expressions 0.6 关于图、表 Figures and Tables 0.7 专业英文的写作 Writ

3、ing,科技英语与普通英语相比有自己的特点:,常包含一些数据、公式、符号、图表、程序等,语言简练、结构严谨、表达明确、概念清晰,语法上特点:常用一般现在时时态; 复杂长句多; 被动语态多;(“被”、“经过”、“受了”、“由于”) 非谓语动词多;(动名词、分词、不定式) 非人称语气,常用It作主语; 条件句多,常用If 语句。,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,词汇的特点: 大量使用专业词汇、转意词汇; 较多使用词性转换adjn,nv,等等; 较多使用词缀、词根,甚至用词缀词根创造新词; 大量使用专业缩写词; 新专业词汇、缩写词不断出现。,科技英语与普通英语相比有自己的特点:,0.1 科

4、技英语的特点 features,code n.码 v. 编码 variable adj.可变的,易变的 n.变量 multiple adj.多样的 n.倍数 the least common ,合成词: multimeter 万用表,interface 接口、界面 code-decode codec 编解码 coder-decoder codec 编解码器 modulator-demolatormodem 调制解调器 Interactive-network internet 互联网、因特网 transmitter-receiver transceiver 收发器,GSM , GPRS , CD

5、MA , GPS , CPU , USB , LCD,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.1 长句 Long sentences,有两种方法简化长句,以正确把握长句句意,依据关键词简化词组。,e.g. The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the dielectric constant of that parti

6、cular material.,ratio is called constant,依据谓语动词把复合句分解成一组简单句。,the ratio of A to B :A与B的比率 Insulation 绝缘,insulated ,insulating dielectric constant 介电常数,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.1 长句 Long sentences,e.g. This electron beam sweeps across each line at a uniform rate,then flies back to scan another line di

7、rectly below the previous one and so on,until the horizontal lines into which it is desired to break or split the picture have been scanned in the desired sequence,electron beam 电子束 at a uniform rate 以均匀的速率 scan 扫描 horizontal lines 水平行线 in the desired sequence 按希望的顺序,e.g. For direct current and low-

8、frequency alternating current (up to a few thousand cycles per second) the resistance is reversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the path the current must travel; that is , given two conductors of the same material and having same length , but differing in crossing-sectional area , the

9、 one with larger area will have the lower resistance.,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.1 长句 Long sentences,resistance is reversely proportional to area, that is, one will have the lower resistance.,A与B成(正/反)比例 (directly) A be (reversely) proportional to B (inversely ) (direct) A be in (reverse) proportion/r

10、atio to B (inverse) (reciprocal) They are in a ratio of 3 to 7. 它们之间比率为3比7。,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.1 长句 Long sentences,e.g. These inexpensive and relatively fast digital circuits have made it possible to construct highly sophisticated digital systems that are capable of performing complex digital

11、signal processing functions and tasks, which are usually too difficult and/or too expensive to be performed by analog circuitry or analog signal processing systems.,主干:digital circuits have made it possible to construct digital systems that引导的定语从句修饰digital systems which引导的定语从句修饰functions and tasks,0

12、.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,普通词汇 Common vocabularies,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,专业词汇 Speciality vocabularies,大部分是名词、名词词组,少量形容词,词意单一,用法简单。,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,专业词汇 Speciality vocabularies,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,electronic 电子的 mail(Email) electric 电的 voltage, current, resistance electrical 电气的 en

13、gineer , property,electro- 电- electromagnetic wave,electrodynamic,electrode 电极 anode 阳极、正极 cathode 阴极、负极,positive 阳性的、正的、正数 negative阴性的、负的、负数,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,diode 二极管 triode 三极(真空)管,oscillator 振荡器 oscilloscope 示波器 oscillo- 波动,radio 无线电、收音机 radar 雷达 laser 激光,Ohms

14、law 欧姆定律,amplifier 放大器,transistor 晶体管、三极管 field-effect transistor 场效应晶体管(FET),专业词汇 Speciality vocabularies,转意词汇 Transfered words,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,从普通词汇借用、移植过来,赋予了专业含义。出现在专业文献中,一般就是使用其专业含义。,resistance 阻力, 抵抗, 敌对,电阻(值),current 水流, 气流, 趋势, 当前的,电流,charge 装载, 起诉, 负责, 载荷

15、,电荷, 充电,circuit 周围, 巡回, 绕行,电路,转意词汇 Transfered words,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,bus 公共汽车,总线,network 网、网状组织,网络,rectifier 修正者,整流器,monitor 班长,显示器、监视器,power 力量、动力,电源、功率、动力、电力、幂,field 田野, 场地, 领域,(电、磁)场,regulator 调整者,稳压器,转意词汇 Transfered words,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabular

16、ies or words,resistance :电阻,电阻值 resistor :电阻(器) capacitance:电容,电容值 capacitor:电容(器) inductance:电感,电感值 inductor:电感(器),parallel serial :并行串行 parallel series: 并联串联,analog digital :模拟的数字的 continuous discrete: 连续的离散的,转意词汇 Transfered words,0.1 科技英语的特点 features,0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words,有些单词的通用含义很接近,但它们的专业含义却完全不同,如: differential :微分



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