广东省澄海实验高中2020学年高二英语寒假作业25分钟限时训练 练习(2月7日) 新人教版

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《广东省澄海实验高中2020学年高二英语寒假作业25分钟限时训练 练习(2月7日) 新人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省澄海实验高中2020学年高二英语寒假作业25分钟限时训练 练习(2月7日) 新人教版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Test 3 (2月7日)(满分45分)自评分数:_完型填空(满分20分)Its an age-old saying: Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. Males and females 26 different behaviors almost frombirth. Researchers say these behaviors are due to 27 differences in brain structure and activity. Studies show men are better at hitting targets (靶

2、子)and solving math problems 28 women are better at memorizing words and 29 faces. Why the differences?A test of the brains electrical activity shows that women commonlyuse both sides of their brain while men rely more on one. Scientists already know that the two sides of the brain control different

3、functions one controlling the sense of space, 30 , the other controlling language. Some researchers believethat the different ways men and women use their brains 31 from ancient times, when cave men hunted and women 32 the children. Men had to have good aim. Women had to talk to the kids.Whatever th

4、e 33 , the battle of the sexes continues. And although their brains are constructed slightly differently, men and women may be equallycapable. They may simply 34 different abilities. Take a couple arguing over the location of their car in a parking lot. The man might use his sense of 35 to find it,

5、while the woman relies on her memory of landmarks. Bothof them find the car. But chances are, theyll still argue aboutwhos the better driver and whos better at finding the way home.26. A. buildB. form C. choose D. show27. A. basicB. average C. great D. exact28. A. soB. as C. yet D. while29. A. reali

6、zingB. recognizing C. describing D. painting30. A. at leastB. as a result C. above all D. for example31. A. grew B. developed C. invented D. produced32. A. supportedB. carried C. cared for D. gave birth to33. A. considerationB. decision C. imagination D. explanation34. A. show offB. take on C. depen

7、d on D. keep up35. A. area B. space C. sight D. distance语法填空(满分15分)People 1_ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred 2_ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four 3_ five hundred

8、thousand words. But we do not need 4_ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. 5_ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary 6_ (big). Read as many books as we ca

9、n. There are a lot of books 7_ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet 8_ new word, look it 9_ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your 10_ (much) useful book.阅读(满分10分)You might say that one reason Barack Obama is president of the US is because he knows how to give a good spee

10、ch. Since 2020, Obama has written and delivered thousands of speeches. These are usually praised for two reasons: he treats the audiences like intelligent adults, and he is able to express complicated ideas in a straightforward, natural way. Before becoming president, Obama was a lawyer, a college p

11、rofessor, and a successful writer-his two memories have become best-sellers.Whats more, he has some secret weapons.Teleprompter: Obama doesnt go anywhere without his Teleprompter. The textbook-sized panes of glass holding the presidents prepared remarks follow him wherever he goes to speak.Writing t

12、eam: Obama has a team of people who write his speeches. The writers chat with Obama for hours about what he wants to say. They listen to recordings of past presidential addresses and seek advice from advisers. Obama usually edits(编辑)and rewrites the drafts(草稿)several times.Tricks for lighthearted sp

13、eeches:Make fun of the guests: Obama starts his speech by gently teasing his guests. His opening lines grab the audiences attention while giving them an opportunity to relax and laugh at themselves and each other.Make fun of yourself: A good rule for speechmakers If youre going to make a joke about

14、someone else, be sure to make one about yourself, too. Obama mocks(嘲弄) his own poor choices for filling the position of Commerce Secretary, saying, “No president in history has ever named three Commerce Secretaries this quickly.” In fact, his first two nominees(被提名人)for the position withdrew(撤出) their names for different reasons. In a process that had otherwise gone smoothly, the Obama Administration was tripped up(为难) by the problem of filling the Commerce seat.36. We can infer from the text



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