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1、2019年12月英语六级真题及答案(卷一)作文第一篇: sense of social responsibility:Living in an age when the economy is rapidly developing and the commercial environment becomes increasingly complicated, we have to realize that a sense of ss social responsibility plays such an important role that it defines what we are and

2、 determines how many accomplishments humans can achieve in the future.The reasons why sense of social responsibility is so important can be listed as follows. On the one hand, a sense of social responsibility can inherently restrain SSproducers behavior, which can tremendously reduce the possibility

3、 of producing fake or even harmful commodities. Without a sense of social responsibility, some producers might do great harm to the whole society. Take Sanlu milk powder as an example. It was such an irresponsible enterprise that it added tripolycyanamide to its milk powder, which tragically led to

4、many babiesdevelopmental disorders and ruined many families happiness. On the other hand, as a member of the society, we Iposhould also be responsible for what we do to others as well as the whole social environmentAs far as Im concerned, a sense of social responsibility is to our society what sunsh

5、ine is to humans. Although we can survive for a while without sunshine, but our phealthy and long-lasting development can never shine without sun, just as our society can never thrive without a sense of social responsibility.选词填空(第一套):卷一:选词填空空气污染和交通26: K.died prematurely from.27: C .will determine t

6、he everyday.28: N become synonymous with air.29: M .simply switching to electric.30: D .run them is generated,31: I tiny airborn particles as.?32:H are opting for33: J .reached its peak and.34: O.with this trend,35: L can simply double.信息匹配(第一套):卷一:信息匹配 How much protein do you really need?36:c段落首句:T

7、heu.s. . governments recommended daily allowanceRDA37:E段落首句: If you are considering supplement, read the list of38:A段落首句: The marketing is tempting: Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies39:F段落首句: But there are certain situations that do warrant extra protein5540:M段落首句: There have been some indic

8、ations that extra protein makes the41:G段落首句: Vegans can benefit from protein supplements since they do not eat42:B段落首句: For starters, protein is critical for every cell in our body43:H段落首句: In fact, along with her colleague Connie Bales,44:D段落首句: So if its so easy to get your protein in food45:L段落首句

9、: But can people overdo protein?仔细阅读(第一套):46-50:态度的重要性一笑而过pass一笑而过46:)It determines how we respond to our immediate environment 47: A)Their idolsbehaviors48: A)They may not suggest how a person is going to behave49: D)They lack willpowers550:B)Starting to act in way that embodies ones aspirations51-

10、55:保护南极51: C)It was carried out too close to the habitats of penguins and whales 52: B)To establish conservation areas in the Antarctic regior53: A)Opting to operate away from the suggested conservation arcas 54: D)Sustain fishing without damaging the Antarctic ecosystem pas 55: C)A provider of the

11、needed expertis 翻译梅花位居中国十大名花之首,源于中国南方,已有三千多年的栽培和种植历史。隆冬时节,五颜六色的梅花不畏严寒,迎着风雪傲然绽放。在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅,激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。自古以来,许多诗人和画家从梅花中获取灵感,创作了无数不朽的作品。普通大众也都喜爱梅花,春节期间常用于家庭装饰。南京市已将梅花定为市花,每年举办梅花节,成千上万的人冒着严寒到梅花山踏雪赏梅。Plum blossom, which tops the ten most famous flowers of China, originated in south China a

12、nd has a planting history of more than 3, 000 years. In winter, colourful plum flowers blossom boldly against the cold. In traditional Chinese culture plum blossom symbolizes toughness, purity and grace, motivating people to face hardships and move forward bravely In history, many poets and painters

13、 gained inspiration from the flower and created countless masterpieces. Ordinary citizens are also fond of the flower, which is often used to decorate the house during the spring festival.nanjing city has designated plumb blossom as the city flower and holds the flower festival every year,which attracts hundreds of thousands of people to appreciate the flower in snow despite the cold.



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