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1、密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090577 文 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 许渊冲的翻译审美补偿研究 学位申请人: 吕静 指 导 教 师 : 牛云平 副教授 学 位 类 别 : 文学硕士 学 科 专 业 : 英语语言文学 授 予 单 位 : 河北大学 答 辩 日 期 : 二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U. D. C: NO: 20090577 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts A Study of Aesthetic Compensation in XuYuanzhongs Li

2、terary Translation Candidate: Lv Jing Supervisor: Associate Prof. Niu Yunping Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: English Language and Literature University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 由于不同的地缘、政治、人文、社会环境的影响,中西文化之间存在着很大的不同, 中西两种语言在功能和表达上也存在着很大的差别

3、。除了文化因素、语言系统本身的原 因外,还有不同民族的审美心理、价值观等反映到文学翻译中,都会在对文学作品进行 翻译的过程中造成不可避免的损失,特别是诗歌作为一种特殊的文学翻译体裁,这种损 失就表现得尤其突出。因此,如何对文学翻译特别是诗歌翻译中的损失进行弥补,就是 进行审美补偿的意义所在。许渊冲是当代中国古诗词翻译的集大成者,为传播中国杰出 的古文化,加强中外的文化交流作出了突出的贡献。本文旨在从一个全新的角度来研究 许渊冲的文学翻译, 并试图从各个方面对许渊冲文学翻译过程中的审美补偿策略进行分 析、论述,总结,从宏观上可分为三个大的层面:语言层面、文化层面、心理层面,微 观上又具体到把语言

4、层面细化到词汇、句子、语境、语篇,其中包括对词汇的锤炼选择, 音韵的使用, 语篇的整合等。 文中几乎每一论述之后都附有许渊冲的译例进行解释说明, 试图尽可能地全面展现许渊冲文学翻译补偿策略的艺术魅力和感染力。通过研究发现, 许渊冲文学翻译的过程就是一个不断进行审美补偿的过程, 审美补偿思想和补偿策略贯 穿于他翻译活动的始终。 许渊冲的理论也存在其自身的缺陷和局限性, 所以要客观评价、 分析许渊冲文学翻译中的审美补偿策略,择优取之,择善从之。通过对许渊冲文学翻译 中的审美补偿问题进行系统的研究与分析,本文力求进一步深化对审美补偿的认识,启 发学界在翻译审美补偿理论研究上更进一步, 以期能在今后的

5、理论和实践研究中对文学 翻译进行指导。同时本文也为文学翻译研究提供了一个新的视角,这对于提高文学翻译 的质量,促进翻译文学的发展都有着积极的意义。 关键词 许渊冲 文学翻译 诗歌 审美补偿 Abstract II Abstract Due to the impact of different geographical, political, cultural and social environment between Chinese and Western countries, the culture as well as the language function and expressi

6、on are extremely different. Besides these elements, the aesthetic mentality and values in different nations all attribute to the unavoidable losses in literary translation. These losses can be extremely prominent in poetry translation. Therefore, How to compensate these losses in literary translatio

7、n, especially in the course of poetry translating, has become the task of aesthetic compensation. XuYuanzhong is an excellent translator and also a glorious poet in modern China. He has made great contributions in broadcasting the ancient glorious Chinese culture and fostering the mutual communicati

8、on between Chinese and western countries. In order to investigate XuYuanzhongs literary translation from a new perspective, in this thesis, his aesthetic compensation will be analyzed, stated and summarized from all aspects. Macroscopically, it can be divided into three main aspects: aspect of langu

9、age, aspect of culture, and aspect of mind. Microscopically, the aspect of language can be classified into words, sentences, context and discourse. It contains word-choosing, use of rhyme and coercion of the whole text in detail. Each statement is affixed with an example to make the explanation more

10、 vivid. We hold with the purpose of presenting his artistic charm and appeal in the aesthetic compensation as much as possible. In conclusion, XuYuanzhongs literary translation is a course for aesthetic compensation, and his ideas and tactics for aesthetic compensation run through the whole translat

11、ing activity. XuYuanzhongs translation theories have their defaults and limitations, so his aesthetic compensation should be subjectively analyzed and evaluated. Choose the fittest, choose the best. Through a systematical research and investigation on XuYuanzhongs aesthetic compensation, this paper

12、tries to further deepen the understanding of aesthetic compensation and promotes a further development in its theory research. This paper also provides a new perspective which might be of great value for future literature translation both in theory and practice. It has profound significance in impro

13、ving the quality of literary translation and performs a positive role in boosting the development of Abstract III translated literature. Key words XuYuanzhong literary translation poetry aesthetic compensation 目 录 IV 目 录 第 1 章 引 言1 1.1 研究的目的和意义1 1.2 研究现状述评1 1.3 主要内容和创新点3 1.4 本文的篇章结构3 第 2 章 文学翻译中的审美补偿 5 2.1 审美补偿的定义5 2.2 审美补偿的必要性和可行性 5 2.2.1 不同民族国家间的语言和文化具有共通性6 2.2.2 不同民族国家的语言具有相同的审美功能


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