中考英语 第一部分 教材知识梳理 第18讲 九上 modules 3-4课件

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1、第18讲 九年级(上)Modules 34,重点词汇拓展,1.including (prep.)_ (v.)包括 2.Canada (n.)_ (n.&adj.)加拿大人(的) 3.sick (adj.) _(同义词)生病的 4.treat (v.)_ (n.)治疗 5.wound (n.)_ (adj.)受伤的 6.die (v.)_ (adj.)垂死的_ (adj.)死的 7.invent (v.)_ (n.)发明;创造 8.use (n.)_ (adj.)有用的_ (adj.)无用的 9.he (pron.) _(反身代词)他自己 10.manage (v.)_ (n.)经理,inclu

2、de,Canadian,ill,treatment,wounded,dying,dead,invention,useful,useless,himself,manager,11.operate (v.)_ (n.)手术 12.shut (v.)_ (现在分词) _(过去式) 13.simple (adj.) _(同义词)简单的;容易的 _(adv.)确实,简单地 14.ring (v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词) 15.happy (adj.) _(反义词)不高兴的_ (adv.)幸福地 16.full (adj.) _(反义词)饿的 17.able (adj.) _(反义词)不能的,op

3、eration,shutting,shut,easy,simply,rang,rung,unhappy,happily,hungry,unable,重点短语,1._ again 再一次 2.give _放弃 3.die _为而死 4.take _ 照顾;护理 5. _ that time 在那时 6.on _独自;单独 7.manage _设法完成 8.die _ 死于 9._ ones _救某人的命 10. _one _一度;在某一刻 11.take _起飞 12. _太空中,once,up,for,care of,at,ones own,to do,of/from,save,life,at

4、,point,off,in space,13._ need _ 需要 14.set _ 动身;出发 15._ (sb.)_ 叫(某人)起床;醒来 16. _ of 两个,一对 17.turn _ 关掉;关闭(设备) 18.be _ 担心 19.on _ 出差 20.have _ 玩得高兴 21. _ do sth. 赶紧做某事 22._ in 提交;上交 23._ to do 不能做某事 24._ day _整天 25.tidy _ 收拾,整理,in,of,off,wake,up,a couple,off,worried about,business,fun,hurry to,hand,una

5、ble,all,long,up,重点句型,1.Shes my hero _ shes _table tennis players in the world. 她是我心目中的英雄,因为她是世界上最好的乒乓球运动员之一。 2._ she does,she _ gives up! 无论干什么,她都从不放弃! 3.I think shes a good student _a good player. 我觉得她不仅是一位出色的运动员,而且还是一个好学生。 4many people were _they did not get to hospital_. 很多人是因为没有足够快地到医院而面临死亡。 5.T

6、here were few doctors,_ he had to work very_. 因为缺少医生,所以他不得不独自非常辛苦地工作。,because,one of the best,Whatever,never,as well as,dying because,quickly enough,so,hard on his own,6.He wrote books _they _learn about how he treated the sick. 他写了书,以便他们能够了解他是怎样治疗病人的。 7.I can look after _,_ it wont be easy_ me. 尽管对

7、我来说不容易,但我能照顾我自己。 8.My clock rings _ it will certainly wake_. 我的闹钟铃声那么大,当然会把我叫醒。 9. _Ive forgotten something,_ I dont know what it is! 我确信我忘了什么东西,但是我不知道是什么。 10.Your train _leave. 你们(所乘坐)的列车将要离开了。 11.There was _food in the fridge _she certainly would not go hungry. 冰箱里有这么多的食物,她当然不会挨饿。,so that,could,my

8、self,although/though,for,so loudly that,me up,Im sure,but,is about to,so much,that,语法 原因、目的、结果和让步状语从句(见本书P142),treat 【典例在线】 Doctors could treat the wounded more quickly.医生能够更快地治疗伤员。 My host family treated me well.我的寄宿家庭待我很好。 Mum always treats me as a child.妈妈总是把我看做小孩。 【拓展精析】 treat是及物动词意为“治疗”;也有“对待,看

9、待,把看作”的意思,常用短语treat.as.意为“把看作”;还有“款待,请客”,此时treat既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,常用短语treat sb. to.意为“请某人吃”。treat的名词是treatment意为“治疗”。,【活学活用】 1)Ill _(请你吃) dinner tonight. Sounds good!But lets go Dutch instead. 2)ORBIS doctors _many patients,but patients do not have money to pay for the _(treat) 3)Brians parents usua

10、lly treat him _ (as/to) an adult though he is only a 12yearold boy.,treat you to,treat,treatment,as,own 【典例在线】 He will solve the problem on his own.他会独自解决这个问题的。 I own a personal car.我有部私家车。 This is my own idea.这是我自己的主意。 Do you know the owner of the house?你认识这房主吗? 【拓展精析】 own形容词,意为“自己的”;动词,意为“拥有”,相当于h

11、ave。其名词为owner,意为“物主,失主”。 相关短语: of ones own属于某人自己的;on ones own独自,自主地。,【活学活用】 4)How did he finish the work? I hear that he did it _(独自) 5)Mrs Li works hard to buy a large house _(属于她自己的) 6)Anna doesnt have _(她自己的)bedroom,she lives with her parents.,on his own/by himself,of her own,her own,manage 【典例在线

12、】 He managed to save over a hundred lives.他设法救了100多条命。 Actually,they managed every minute of my life.实际上,他们掌管着我生命中的每分每秒。 【拓展精析】 manage 动词,意为“管理,经营;控制;设法做到”,常用短语manage to do sth.意为“设法做某事并完成(经过努力达到目的,强调结果)”。要区别于try to do sth.“尽力去做(表示一种企图)”,不包含是否成功的意思。,【活学活用】 7)Thanks to the No. 48 bus driver,all the p

13、assengers were saved. The driver _(try/manage) to stop the bus before he died. 8)I _(try/manage) to persuade her to stay,but she wouldnt listen.,managed,tried,continue 【典例在线】 He continued his work without treating the wound.没有治疗伤口,他继续他的工作。 They continued to have a party.他们继续开派对。 Mike continued readi

14、ng the book.迈克继续看书。 【拓展精析】 continue可用作及物动词,意为“(使)继续;(使)连续”,其后可接名词,代词等作宾语。常用短语continue to do sth.continue doing sth.意为“继续做某事”。continue还可用作不及物动词“继续,延续”,常用短语continue with sth.意为“继续某事”。,【活学活用】 9)Some of the volunteers hope to continue _(work) in the village after spending some time with the villagers. 10)One day,Dr. Bethune


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