[人力资源管理]modal verbs完整版20112

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1、Modal VerbsThe meanings of each modal verb.能力猜测许可征求意见请求许可必须应该其它can(could)may(might)must1.A blind man can not judge colours.2.Could you follow her talk?3.You can have my seat. Im going now.4.The teacher said we could go to the shops for sweets.5.They can not have gone out because the light is on.6.Th

2、e money has disappeared. Who could/can have taken it?7.Could /Can you lend me some money. 能力猜测许可征求意见请求许可必须应该其它can(could)may(might)must1.You may bring them back Monday.2.Candidates may not bring reference books into the examination room.3.One may live a hundred years, but cannot live three hundred.4.

3、They may not be there today.5.May/Might I ask for a lift?6.I asked her if I might call and see her.7.May our friendship live long!祝愿能力能力猜测猜测许可许可征求意征求意见请求见请求必须必须应该应该其它其它can(could)may(might)祝愿must1.We must think about this very seriously.2.Judging by the smell, the food must be good.3.There must be so

4、mething wrong with the machine.4.Just when we were ready to go away for the holidays, the baby must fall ill.5.The car must break down just when we were about to start off.偏偏硬要II. The difference - 1. 表能力:can / could / be able to1)The few small rivers can not hold all the rain that falls during the w

5、et season. The frog is able to jump three metres.2) He has been able to finish the work on time. Im sure we shall be able to get you a job soon. 3) After years of hard work he was able to win the prize. It wasnt long before the patient was able to sit up and read. He could swim across the river in h

6、is later years.4)I would like to be able to read, but Im too old to learn. He said he so much regretted not being able to swim.5)I can see / hear you easily from here. I cant understand him when he speaks so fast.Notes:1._.2._.3._.4._.5._.can 可以表示人或物的能力,而可以表示人或物的能力,而be able to 不可表示物的能力不可表示物的能力be abl

7、e to 有更多时态有更多时态could只表示过去有能力做,但不一定做;只表示过去有能力做,但不一定做;be able to表示不仅有能力,而且做了表示不仅有能力,而且做了be able to 有非谓语形式有非谓语形式can 常和表示感官和知觉的动词连用常和表示感官和知觉的动词连用用can, could, be able to填空1)The baby _walk next month.2)John _play football for several years.3)I hope _see her again.4)Although it rained hard that day, they _

8、arrive there on time.5)Luckily I _get the ticket yesterday.6)The boat _carry five persons.7)Im looking at this photograph; I _see some famous people in it.8)He was a good swimmer, so he _swim to the river bank after the boat sank.9)She _play the piano when she was five.10)He _come to see me, but he

9、didnt.will be able tohas been able toto be able towere able towas able tocancanwas able tocouldcould2.表许可: may / might / can / could1) If you wish to do it, you may.2) He said I might go if I wished.3) You can have the book when I have finished it.4) He said we could smoke in the room.Notes:I._.II._

10、.may =can 表示现在许可might=could表示过去许可3.表请求,请求许可: may / might / can / could1) May/ Might we have the television on? Yes, you may.(No, you may not. or No, you mustnt.)2) Can/ Could you stay a bit longer? Yes, I can. (No, I cant)3) What can I do for you? Can I help you?Notes:I._.II._.III._.在疑问句中,could, mig

11、ht 不表示过去时态,只是语气更加委婉may not=can not语气较弱,mustnt语气强在表示请求许可时,May I比Can I更客气些用may, might, can, could, mustnt填空1)_I have a glass of beer, Jill? 2) No, Im afraid you _.2)Tigers are magnificent animals. We _ (not)allow them to become extinct.3) Im not quite ready to go, but you _ leave if you are in a hurry

12、. Ill meet you again.4)Children _(not)play with fire. It is dangerous.5)The teacher said to the students that they _ go home if they finished their exercises.6)_ you let me have your passport?May/Mightmay notmustntmay /canmustntmight/couldCan/Could4、表猜测: must / may / might / can / could1)Im always r

13、unning into him; he must live quite near here.2)You did well in the exam. You must have worked hard last week.3) I may be right or may not be right, but thats what I think.4) I may(might) see you tonight; I dont know yet.5) Why hasnt he turned up? He may/might not have been informed, but Im not sure

14、.6) He looks so young. He cant be more than thirty.7) Can they still be waiting for us?8)He can be really naughty at times.Notes:I._.II._.III._.IV._.V._.VI._.肯定句用must, may(might)否认句用cant (couldnt), may not(might not)问句用can (could)can, could用于肯定句,表示“有时也会might, could 不是过去时,而是语气不如may, can 肯定动词要考虑时态1).

15、He cant be more than thirty.2). Various new problems may arise in the future.对将要发生的事及现在的状态的猜测:情态动词+V3). They must be worrying about our safety.4). Can they still be waiting for us?5). They may be staying at the Beijing Hotel.对现在正在进行的事的猜测:情态动词+ be doing6). They must have arrived by now.表示对过去发生的事情或状态的

16、猜测:情态动词+have done7). You must have been thinking of something.表示对过去发生并持续到现在的事情或过去正在进行的事情: 情态动词+have been doing用must, can, may填空:1) Mr. White is on a business trip in the south. He _(not) be home now.2) Listen to the laughter. They _be enjoying themselves.3) Youd better take an umbrella. It _rain bef

17、ore evening.4) _she have his new address? No, she _(not). She doesnt even know he has moved.5) Even a wise man _sometimes makes mistakes.6) Dont believe him. What he said _(not) be true.7) Youve been working the whole day. You _be tired.8) Judging by her accent, she _be from Sichuan.cantmustmayCanca

18、ntcancantmustmust用must, can, may与动词的适当形式填空。1) He isnt back yet. He _(have) an accident.2) The line is busy. Someone _(use) the phone.3) The streets are dry. It _(not rain) during the night.4) “Why didnt you answer the phone last night? “I _(sleep) when you called.5) I cant find little Tom. Where _(g

19、o)?6) This pen _(not be ) his; he was not here in the morning.7) The alarm clock didnt ring this morning. He _(forget) winding it last night.8) You made a lot of spelling mistakes in your composition. You _(not go) it over after you finished writing it.may have hadmust be usingcant have rainedmust h

20、ave been sleepingcan he have gonecant bemust have forgottencant have gone完成以下反意问句1) You must be a writer, _you?2)You must have seen him yesterday, _ you?3) He must have learned some English before, _he?4)The students must be playing on the playground, _?5)Mr. Black must have been in Beijing last mon

21、th, _?6)He must have lived here for five years, _?7)He must have finished the work yesterday, _?8)The workers cant have finished their work yet, _?9)The workers cant have finished their work last night, _?arent didnt hasnt arent theywasnt hehasnt hedidnt hehave theydid they5、表必须: must / have to1) I

22、must learn another language.2) I have to be back before 10 oclock because the train is to leave at 10:05.3) Well have to buy another TV set.4) He has had to reconsider his position.5) She reminded me that I must be at the office by ten.6) Must we leave so early? Yes, you must. (No, you neednt=dont h

23、ave to)7) We mustnt think only of ourselves.8) We mustnt take the enemy lightly.Notes:I._.II._.III._.must 强调主观看法,表示主观上认为必须做某事have to强调客观需要,表示因客观环境或事态促使而不得不做 have to 有更多的时态用must, have to填空1) I _(not) go to see the doctor. Im feeling much better now.2) Im afraid you _do this. Its a rule of the college

24、.3) We _(not) forget that the children of today are the world leaders of tomorrow.4) They _ work twelve hours a day at that time.5) _ we finish the work today? Yes, you _. (No, you _)dont have tohave tomustnthad toMustmust needntwill (would)1)Ill give you anything you want. A man who wont work is no

25、t good. No matter how the enemy tortured him , he would not say a word.2)A drowning man will catch a straw. 快 淹 死 的 人 一 根 稻 草 也 要抓。 She will sit there for hours, waiting for her son to come home. Often when I passed the village, I would see them working in the fields.3)Would / will you do me a favou

26、r?4)The machine wont work. The door wont open. The window wouldnt open. 必须应该习惯倾向意志意愿命令、威胁、警告、许诺征求意见请求许可猜测其它willwouldshouldshallThe meanings of each modal verb.功能功能 notes:1)Will/ would 用于各种人称,表示意愿、意志、决心 will表示现在愿意,would表示过去愿意2)will 用于各种人称,表示倾向或习惯性动作,would 表示过去总是 3)will/would用于第二人称的疑问句,表示提出“请求, would不

27、是过去式而是语气比will更婉转些,客气些4)will/ would 还可用来表示主语所具有的功能,will指现在, would指过去shall1)Shall I turn on the light? / Shall we sit here? Shall he wait outside?2)If your children dont do as I tell you, they shant go to the party. The enemy shall not pass. You shall have the money as soon as I cash my check.一兑换支票3)P

28、ayment shall be made by cheque and the terms shall be as follows.可用支票支付,条件如下必须应该习惯倾向意志意愿命令、威胁、警告、许诺征求意见请求许可猜测其它willwouldshallThe meanings of each modal verb.功能功能规定notes: 1)用于第一,第三人称疑问句,表示征求对方的意见。 2)用于第二、第三人称表示说话人对听话人的威胁、命令、许诺或说话人的决心。 3)指条约、规律中规定用于各人称shall will would1._we invite the Whites to the par

29、ty?2.If he _, he may come.3. _you be so kind as to carry the box upstairs?4.If you dare do that, you _be punished.5. _you mind my sitting here?6.I try to open the door, but the key _(not) turn.7.I promise you _see them again before along.8.Tell me the truth, _?9.Let us have a rest, _?10.Lets turn to

30、 the teacher for help, _?11.She _come to see us when he was in Nanjing.12.Fish _die without water.ShallwillWill/WouldshallWill /Wouldwill notshall will youwill youshall wewouldwill必须应该习惯倾向意志意愿命令、威胁、警告、许诺征求意见请求许可猜测其它willwouldshallshould功能功能规定竟然should ought to1)How should we answer this letter? They s

31、hould be encouraged to put forward suggestions. As a Party member, you ought to take the lead.2)They should be there by now, I think. Mary took dancing lessons for years; she should be an excellent dancer.3) Its odd that you should mention him. Its surprising that they should leave without saying go

32、od-bye to us. notes: 1)表示应该、应当2)表示估计的情况 3)表示“竟然4)动词要考虑时态Since you have just recovered, you shouldnt be doing any heavy work.Its late. You shouldnt be working at the moment.The flowers are dead. I should have watered them more.You oughtnt to have spoken to them in that way. Now they take offence.Note

33、s:1)表示做了不该做的事或应该做却没做,用should (not)或ought(not) to +have done2)表示正在做不该做的事,或应该在做却不在做,用should (not) 或ought (not) to +be doing dare need1)I have to admit that we need further training. We need to be especially careful under such circumstances.2)Whose chair needs fixing / to be fixed.3)We must dare to thi

34、nk, speak up and act. They dont dare (to) make a sound.4)So you neednt hurry with the meeting. (不必急于开这个会 =(you dont need to hurry) Need you go so soon? Yes, I must. No, I neednt. (=Do you need to go so soon?)5)I darent ask you because I think I must be wrong. (=I dont dare to ask) Dare you go home a

35、lone? (=Do you dare to go home alone)notes: 1)need, dare作为行为动词可用于肯定句、否认句与问句中用法为sb. need sth./to do; sth. need doing/ to be done; sb. dare to do2)dare, need作为情态动词只用于否认句,问句及条件状语从句中练习2dare / need1.I wonder how he _to say that.2.He _(not) speak English before so many people.3.If he _do that again, Ill t

36、each him a lesson.4.You _(not) be angry with her, for she is very young.5.We have enough time. We _(not ) to be in such a hurry.daresdare notdareneedntdont need三、情态动词和完成时,进行时连用的情况:1.We could not have heard them because of the noise from the river. They may be working on the project now. His watch mu

37、st have stopped. I will go and call him.2.She shouldnt have left the hospital so soon, for she hadnt yet recovered. You ought to have refused her at the beginning, but now it is too late. You should be listening to me now. You shouldnt be sleeping in class.3.You neednt have watered the flowers, for

38、it is going to rain.4.He could have told her, but he didnt choose to. When she heard the news, she could have cried.s watch must have stopped. I will go and call him.2.She shouldnt have left the hospital so soon, for she hadnt yet recovered. You ought to have refused her at the beginning, but now it

39、 is too late. You should be listening to me now. You shouldnt be sleeping in class.3.You neednt have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.4.He could have told her, but he didnt choose to. When she heard the news, she could have cried.notes: 1.表猜测的情态动词后要考虑时态。2.should (not), ought (not) to 后要考

40、虑时态3.neednt have done表示做了不必做的事4.could have done表示“能够做而没做、“差点儿就要,可用来进行婉转的批评,常可译为“其实可以。 1.I didnt ask him. Its a pity. You _(ask) him.2.It is midnight now. You _(not stay) up so late.3.I _(not write) to John because he phoned me shortly afterwards.4.The streets are dry. It _(not rain) during the night

41、.5.I wanted a copy of the letter, so I typed it twice. -You _(not) it twice. You _(use) a carbon.should have askedshould not have stayedneednt have writtencant have rainedneednt have typedcould have used四、相当于情态动词的词、词组1.Wont you tell me more about your problem? No, I would rather not talk about it an

42、y more2.Since she is angry, we had better leave her alone.3.If that is the case, we may as well try it.4.I used not to like opera, but now Im getting interested.5.He is a selfless man. I cant help but respect him.6.They are supposed to arrive on the five oclock train.7.She may well refuse to speak t

43、o you.8.His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.9.I can not thank you too much.五、情态动词在虚拟语气中的使用1.People suggest that guns should be controlled.2.It is important that we should study English well.3.She quickened her pace in order that she could/ might catch the first bus.4.He took a taxi to the station so that she should not miss the train.5.Whoever he may be, he should obey the rules.



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