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2、哪种形式;对于介词应熟悉固定搭配及其后词形变换等细节;对于数词根据句意判定用基数还是用序数词。一、考察常用的词组或短语。各种各样的或者或者既不也不发生就坐别着急因而著名在途中散步在的末尾等待及时响起正在那时首先,第一迷路吵闹,喧哗上车allkindsofeitherorneithernortakeplacetakeaseattakeonestimebefamousforononeswaytotakeawalkattheendofwaitforintimejustthengoofffirstofallbe/getlostmakeanoisegetonbe surprised atbe angry

3、 withbe made ofbe made forbe famous forbe amazed atbe afraid ofbe fed up withbe worried aboutbe sorry forbe fast asleepbe able to1.The children had a good time in the zoo. But they _ the animals in the cages.2. I used to eat a lot of meat. But now I _ it.3. I _ the beautiful scenery in Xiamen. I rea

4、lly enjoyed myself when I was visiting the city. were sorry for am fed up with was amazed at 4. Han Mei was born in the year of snake. But she _ snakes.5. All of us _ the news that Miss Gao wont come to the evening party this Saturday.6. Please dont _ me if I dont go swimming with you. is afraid of

5、are surprised at be angry with be surprised atbe angry withbe made ofbe made forbe famous forbe amazed atbe afraid ofbe fed up withbe worried aboutbe sorry forbe fast asleepbe able to7. Look! The baby _.8. I found the dress which _ paper very strange.9. She said that she _ support her family since t

6、wo years ago.10. Mrs Green is ill in hospital. Everyone _ her. is fast asleep was made of had been able to is worried about be surprised atbe angry withbe made ofbe made forbe famous forbe amazed atbe afraid ofbe fed up withbe worried aboutbe sorry forbe fast asleepbe able to1.如果是陈述客观真理或事实时,则句子的时态则不

7、受限制,一律用一般现在时。1)-IsJimanEnglishboy?-No,He_(来自)Australia.(come)2)-oolongtea?Howdoyouspelltheword”oolong”?l-It_(以开始)double“o”.(begin)3)Soweshouldcatchthechancetodevelopourselvesatanearliertime.lI_(赞成)everywordyouvejustsaid.(agree)comes frombegins withagree with一、一、完成句子考点归纳:完成句子考点归纳:时态时态1)-Didyoubuyanyg

8、iftsthere?-Yes,wedidassoonaswe_(到达)theairport.(arrive)2)-DidyoutakeanynotesofMr.Zhangsspeech?-No.I_(睡着了)whilehewasspeaking.(fall)3)-Itseemsyourenotfeelingwellnow.l-Well,I_(熬夜)toolatelastnight.(stay)4)-Dontyouthinkyourillnessiscausedbylessoutdoorexercise?-Yes!I_(还真没有注意到)that!(pay)arrived atfell aslee

9、pstayed updidn t really pay attention to 1.如果主句是过去时,从句一般情况下时态必须是过如果主句是过去时,从句一般情况下时态必须是过去时去时,有过去时的时间状语也必须用过去时。有过去时的时间状语也必须用过去时。3.将来时,进行时与完成时。1)-TomandIaregoingtoJimmysbirthdaypartytomorrow.-Whoelse_(会参加)it?(take)2)-Wherewereyouatthreeoclockyesterdayafternoon?-We_(听音乐)atJimshouse.(listen)3)-Itsalready

10、fiveintheafternoonwithoutmyknowingit!l-Timeflieswhenyou_(玩得开心).(have)4)-Wedbettergoonthetripassoonaspossible.l-ButI_(还没做好准备)it.(get)will take part inwere listening to music havent got ready forare having fun二、二、完成句子考点归纳:被动语态被动语态。1)-CanIuseyournotebookcomputerforoneortwodays?-Sorry,it_(已拿走)bymyson.(t

11、ake)2)-Look!Ivechosensomanythingshere.l-Doyouknowalltheseshould_(付款)inUSdollars?(pay)3)-Look!Theresawalletlyingthere.l-Itshould_(交给)tothepolice.(hand)4)-Alotofkidslosttheirparentsduringthewar.l-Couldthey_(受到照顾)?(take)has been taken awaybe paid forbe handed inbe taken care of三、完成句子考点归纳:非谓语动词1)-Have t

12、hey gone already?l -Yes,but you still have time_l(赶上赶上)them.(catch)2)-I dare not go out on such a dark night.l-With me by your side ,theres nothing _(可怕的可怕的).(be)3) -They dont want to communicate with me.I dont know why.l-If you fail _( 与他人交友与他人交友 ),you should examine yourself.(make)to catch up with

13、to be afraid of to make friends with others四、完成句子考点归纳:从句及固定句型从句及固定句型1)-WasitLiuPingspeakingonthephone?l-Yes,sheasks_(我们是否已上演)thenewplay.(put)2)-Whydoparentssendtheirchildrentolearnsomanythings?l-Theydontwantto_(让他们落后)otherchildren.(fall)3)-itsimportantforchildrentodevelopgoodhabits.l-Andalsolearn_(如

14、何对付)thebadones.(deal)if we have put onlet them fall behindhow to deal with1)-Is there anything special in Jingzhou? l -It_ (因因闻名闻名)its ancient,unbroken city wall.(be)2)-I dont want to eat this kind of food.Its not wet enough.l -_(多加点水多加点水)it and youll find it delicious.(add)Is famous forAdd more wat

15、er to真题模拟真题模拟3)-Ive tired my best but Im still afraid I cant pass the exam.l-Its OK for that and you_(没必要太在意没必要太在意)the test.(care)4)-Mom,I want you to hold my hand.Im afraid of being lost.l-Arent you afraid_(嘲笑嘲笑)by others?(laugh)needn t care too much aboutof being laughed at5)-I dont know if she st

16、ill has any relations with Zhang Lin?l-Their relations _(破裂破裂)since they met last.(break)6)-How long it need to cook these potatoes?l-_(那得取决于那得取决于)the size of them.(depend) has broken downIt depends on7)-.He left without saying goodbye.l-It shows that he _( 还在生气还在生气 ) us. (be)8)-I wish to study musi

17、c and now Ive got it!l-Your dream _ ( 终于实现了终于实现了 ) . (come)9) -What do you think of his idea?l-It_( 与与我的完全不同我的完全不同 ).(be)is still angry withhas come true at lastis quite different from mine10)-In recent years China has changed a lot in economy( 经济经济 ).-Similar changes_ (也发生也发生)in India,Russia and Br

18、azil.(take) 11)-Sorry sir.I am late because I was blocked on the way.l-You _( 总是编总是编造造 )stories.(make)have also taken placeare always making up12)-I dont know why he always has enough time for work,as well as for play. -Because he_(善于)善于) planning his time.(be)13)-Sorry sir .I failed at long jump.l-It doesnt matter.You _(已已尽力了尽力了).(try) 14)-He has coughed badly for many years.What should he do?l-_(除非他戒掉除非他戒掉) smoking.(give)is good athave already tried your bestunless he gives up完成句子四步口诀:l中英结合找空缺,中英结合找空缺,l补全内容想考点,补全内容想考点,l注意时态和拼写,注意时态和拼写,l位置标点谨慎填。位置标点谨慎填。



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