Service Training 服务培训凯宾斯基

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《Service Training 服务培训凯宾斯基》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Service Training 服务培训凯宾斯基(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Service Training 服务培训服务培训Service Standards Kempinski HotelsFine European Traditions来自欧洲的最好的传统Kempinski, the oldest hotel chain in the world, was founded in Germany over one hundred years ago. Since then, Kempinski Hotels have reflected the finest traditions of authentic European hospitality. Represe

2、nted all over the world, Kempinski Hotels symbolize the highest standards wherever they are found.凯宾斯基集团是一家拥有100多年历史的,世界最古老的饭店集团,代表着来自欧洲的最好的酒店传统。直到现在,世界各地的凯宾斯基饭店还代表着酒店业的最高标准。 Service Standards Kempinski HotelsKempinski hotels are located in the worlds finest cities and resorts. The collection includ

3、es hotels in the grand manner, pace-setting modern establishments and older hotels of individual charm. Regardless of the diversty, all these hotels naturally blend into their surroundings and offer the luxurious accommodaton, superb cuisine and impeccable service that are synonymous with the world

4、Kempinski. 凯宾斯基管理公司在世界众多著名城市和旅游胜地都拥有不同风格的豪华凯宾斯基管理公司在世界众多著名城市和旅游胜地都拥有不同风格的豪华饭店。优美的环境,豪华的客房,美味的菜肴,无可媲美的设施,无可挑剔饭店。优美的环境,豪华的客房,美味的菜肴,无可媲美的设施,无可挑剔的服务是世界各地凯宾斯基饭店对客人最好的承诺。的服务是世界各地凯宾斯基饭店对客人最好的承诺。Argentina, Bulgaria, China, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Malta, Russian

5、 Federation, Republic du Mali, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Uruguay.阿根廷,保加利亚,中国,德国,英国,希腊,匈牙利,印度,意大利,约旦,科威特,马耳他,阿根廷,保加利亚,中国,德国,英国,希腊,匈牙利,印度,意大利,约旦,科威特,马耳他,俄国,马里,西班牙,瑞士,土耳其,阿拉伯和乌拉圭俄国,马里,西班牙,瑞士,土耳其,阿拉伯和乌拉圭Service Standards Kempinski HotelsStandards and Procedures标准和程序Service Sta

6、ndards Kempinski HotelsStandards Breakfast 早餐标准早餐标准nWas the guest greeted or acknowled immediately upon entering the Restaurant 当客人进入餐厅时,是否问候客人nWas the guest greeted in a friendly and pleasant manner 是否友好礼貌地问候客人nDid host ask if smoking or non smoking was preferred 是否礼貌地问客人是要吸烟区还是非吸烟区nDid the host se

7、at the guest at a fully laid table 咨客是否将客人领到布置好的餐桌nDid the host/waiter remove covers if necessary 咨客/服务员是否撤走多余的餐具nDid host offer orentation to breakfast procedure 咨客是否向客人介绍我们的自助餐Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid the waiter offer coffee or tea within 1 1 minuteminute of seating 服务员是否在客人入座后1 1分钟分

8、钟分钟分钟以内询问客人是否需要咖啡或茶nWas coffee served within 1 1 minuteminute and tea within 3 3 minutesminutes 咖啡是否在咖啡是否在1 1分钟分钟以内呈上,而茶以内呈上,而茶在在3 3分钟分钟以内以内nWere coffee/tea served in inidividual pots 是否用单独的器皿装咖啡或茶nWere fruit juices offered within one minuteone minute of seating 是否在客人入座1 1分钟分钟分钟分钟以内提供果汁nDid waiter r

9、eturn to take the order within 5 minutes5 minutes of seating 服务员是否在客人入座5 5分钟分钟分钟分钟以内点单nWere cooked items prepared a la carte and served promptly 当客人点单后,菜品是否能及时送到nWas the guest advised if the plate was hot 是否提醒客人盘子很烫nWas the order correct and complete 点单是否正确,完整nDid employee replace cutlery as require

10、d 服务员是否按要求及时更换餐具nWas coffee/tea repienished within 2 minutes2 minutes of cup being empty 当咖啡或茶饮完时,是否在2 2分钟分钟分钟分钟以内续杯Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid an employee visit the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory 是否有员工主动询问客人是否满意我们的服务nDid waiter replace ashtray as required 服务员

11、是否按要求更换烟灰缸nUpon leaving the restaurant was the guest thanked 当客人离开酒店时,服务员是否向客人致谢nWas the bill presented in a clean bill folder with hotel hotel penpen 帐单是否和干净的帐单夹以及酒酒酒酒店专用笔店专用笔店专用笔店专用笔一起呈上nWas the bill clearly itemized and correct 帐单是否清楚准确nDid waiter collect payment promptly 服务员是否迅速结帐nDid the waiter

12、 return correct change 服务员是否准确找零nIf cash payment, was receipt automatically offered 若客人用现金结帐,是否主动为客人提供发票Bill Presentation 呈递帐单呈递帐单Service Standards Kempinski HotelsThe employee 员工员工nWere all employees wearing clean, pressed and complete uniforms appropriate to the environment 所有员工是否着装整洁并符合酒店要求nWere

13、all employees well groomed, fresh and clean in appearance 是否所有的员工仪容仪表符合规范并精神抖擞nDid all employees in uniform wear name badges 是否所有的员工都佩戴名牌nDid all employees greet and assist guests 是否所有的员工都主动问候客人并为客人提供帮助nWere all employees alert and did they pay attention to detail 是否所有的员工保持高度警惕并注重细节nWere all employe

14、es efficient and professional in demeanour 是否所有的员工工作高效,专业Service Standards Kempinski HotelsProduct Buffet 布菲布菲nWas the buffet attractive in presentation 布菲台是否摆台美观nWere decorations and show pieces present 是否有装饰品和台卡n nWas there a desingnated Was there a desingnated employee to the buffet employee to t

15、he buffet (refillin, cleaning)(refillin, cleaning) 是否有指定员工负责布菲台的是否有指定员工负责布菲台的菜品添加及清洁情况菜品添加及清洁情况nWere cooling/refrigertion devices used were applicable 冰箱或其他制冷设备是否正常工作nWere any unidentifiable food or beverage items clearly labelled 不易辨认的菜品或饮料是否都有清晰的标识nWere labels clean 台卡是否干净Service Standards Kempins

16、ki HotelsnWere all dishes at least 1/3 full 是否所有的菜品都达到1/3满nWere warmed plates available 是否准备热盘nWere the appropriate service utensils clean and available 餐盘是否干净并充足nWas chef present behind the buffet 是否有厨师在布菲台服务nWas the chef well informed of buffet items 厨师是否对所有菜品了如指掌nDid chef inform guest if plate wa

17、s hot 如果餐盘很烫,厨师是否告知客人nWas the chef neatly presented in a clean and complete uniform 厨师是否穿戴整洁,符合要求nWas food served at the correct temperature 食物温度是否合适nWere protions of acceptable size 菜品是否分量适中nWas the food cooked as requested 食物是否按客人要求烹饪Service Standards Kempinski HotelsTable Layout 摆台摆台nWere all tab

18、les in the restaurant consistently laid up 是否所有的餐桌摆台一致nWere the table cloth, napkins, place mats clean and free of any stains 是否所有的台布,口布,台垫干净无污迹nWas correct cutlery used for the intended purpose 是否餐具摆设得当nWas the cutlery polished, clean and matching in pattern 是否所有的餐具都光亮,干净并搭配一致nWas crockery clean, u

19、nchipped and matching in plattern 所有的陶器是否干净,无缺口并搭配一致nWas the glassware clean, unchipped and matched in patter 是否所有的玻璃器皿干净,缺口并搭配一致nWere salt and pepper cruets availiable and if so were they clean and full 若提供盐瓶和胡椒瓶,是否干净并装满盐和胡椒nDid the sugar selection include white brown and sweetener 糖缸是否同时装有白糖,黄糖和健饴

20、糖Service Standards Kempinski HotelsStandards and Procedures forA LA CARTE SERVICE零点服务标准和程序零点服务标准和程序Service Standards Kempinski HotelsReservationReservation 预订预订nWas there a restaurant available to eat in 7 days a week for breakfast/lunch/ dinner 餐厅是否一周7天都可以提供早餐/午餐/晚餐nWas the telephonetelephone answe

21、red within 3 rings 是否在电话响三三声内接听nDid the employee exhibit telephone etiquette 员工是否使用标准的电话礼仪nDid employee obtain the guests nameguests name and use it at least once during the conversation 员工是否在电话里获取客人名字客人名字客人名字客人名字并在对话中至少使用一次nDid employee obtain number of peoplenumber of people dining 员工是否记下客人电话客人电话客

22、人电话客人电话Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid employee ascertain dining timedining time 员工是否向客人确定员工是否向客人确定用餐时间用餐时间用餐时间用餐时间nDid employee ascertain if the guest prefers smoking or smoking or non smokingnon smoking 员工是否向客人确定需要员工是否向客人确定需要吸烟区吸烟区吸烟区吸烟区还是还是非吸烟区非吸烟区非吸烟区非吸烟区nDid the employee repeat and confi

23、rm the detailsdetails 员工是否重复并确认用餐细节用餐细节用餐细节用餐细节guests name客人姓名客人姓名 number of people用餐人数用餐人数 dining time用餐时间用餐时间 smoking or non smoking吸烟区还是非吸烟区吸烟区还是非吸烟区nDid the employee thank the guest 员工是否向客人致谢致谢Service Standards Kempinski HotelsArrival Seating Arrival Seating 领位领位nWas the guest greeted or acknowl

24、edged immediately upon entering the restaurant 当客人来到餐厅时,员工是否主动当客人来到餐厅时,员工是否主动问候问候客人客人nWas the guest greeted in a friendly and pleasant manner 问候客人时是否始终友好礼貌问候客人时是否始终友好礼貌nDid host ask if smoking or non smoking was preferred 是否询问客人喜欢是否询问客人喜欢吸烟区吸烟区或或非吸烟区非吸烟区nDid host ask guest to follow him / her to the

25、 table 咨客是否请客人跟随她前往餐位咨客是否请客人跟随她前往餐位nDid the host seat the guest at a fully laid table 咨客是否将客人带到布置好的餐桌咨客是否将客人带到布置好的餐桌nDid the host / waiter remove covers if necessary 咨客咨客/服务员是否撤掉多余的餐具服务员是否撤掉多余的餐具Service Standards Kempinski HotelsService 服务服务nWas a premeal drink offered 是否服务开胃酒是否服务开胃酒nDid the host pr

26、esent the menu/wine list within 5 minutes to take the food order 咨客是否在咨客是否在5分钟分钟以内向客人呈上菜单以内向客人呈上菜单/酒水单并接受点单。酒水单并接受点单。nWas waiter able to answer any questions with regard to the menu and it ingredients 服务员是否能回答和菜品有关的任何问题包括它的配料服务员是否能回答和菜品有关的任何问题包括它的配料nDid the waiter thank the guest 服务员是否向客人服务员是否向客人致谢致

27、谢nDid the employee have good product knowledge with regard to the wines / beverages 员工是否具备足够的酒水知识员工是否具备足够的酒水知识Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWas wine/beverage served within 5 minutes of ordering 当客人点单后,是否在当客人点单后,是否在5分钟分钟以内提供酒水服务以内提供酒水服务nWere 3 types of bread/rolls and butter automatically served

28、 是否主动向客人提供是否主动向客人提供3种面包和黄油种面包和黄油nDid the waiter change cutlery to accompany order 服务员是否根据所点菜品及时更换匹配的餐具服务员是否根据所点菜品及时更换匹配的餐具nWas the correct starter/main course served to the appropriate guest without prompting 是否准确及时地向客人提供头盘是否准确及时地向客人提供头盘/主菜主菜nWere all appropriate condiments automatically offered 是否主

29、动向客人提供适当的调味品是否主动向客人提供适当的调味品Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWere condiments served in approriate containers 是否用适当的器皿装调味品是否用适当的器皿装调味品nIn the case of two people dining, were dishes served to both guests at the same time 若是若是2个客人在用餐个客人在用餐 ,是否同时向客人服务菜品,是否同时向客人服务菜品nWere all plated items served with as

30、little disruption to the guest as possible (from the right side if possible) 出菜时,是否尽量提高效率,勿让客人久等(尽量站在客人右边服务)出菜时,是否尽量提高效率,勿让客人久等(尽量站在客人右边服务)nWas plate crest positioned in either to six oclock or twelve position accordingly 菜品装饰物是否在菜品装饰物是否在6点或点或12点位置点位置nWas the order correct and complete 菜品是否和点单一致并齐全菜

31、品是否和点单一致并齐全Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid the waiter remove side plate, side knife, butter, salt and pepper and cruets on completion of main course 当主菜用完了,服务员是否将面包碟,黄油刀,黄油,盐,胡椒和其它当主菜用完了,服务员是否将面包碟,黄油刀,黄油,盐,胡椒和其它调味品撤走调味品撤走nDid the waiter crumb down the table (if appropriate) 服务员是否主动为客人清洁台面(在适当

32、的时候)服务员是否主动为客人清洁台面(在适当的时候)nDid the waiter automatically offer dessert 服务员是否主动服务甜品服务员是否主动服务甜品nDid waiter automatically offer coffee 服务员是否主动服务咖啡服务员是否主动服务咖啡nDid waiter offer the full range of coffee available 服务员是否主动向客人提供咖啡所需的其他东西服务员是否主动向客人提供咖啡所需的其他东西Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid waiter sugges

33、t post meal drinks 服务员是否向客人建议餐后酒服务员是否向客人建议餐后酒nDid the waiter visist the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory 服务员是否主动询问客人对我们的服务是否满意服务员是否主动询问客人对我们的服务是否满意nUpon leaving the restaurant was the guest thanked 当客人离开餐厅时,员工是否向客人当客人离开餐厅时,员工是否向客人致谢致谢Service Standards Kempinski HotelsWine

34、and Beverage service Wine and Beverage service 服务酒水和饮料服务酒水和饮料nDid the waiter present the wine to the guest (from the left side) 服务员是否向客人展示酒水(站在客人左边)服务员是否向客人展示酒水(站在客人左边)nDid the waiter open the wine in front of the guest 服务员是否当着客人的面打开酒瓶服务员是否当着客人的面打开酒瓶nWas the wine decanted when appropriate 倒酒时,是否动作轻缓

35、倒酒时,是否动作轻缓nDid the waiter pour a small amount of wine for host to sample 服务员是否先倒出一点酒给客人品尝服务员是否先倒出一点酒给客人品尝Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid the waiter top up the glass when empty 当酒杯里的酒还剩当酒杯里的酒还剩1/4时,服务员是否为客人续酒时,服务员是否为客人续酒nWas the beverage poured for the guest in the case of canned, bottled or m

36、ixed drinks 员工是否当着客人的面倒酒水,无论是瓶装饮料、听装饮料或混合饮员工是否当着客人的面倒酒水,无论是瓶装饮料、听装饮料或混合饮料料nIf initial drink empty, did the employee try to make eye contact with the guest in order to offer a refill 当第一杯酒水用完后,当第一杯酒水用完后, 员工是否关注客人需要续杯员工是否关注客人需要续杯nDid the waiter replace ashtray as required 服务员是否按要求更换烟灰缸服务员是否按要求更换烟灰缸Ser

37、vice Standards Kempinski HotelsSales 推销推销nDid the waiter attempt to up sell (i.g. recommend a starter or wine to accompany the meal) 服务员是否积极向客人推荐开胃菜或开胃酒等服务员是否积极向客人推荐开胃菜或开胃酒等nDid waiter automatically offer additional bottle of wine upon completion of the first 当客人用完第一瓶酒时,服务员是否主动向客人建议再点一瓶当客人用完第一瓶酒时,服务

38、员是否主动向客人建议再点一瓶nDid waiter automatically suggest mineral water with the meal 用餐时,服务员是否主动向客人建议喝矿泉水用餐时,服务员是否主动向客人建议喝矿泉水nIf no dessert was ordered, did waiter offer an alternative (i.e. sorbert/cheese course) 如果客人没有点甜品,服务员是否给客人推荐其他的(如冰糕,芝士类如果客人没有点甜品,服务员是否给客人推荐其他的(如冰糕,芝士类.)Service Standards Kempinski Hot

39、elsBill Presentation 呈递帐单呈递帐单nWas the bill presented in a clean bill folder with hotel pen 帐单是否和干净的帐单夹及酒店专用笔一起呈上帐单是否和干净的帐单夹及酒店专用笔一起呈上nWas the bill clearly itemized and correct 帐单是否清楚准确帐单是否清楚准确nDid waiter collect payment promptly 服务员是否迅速结帐服务员是否迅速结帐nDid the waiter return correct change 服务员是否准确找零服务员是否准

40、确找零nIf cash payment, was receipt automatically offered 若客人用现金结帐,是否主动为客人提供发票若客人用现金结帐,是否主动为客人提供发票Service Standards Kempinski HotelsThe employee 员工员工nWere all employees wearing clean, pressed and complete uniforms appropriate to the environment 是否所有的员工着装整洁,符合酒店要求nWere all employees well groomed, fresh

41、and clean in appearance 是否所有员工仪容仪表符合规范并精神抖擞nDid all empoyees in uniform wear name badges 是否所有员工配戴名牌nDid all employees exhibit a frendly manner and smile when interacting with guests and colleagues 当员工与客人、同事相处时,是否友好、和蔼nDid all employees greet and assist guests 员工是否主动问候客人并向客人提供帮助nWere all employees al

42、ert and did they pay attention to details 员工是否随时保持高度警惕,并关注细节nWere all employees efficient and professional in demeanour 是否所有员工工作高效、专业nDid the emplyee have a good working knowledge of the english language 员工是否具备相关的英文能力Service Standards Kempinski HotelsMenu and Food 菜单和菜品菜单和菜品nWas the menu clean and i

43、n good repair 菜单是否干净、完整nDid menu offer a selection of starters, salads, seafood dishes, meat and desserts 菜单是否提供各式开胃菜,沙拉,海鲜,肉食和甜品nWas at least one meat / poultry and one fish dish requiring table side service offered 菜单上是否有至少一类可提供餐桌边服务的肉食类菜品。nDid the restaurant menu offer at least 1 vegetarian and 1

44、 healthy option 菜单是否至少有一种素食或者其他有益健康的菜品nWas wine list extensive with a minimum of five wine producing countries present 酒水单上是否至少有5个国家的酒水Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWere there a minimum of 2 white and 2 red wines available by the glass 餐桌上是否至少有2个白酒杯和2个红酒杯nWas food served at the correct temperat

45、ure 在服务食物时,食物温度是否合适nWere portions of acceptable size 菜品份量是否可以适中nWas the food presented in an appealing manner (garnished) 菜品是否装饰美观nDid the food directly resemble its description from the restaurant menu 菜品是否和菜单上的描述一致nWas the food cooked as requested 食物是否按客人要求烹饪Service Standards Kempinski HotelsTable

46、 Layout 摆台摆台nWere all tables in the restaurant consistently laid up 餐厅里的所有餐桌是否摆台一致nWas the table colth and napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears 台布和口布是否干净、平整且无污迹无撕裂nWas correct cutlery used for the intended purpose 所摆餐具是否和使用时间一致nWas the cutlery polished, clean and matching in pattern 是否

47、所有的餐具都擦拭光亮、干净并搭配一致Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWas crockery clean, unchipped and matching in pattern 所有陶器是否干净,无缺口并且搭配一致nWas glassware clean, unchipped and matching in pattern 所有的玻璃器皿是否干净,缺口并且搭配一致nWas ice bucket clean and polished 冰桶是否干净、光亮nWas the butter rolled/cut and fresh 黄油是否切好并且新鲜nWas a f

48、resh floral decoration present 是否摆放鲜花Service Standards Kempinski HotelsPhysical condition of Restaurant 餐厅硬件餐厅硬件nWas the restaurant well maintained 餐厅是否很好地维护nWere all light fixtures fully illuminated and adjusted to reflect the service period 餐厅里所有的灯具是否正常工作并调试的适合酒店环境nWere all windows and mirrors pol

49、ished and free of any smudges 餐厅里的所有玻璃窗和镜子是否光亮无污迹nWere all plant and floral decrations fresh 所有的植物和花束是否新鲜nWere side stations clean at all times 工作台是否整洁nWas the furniture in good repair 餐厅里的所有家具是否完好nWas restaurant free of any noise from the kitchen 餐厅与厨房之间是否隔音Service Standards Kempinski HotelsAmbianc

50、e 气氛气氛nWas the service unrushed 服务是否有条不紊nDid the guest feel welcome and well consulted 员工是否让客人感到宾至如归nWas the ambiance inviting and comfortable 餐厅气氛是否高雅、舒适nDid the guest have a memorable and elegant dining experience 是否给客人留下深刻的、难以忘怀的就餐体验Service Standards Kempinski HotelsLight Meals晚餐晚餐Service Standar

51、ds Kempinski HotelsStandards Service 服务标准服务标准nWas guest acknowledged immediately on arrival 当客人到餐厅时 ,员工是否立即立即问候客人nDid employee greet guest in a pleasant and friendly manner 员工问候客人时是否始终友好礼貌nDid employee present menus 员工是否即时向客人呈上菜单nWas the guests drinks order taken upon seating 当客人坐下时,员工是否向客人呈上饮料单nWas

52、 drinks order served within 5 minutes of order 是否在5分钟以内给客人服务饮料nWere drinks served on a tray 服务酒水饮料时,是否使用托盘nWas the drinks order correct 确定点单是否正确Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnDid the waiter handle glassware by the stem and base of glass at all times 服务员在拿酒杯时是否一直握着杯颈和杯底nDid waiter pour drink in t

53、he case of bottled, canned or mixed drinks 员工是否当着客人的面倒酒水,无论是瓶装饮料、听装饮料或混合饮料nDid employee have good product knowledge with regard to the menu 员工是否具备相关的酒水知识nDid waiter obtain full and complete orders 员工填单时,是否详细完整nDid waiter try to up sell with order 服务员是否极力推销其他酒水nDid waiter bring approdpriate cutlery a

54、s per order 服务员是否根据客人点单内容,配上恰当的餐具Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWas light meal served within 15 minutes of order 晚餐是否在点单后15分钟以内准备妥单nWere all plated items served with as little disruption to the guest as possible (from the right wherever possible) 出菜时,是否尽量提高效率,勿让客人久等(尽量站在客人右边服务)nWere all appropri

55、ate condiments automatically offered 是否提供了所有应配备的调味品nWere condiments served in appropriate containers 是否用恰当的器皿装调味品nIf initial drink empty, did the employee try to make eye contact with the guest in order to offer a refill 当酒水饮用完后,是否有员工主动关注客人是否需要续杯nDid waiter automatically offer coffee 员工是否主动提供咖啡nDid

56、the sugar selection include (5)white, (3)brown and (3)sweetener 糖缸里是否有白糖,黄糖和健饴糖Service Standards Kempinski HotelsMenu and foodMenu and food 菜单和菜品菜单和菜品nWas the menu varied in content and offer local dishes 菜单是否品种繁多并具有当地特色菜nWas food served at the correct temperature 食物温度是否合适nWere portions of acceptabl

57、e size 分量是否适中nWas the food cooked as requested 食物是否按照客人要求烹调Service Standards Kempinski HotelsTable layout 摆台摆台nWere all tables in the lounge consistently laid up with a floral, silver or china decoration 所有的餐桌是否具备鲜花,银器和陶器nWas the cutlery polished, clean and matching in pattern 所有的餐具是否光亮,干净并搭配一致nWas

58、crockery clean, free of chips and matching in pattern 所有的陶器是否干净,无缺口并搭配一致nWas glassware clean, unchipped and matching in pattern 所有的玻璃器皿是否干净,无缺口并搭配一致nWas a napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains 所有的口布是否干净,平整并无污迹nIf salt and pepper cruets provided were they clean and full 若提供盐瓶和胡椒瓶,是否干净并装满盐和胡椒Se

59、rvice Standards Kempinski HotelsPhysical condition of menue硬件设施硬件设施nWas the restaurant lounge well maintained 餐厅是否维护完好nWere all light fixtures fully illuminated 所有的灯具是否正常工作nWere all windows and mirrors polished and free of any smudges 所有的窗户和镜子是否干净无任何污迹nWere all plant and floral decorations fresh 所有植

60、物和插花是否新鲜nWas the tabletop impeccable and free of fings or stains 所有的桌面是否无瑕疵,并干净,无指印,无污迹Service Standards Kempinski HotelsAmbiance 气氛气氛nWas the service unrushed 我们的服务是否有条不紊nWas the lounge area inviting and comfortable 餐厅区域是否高雅、舒适nDid waiter replace ashtray as required 服务员是否按要求及时更换烟缸nDid an employee v

61、isit the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory 是否有员工主动询问客人是否满意我们的服务nUpon leaving did the employee thank the guest 当客人离开时,员工是否向客人致谢Service Standards Kempinski HotelsBill presentation 呈递帐单呈递帐单nWas the bill presented in a clean bill folder with hotel pen 帐单是否和干净的帐单夹,酒店专用笔一起呈上nWas

62、the bill clearly itemized and correct 帐单是否清楚准确nDid waiter collect payment promptly 服务员是否迅速结帐nDid the waiter return correct change 服务员是否准确找零nIf cash payment, was receipt automatically offered 若客人用现金结帐,是否主动为客人提供发票Service Standards Kempinski HotelsThe employee 员工员工nWere all amployees wearing clean, pre

63、ssed and complete uniforms appropriate to the environment 是否所有的员工着装整洁,符合酒店要求nWere all employees well groomed, fresh and clean in appearance 是否所有员工仪容仪表符合规范并精神抖擞nDid all employees in uniform wear name badges 员工是否佩戴名牌nDid all employees exhibit a friendly manner and smile when interacting with guests an

64、d colleagues 当员工与客人、同事相处时,是否友好、和蔼nDid all employees greet and assist guests 是否所有的员工都能主动问候并为客人提供帮助nWere all employees alert and did they pay attention to detail 员工是否随时保持高度警惕,并关注细节nWere all employees efficient and professional in demeanour 是否所有员工工作高效、专业Service Standards Kempinski HotelsDrinks Service酒

65、水服务酒水服务Service Standards Kempinski HotelsStandards Service服务标准服务标准nWas there a bar open 7 days a week 酒吧是否每天都营业nWas guest acknowledged immediately upon arrival 当客人到餐厅时,员工是否及时问候客人nDid employee greet guest in a pleasant and friendly manner 员工问候客人时是否始终保持礼貌友好nDid the employee show good product knowledge

66、 when taking the order 当员工点单时,是否具备相关的知识nDid the waiter ask if guest would like ice in his drink (if applicable) 服务员是否主动问客人是否需要在酒水里加冰(如果可以加冰)Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWere all drinks served from a tray 是否所有酒水都是通过托盘服务nIf wine by the glass is ordered, did the waiter present the bottle to the g

67、uest and pour directly from the bottle 如果客人是零点酒水 ,服务员是否给客人展示整瓶酒并当着客人的面斟酒nDid waiter handle glass from stern or base at all time 服务员拿杯子的时候是否一直拿着杯颈或杯底nDid waiter supply and place drinks on coaster 服务员是否将杯垫垫在酒杯下面nDid waiter pour drink in front of the guest, in the case of bottled, canned or mixed drink

68、s 员工是否当着客人的面倒酒水,无论是瓶装饮料、听装饮料或是混合饮料Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWere the drinks served in the correct glassware 在服务酒水时,是否使用相应的酒杯nWere glasses clean, polished and free of any cracks or chips 酒杯是否干净、光亮且无缺口无破损nWas the drink appropriately chilled 酒水是否适当地冰镇nIn the case of a mixed drink, was a stir s

69、tick provided 若是服务混合饮料,是否提供搅棒nDid waiter automatecally offer snacks 服务员是否主动提供小吃nWas the dry snack bowl full 小吃盘里是否有足够的小吃nDid waiter supply serviettes with dry snacks 当服务小吃时,是否提供餐巾Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnIn the case of shelled nuts or olives, was a pit bowl provided 当服务坚果或橄榄时,是否使用较深的碗nWere

70、 vacated tables promptly cleared 当餐桌空出来后,是否及时翻台nIf initial drink empty, did the employee try to make eye contact with the guest in order to offer a refill 当第一杯酒水用完后, 员工是否关注客人需要续杯nWas a barman or waiter visible at all times 是否一直有吧员或者服务员在旁边为客人服务nDid waiter replace ashtray as required 服务员是否按照要求更换烟灰缸nUp

71、on leaving the lounge did the employee thank the guest 当客人离开时,员工是否向客人致谢Service Standards Kempinski HotelsBill Presentation 呈递帐单呈递帐单nWas the bill presented in a clean bill folder with hotel pen 帐单是否和干净的帐单夹以及酒店专用笔一起呈上nWas the bill clearly itemized and correct 帐单是否清楚准确nDid waiter collect payment prompt

72、ly 服务员是否迅速结帐nDid the waiter return correct change 服务员是否准确找零nIf cash payment, was receipt automatically offered 若客人用现金结帐,是否主动为客人提供发票Service Standards Kempinski HotelsEmployee 员工员工nWere all employees wearing clean, pressed and complete uniforms appropriate to the enviroment 是否所有的员工着装整洁,符合酒店要求nWere all

73、 employees well groomed, fresh and clean in appearance 是否所有员工仪容仪表符合酒店规范并精神抖擞nDid all employees in uniform wear name badges 员工是否佩戴名牌nDid all employees exhibit a friendly manner and smile when interacting with guests and colleagues 当员工与客人、同事相处时,是否友好、和蔼nDid all employees greet and assist guests 是否所有的员工

74、都主动问候并为客人提供帮助nWere all employees alert and did they pay attention to detail 员工是否随时保持高度警惕,并关注细节nWere all employees efficient and professional in demeanour 是否所有员工工作高效、专业Service Standards Kempinski HotelsPhysical condition of BarPhysical condition of Bar酒吧硬件酒吧硬件nWas the bar / lounge well maintained 酒吧是

75、否维护完好nWere all light fixtures fully illuminated 所有的照明设施是否正常工作nWere all windows and mirrors polished and free of any smudges 所有的玻璃窗和镜子是否光亮无污迹nWere all plant and floral decorations fresh 所有的植物和花束是否新鲜Service Standards Kempinski HotelsnWas the bar counter clean, dry and free of any debris 吧台是否干净、无水、无碎片n

76、Were all brand bottles prominently dispayed, free of any dust with labels facing forward 所有的品牌酒是否显著地陈列在展示柜里,干净无灰尘且商标正对客人nDid the bar menu include a variety of bar snacks 酒水单里是否包括各式随酒小吃nWas there a humidor with a selection of cigars and cigarillos 是否有装有各式雪茄的雪茄盒nWas live musical entertainment offered in the evening 晚上是否提供轻音乐Service Standards Kempinski HotelsAmianceAmiance 气氛气氛nWas the service unrushed 服务是否有条不紊nWas the lunge bar area inviting and cormfortable 酒吧里是否环境优雅舒适Service Standards Kempinski HotelsThank you谢谢 Service Standards Kempinski Hotels



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