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1、边防检查法律法规v中国出入境边防检查法律法规:中国出入境边防检查法律法规:vRegulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Exit and Entry Frontier Inspectionv第二章第二章 人员的检查和管理人员的检查和管理vChapter II Inspection and Control of Persons边防检查法律法规v第七条第七条 出境、入境的人员必须按照规定填写出境、入出境、入境的人员必须按照规定填写出境、入境登记卡,向边防检查站交验本人的有效护照或者其他境登记卡,向边防检查站交验本人的有效护照或者其他出境、入境证件

2、(以下简称出境、入境证件),经查验出境、入境证件(以下简称出境、入境证件),经查验核准后,方可出境、入境。核准后,方可出境、入境。vArticle 7 For exit from or entry into China, persons shall fill in arrival or departure cards in accordance with the relevant regulations and present to the frontier inspection stations for examination their valid passports or their e

3、xit or entry documents (hereinafter referred to as exit-entry documents); they may leave or enter the country after the frontier inspection stations have examined and approved their documents.边防检查法律法规v第八章出境、入境的人员有下列情形之一的,边防检查站有权阻第八章出境、入境的人员有下列情形之一的,边防检查站有权阻止其出境、入境:止其出境、入境:v(一)未持出境、入境证件的;(一)未持出境、入境证件


5、人员有前款第(三)项、第(四)项或者中国公民有前款第(七)项、第(八)项所列情形之一的,边防检查站可有前款第(七)项、第(八)项所列情形之一的,边防检查站可以扣留或者收缴其出境、入境证件。以扣留或者收缴其出境、入境证件。边防检查法律法规vArticle 8 The frontier inspection stations have the power to forbid persons belonging to any of the following categories to leave or enter the country:v(1) failing to hold exit-entr

6、y documents;v(2) holding and using invalid exit-entry documents;v(3) holding and using exit-entry documents other than their own;v(4) holding and using forged or altered exit-entry documents; v(5) refusing to accept frontier inspection;边防检查法律法规v(6) failing to pass through the ports as designated; v(

7、7) being forbidden to leave or enter the country under the notice of the public security department or the state security department of the State Council; orv(8) being forbidden to leave or enter the country in accordance with laws and administrative regulations.vThe frontier inspection station may

8、detain or confiscate the exit-entry documents of the persons defined in the item(3) or (4) above or of the Chinese citizens defined in the item(7) or(8) above边防检查法律法规v第五章第五章 处罚处罚v第三十一条第三十一条 对违反本条例规定的处罚,由边防检查站对违反本条例规定的处罚,由边防检查站执行。执行。v第三十二条第三十二条 出、入境的人员有下列情形之一的,处以出、入境的人员有下列情形之一的,处以550元以上元以上2000元以下的罚款或

9、者依照有关法律、行政元以下的罚款或者依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处以拘留:法规的规定处以拘留:v(一)未持出境、入境证件的;(一)未持出境、入境证件的;v(二)持用无效出境、入境证件的;(二)持用无效出境、入境证件的;v(三)持用他人出境、入境证件的;(三)持用他人出境、入境证件的;v(四)持用伪造或者涂改的出境、入境证件的。(四)持用伪造或者涂改的出境、入境证件的。边防检查法律法规vChapter V PenaltiesvArticle 31 Penalties for any contravention of these Regulations shall be ruled by fron

10、tier inspection stations.vArticle 32 Any person leaving or entering the country who is under any of the following circumstances shall be fined 500 to 2000 Yuan or detained in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations:边防检查法律法规v(1) failing to hold exit-entry documents; v(2) holding

11、and using invalid exit-entry documents;v(3) holding and using exit-entry documents other than his own;v(4) holding and using forged or altered exit-entry documents.边防检查法律法规v第三十三条第三十三条 协助他人非法出境、入境,情节轻微尚不协助他人非法出境、入境,情节轻微尚不构成犯罪的,处以构成犯罪的,处以2000元以上元以上10000元以下的罚款,有元以下的罚款,有非法所得的,没收非法所得。非法所得的,没收非法所得。vArticl

12、e 33 Any person who assists other persons to illegally leave or enter the country shall be fined 2000 to 10000 Yuan if the circumstances of the case are not serious enough to constitute a crime; and the illegal income, if any, shall be confiscated.边防检查法律法规v第三十四条第三十四条 未经批准携带或者托运枪支、弹药出境、未经批准携带或者托运枪支、弹

13、药出境、入境的,没收其枪支、弹药,并处以入境的,没收其枪支、弹药,并处以1000元以上元以上5000元以下的罚款。元以下的罚款。vArticle 34 Any person who carries or consigns firearms or ammunition out of or into the country without approval shall be fined 1000 to 5000 Yuan with all the firearms and ammunition confiscated.边防检查法律法规v第三十五条第三十五条 有下列情形之一的,处以警告或者有下列情形

14、之一的,处以警告或者500元以元以下罚款:下罚款:v(一)未经批准进入口岸的限定区域或者进入后不服从(一)未经批准进入口岸的限定区域或者进入后不服从管理,扰乱口岸管理秩序的;管理,扰乱口岸管理秩序的;v(二)污辱边防检查人员的;(二)污辱边防检查人员的;v(三)未经批准或者未按照规定登陆、住宿的。(三)未经批准或者未按照规定登陆、住宿的。边防检查法律法规vArticle 35 Any person who is under any of the following circumstances shall be given a warning or punished with a fine no

15、t exceeding 500 Yuan:v(1) entering restricted areas in ports without permission or after his entry, disobeying administration or disturbing the port administration order; v(2) insulting frontier inspectors; orv(3) landing or lodging without permission or not in compliance with relevant regulations.边

16、防检查法律法规v第四十条第四十条 边防检查站执行罚没款处罚,应当向被处罚边防检查站执行罚没款处罚,应当向被处罚人出具收据。罚没款应当按照规定上缴国库。人出具收据。罚没款应当按照规定上缴国库。vArticle 40 The frontier inspection stations shall furnish the penalized person with a receipt upon receiving the fine. The fine and money confiscated shall be turned over to the state treasury according t

17、o regulations.边防检查法律法规v第四十一条第四十一条 出境、入境的人员违反本条例的规定,构出境、入境的人员违反本条例的规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。vArticle 41 Any person leaving or entering the country who has violated the provisions of these Regulations, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the circumstances of the ca

18、se are serious enough to constitute a crime.边防检查法律法规v第四十二条第四十二条 被处罚人对边防检查站作出的处罚决定不被处罚人对边防检查站作出的处罚决定不服的,可以自接到处罚决定书之日起服的,可以自接到处罚决定书之日起15日内,向边防检日内,向边防检查站所在地的县级公安机关申请复议;有关县级公安机查站所在地的县级公安机关申请复议;有关县级公安机关应当自接到复议申请书之日起关应当自接到复议申请书之日起15日内作出复议决定;日内作出复议决定;被处罚人对复议决定不服的,可以自接到复议决定书之被处罚人对复议决定不服的,可以自接到复议决定书之日起日起15日内

19、,向人民法院提起诉讼。日内,向人民法院提起诉讼。边防检查法律法规vArticle 42 If a person refuses to accept the penalty decision made by a frontier inspection station, he may, within 15 days from his receipt of the penalty decision, apply for reconsideration to the public security organ of the county level in the locality of the fro

20、ntier inspection station. The public security organ of the county level concerned shall, within 15 days from his receipt of the application for reconsideration, make a reconsideration decision. If a person refuses to accept the reconsideration decision, he may, within 15 days from his receipt of the reconsideration decision, bring a suit to the peoples court.边防检查法律法规



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