英语旧人教高中第一册上 Uni1 Good friendsListening(ppt)

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1、Unit 1ListeningDid you ever argue with your friend(s)? What happened? What was the result?Pre-listening Can you tell me some of the common problems among teenagers? Some of the common problems include forgetting friends birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends secrets and so on. What do y

2、ou usually do to solve them? Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness.Useful expressionsSituation 1: late for football practiceSituation 2: forget to tell you, without asking, not return things on timeSituation 3: I think its broken1. What are they arguing abou

3、t? 2. What do you think they should do to solve their problems? Situation 1:Situation 1:I think Peter should try to get there on time next time.Situation 2:Situation 2:I think Ann should ask for permission first if she wants to borrow something from others and she should return things in time. Situa

4、tion 3:Situation 3: I think Adam can ask his uncle to mend it and he should be more careful with borrowed things.B: Uh, Im sorry, Jim. Whats the big deal? So Im a few minutes late, what difference does it make?A: What difference does it make? We have to wait for you. Look, everybody is here and read

5、y to play. We dont like waiting for you. Please try to be on time in the future.B: OK, I will try.A: Hi, Ann. Have you seen my calculator?B: Hi, Mary. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I needed a calculator yesterday and I borrowed yours. I hope you dont mind.Situation 2A: What? You borrowed my calculator w

6、ithout asking? How could you do that? You always do this, borrowing things from me without asking. And then you dont return things on time either.B: Im sorry. I didnt know you were so upset about it.A: Hi, John.B: Hi, Adam. Hows it going?A: Pretty good. I have something I need to tell you.B: Ok, wha

7、ts up?A: Well, you know I borrowed your CD player yesterday.Situation 3 B: Yes? A: Well, un, I think its broken. B: What? Broken! What happened? A: I didnt do anything. I was just listening to some music when suddenly it stopped. I cant make it play again. B: Hm, thats strange. Ive never had any pro

8、blems with it before. Are you sure you didnt do anything to it? A: Yeah, I just listened do it. But dont worry. Ill ask my uncle to fix it when he comes back. 1. Problem:Friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about something difficult.Solution: Try to understand your friend.Try to t

9、alk about the problem in a different way. Listening on P852. Problem:Friends dont know how to apologize.Solution:Start by telling each other that you are sorry and take it from there. A simple apology is often enough.3. Problem:Some friends dont know how to keep secrets.Solution:Keep your secrets to

10、 yourself. common problem between friends is that they dont know how to talk to each other about difficult things. When they do talk, they often get mad with each other. What can they do? Well, it takes time to learn how to communicate well, and it is important to understand why a friend gets angry

11、with you when you say something. If you know what it is that makes your friend angry, then you can try to talk about the problem in a different way.Another problem that many friendshave to deal with is what to do afterone of them gets angry or upset. If friends get angry with each otherand say somet

12、hing bad because theyare angry, they often find it difficult toapologize after the quarrel. The best way to apologize after aquarrel is simply to start by tellingeach other that you are sorry andthen go from there. A simple apology is often enoughand is a good starting point. What about friends who

13、cant keep asecret? Sometimes it seems impossible to keepa secret from becoming a rumor thateveryone knows. Shouldnt a goodfriend be able to keep a secret? Perhaps, but it is not always thateasy to keep a secret, and telling asecret to someone will often putthem in a difficult situation-theymay have to lie to other friends tokeep the secret. The best way to make sure thata secret doesnt become a rumoris simply to keep it to yourself dont tell anyone. Homework: Preview “Chucks friend” and finish p3 pre-reading Exercise.



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