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1、Problems and advice Unit 4ReadingWords reviewonlinemodeldietthoughawfulregretashamedsituationadj. 在线的在线的n. 模特儿模特儿n. 规定饮食规定饮食conj. 虽然;尽管虽然;尽管adj. 很坏的;极讨厌的很坏的;极讨厌的v. 懊悔懊悔adj. 惭愧;羞愧惭愧;羞愧n. 情况;状况情况;状况braceshateadvantageembarrassedsuggestmadmessannoyingn. (儿童儿童)牙箍牙箍v. 厌恶;憎恶厌恶;憎恶n. 优势优势adj. 窘迫的;尴尬的窘迫的;尴尬的

2、v. 建议;提议建议;提议adj. 很生气;气愤很生气;气愤n. 杂乱;不整洁杂乱;不整洁adj. 使恼怒的;使恼怒的; 使生气的使生气的Words reviewWords review(be) on a dietlaugh atfeel ashamed ofdrive sb. madmake a mess嘲笑;讥笑嘲笑;讥笑搞得一塌糊涂搞得一塌糊涂让某人接受不了让某人接受不了节食节食对对感到惭愧感到惭愧ObjectivesTo talk about how to give advice to your classmatesTo learn the problems of four teena

3、gersTo learn to use some words and expressionsWords:model, diet, though, awful, regret, ashamed, situation, hate, advantage, embarrassed, suggest, mad, mess, annoyingPhrases & expressions:ask for advice/help call the policetake to the hospital (be) on a dietfeel ashamed of laugh atshare sth. with sb

4、. drive sb. madhave a habit of make a messhave a fight with (be) full of energy(be) annoyed with Patterns:1.It was awful of them to laugh at her, and I regret not saying anything.2. What should I do in this situation?3. I dont see any advantage in 4. What do you suggest?5. She has a habit of playing

5、 the piano when Im studying.6. What should I do?Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.1. What are Hi and Lo talking about?2. What does Hi think of his uncle? Why?They are talking about His uncles problem.He thinks that his uncles big body is a good thing because when he leaves his seat, two p

6、eople can sit down.What would you do ifYou are late for school one morning.You find one of your classmates sick with fever. Two of your friends quarrel.You break a window of your classroom.You happen to see a thief running out of your neighbors house.And if you see this woman Your mum blames you bec

7、ause of your poor grade (坏成绩坏成绩). 1234Call the police.Take him to the hospital.Give it to the police.Offer to help carry her bags.Call the police. Give it to the police. Offer to help carry her bags. Take him to the hospital.What would you do in the following situations? Discuss the pictures with yo

8、ur classmates. Then write the correct piece of advice under each picture. (P 50)Discussion1. Have you ever met a problem and had difficulty dealing with it by yourself?2. If you do not know how to deal with a problem, who do you turn to for help?3. Why do you turn to that person for help?4. Have you

9、 ever done anything that you regret? If so, have you thought of doing anything to make up for it?Agony aunts In 1691, John Dutton in England had a problem, but he had no one to ask for advice. He thought that other people might be in a similar situation, so he began his own newspaper to give people

10、advice. Soon many people started similar newspapers. Other newspapers also started to have advice columns. By 1740, however, most of the people giving advice were women. Today we call a person giving advice to readers in a newspaper or magazine an agony “aunt”.Look at the introduction, the title and

11、 the names of the four teenagers on page 51. Then answer the questions.Where can you find the passage? Who is Aunt Linda?What are the names of the four teenagers? Anna, Peter, Simon and Julie.On the Internet.She writes for the advice page of an online newspaper./She is an editor of an online newspap

12、er.1. Anna is worried about _. a. her cousin b. her sister c. her friend2. Peter was with his _ yesterday. a. classmates b. friends c. relatives3. Simon has probably got some problems with his _. a. teeth b. feet c. heart4. Julie probably feels _. a. nervous b. excited c. unhappyLook at the first se

13、ntence of each Internet post on page 51. Then choose the correct answers. (P 50)Her friend Jolin is getting too thin but she is still on a diet.A woman was sick lying in the street. He wanted to help her but was stopped by his friends. He has started wearing braces and is laughed at by his friends.S

14、he has to share a room with her younger sister, but she has difficulty getting along with her .Anna:Peter: Simon: Julie:Skim the four posts and say what problem each student has.Read the four stories carefully and answer the questions. 1. Why is Julie always on a diet?2. Whats Annas attitude about J

15、olin?3. Why did Anna write this post?Because she wants to be a model and she thinks shes fat.Shes worried about her.Because Anna needs advice on what she can do to help Jolin.Anna 1.What did Peter see in the street yesterday?2. Whats the attitude of Peters friends towards the sick lady?3. What did P

16、eter think of the activities of his friends? Did he help the lady at last? They made jokes about her and laughed.He saw a sick lady lying in the street. He thought it was awful to laugh at her. But he didnt help the lady at last.Peter 1.Why does Simon hate the braces?2. Is there any advantage in wea

17、ring braces? Whats your advice for Simon?1) His friends all laugh at him and say bad things about him;2) He feels embarrassed when he smiles or opens his mouth;3) The braces hurt his teeth and its difficult for him to eat.Yes. It will make his teeth more straight and more beautiful.I think hed bette

18、r go on wearing the braces.Simon 1.Whats the habit of Julies sister?2. How does Julie feel when she lives with her sister?3. Does Julie love her sister?4. How old is Julies sister?5. Whats your advice for Julie?She has a habit of playing the piano when Julie is studying.Her sister is driving her mad

19、.Julie Yes, she loves her sister.She is seven years old.Calm down and have a talk with her sister.Who WhatWhyAnna Worried about her friend JolinJolin is _Peter Ashamed of _His friends laughed at _ _. He _, but his friends told him not to.Simon Embarrassed about _His friends _.Julie Annoyed with her

20、sisterHer sister is noisy. She takes her things _, and she always _. always on a diet and is getting too thin.himselflady lying in the streetwanted to help herhis bracesand say bad things about himall laugh at himwithout telling hermakes thea sickroom a mess Read the Internet posts again and complet

21、e the table below. (P 53)D21. Jill likes wearing new clothes. She wants to be a _ when she grows up. (a person with a job to wear and show new clothes) 2. Cindy had a fight with her mum, and she _ it soon after. (feel sorry about doing something)3. Bob _ coffee. He never drinks it. (really do not li

22、ke)4. We talked about the problem and Tim _ doing some research first. (put forward an idea or a plan)5. Peters neighbour is making a lot of noise at night. He is driving Peters family _. (very angry)modelregrettedhatessuggestedmad The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 51.

23、Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary. (P 52)C1Paul: Hey Joe, why do people write to Aunt Linda?Joe: Because many people have _ problems. However, sometimes they _ talking to friends or parents, so they write to Aunt Linda. She _ ways to help them. People are us

24、ually happy to get her advice.Joe: Whats your problem? Maybe I can help you.Paul: Its about my elder sister. She wants to lose weight. Now shes _. She doesnt eat much all day. She used to be full of energy, but now shes always tired, and her room is a _. Im worried about her.awfulfeel ashamed ofsugg

25、estson a dietmess Complete the conversation below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. (P 52)C2awful mess suggestfeel ashamed of on a diet1.She often plays the piano when her elder sister is studying.2. She made Simon wear braces.3. She has many photos of thin models.Julies

26、seven-year-old sister. Simons mother. Annas friend Jolin. Read the Internet posts on page 51. Which person does each sentence describe? Write in the blanks. (P 53)D11. Why did not Peter stop his friends? Have you had a similar experience?2. Do you think Simon needs braces? Why or why not?3. Do you l

27、ike sharing a room with others? Why or why not?Because he was so shy and he was afraid that his friend would laugh at him. Yes. The braces will make his teeth more beautiful in the future. No. Everybody has his own living habit. It isnt convenient to live together. Discuss and answer the questions b

28、elow with your classmates. (P 53)D3Fill in the blanks to retell the text.Anna is _ her friend Jolin. Shes thin but is always _. Thats because she wants to be a model. Now shes _ too thin. Peter _ with a group of friends yesterday. They saw a sick lady _ in the street. His friends _ her and laughed.

29、Peter thought it was _ to _ her but he didnt _. He feels _ himself.worried abouton a dietgettingwent out lyingmade jokes about awfullaugh atsay anythingashamed ofSimon _ his braces. His friends all laugh at him and _ about him. He feels _ when he smiles and opens his mouth. The braces hurt his teeth

30、 and its _ for him to eat. He thinks it was a _ to wear the ugly braces.Julie has to _ with her little sister. But her sister is always playing the piano _ Julie is studying and she always takes Julies things _ telling her. And she always makes the room _. She is so _.hatessay bad thingsembarrassedd

31、ifficultmistakeshare a roomwhenwithout a messannoying27281. Shes always on a diet.diet作名词,有作名词,有“规定饮食规定饮食(为健康或减肥等为健康或减肥等目的目的)”的意思,另外还有的意思,另外还有“日常食物日常食物”的意的意思。如:思。如:a healthy, balanced diet 健康均衡的饮食健康均衡的饮食a low-fat, salt-free diet 低脂肪无盐饮食低脂肪无盐饮食be/go on a diet 节食节食她在节食。她在节食。She is dieting. = She is/go

32、es on a diet. diet作动词,意为作动词,意为“节食节食”。与与be/go on a diet同义。如:同义。如: 1. 下周我要节食,希望圣诞节前能够减掉下周我要节食,希望圣诞节前能够减掉十英镑。十英镑。 Im going on a diet next week and hope to lose ten pounds before Christmas.2. 不同国家之间,饮食不同。不同国家之间,饮食不同。Diet varies among different countries in the world.2. and I regret not saying anything.照

33、我的话去做,否则你以后会后悔的。照我的话去做,否则你以后会后悔的。 Do as I tell you, or youll regret it later on.我来不了,很抱歉。我来不了,很抱歉。I regret that I cannot come.遗憾的是,那个可爱的小男孩丢了。遗憾的是,那个可爱的小男孩丢了。It is to be regretted that the lovely boy has been lost. regret作动词,意为作动词,意为“懊悔;对懊悔;对感到感到遗憾遗憾”,其后可接,其后可接名词,动名词及名词,动名词及that从从句句。It is to be regr

34、etted that意为意为“十分遗憾;十分遗憾;遗憾的是遗憾的是”。 1. 我我总是后悔在学校时总是后悔在学校时沒有更加努力沒有更加努力学习学习。I have always regretted not having studied harder at school.2.你一生中你一生中做过什么做过什么令你感到懊悔的事情令你感到懊悔的事情沒有?沒有?Is there anything youve done in your life that you regret?feel ashamed of 意为意为“对对感到惭愧感到惭愧”,常可与,常可与be ashamed of相互转换。相互转换。fee

35、l ashamed后还可接后还可接that从句。从句。3. I feel ashamed of myself.人们应该为污染环境而感到内疚。人们应该为污染环境而感到内疚。People should feel ashamed of polluting the environment.你应该对自己的不礼貌感到羞耻。你应该对自己的不礼貌感到羞耻。 You should be ashamed of your bad manners.我为你做了这种事而感到害臊。我为你做了这种事而感到害臊。I feel ashamed that you have done such a thing.1. 你没有需要对什么

36、感到内疚的。你没有需要对什么感到内疚的。Youve got nothing to be ashamed of.2. 你你怎么能那么对她怎么能那么对她?我真?我真为为你所做的事你所做的事感到感到羞耻羞耻!How could you treat her like that? Im so ashamed of you.make a mess 意为意为“搞成一团糟搞成一团糟”。4. but she always makes a mess.他挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了。他挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了。He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing. 你要是

37、做饭的话你要是做饭的话, 拜托别弄得一团糟拜托别弄得一团糟. If you cook, please just dont make a mess. 1. 我考试彻底考砸了。我考试彻底考砸了。Ive made a real mess of my exams.2. 我的头发今天乱蓬蓬的我的头发今天乱蓬蓬的!My hairs such a mess today!Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese online, model, diet, braces2. Chinese-English 虽然;很坏的;懊悔;惭愧;情况;厌虽然;很坏的

38、;懊悔;惭愧;情况;厌恶;优势;窘迫的;建议;很生气;杂乱;恶;优势;窘迫的;建议;很生气;杂乱;使恼怒的;节食;嘲笑;对使恼怒的;节食;嘲笑;对感到惭愧;感到惭愧;让某人受不了;搞得一塌糊涂让某人受不了;搞得一塌糊涂When finishing, exchange your papers to see who does the best.1.Would an o_ university be the right choice for you?2.They will probably win, t_ no one thinks so. 3. His uncle is an a_ person.

39、4. All of us r_ for the decision. 5. I h_ to rush you but I have another appointment later on.6. I think she was hugely _ (尴尴尬尬) by the whole scene. wfulnlinehoughateI.根据汉语或所给首字母完成下列句子。根据汉语或所给首字母完成下列句子。 egretembarrassed7. The a_ in going faster is that you get there quicker. 8. The house is made a m

40、_.9. I _ (建议建议) you ask him some specific questions about his past. 10. You must have found my attitude a_ (使恼怒的使恼怒的).11. I _ having done so little for the people. 12. My sister wants to be a model and she is _ (节食节食) these days.dvantageesssuggestnnoyingfeel ashamed ofon a diet1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart after class.2. Read the articles on page 1 of Learning English. The more you read, the faster and better youll understand.3. Preview Listening on page 54.



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