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1、 Unit 4 Section A(1)Why dont you talk to your parents? Whats the matter with the boy? =Whats wrong with the boy?He has too much homework to do.Whats wrong?I have to_ so I dont get enough sleep.study too much数学数学语,数,外,政,史,地,生语,数,外,政,史,地,生.Whats wrong?I have_too much homework so I dont have any free t

2、ime to do things I like.太多作业太多作业Whats wrong?My parents dont allow me to_hang out with my friends.Whats wrong?I have too many _after-school classes.补习班补习班Whats wrong?I _ with my best friend.got into a fight=have a fight with sb.get into a fight with sb. Imagine this is your problems.Can you guess “wh

3、ats wrong with you?Whats wrong with you? I have too many after-school classes.Why dont you talk to your parents?Whats wrong with you?I have to study too much, Why dont you talk to your teachers? so I dont get enough sleep.Whats wrong with you ? I have too much homework.Why dont you talk to your teac

4、hers?Whats wrong?.I got into a fight with my best friend.Why dont you talk to your friend?1cLook at the problems in 1a and make conversations.A: Whats wrong?B: Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night.A: Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening?温馨提示:温馨提示: Why dont you + V 原型原

5、型 =Why not +V 原型原型Pair work Look at the problems in 1a. A: Whats wrong?B: I A: Why dont you talk to your parents /teachers/B: Yes, youre right.213456六个宝盒里有五个等待解决的问题,看看六个宝盒里有五个等待解决的问题,看看哪一个小组提出的建议哪一个小组提出的建议最多最合理最多最合理?Task One: I cant get good grades. I am not strong. I am not good at math.I want a co

6、mputer.But my parents dont buy it for me.学生照片以下图片也一样I dont have enough money.Summary 1.too many, too much, much too 的区别2. allow的用法3.get into a fight with sb.4.询问问题,表达问题,提出建议5. Why dont you 的用法。 Exercises 1.He eats _food, so he is _ fat now.A.too much, too many B . too many , too muchC. too much, much too D. too many , much too2. Marys mother doesnt allow her _ (play) computer games.3._ go for a picnic and relax ourselves.A. Would you like B. Why not C. What about D . Why dont 4. I got _ a fight with my classmate.A. to B. into C. at D. for to playCBB



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