2018高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems课件 新人教版选修6

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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写写作句型仿写基础知识自测基础知识自测一、单词拓展一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生 1. _ n. 盐盐 _ adj. 含盐的;咸的含盐的;咸的saltsalty2. _ adj. 黑暗的;昏暗的黑暗的;昏暗的 _ n. 黑暗;漆黑黑暗;漆黑darkness dark3. _ v. 使温暖使温暖 adj. 温暖的温暖的 _ n. 暖和;温暖暖和;温暖4. _ n. 钢琴钢琴 _ n. 钢琴家钢琴家pianist warmwarmthpiano5. _ v. 翻译翻译 _ n. 翻译翻译 _ n. 译员译员6. _ n. 小提琴小提琴

2、 _ n. 小提琴演奏者小提琴演奏者violinviolinisttranslatortranslatetranslation(B) 灵活运用灵活运用1. The room which was so dark stood firmly in the _ (dark) when the earthquake happened.1. 在在the后后, 用名词。用名词。2. Eating too _ (salt) food is bad for our health. 2. 在名词在名词food前作定语前作定语, 用形容词。用形容词。saltydarkness3. The snake was ali

3、ve because of the _ (warm) of the farmers body.3. 在定冠词在定冠词the后用名词。后用名词。4. The _ became famous after he _ the novel into French. (translate) 4. 第一空在第一空在the后用名词后用名词; 第二空作谓第二空作谓语语, 用一般过去时。用一般过去时。translatortranslatedwarmth5. When the _ (violin) finished playing _ violin, the audience clapped for five mi

4、nutes.5. 第一空在第一空在the后后, 用名词用名词, 表示表示“拉小提琴的人拉小提琴的人”; 第二空在乐器名第二空在乐器名称前用称前用the。violinistthe 1. _ 轻松;从容;不紧张轻松;从容;不紧张2. _ 用完用完3. _ 由由构成构成4. _ 把把翻译成翻译成二、短语翻译二、短语翻译 translateinto take it easyrun out ofbe made up of5. _ 尤其;特别尤其;特别6. _ 把把转化成转化成/变成变成7. _ 测试;试验测试;试验8. _ 发出;放走发出;放走let out in particulartransform

5、 .intotry out三、语篇填空三、语篇填空 There are various reasons 1 _ people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something 2 _ a way that will give the reader a strong 3 _ (impress). 4 _ try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poems to express 5 _ (they). In this text,howev

6、er,we will look at a few of the simplest forms. Some of the first poetry 6 _ (write) in English was nursery rhymes. whyinimpressionOthersthemselveswrittenChildren 7 _ (learn) these when they were very young. Nursery rhymes like the one on the right are still a common type of 8 _ (child) poetry. They

7、 delight small children because they have strong rhythm and rhyme and have a lot of repetition. This makes them easy 9_ (learn) and to recite. By 10 _ (play) with the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language. playinglearned/learntchildrensto learn四、语段改错四、语段改错 Mike is a exchange student.

8、 He oftenexchanges seat with his classmates so that hecan exchange ideas with difference deskmates.Although he works hard, he often fails inthe exam. anseatsdifferentFor his sorrow, last week he failed in the exam again. Words couldnt convey his feel. “If I had studied harder, I would passed the exa

9、m.” He said to him.Tofeelingshavehimself One day, he went to a branch of the river,pick a branch of the tree and teased a dog.“This is a good way to reduce to the learningburden.” He said. “I must work harder or win a scholarship at the end of the term.”and/to picked1. a an 因因exchange是元音开头,所以用是元音开头,

10、所以用an。2. seat seats 既然是与同班同学既然是与同班同学“交换座位交换座位”,肯定不止一个座位,所以要用复数。,肯定不止一个座位,所以要用复数。3. difference different 在名词前作定语用形容在名词前作定语用形容词。词。4. For To 表示表示“使某人伤心的是使某人伤心的是”,为,为to ones sorrow。5. feel feelings 把动词把动词feel误用为名词,应改误用为名词,应改为名词形式为名词形式feelings。6. 在在passed前加前加have 本句是与过去事实相反的虚本句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,主语谓语用拟语气,主语谓语

11、用would have done。7. him himself 表示表示“心想心想”,为,为say to oneself。8. pick picked 与与went和和teased并列,都用一般并列,都用一般过去时。过去时。9. 删掉删掉reduce后的后的to 此处此处reduce是及物动词,所是及物动词,所以以to是多余的。是多余的。10. or and/to 因因“努力学习努力学习”与与“获得奖学金获得奖学金”不是选择关系,而表示目的,用不是选择关系,而表示目的,用and或或to。重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练原句原句 Teasing, shouting, laughing 爱闹爱闹, 爱叫爱

12、叫, 又爱笑又爱笑 (B6 P11)1. tease vi. & vt. 取笑;戏弄取笑;戏弄例句例句 Dont tease the disabled people. 不要取笑残疾人。不要取笑残疾人。说明说明 tease sb.=laugh at sb.取笑某人取笑某人运用运用 完成下面句子。完成下面句子。The young shouldnt _ (不不要嘲笑年长者要嘲笑年长者).tease the old2. transform vi. & vt. 转化转化; 转换转换; 变换变换搭配搭配 transform/change/turn.into. 把把转换转换/ /变成变成例句例句 He ha

13、s a way to transform stones into gold. 他有办法把石头变成金子。他有办法把石头变成金子。原句原句 Never looking back, transformed into stone. 化为石化为石, 不回头。不回头。 (B6 P11)运用运用 The government has transformed the old house _ a science museum. The company _ (transform) wind into energy in the past 5 years.has transformedinto原句原句 If the

14、re had not been an exchange program, he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad. 要是没有一个交流计划要是没有一个交流计划, 他就不会他就不会找到一个赞助人帮助他留学了找到一个赞助人帮助他留学了。(B6 P13)3. exchange n. 交换;交流;互换交换;交流;互换 vi. & vt.调换;交换调换;交换例句例句 You can exchange your presents with your partners at the party. 在晚会上在晚会上, 你们可以和搭档你

15、们可以和搭档交换礼物。交换礼物。搭配搭配 exchangewith和和交换交换exchange A for B 将将 A 换成换成 B exchange ideas/ views/ opinions交换意见交换意见exchange experience交流经验交流经验注意注意 exchange后接可数名词时,通常用后接可数名词时,通常用复数。复数。运用运用 填入一个适当的词。填入一个适当的词。 He exchanged pounds _ dollars. Mary exchanged small gifts _ Tim at the Christmas party.with for4. run

16、 out of 用完用完/耗尽耗尽 run out 被耗尽被耗尽/被用完被用完例句例句 The petrol is running out.汽油汽油快用光了。快用光了。 We are running out of petrol.我我们的汽油快用光了。们的汽油快用光了。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。根据汉语意思完成下列句子。他在周六前就用完了钱。他在周六前就用完了钱。He _ before Saturday. 燃料已用完了。燃料已用完了。_.The fuel has run outran out of his money原句原句 Another simple form of poem th

17、at students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. 另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的组成的, 叫做五行诗。(叫做五行诗。(B6 P10)5. be made up of (=consist of) 由由组成组成/构成构成例句例句 The club is made up of 20 members. 这个俱乐部是由这个俱乐部是由20名成员组名成员组成的。成的。20 members make up the club. 20名名成员组成了这个俱乐部。成员组成了

18、这个俱乐部。说明说明 该短语不能用于进行时该短语不能用于进行时, 其主其主动形式是动形式是make up。运用运用 填入适当的词或用所给词的正填入适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。确形式填空。 Sky and sea make _ a harmonious picture. Our organization is _ (make) up of 20 men and 32 women .madeup写作句型仿写写作句型仿写1. the reason why 的原因的原因例句例句 There are various reasons why people write poetry. 人们写诗人们写诗

19、有各种各样的原因。有各种各样的原因。本句中含有先行词为本句中含有先行词为reason的定语从句。的定语从句。(1) reason当先行词时当先行词时, 如果定语从句中如果定语从句中不缺主语、宾语或表语不缺主语、宾语或表语, 一般用一般用why或或for which引导定语从句。常用句型为:引导定语从句。常用句型为:The reason why/for whichis/was that, 该该句型中用句型中用that引导表语从句引导表语从句, 不能用不能用because。说明说明(2) reason当先行当先行词时, 如果定如果定语从句中从句中缺主缺主语、宾语或表或表语, 一般用一般用that/

20、which引引导定定语从句。从句。(3) It/That/This is because“这是因是因为”, because引引导的表的表语从句表示原从句表示原因。因。That/This is why “这就是就是的原因的原因”, why引引导的表的表语从句表示从句表示结果。果。 运用运用 根据上述用法,在空白处填入适当根据上述用法,在空白处填入适当的词。的词。(1)The reason _ he was late was that he slept too late last night.(2) The reason _ he explained to us was that he hadnt

21、 read this book before.why/for which that/which(3) Sorry, we are late. Thats _ we were held up in the traffic jam. (4) We were late; thats _ we missed the first bus. (5) The reason _ he failed the English exam was _ he didnt learn it well. thatbecausewhywhy/for which原句原句 Some poems tell a story or d

22、escribe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. 有些诗歌以一种令读者印有些诗歌以一种令读者印象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述事件象深刻的方式讲述故事或描述事件, 其他其他的就试图传达某些感情。的就试图传达某些感情。(B6 P10)2. Some.; others.; (still others.) 有些有些; 有些有些; (还有些还有些)例句例句 Some of us like singing and dancing whi

23、le others go in for sports. 我们中有些人喜欢唱我们中有些人喜欢唱歌跳舞歌跳舞, 而另一些人则喜爱运动。而另一些人则喜爱运动。仿写仿写 用本句型将下列句子译成英文。用本句型将下列句子译成英文。 国庆节期间国庆节期间, 一些人出行旅游一些人出行旅游, 另另一些人则待在家里。一些人则待在家里。During the National Day, _; _ prefer to _ _.some go ona journeyothersat home stay 课间时候,有些同学在聊天,有些课间时候,有些同学在聊天,有些在跑来跑去,还有的待在教室里看书。在跑来跑去,还有的待在教室

24、里看书。During the break, _ students are chatting; _ are running around; _are staying in the classroom _. readingsomeothersstill others3. while 而;然而而;然而(表示对比表示对比)原句原句 Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C). (B6 P10) 有有些清单诗有韵脚些清单诗有韵脚(如如B), 但有一些没但有一些没有有(如如C)。(B6 P10)例句例句 The bird was in danger w

25、hile it didnt know at all. 这只小鸟有危这只小鸟有危险险, 而它一点也不知道。而它一点也不知道。(1) 汤姆数学很好而玛丽擅长语文。汤姆数学很好而玛丽擅长语文。Tom does well in math_ Mary is good at Chinese .(2) 他是一名司机而他的弟弟是一个他是一名司机而他的弟弟是一个钢琴家。钢琴家。He is a diver _ _.while his brother is a pianistwhile原句原句 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, studen

26、ts may eventually want to write poems of their own. (B6 P11) 有了这么多可供选择的有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型诗歌类型, 学生们最终也许想自己作诗学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。了。4. with+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语With so many different forms of poetry to choose from是是with的的复合结构用法:复合结构用法:with +宾语宾语+宾语宾语补足语,宾补可以是:补足语,宾补可以是:adj./adv./v-ing /-ed /to do/prep. phrase。 说明说明 仿

27、写仿写 用本句型将下列句子译成英文。用本句型将下列句子译成英文。(1) 她在织毛衣,电视开着。她在织毛衣,电视开着。She was knitting, _.(2) 小孩躺在草地上小孩躺在草地上, 两眼望着天空。两眼望着天空。The little child lay on the grassland, _ into the sky. with the television onwith his eyes looking (3) 所有的工作完成了所有的工作完成了,我觉得很轻松。我觉得很轻松。With all the work_, I felt relaxed.(4) 由于有很多问题要解决由于有很多问题要解决,经理没空去度经理没空去度假。假。With a lot of problems_, the manager will have no time to take holidays.to settlefinishedThank You !



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