ConformityIowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学

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《ConformityIowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ConformityIowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Effects and Sources of Air PollutantsCE 524January 2011Slides noted as AWMA are from: Understanding Air Quality from the Air and Waste Management AssociationDo not make copies of these slides for distribution助泡料峨笛词并胜凰赛珍候靳搽稚姜赃文盐揪认签国饮颧欺第赂酸晃烂雁Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity

2、 - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Major Provisions of 1970 CAAAEstablished NAAQSlPrimary allows adequate margin of safety to protect public healthlSecondary protects public from effects of air pollutionPlants, animals, visibility, public enjoyment of life & propertySet new source performance s

3、tandards for new stationary sourcesNational Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) applied to existing and new plantsRequired states to submit state implementation plans (SIPs)lMethod to set AQ standards for air quality regions within state贰呐购讽辰舅当膳搏遏愉志秆睡夫庸鼠苑镣塘渔酿湖囱蝉谰氟烟贝朵牵榷Conformit

4、y - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Definition of air pollution“Air pollution maybe defined as the presence in the outdoor and/or indoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants or combinations thereof in such quantities and of such duration as ma

5、y be or may tend to be injurious to human, plant, or animal life, or property of which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property or conduct of business. 扩泄号仲款碍斧驳啦醇伦层菜贩肌勿祷涟否惯猪章蔗葫碟计湛享蔼胳镐慌Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesit

6、yconformity爱荷华州立大学Categories of air pollutionOutdoorIndoorOccupationalPersonal exposure 舶镑术霸丈杰输蚊犯陈嗣造嫩氮墒路庞魂肆环臻孪篆督金鳃腮蒜勾坤硒酉Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学General classification of air pollutantsParticulate matter SOxNOxOrganic compoun

7、dsCOHalogen compoundsRadioactive compoundsPhotochemical oxidantsOther inorganic compounds lWhat about GHGs, ozone, biological agents? 知船例笋竹厉尤忻嘛戊蜒蓉沿磐辗谩尹朋堡恿剁族年蓄骏器订仕靡活麓斟Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Air Quality CriteriaBased on level

8、s to protect human healthlSensitive members of the populationDeveloped based on relationship between exposure and short and long-term health and welfare effectsEffects are expected to occur when pollutant levels exceed criteria for specified time periodlShort-term - immediate protectionlChronic expo

9、sure Pollutant levels cannot legally be exceeded during specific time period in a specific geographical area救摈峪缴杖扫硼拨香臭收验绩啃桅愈迅开腕仗坍租伦攒碌辨丹岔坪褥蓬属Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学National Emission StandardsLimit amount or concentration of

10、pollutant emitted from a sourceHelps maintain or improve existing air quality in a region to meet state or local standardsBased on what is achievable with current technology赔夯曼仅污芬仟兼惰苍隘须纷潘划泽茅哥架肺迎孜矣固竹申潍夷犹丑馏邵Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷

11、华州立大学Basis for Regional StandardsAvailability of technologyPresence of monitoring stationsAbility to enforce standardsUnderstanding of synergistic effects of different pollutantsPreparation of dispersion model (predicting ambient concentrations)Accurate estimates of growth or decline in industry or

12、population私蔽又酪侵属芳辙涧娜漠茨革荫啪薄穆姓苗颇联赋咙缸潘琶敬丛愤害苏赘Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Criteria AirPollutants Carbon Monoxide (CO) Hydrocarbons Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Particulate Matter (PM10) Lead (Pb)Fundamentals of Air

13、Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA胚款媚顿矛啄睁崭杉僵相山购绢眯梭殆书悄串圾腋搞然廷燎滚灭暴谴袄待Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Current NAAQSPollutantAveraging TimePrimary StandardSecondary StandardCO 8 hr9 ppmSame1 hr35 ppmSameNO2Annual ave

14、rage0.05 ppmNoneSO2Annual average0.03 ppmNone24 hr0.14 ppmNone3 hrNone0.5 ppmPM10Annual arithmetic mean50 g/m3Same24 hr150 g/m3SamePM2.5Added 1997Annual arithmetic mean15 g/m3Same24 hr150 g/m3SameOzone1 hr0.12 ppmSame8 hr 0.08 ppmSameLead3 months1.5 g/m3same莲弧贡使凡像信骋狮惩郴食骂托霄碟恤蝎蕾舱景工篡避唉霹馆辕陋徘怜潞Conformity

15、 - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学HydrocarbonsResult when fuel molecules in the engine do not burn or only partially burnReact in the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight to form ground-level ozone, a major component of smog Ozone irritates

16、 the eyes, damages the lungs, and aggravates respiratory problemslmost widespread urban air pollution problem. A number of exhaust hydrocarbons are also toxic, with the potential to cause cancer. Source:EPA400-F-92-007August1994FactSheetOMS-5拆摈屈处霸傣糙筹汐腻静瘫综示草荡铁坠黔玻瘴遭毗答般煽涉则刁狰检酌Conformity - Iowa State Un

17、ivesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Particulate matterDispersed airborne solid and liquid particles (specific size criteria in chapter)Settles out of air at rate which is function of size and weight (measured in micrometer = 10-4 cm)Dust, water vapor, etcAffect

18、health and visibility丽釜身狠餐萧海升祈宦办汽鲍点番坍糜痕晓复笼罕眨泉果拘妮口靖残收馒Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学ParticulateMatter(PM10)Also regulating PM2.5 PM10 is a general term for tiny airborne particles (under ten microns), e.g., dust, soot, smoke Primar

19、y sources are fuel-burning plants and other industrial/ commercial processes Some are formed in the air They irritate the respiratory system and may also carry metals, sulfates, nitrates, etc. Some overall decreases seen but trends may be masked by meteorological changes Fundamentals of Air Pollutio

20、n and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA屋厘危刚迁寓拍阿磨露纬绅哆阂浙鹏爬澜润敬雾陨吐颤攻棕扯蹲爸譬梧若Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Health Effects of PMParticles directly enter respiratory systemParticles themselves may be toxicParticle may interfere wi

21、th mechanisms which clear the respiratory tractParticle may act as carrier of absorbed toxic substancel20 to 60% of particles between 1 and 2.5 m breathed will penetrate into lungsEnter deep tissue牛贸奏儡斯鸣怀挫羌霍跳薪额互脊篓罚逾因孜擅灶畏豁络锰垮汾覆悲亮忌Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa Sta

22、te Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学SulfurDioxide(SO2)Sulfur trioxide This term is used for a number of compounds containing sulfur Primarily caused by burning of coal, oil and various industrial processes They can affect the respiratory system They react in the atmosphere to form acids, sulfates and sulfi

23、tes Substantial reductions due to controls at the sources and through use of low sulfur fuelsMake up 5 to 20% of total suspended particlesMajor damage to materialsContributes to acid rainFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA衅凸记珍魂毫褒砒盘戎锡烫鸭锣扬臣蚕奥盲膜虚顿蔑确瑟塞捂暑撕愧蘸犹Confor

24、mity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Oxidesof Nitrogen(NOx) Nitrogen dioxide is the prominent one (its the yellow-brown color in smog) NOx results from high temperature combustion processes, e.g. cars and utilities They affect the respiratory

25、system They play a major role in atmos- pheric reactions Overall levels unchanged but transportation sources are cleanerFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA他谎撞料终牺血注硕卞脯啪巡实上秤逾友譬核虱安总渍黄姐汞棺利穗诺彝Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State

26、 Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学CarbonMonoxide(CO) Odorless, colorless gas Caused by incomplete combustion of fuel and air Most of it comes from motor vehicles Reduces the transport of oxygen through the bloodstreamPoses immediate health risk in high concentrations ( 750 ppm)Hemoglobin has 240 times affi

27、nity for CO as for oxygen Affects mental functions and visual acuity, even at low levels Improvements are being made but there are still problems in some urban areasFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA碌船竿沦肿博绰桨阀斩杜兼驴池劳运河涕企宽斟娃嘲搂裳峭卉绩阅属框废Conformity - Iowa State Univ

28、esityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Lead(Pb) Long known as one of the worst toxics in common use Emitted from gasoline additives, battery factories and non-ferrous smelters Affects various organs and can cause sterility and neurological impairment, e.g. retardatio

29、n and behavioral disorders Infants and children especially susceptible Control of mobile sources has been exceptionally successfulFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA授阎烧染爽簧瘦杉尧阵邮钝馆冶感璃鸥姿锦哩曰习紧拦湍泵钥榷脸烬松幢Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity -

30、Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学OtherAirPollutants Carbon dioxide Chlorofluorocarbons Formaldehyde Benzene Asbestos Manganese Dioxins Cadmium Still others which are yet to be fully characterizedFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA说忧拾蛀球重散涣肛骂娄档社杯潘客囤卢注日困夕舰侨浴潍

31、缀誊侧析搭垃Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Categories of Air PollutionAmbient: lair pollution in outdoorslFocus of classlRegulated by EPAIndoorlAir pollution indoors, buildingslEPA studies issues but no federal regulationsOccupationallPo

32、llutants in the workplace (mining, chemical operations, etc)lRegulated by OSHAPersonal exposurelPersons willful exposure lCigarette, gases, etc孟溃暖境尊榔憨亿钝冈嘶敏燥本贯临蔬邱钦娱芍川咏君邪托闰脸仔翠触纸Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Climate Change Certain ga

33、ses in the troposphere absorb some of the infrared radiation reflected from the earth Carbon Dioxide is the major one (50%). Others include methane (18%) and CFCs (14%). CFCs also are responsible for destroying the stratospheric ozone layer The United States produces over 20% of the worlds greenhous

34、e gasesFundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA码挖摹摆褪垣肚字娄猫狰诅改姚涟寿软醛畦渺诞伟掷弊乓攻乞居嚣楷碟分Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学TheExtentofAirPollutionTodayOverall, 54 million metrictons from mobile sourcesin 1990

35、(43% of total)Mobile SourcesStationarySourcesCOVOCsNOxSO2LeadPM10Fundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA辖寐霄便漆侦讹阳交啮咱茬俩慧久食殖哭厌羡糜买罩钧葱向梁拾圭遭惹酱Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Who isAffected byAir Polluti

36、on?632291915Ozone CO NO2 PM10 SO2 LeadMillions of people living in counties with air quality that exceeds each NAAQS (1990 data)Over 74 million people are subjected to high levels of at least one of these pollutants Fundamentals of Air Pollution and Motor Vehicle EmissionsJohn T. White, EPA辨腰卤边敏滥挡畜炭

37、鸟请吾糯扩烯皑饭殉唐镍芦坑液唉眨谆酉确桩粮晰优Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学World wide WHO indicates that 2.4 million people die from causes directly attributable to air pollutionMore than for car accidents永肤桔犊沿客赖压妨剁翠封少缸指缎埂恃抄叹疫录疮谚及踩檄罕迪烘雷咀Conformity - Io

38、wa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学VisibilityAlthough not a pollutant, visibility is a major pollution concernHazeSmog馏蛊凭乏绅铀辊俏嗡红锋酞屯控狱约剪业陨服座销喉苑蚤柞荚酷懂施召愤Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学

39、Air ToxicsGet information from EPAExample - http:/肇德蹦评汉谐骤仰漂霜做骤牟遍为才鞋班收敢篙衰筒颓艰抨渊数扰茵茧票Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学When is it a problemClassified as pollutant once their presence results in damage to humans, plants, animals or materialsConcentration 1 volume of gaseous pollutant = 1 ppm106 volumes (pollutant + air)0.0001 percent by volume = 1 ppm干匡桶哈瞻恿击翱萝隆苹缅陇埠搪溉承呀硝十脑宴肪提居酷颊洒洲俱袋回Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学Conformity - Iowa State Univesityconformity爱荷华州立大学



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