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1、Presented ByBORA AGRO FOODS (INDIA)“The Sesame People”www.bora.in印度芝麻概况印度芝麻概况2021/3/111BRIEFINTRODUCTIOBRIEFINTRODUCTION简介简介Natural Sesame Seeds: Varieties Available in India.Natural White Sesame SeedsNatural Black Sesame SeedsReddish Brown Sesame Seeds天然芝麻天然芝麻:印度的芝麻品种印度的芝麻品种天然白麻天然黑麻棕麻2021/3/112Natu

2、ral White Sesame SeedsMainly grown in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat & Maharashtra.Consumed raw (edible grade) & as rawmaterialforHulledSesame Seeds. It is also used for oil extraction in smaller quantities.The average production was around 350,000 M.T. p.a. in last

3、3 years.天然白麻天然白麻主要种植于中央邦,拉贾斯坦邦,北方邦,古吉拉特邦和马哈拉施特拉邦。食用或作为原料生产脱皮芝麻。少量油用。过去三年的年平均产量约为35万公吨。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/113Natural Black Sesame Seeds ( Edible grade )Mainly grown in the state of Gujarat.Consumption very limited due to its highprice. Used as a topping in high-end confectionery products, authentic

4、Chinese and Japanese cuisines and also has medicinal applications.天然黑麻天然黑麻(食用食用)主要种植于古吉拉特邦。由于其价格高昂,消费量很少。用于高级糖果糕点、中国菜和日本菜的装饰调料,也有药用价值。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/114Reddish Brown Sesame SeedsGrown in the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, AndhraPradesh,WestBengal&Orissa.Mainly used for Oil Extraction, but rec

5、ently some manufacturers/hullers have started using it as rawmaterial for producing average quality Hulled Sesame Seeds due to its competitive price compared to White Sesame Seeds.The average production was around 330,000 M.T. p.a. in last 3 years. 棕麻棕麻种植于卡纳塔克邦,泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦,西孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦。主要用于榨油。由于其与白麻相比



8、ajor harvest in the month of October/November.In last 3-4 years the summer crop has gained momentum and is harvested in the month of May.Natural Black Sesame SeedsHarvest in the month of October.天然白麻天然白麻主要在10月/11月份收获。在过去的3-4年里,夏麻长势良好,在5月份收获。天然黑麻天然黑麻在10月份收获。2021/3/117Reddish Brown Sesame SeedsTamil N

9、adu AprilWest-Bengal MayKarnataka AugustOrissa DecemberAndhra Pradesh 1stcrop:April | 2ndcrop:October棕麻棕麻泰米尔纳德邦 4月份收获西孟加拉邦 5月份收获卡纳塔克邦 8月份收获奥里萨邦 12月份收获安德拉邦 4月份首次收获| 10月份第二次收获CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/118PRODUCTIONPRODUCTION产量产量 The total annual production of Natural Sesame Seeds in India has been in the ra

10、nge of 700,000-800,000MetricTons.In last 10years, the production of Natural White Sesame Seeds has drastically reduced in states like Gujarat & Maharashtra.Whereas, origins like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan have experienced substantial increase in their production. 印度天然芝麻的年总产量为7080万公吨。过

11、去10年里,在古吉拉特邦和马哈拉施特等地,天然白麻的产量大幅减少。然而,在中央邦、北方邦和拉贾斯坦邦等地,天然白麻的产量大幅增加。2021/3/119In last 2-3 years, the production of NaturalSesameSeeds is pretty much stagnant, except in Orissa where the production of Reddish-Brown Seed has substantiallyincreased in the year 2010-11.Gujarats Natural White Sesame Seed su

12、mmer crop has gained importance in last 2 3 years due to its goodquality&yield.在过去的2-3年里,天然芝麻的产量停滞不前,不过奥里萨邦是个特例,其棕麻产量在 2010-2011年度大幅增加。古吉拉特邦的天然白麻优质、高产,在过去的2-3年里,其夏麻地位十分重要。CONTINUEDCONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1110NO.STATE(州,邦)(州,邦)201011(In1000M.T公吨公吨)2009-10(In1000M.T公吨公吨)2008-09(In1000M.T公吨公吨)KharifRabiTot

13、alKharifRabiTotalKharifRabiTotal1GUJARAT50409080601406020802RAJASTHAN13001309009011001103U.P./ UTTARANCHAL8008070070400407M.P. /C.G.7007080080400405MAHARASHTRA100101001010010SUB-TOTAL(NATURALWHITE)3404038033060390260202806TAMIL NADU1025351040501040507ANDHRA PRADESH2020401020301020308KARNATAKA2002020


15、RALSESAMESEEDS影响芝麻产量的因素影响芝麻产量的因素Reduction in sowing areas due to farmers opting for other better options, like cotton & soya bean.Poormonetaryrealization for the farmers.Poor farmingpractices.Unpredictable & unfavorable monsoon pattern leading to reduced yields per hectare.农民改种其它作物,如玉米和大豆等,导致播种面积的减少

16、。农民种植芝麻收入不高。耕种方法不当。不可预知的季风气候带来不利影响,导致减产。2021/3/1112DOMESTICCONSUMPTIONDOMESTICCONSUMPTION国内消费国内消费Today, there are manymoreapplications of Natural & Hulled Sesame Seeds available, thantraditionalusageforOilExtraction.Substantial increaseinthebuyingpower of lower-middle & middle class has increased co

17、nsumption of all commodities including Sesame Seeds.Major increase in consumption of Hulled Sesame Seeds being noticed as people are increasingly inclined towards clean &hygienicallyprocessed Sesame Seeds. 现在,除了传统的油用之外,天然芝麻和脱皮芝麻还有更多的用途。中低、中产阶层购买力的提高极大地促进了商品消费,其中包括芝麻。主要增加的是脱皮芝麻的消费量,因为人们越来越热衷于干净卫生的加工芝

18、麻。2021/3/1113As per our estimation, domestic consumption of Hulled Sesame Seeds is increasingatrateofabout10%p.a.inlast5-6years.In the year 2010-11, due to increase in export of Hulled, Natural & Crushing grade sesame seeds, the availability for domestic consumption received a setback. 据我们估计,在过去的5-6

19、年里,国内脱皮芝麻的消费量每年增长约10%。2010-2011年,由于芝麻(包括天然、脱皮和油用)出口量的增加,国内消费面临阻力。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1114EXPORTOFSESAMESEEDSEXPORTOFSESAMESEEDSFROMINDIAFROMINDIA印度芝麻出口印度芝麻出口India has emerged as the largest supplier of Sesame Seeds in the world market during year 2010-11.Exports from India increased from 216,000 Met

20、ric Tons in 2009-10 to about 340,000 Metric Tons in 2010-11, thereby recording a substantial growthof57-58%.2010-2011年,印度已成为世界市场上最大的芝麻供应商。印度的芝麻出口从2009-2010年的约21.6万公吨,增加到2010-11年的约34万公吨,增长率高达57-58%。2021/3/1115EXPORTOFNATURALSESAMESEEDSEXPORTOFNATURALSESAMESEEDS天然芝麻出口天然芝麻出口For many years, India was a

21、prime and reliable source of Natural Sesame Seeds to the world. In last 3-4 years, India has been consistently losingbusinessof Natural White Sesame Seeds to upcoming African originSeeds.多年以来,印度都是一个主要、可靠的天然芝麻世界供应地。在过去的3-4年里,由于非洲芝麻的异军突起,印度天然芝麻的的市场份额不断缩减。2021/3/1116China, the worlds largest importer o

22、f Sesame Seeds and a traditional importer of Indian Sesame Seeds, shifted substantial quantity of its requirement to African origins due to import-duty benefits and “taste”aspectoftheSeeds.In last few years, exportstoKoreahaveincreasedsubstantiallyand India has very bright chances in future Korean t

23、enders considering its competitive prices.中国是世界上最大的芝麻进口国,也是印度芝麻的传统进口国。由于关税和芝麻口味的原因,中国把相当大的需求转向了非洲产地。在过去的几年里,出口韩国的芝麻大幅增加。印度在韩国的投标将占有价格优势,前景光明。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1117In 2010-11, India has exported big quantities of NaturalSesameSeeds to Vietnam, Korea & China.In 2010 - 11, India could get major chunk

24、 of export business because it was the only origin that could offer good quality at competitive prices. During the year, the Indian prices were discounted by min 10% as compared to its competition.2010-11年,印度向越南、韩国以及中国大量出口天然芝麻。2010 11年,印度得到了大部分的出口业务。这是因为它提供的芝麻物美价廉,独一无二。这一年,印度的芝麻价格较之其竞争对手至少优惠了10%。CON

25、TINUED接上接上2021/3/1118Export of Natural Sesame Seeds for Oil Extraction contributed substantially to the total increase of Sesame Seed Exports in 2010-11.Indian farmers, exporters & Govt. Institutions will have to initiate and intensify its quality up gradation program if they have to sustain / grow

26、in this competitive markets.2010-11年,油用天然芝麻的出口极大地促进了芝麻总出口的增长。想要在这个竞争激烈的市场下存活,印度的农民,出口商和政府机构必须要进行质量升级,并不断强化。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1119EXPORTOFHULLEDSESAMEEXPORTOFHULLEDSESAMESEEDSSEEDS脱皮芝麻的出口脱皮芝麻的出口Continuous improvements in manufacturing process and increasing awareness about hygiene & food safety sta

27、ndards in India has helped it to improve its position in the worlds Hulled Sesame Seed Industry.Today,Indiaistheonlyoriginintheworldwhichisabletoofferqualityproductatverycompetitiveprices.印度不断改进生产过程,不断提高卫生和食品安全标准意识。使得印度在世界脱皮芝麻产业中的地位得到了提升。现在,印度提供的芝麻物美价廉,在世界上独一无二。2021/3/1120In 2010-11, there has been

28、a tremendous increase in the export of Hulled Sesame Seeds to China, Vietnam, Russia, USA, etc.It can be presumed that out of the total increase of 125,000 Metric Tons in Sesame Seed exports, Hulled exports contributed about50,000 Metric Tons. 2010-11年,往中国、越南、俄罗斯、美国等国出口的脱皮芝麻大幅增加。可以认定,在增长总额为12.5万公吨的芝


30、ompetitive pricescompared to other major origins like Africa & China.ContinuousR&DbyManufacturersresulting in technological up gradation to get better quality product combined with better yield.原材料价格比起其它主产地,如非洲、中国等,更具竞争力。生产商不断研发,进行技术升级,以获得更优质、高产的芝麻产品。2021/3/1123Increasing awareness about hygiene sta

31、ndards and foodsafety.Improvinginfrastructurelike ports, roads, etc.CompetitiveOceanfreightsand good connectivity.BrandimageofIndia as a reliable and trustworthy player in world markets.卫生标准和食品安全意识的增强。改善基础设施建设,如港口、道路等。海运便捷、交通方便。在世界市场上,印度品牌的形象可靠、值得信赖。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1124NEWCROPTRENDSNEWCROPTRENDS

32、收成趋势收成趋势(OCTOBER2011)(OCTOBER2011)(20112011年年1010月)月)Harvest of the new crop will take place in October /November 2011.While it is a bit early to offer final comments on total production, the situation of the new crop is not encouraging, even though the overall sowing area has increased.新芝麻将在2011年10

33、/ 11月收获。虽然现在就对总产量下定论还为时尚早,但即使总播种面积有所增加,产量情况也并不乐观,。2021/3/1125As per Govt. statistics, the totalareaundersowingfor Natural White Sesame Seeds has gone up by 148,000 hectarescompared to last year. Out of this increase, the share of Uttar Pradesh alone is 144,000 hectares.A reductioninsowingarea has be

34、en reported, mainly in the state of Gujarat, due to farmers opting for crops like cotton, groundnut, pulses etc.根据政府统计,与去年相比,天然白麻的总播种面积增加了14.8万公顷。单单北方邦就占了其中的14.4万公顷。由于农民选择种植其它作物,如棉花、花生、豆类等,芝麻种植面积有所减少,主要是在古吉拉特邦 。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1126RAINSRAINS雨水雨水There have been continuousheavyrainsin almost all g

35、rowing states, which has affected the crop to a great extent.Crop of Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan states have taken a severe hit by continuous rains.Even though, the sowing area in Uttar Pradesh has substantially gone up by around 144,000 hectares, but this has hardly helped as heavy rains have been p

36、laying a spoilt sport.连续的暴雨严重影响了大部分芝麻种植区的产量。中央邦和拉贾斯坦邦的产量也因此受到了严重的影响。即便如此,北方邦的种植面积仍增加了约14.4万公顷,但这也于事无补,因为暴雨依然肆虐。2021/3/1127Overall it is projected that the new crop of Natural White Sesame Seeds will be at least 25%less as compared to last year.Please note, the situation will worsen if the heavy rain

37、s continue in days to come.预计今年天然白麻的总产量将至少比去年减少25%。如果暴雨持续下去,未来的形势会更加糟糕。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1128No.StateAreacoveredChangeover(+/-)20112010200920082010200920081Gujarat160.3231.4211.3237-71-51-772MadhyaPradesh2382322282130610253Maharashtra40495147-09-11074Rajasthan410.433241539478-05165UttarPradesh3231

38、79182176144141147Total1171.71023.41087.3106714884105STATISTICAL COMPARISON OF SOWING AREA 种植面积比较种植面积比较(Hectares in 1000公顷公顷)2021/3/1129COMPARISONOFPROJECTEDNEWCROPCOMPARISONOFPROJECTEDNEWCROPWITHLASTYEARCROP.WITHLASTYEARCROP.产量比较产量比较(In1000MetricTons(In1000MetricTons公吨公吨) )StatesLastYearCropProjecte

39、dNewCropDifference(In1000MetricTons公吨公吨)(In%)GUJARAT5040-1020.00MADHYAPRADESH7050-2028.50UTTARPRADESH8070-1012.75RAJASTHAN13090 -4030.70MAHARASHTRA105-550.00TOTAL340255-8525%2021/3/1130CONCLUDINGOBSERVATIONCONCLUDINGOBSERVATION总结总结There is an excellent future for Indian Hulled Sesame Seeds if Indian

40、 exporters maintain good quality & reasonable pricing.Continuous R&D is required to improve the basic quality of Natural Sesame Seeds, so as to meet the quality requirements of buying countries, mainly China, Turkey & Egypt.Good monetary reward/realization for the farmers is absolutely necessary for

41、 their produce. Without sufficient compensation, there will be no reason for them to sow Sesame Seeds.如果印度出口商能够继续地保持芝麻的物美价廉,印度脱皮芝麻的前景将会一片光明。必须不断研发,提高天然芝麻的质量,以满足中国、土耳其和埃及等购买国的对芝麻的质量要求。良好的收入回报能够促使农民继续生产芝麻。没有足够的好处和补偿,他们就不会再继续种植芝麻。2021/3/1131Increase in Production is the only way to keep Sesame prices a

42、t reasonable levels, if India is to keep pace with increasing export demand without compromising in the domestic markets.Exports of Hulled sesame seeds may experience some slowdown in near future due to growing economic problems in the western part of the world & the likely appreciation of Indian Ru

43、pee against US Dollar.如果印度想要既满足国内市场,又能满足不断增长的出口需求,提高产量是使芝麻保持合理价格水平的唯一方法。由于西方国家的经济危机愈演愈烈,加上印度卢比可能对美元的升值,脱皮芝麻的出口在不久的将来可能会显疲态。CONTINUED接上接上2021/3/1132THANKYOU!THANKYOU!致谢We would like to express gratitude towards AGLOOK, specially Mr. Jack, for giving us an opportunity to present our views about Indian Sesame Seeds on such a prominent platform.我想表达我对中国农业展望网,特别是对庄亮先生的感谢,让我们有机会在这样一个突出、卓越的平台上表达我们对于印度芝麻的见解和观点。2021/3/1133



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