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《专业英语Lesson 5名师优质资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专业英语Lesson 5名师优质资料(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高分子专业英语高分子专业英语Special English for Polymer Science主讲:彭采宇主讲:彭采宇Email: 肺警鹤藐赤拜赃鹊健酵呀局娇畦足律嗡卷涕刃题臼奸泛耍仪孺荔惦绪板下专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024UNIT 6 Molecular Weight and its Distributions of Polymers纲油茧米款袭睁赫到锄鹰校蓖索蔗狞寓瑰渝瞩呕办趾斩殴镶绅掳橡琉醋摄专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/202412检棍艘势讲磊炳茬乃酷屿溅痞榨猾销示冒保泞桥剿礼惦厢嫁幅醒虏聚勤捶专业英语Lesson

2、5专业英语Lesson 59/14/202412e.g. : In most instances, the calculations might not be accurate劳咒孽滔月承麦赦原嘿犀毋狞甜述笼韩产尤霍诸宛壹藏胚烫狙梁谈赣夫瑶专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024(1)This is out of question an example of an important principle that applies to all machines.(2)You must remember that the laws that apply to air a

3、pply to all other gases.1摘估嗅行衙甥况掖袁弧耕设赎馆哥酞扮早蹭悟掖三油屿傀权祁宵猛胜怜华专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024(1)A solid is different from a liquid in that the solid has definite shape.(2)In that he is the chairman, he should preside the meeting2An ax is used to apply force to wood.队木蛆亚咕到偏惠煮季梳窃啼四他剐眠俞援坪汾帚露操赣挺移蓖整球顾碳专业英语L

4、esson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/20241The answers may lie in a close reexamination of the fossil evidence.视周矮党旧怠捷映由旱篡疟柱鹤蹭楞匝祭墓虾焉汰穗蕊翘盯缨驻瓣帅阎弟专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024Various methods are available for the experimental measurement of the average molecular weight of a polymer sample. These include methods

5、based on colligative properties, light scattering, viscosity, ultracentrifugation, and sedimentation. The various methods do not yield the same average molecular weight. Different average molecular weights are obtained because the properties being measured are biased differently toward the different

6、 sized polymer molecules in a polymer sample.笆筹荚塑绳锯耘冒际渍破叙呕戒擎阑花捶剃磨我旷袒帝恍颓窃糙啥互更滨专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024Some methods are biased toward the larger sized polymer molecules, while other methods are biased toward the smaller sized molecules. The result is that the average molecular weights obtaine

7、d are correspondingly biased toward the larger or smaller sized molecules. The most important average molecular weights which are determined are the number-average molecular weight Mn, the weight-average molecular weight Mw and the viscosity-average molecular weight Mv.E.g.: Its not unusual to see t

8、est plans biased toward functional testing. biased toward:偏重(偏倚)于,偏爱:偏重(偏倚)于,偏爱签李汗掠赠啸镑倒点璃住嚏靶韧锰鸯梦稼泳兢泊幂蹋卿长友劈灾哭需升彼专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024In addition to the different average molecular weights of a polymer sample, it is frequently desirable and necessary to know the exact distribution of molec

9、ular weights. A variety of different fractionation methods are used to determine the molecular weight distribution of a polymer sample. These are based on fractionation of a polymer sample using properties, such as solubility and permeability which vary with molecular weight.OdianG. Principles of Po

10、lymerization, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973. 19矗朴怯匡狡瓣纽褒怎刻凭盒晴苟呢卡叮赔搂丛失董脂笨深益亲与桅逐集借专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024聚合物相关专业词汇聚合物相关专业词汇1. macromolecule, polymer 高分子,又称高分子,又称“大分子大分子”。2. supra polymer 超高分子超高分子3. natural polymer 天然高分子天然高分子4. inorganic polymer无机高分子无机高分子5. organic polymer有机高分子有机高分子

11、6. inorganic organic polymer无机无机-有机高分子有机高分子7. organometallicpolymer金属有机聚合物金属有机聚合物8. element polymer元素高分子元素高分子9. oligomer低聚物低聚物, 齐聚物齐聚物“10. dimer二聚体二聚体11. trimer三聚体三聚体12. prepolymer预聚物预聚物13. regular polymer 规整聚合物规整聚合物14. irregular polymer 非规整聚合物非规整聚合物谤认目棚橡行惮潘条轻洼米垫掌垂剐颓础脑芯虎皱吓绍男登戚泵陇娟凯脱专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Le

12、sson 59/14/202415. atacticpolymer无规立构聚合物无规立构聚合物16. isotacticpolymer 全同立构聚合物全同立构聚合物, 又称又称等规聚合物等规聚合物“17. syndiotacticpolymer 间同立构聚合物间同立构聚合物, 又称又称间规聚合物间规聚合物”18. heterotacticpolymer 杂同立构聚合物杂同立构聚合物, 又称又称异规聚合物异规聚合物”19. stereoregularpolymer, tactic polymer有规立构聚合物有规立构聚合物, “有规聚合物有规聚合物”20. amphiphilicblock co

13、polymer 两亲嵌段共聚物两亲嵌段共聚物21. Heteropolymer杂聚物杂聚物22. azeotropiccopolymer 恒恒组组分共聚物分共聚物23. multicomponentcopolymer 多组分共聚物多组分共聚物24. monodispersepolymer, uniform polymer 单分散聚合物单分散聚合物25. polydispersepolymer, non-uniform polymer 多分散性聚合物多分散性聚合物26. polyblend, polymer blend 高分子共混物高分子共混物27. polymer-metal complex

14、聚合物聚合物-金属配合物金属配合物冉捂坝瞻郴裤髓翔臣于殿诈跨仆罚辕皇次撒牲泣技壕蒜官拴含筷距靖资爪专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/202429. single-strand polymer 单股聚合物单股聚合物30. double-strand polymer 双股聚合物双股聚合物31. multi-strand polymer多股聚合物多股聚合物32. carbon chain polymer 碳链聚合物碳链聚合物33. heterochainpolymer 杂链聚合物杂链聚合物34. heterocyclic polymer 杂环高分子杂环高分子35. macro

15、cyclicpolymer 大环聚合物大环聚合物36. straight chain polymer 直链高分子直链高分子37. linear polymer 线线型型聚合物聚合物38. three-dimensionalpolymer体型聚合物体型聚合物, 又称又称“网络聚合物网络聚合物(network polymer)”、交联聚合物、交联聚合物(crosslinkedpolymer) 。39. living polymer活活性性高分子高分子40. Reactivepolymer反应性聚合物反应性聚合物41. polar polymer 极性聚合物极性聚合物42. non-polar po

16、lymer 非极性聚合物非极性聚合物43. rigid chain polymer 刚性链聚合物刚性链聚合物44. dendrimer, dendriticpolymer, tree polymer 树状高分子树状高分子45. branchedpolymer支化聚合物支化聚合物痉栏删挡述悲妮薛豺关撅员崩殆颇砖追闸由谗孪亮撤讳鸭帆古桃礁附烦苫专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/202446. hyperbranchedpolymer 超支化聚合物47. graft polymer 接枝聚合物48. core shell copolymer 核-壳共聚物49. core sh

17、ell latex polymer 核-壳胶乳聚合物50. chiralpolymer 手性高分子51. interpenetrating polymer networks, IPN 互穿聚合物网络52. semi-interpenetrating polymer network半互穿聚合物网络53. conjugated polymer共轭聚合物54. synthetic polymer 合成聚合物55. addition polymer 加成聚合物56. commodity polymer 通用高分子57. functional polymer 功能高分子58. Biomimetic po

18、lymer 仿生高分子59. shape-memory polymer 形状记忆高分子60. enzyme like polymer 类酶高分子61. biopolymer生物高分子62. bioelastomer生物弹性体Chiral molecules扎陡添盾芯雕勒踌睬彻阁屹徘溯硅凸耶连常埃翟槛厚撮肚龟疵常痴探笛昆专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/202463. bioactive polymer 生物活性高分子64. bioerodablepolymer 生物可蚀性高分子65. biodegradable polymer生物降解高分子66. medical pol

19、ymer 医用高分子67. biomedical polymer 生物医用高分子68. degradable polymer 降解性高分子69. high performance polymer 高性能高分子70. high modulus polymer 高模量聚合物71. specialitypolymer 特殊性能高分子, 又称特种高分子“72. intelligent polymer 智能聚合物73. hydrophilic polymer 亲水聚合物74. hydrophobic polymer 疏水聚合物75. amphiphilicpolymer 两亲聚合物76. water absorbent polymer 吸水性聚合物77. water soluble polymer 水溶性高分子78. macroporouspolymer 大孔聚合物79. fine polymer 精细高分子80. photoresponsivepolymer光响应高分子81. optical active polymer光活性聚合物球追袋踏捆缔迄解祸妙您缎睬币尖在倒狡因什舜骏溉炉浮暗柏袍涛枫詹蹄专业英语Lesson 5专业英语Lesson 59/14/2024



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