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1、人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.重点单词拼写1) She is 70 years old, and the skin has become l.【答案】loose2) It is aidea to play football all day without a break. 【答案】crazy3) We usually use g, such as waving, nodding our heads, to talk to people who is far away.【答案】gestures4) To avoid this pollution di

2、saster in the future, we should not iit anymore and please try to pay more attention to our atmosphere. 【答案】ignore人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5) Thank you for your cabout the matter of the hawkers in Tak Tai Street. 【答案】concern6) The Smiths are tired of moving now and then and when they got to this little tow

3、n of California, they finally sdown. 【答案】settled7) Most of the farmers in my hometown go out to work at dawn and get back at d.【答案】dusk8) Unlike the grown-ups, most of the tin middle schools are more sensitive than rational.【答案】teenagers人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习9) Sorry, Im not so sure. If you could give m

4、e some t, perhaps I could know the answer.【答案】tips10) “Oh, Sam, Im only having you on. No need to be u.” said Frodo.【答案】upset2. 重点词词形变换1)It would beto demand of a person who is lack of power of to become a detective. Thats one of thewhy I think he is more suitable to be a worker. (reason)【答案】unreaso

5、nable; reasoning; reasons人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) Joanna is quite angry that she wasby the boss in this task. But in fact I think if she thinks so, she is merelyfor she is completely inof this task. (ignore)【答案】ignored; ignorant; ignorance3) No man can imagine thehe got when he lost the game. In fact he

6、 was a. He had the ability to win, but he was forced to lose the game. It wasfor him. (suffer)【答案】sufferings; sufferer; insufferable4) All the members came to anthat Kitty had anvoice and that only when sheto, should we ask someone else to represent our school to take part in the speech contest. (ag

7、ree)【答案】agreement; agreeable; disagreed人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5) The doctor asked the patient to be confident in hisfrom the disease, for this kind of disease is, and he was strong enough tofrom it soon. (recover)【答案】recovery; recoverable; recover6) The new-born baby was anto the family. “And it brings s

8、omecost to the family.” the mother. (add)【答案】addition; additional; added7) Though Tom and John are not very, they can in sign language, which is a common method of between the blind. (communicate)【答案】communicative; communicate; communication人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习8) Though Shella tried her best to win th

9、e praise of the master on, she still failed it. She was so upset that she wandered in the street. (purpose)【答案】purpose; purposelessly9) As far as Im, the accident is noof mine, but it my friend. (concern)【答案】concerned; concern; concerns10) The twoclaimed to be born in, and that they knew no other la

10、nguage but. (German)【答案】Germans; Germany; German返回单元菜单人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习add up 把某物加起来get sth done 让某事被做calm down 安静下来;让某人安静下来be concerned about 关心;担心go through 经历;遭受;检查;讨论;被通过set down 放下;记下;让某人下车a series of 一系列to do with 处理on purpose 故意地;有目的地at dusk 黄昏时face to face 面对面no longer 不再take no notice of 不

11、注意1.短语积累人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习suffer from 受某事之折磨get tired of 对某事感到厌烦have trouble with 做某事有麻烦at the moment 目前;现在get along with 与某人相处fall in love with 爱上某人make friends with 与某人交朋友2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中 1) When youthese numbers, you will see how many points you have got.【答案】add up 2) Although he is 20

12、years old now, he stillliving alone. He even doesnt know how to wash clothes.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】has trouble 3) Because heof what the teacher said, he didnt know what he should do.【答案】took no notice of4) When John and his wife had some arguments, they would sit down together and discuss the proble

13、m.【答案】face to face5) Sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. I had wanted to throw at the dog.【答案】on purpose6) Our parentsus all the time while we children seldom take care of them. 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】are concerned about7) He was too scared and didnt know whatthe accident.【答案】to do with 8) At the first

14、sight the boythe pretty girl although he didnt know whether she loved him.【答案】fell in love with9) You area little baby. You must learn to look after yourself now.【答案】no longer 10) Itoo much bad luck. I dont care to have one more.【答案】have gone through返回单元菜单人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. But your friend cant go

15、 until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle.(P1) not.until句型:“直到才”,主句动词一般需要用短暂性动词,如:finish, hand in, die, go, begin等等。【词汇网络】not.until可以变化为更加地道的英语句型:Not until.did/will sb do sthIt was/is not until.that sb did/will do sth即时强化练习:用not until翻译下列句子,每句至少用三种句式。 1)直到我去到百货商店我才发现没带钱包。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】

16、1) I didnt find out that I forgot to bring my wallet until I got to the department store.Not until I got to the department store did I find out that I forgot to bring my wallet.It was not until I got to the department store that I found out I forgot to bring my wallet.2)直到她的先生消失在她的视线范围之外,她才痛哭失声。【答案】

17、2) She didnt burst out into tears until her husband went out of sight.Not until her husband went out of sight did she burst out into tears. It was not until her husband went out of sight that she burst out into tears.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. It /This/That is (was) the first/second/third/last time that.某

18、人第一(二,三,最后等)次做某事在此句型中,若主句时态是一般现在时,即用is,以that引导的定语从句常用现在完成时态。若主句时态是一般过去时,即用was,以that引导的定语从句常用过去完成时态。This is the first time that I have ever enjoyed this kind of food.这是我第一次吃这种食品。It was the third time that he had been informed of the change of the meeting.这是他第三次被告知会议作了改变。即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 那已经是我第五次离开家到广

19、州去学习。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】1) That was the fifth time that I had left for Guangzhou for study. 2) 这是我第一次有机会跟你们面对面地交流。【答案】2) This is the first time that I have had the chance to talk with you face to face.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.(P1) calm v.

20、 & adj. 1) vt.使平静,使镇静使平静,使镇静The nurse calmed the little boy by giving him some candy.保育员给那小男孩一些糖果,使他安静了下来。He took a deep breath to calm himself. 他深吸了一口气以使自己平静下来。2) vi.平静下来,镇静下来The excited football fans calmed down at last.激动的足球迷最终平静了下来。3) adj. (心境)平静的,镇静的,沉着的; (天气)平静无风的;(时代)和平安宁的人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习Th

21、e sea was calm after the storm.经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。After the storm it became calm again.暴风雨过后,天气又恢复了平静无风。He was calm when I told him the bad news.当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静。【词语辨析】calm, quiet, still与silentcalm 平静的,沉着的。指无风浪的或人心情不激动的。quiet 平静的,安静的。指不吵闹的或心境不烦躁的。still 静止的,不动的。指(人体等)不运动的。silent 沉默的,缄口的,寂静的。指不讲话或没有声音的。人

22、教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【拓展】calm down 平静下来,镇定下来(既可作不及物动词短语也可作及物动词短语)The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不一会就安静下来了。It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是有困难的。 (注意:前例句的calm是不及物动词,后例句的calm是及物动词。)2. Add up your score and see how many points you get.add vt. & vi. 增加:添加;(数字等)加(起来);补充说Add

23、 more hot water, please. 请多加点热水。If you add 4 to 3, youll get 7. 四加三得七。Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result. 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【派生词】addition n. 增加,附加物;adder n. 计加法器【词汇网络】与add 有关的词组:add sth. to sth. 把加到(进)add to(=increase)增加add up to共计(无

24、被动语态);意味着,等于说add sth. up/ together把加起来,合计3. Tell your friend that you concern about him/her.concern v. & n. 1) vt. to have sth. to do with or relate to 涉及,关系到(一般不用于被动时态)This concerns the healthy growth of children deeply.这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) vt.使担心(挂念),使忧虑(常用于被动语态)Were rather concern

25、ed about fathers health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。3) n. 所关切的事,关心,担心,担忧Its no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。His mothers only concern was how to make him study even harder.他妈妈心里想的全是如何使他学习更刻苦。【词汇网络】有关concern 的短语还有:with concern 关切地show concern for sb. 对某人表示关心have no concern for 毫不关心as/so far as.be concerned 就而言人教版高一英语必修一全

26、册课件_总复习of much concern 很重要,很有关系of no concern 无关紧要,没有意义it is no concern of mine/yours. 这不关我(你)的事。be concerned about (for) 关心,挂念We are all concerned for (about) her safety. 我们大家都担心着她的安全。我们需要注意,在这里从中文角度考虑,应该是主动,但是英语中却必须用被动,类似这样常用被动来表示中文的主动意义的词组还有:be associated with 与联合、联系 be attached to 附加于、隶属于be based

27、 on 以为基础 be composed of 由组成人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习be connected with 与连结、连接 be divorced from 和某人离婚be educated from 从学校等毕业 be employed in 从事于be engaged to 和某人订婚 be exposed to 暴露于,面临于be faced with 面对 be fed up 吃得过饱,对极其厌倦be honored withtobe(phr) 被授予;因做而感到荣幸be involved in 卷入、陷入;专心于 be married to 和某人结婚人教版高一英语必

28、修一全册课件_总复习be prepared to do sth 准备好了去做某事 be rooted in 扎根于be set in 以为背景 be used toving(phr)习惯于be hidden in 藏在某地 be dressed in 穿着be seated 坐在另外还有表示情感情绪的动词,当表示“感到”时,用过去分词,这类动词有:amazed,amused, annoyed,astonished,concerned,confused,delighted,disappointed,discouraged, disgusted,distressed,excited,frighte

29、ned,interested, irritated,moved,pleased, puzzled,relieved,shocked,touched。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习4. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (P2)face to face 面对面地,类似的“名词+介词+名词”的结构还有:hand in hand,手牵手地 arm in arm 手挽手地,side by side 肩并肩地 mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴地back to ba

30、ck 背靠背地,背对背地,一个接一个,连续地;see eye to eye 看法完全相同,完全同意,面对面看着(与see连用);face to face 面对面地,当面地,对立地;front to front 面对面地;hand to hand 短兵相接地,逼近地,肉搏地;head to head 头对头地,面对面地,促膝地,交头接耳地;heart to heart 开诚布公地,心连心地,贴心地,推心置腹地,坦率地,诚恳地;人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习knee to knee 膝靠着膝地,促膝地;man to man 个人对个人地,一对一地,人盯人地,私下地,坦率地,真诚地;nose

31、to nose 面对面地,迎面(相遇);shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地,互助,一致,团结;5. I stayed awake on purpose. (P2)stay vi. & link v. 1) vi. 停留;逗留The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. 医生告诉他,他还得在医院住两个星期。2) link v.保持,持续不变 (=keep)How can you stay so cool and calm after such a ho

32、t argument?人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习这样一场激烈的争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此冷静沉着呢?【词汇网络】系动词的分类记忆:“变化”类:become,turn, go, get, grow, fall, run, come“感官”类:feel, smell, taste, look, sound“显现”类:look, appear, seem“状态”类:keep, stay, remain, stand, sit, proveon purpose 故意地;有意地;有目的地I dont think he did it on purpose, for he is really a

33、 kind person. 我认为他不是故意这样做的,因为他真的是一个好人。on 在这里表示处于某种状态或在某个方位,类似的短语还有:on board 乘(车,飞机) on call 听候召唤on duty 值班 on earth 到底人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习on fire 着火 on foot 步行on guard 在岗 on hire 雇用on holiday 度假 on leave 休假on ones knees 跪下 on ones way 在的路上on purpose 故意 on sale 待售on shore 在岸上 on time 准时on the move 行动 o

34、n the other hand 另一方面on the spot 当场 on the tip of ones tongue 快要说出口 on top of 在的顶部 on watch 值班6. Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. (P2)reason n. & v. 1) n. C, U原因,理由,动机,理性,理智人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习The reason why (that) she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat. 【提示】reason后的定语从句的引

35、导词是关系副词why 或that,也可以省略。I have a good reason for doing that =I have a good reason to do that.我那样做是有充分的理由的。【提示】reason 后的定语常是介词短语for (doing) sth., 或不定式to do sth.【词汇网络】for this (that) reason 因为这个/那个原因by reason of由于,因为 2) vt. & vi.推理,推究,劝说We reasoned that he was lying. 我们推断他在说谎。Finally I reasoned him int

36、o /out of accepting the invitation. 最终我说服他接受(拒绝)邀请。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词语辨析】reason 与causereason 侧重指做某事的理由;cause指导致不良后果的起因。Whats the reason for your absence? 你为什么缺席?The reason for it is that the traffic was heavy.我缺席的原因是交通拥挤。The cause of the big fire was his carelessness. 大火的起因是他的粗心大意。【派生词】reasonable

37、adj. 合情合理的;reasonably adv. 合情合理地;reasoned adj. 合乎逻辑的人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.重点单词拼写1) I have got three daysholidays INew Years Day.【答案】including2) Shes busy at pand cant speak to you.【答案】present3) The captain c his army to attack the enemy at night.【答案】commanded4) Dont respond to any e-

38、mails rpersonal information, no matter how official they look.【答案】requesting5) I rhim as soon as he came in the room, though I hadnt seen him for years.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】recognized6) The new g is made up of ten officials.【答案】government7) H difficult the task may be, well fulfill it in time.【答案】H

39、owever8) It is I to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.【答案】impolite9) He was last seen heading in the dof Miami.【答案】direction10) The original supermarkets were small by mstandards.【答案】modern人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. 重点词词形变换 1) Everybody laughed, the teacher. (include)【答案】included2) Hisin th

40、e team has caused a lot of argument. (include)【答案】inclusion3) Do you like the filmsby Zhang Yimou? He is a well-known Chinese. (direction)【答案】directed, director4) The police only interview a child in theof an adult. (present)【答案】presence5) We should study hard for theof China. (modern)【答案】modernizat

41、ion人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习6) These are the worlds leading industrial. (native)【答案】nations7) Deans a reallyperson to have around when things go wrong. Only Jack is of greatat that time.(use)【答案】useless, use8) The bag isit has a hole in it. (use)【答案】useless9) Ive known Barbara for years, since we were babi

42、es,. (actual)【答案】actually10) It was a period ofpopulation growth. (rapidly)【答案】rapid人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习play a role / part in 在中起作用be based on 以为依据because of 因为such as 例如,像这样的come up 走近the number of 的数量a large number of 许多make good full use of 充分利用1. 短语积累2. 用所给短语将下列句子译成英语1) 运气在他的成功中起了重要作用。(play an imp

43、ortant part in) 【答案】Luck played an important part / role in his success.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) 这出戏以真实故事为基础,很有教育意义。(be based on)【答案】The play, (which is) based on a true story, is very instructive.3) 约翰没有出席会议,因为他病了。(because of)【答案】John didnt attend the meeting because of his illness.4) 充分利用你所拥有的每一个机会练习讲

44、英语。(make good use of)【答案】Make good use of every chance (that) you have to practise speaking English.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5) 今天缺席的学生有五人。(the number of)【答案】The number of the students (who are) absent today is five.返回单元菜单人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. than ever before 比以往任何时候即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 受到老师激励,我比以往任何暑假都要更加努力工作

45、。2) 今年的冬天比以往任何时候都冷。【答案】1) Inspired by the teacher, I work harder than ever before.2) This winter it is colder than ever before.即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 他今天没有来上学,这是因为他病了。2. This is because 这是因为人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. This is because 这是因为即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 他今天没有来上学,这是因为他病了。2) 我不要求你按时完成, 这是因为我不想给你太大压力。【答案】1) He is

46、absent from school today. This is because he is ill.2) I didnt oblige you to finish it on time. This is because I didnt want to put too much pressure on you.3. even if / even though. 即使,尽管即时强化练习:翻译下面句子:人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1) 即使你不喜欢他,也可客气一点。2) 即使你不想去,你也应该告诉他一声。【答案】1) Even if you dont like him, you can

47、still be polite.2) Even if you dont want to go, you should tell him that.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. They are called world Englishes and they include Canadian, British, American and Indian English. (P9)include vt. 包括,包含The bill includes tax and service. 账单中包含了税金和服务费。Your duties include checking the letters

48、 and sorting them out.Ten students took part in the competition, including three girls.Ten scientists, six women scientists included, were present at the meeting.【重要提示】including一般位于名词或代词的前面,included则位于名词或代词的后面【词语辨析】include / contain / holdinclude 强调“包括,作为整体的一部分”,侧重范围或整体。contain 着重“其中包含有”,指在一定范围或容器内容

49、纳某物,侧重包含的内容或成分。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习hold 指“能容纳”The bok contains ten chapters, including American Literature. This kind of fruit contains lots of vitamin C and B. 这种水果富含维生素C和B。The hall holds 200 people. 这个大厅能容纳200人。2. World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a f

50、irst or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(P9)because of 是复合介词,表原因,意为“因为”,后接名词、代词、或宾语从句。because 作连词,后跟句子。以原因状语从句形式表明主句的根本原因。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习He was late not only because of his illness but also because he missed the train.【词汇

51、网络】表示“由于”的短语还有:thanks to “多亏,由于”,只能作状语Thanks to your advice, much trouble was saved.due to 可以作表语,状语,不可位于句首The accident was due to the storm.owing to 可以作状语或表语,作状语时常用逗号隔开,作表语相当于due to.Toms failing in the exam was owing to his carelessnessOwing to his careless driving, the accident occurred.as a result

52、 of “由于”,作状语on account of “因为”,作状语人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习3. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?(P9)come up 上来,过来;A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. (走近,上来)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. (升起) Your question came up at the meeting. (被提出讨论) 【词汇网络】

53、come up with 想出(计划,答案)come out 出来,(花)开,出版;结果是come about 发生come across 偶然遇见come along 一起来,一道走;进展;进步come to 共计,达到人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习4. English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such as South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia.(P10)【词语辨析】such as, for examplesuch as 意为“例如,诸如之类的”,用来列举

54、同类人或事物中的几个。如果要把同类人或事物全部列举出来,用that is或namely。A lot of things can be recycled, such as waste paper, waste plastic bags, and old batteries.for example举例说明,列举同类人或事物中的“一个”,作插入语,且用逗号隔开,可位于句首、句中或句末。Most boys in my class like physics. Tom, for example, shows a special interest in it.5. Believe it or not, th

55、ere is no such thing as standard English.(P13)人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习such与all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。There is no such thing as a free lunch. 世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿。There are three such mistakes in your composition. 你的作文中有三个这样的错误。6. Today the number of people learning

56、English in China is increasing rapidly.(P10)the number of.表示“的数量”a large number of 相当于a good / great many或many,表示“许多的,大量的”其后跟可数名词的复数形式,不可跟不可数名词。如:The number of trees on the deserted mountain is over 200,000.在那片荒山上种植的树木数量已超过二十万棵。A great many (A number of) visitors come to the Palace Museum every year

57、.每年有大量的游客故宫参观。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.重点单词拼写1) His paper will be published in the British Medical Jnext month.【答案】Journal2) We cantgoods in railways.【答案】transport3) I knew you would be too s to listen to my advice.【答案】stubborn 4) I Ithat you go to the hospital immediately; you are very

58、 ill.【答案】insist 5) Are you doing the task in the pway?人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】proper6) The size of your feet dthe size of your shoes.【答案】determines7) What is youre ato the idea, agree or disagree?【答案】attitude8) He has a gift for language, and he is fwith three languages.【答案】familiar9) He broke the rin

59、 high jump in the Asian Games.【答案】record10) I was very busy that day, but he pme to take part in the party.【答案】persuaded人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. 重点词词形变换1) Theof live animals is forbidden. (transport)【答案】transportation/ transporting 2) They scored in theminute of the game. (finally)【答案】final3) After a li

60、ttle gentle , Mr.Brown agreed to let us in.(persuade)【答案】persuasion4) Herto do well made her keep on studying. (determine)【答案】determination5) Theare all from China. (cycle)【答案】cyclists人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习 6) The woman showed greatin going into the burning building to rescue the trapped child. (brave)【

61、答案】bravery7) The events have been theof conversation for weeks. (topic)【答案】topics8) The young lady wanted to buy a pair of tennis. (short)【答案】shorts9) Make sure the job is done.(proper)【答案】properly10) The tourists were caught in the snowstorm in thearea. (Tibet)【答案】Tibetant返回单元菜单人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习ke

62、ep a travel journal 写旅游日记see the world through ones eyes 透过眼睛看世界agree to sth 同意on the/ones journey 在旅途中as usual 照例;像往常一样stay awake 保持清醒keep asking sb. 不断问one way fare 单程票at an altitude of 5,000 meters 在海拔5000米的地方dream about/ of (doing) sth. 梦想做graduate from college 大学毕业persuade sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某

63、事 get sb.interested in doing sth. 使对感兴趣1.短语积累人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习care about 关心;考虑a determined look 坚决的表情change onesmind / change ones attitudechange our minds 改变想法make up ones mindmake up our minds 决定give in 投降; 上交 give in to sb. / sth. 屈服;同意pass through 穿过 flow through 流经make camp 扎营put up the tent 支

64、帐篷for one thing,. for another,. 一方面另一方面familiar to sb. 为所熟悉in detail 详细地人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中1) Shebeing famous one day.【答案】dreams about2) The only thing he seems tois money.【答案】care about3) ONeil wasto pressure from London to hurry the reform. 【答案】giving in4) How can wehimpol

65、itics?【答案】get, interested in5) Kate didnt want to buy that skirt., it was very expensive; its style was out of fashion.【答案】 For one thing, for another人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P18)此句包含英语中的强调句型:i

66、t + is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 原句其余部分。要注意:被强调部分表示“人”的话,用that/who, 其他情况下都用that.It was Jack who/that broke the window yesterday.即时强化练习:用强调句型翻译下面句子1) 我是在那棵树下面捡到这只钱包的。2) 是他把窗户的玻璃打破的吗?3) 你是因为什么而没有参加会议的?人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】1) It was under the tree that I picked up the wallet.2) Was it he who/ that brok

67、e the glass of the window?3) Why was it that you didnt attend the meeting?2. Are you working this evening?(P21)此句用现在进行时 are working 来表示按计划进行的将来的动作。Im writng the composition at night.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子今天下午一位美国来宾将在礼堂举行一场英语讲座。【答案】 An American guest is giving English lecture in the hall this afternoon.返回单元菜单

68、人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.(P18)dream about: 做梦;梦见I dreamt about you last night.dream of/about: 梦想,幻想We dream of buying our own house.【词汇网络】dream away 虚度(光阴) dream up 虚构出 have a dream 做梦2. When we graduated from college, we finally got the chance to do it.(P18

69、)graduate from : (大学或中学)毕业Wang Ming graduated from Beijing University with a degree in law.finally: adv. 最后,终于 final: adj. 最后的,决定性的 n.决赛人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词语辨析】finally, at last, in the end,eventuallyfinally: 可以表示时间位置,相当于at last / in the end; 还可以表示时间的先后顺序,如同first(ly), second(ly), then, last。at last:

70、只指时间位置,强调经过周折、等待、耽误的“最后、终于”出现所期待的结果。in the end / eventually: 只指时间位置,强调经过周折、等待、耽误的“最后、终于”出现所期待的结果(相当于at last)或者出现非期待的结果。3. Then she persuaded me to buy one.(P18)persuade: vt. 说服; 信服 persuasion: n. 说服 persuasive: adj. 有说服力的人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习persuade sb. to do sth/ into doing sth. 说服某人干某事persuade sb. n

71、ot to do sth/ out of doing sth 说服某人别干某事persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服I finally managed to persuade Mary to go out for a drink with me.Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you dont really want.He persuaded me not to go there. / He persuaded me out of going there.We finally persuaded Ben of t

72、he wisdom of this decision.4.she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey. (P18)insist: v. 坚持宣称/认为(宾语从句的谓语用陈述语气); 坚决要求,一定要(宾语从句的谓语用虚拟语气should + v.)Mike insisted that he was right.They insisted that everyone (should) come to the party.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词汇网络】insist on (doin

73、g)sth. 坚持if you insist 如果你一定要这样Her parents insisted on speaking to the headmistress.He kept insisting on her innocence.Why dont you call them up today? Oh, if you insist【词语辨析】insist on, stick to前者表对“要求、意见、看法等”的“坚持”;后者表对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言或某种理论”的“坚持”5. She gave me a determined look-the kind that said she wo

74、uldnt change her mind. (P18)1) determine: v. 确定;决定,支配;(官方)确定,规定人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习determination: n. 决心,(官方)决定determined: adj. determine to do sth. 决定做.be determined to do sth.有决心干We determined to leave at once.I am determined to find out who is responsible for this.Determined that his son would do we

75、ll, Mr.Smith sent him to a private school. 2) change ones mind(about)改变主意/决定Try and get her to change her mind about coming with us. 【词汇网络】make up ones mind (to do sth.) 下定决心做be in two minds about 拿不定主意,犹豫不决人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习set ones mind on (doing) sth. 下定决心要做come to mind 突然想到put ones mind to 专心于ke

76、ep ones mind on 专心于keep / bear sth. in mind 记住bring / call sth. to mind 回想起人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.重点单词拼写1) Before the earthquake, you can notice that the wells have c in them.【答案】cracks2) Before the earthquake the chickens and even the pigs are too n to eat.【答案】nervous3) Two-thirds of

77、 the people died or were(受伤)during the earthquake.【答案】injured4) Older students were having difficulty in studying and o themselves.【答案】organizing人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5) A great part of the city was din the earthquake.【答案】destroyed6) I felt everything sduring the earthquake so I couldnt sit still.【答案】sh

78、aking7) She cher face in her hands and cried loudly.【答案】covered8) Seeing a baby crying in the burning house, the firemen rher from the house.【答案】 rescued9) She is always healthy. Whenever I see her, she looks f.【答案】fresh人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习10) Jfrom his appearance, the manager cant be over 60.【答案】Judg

79、ing1) Whether thecan be separated is not an international affair, but a one. It is up to thepeople to decide. (nation)【答案】nation; national; national2) Please wipe theoff the table. The room looks with the table. (dirt)【答案】dirt; dirty3) Most people protect themselves from to their self-esteem, for th

80、ey think if their self-esteem was greatly, they will feel. (injure)2. 重点词词形变换 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】injury; injured; injured4) from the result, theof the match must have controlled the match quite well. Do you agree with my? (judge)【答案】Judging; judge; judgement5) can be found everywhere. Sometimes o

81、nes hair seems . Someequipment can be. (electricity)【答案】Electricity; electrified; electric; electrified6) As, somewere wounded when they were trying to find out something of the government.(report)【答案】is reported; reporters; report人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习7) We visited theof Yuanmingyuan last summer. Itby

82、the foreign invaders. Seeing thepalace we feel very pitiful. (ruin)【答案】ruins; was ruined; ruined8) Taste and are closely connected. If you cant the food, you cant taste it either. (smell)【答案】smell; smell; smelly9) The felt happy that they were able tothe accident and joked that it was because of the

83、of the fittest. (survive)【答案】survivors; survive; survival人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习10) We all feltto be invited to take the action and we promised on our that we would do it bravely, even if we died. (honour)【答案】 honoured; honour; honourably人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习shake hands with 握手as usual 像往常一样break out 爆发righ

84、t away 马上;即刻a number of 许多;大量to the north of 在北面put up 举起;张贴be proud of 对感到自豪/骄傲judging from 根据判断be known as 作为而出名come out of 从出来too.to. 太而不give out 用完;出故障;分发;宣布1.短语积累人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习be trapped under the ruins 陷在废墟下instead of 代替in honour of 纪念tens of thousands of 几万 more than 超过;不仅仅fall down 倒下at

85、an end 结束;终结dig out 挖出;查明wake up 醒来in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中1)A terrible earthquake hit the city and in a few seconds the whole city lay .人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) Its a custom others when they meet in China, while in Japan they bow to each other.【答案】to shake hands with【答案】in ruins3) f

86、ollowing his fathers advice, Jack did just the opposite, which made his father angry.【答案】Instead of4) from his expression, he must have won a prize.【答案】Judging from5) The whole classthe boy student who won the first prize in the English Contest, for he was the honor to their class. 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复

87、习6) The children were busya tent and it would be completed before dark.【答案】putting up【答案】are proud of7) Meizhou the Capital of Hakaees, for there are most Hakaees living there.【答案】is known as8) The monument (纪念碑) was set upthose who died in the terrible disaster.【答案】in honour of9) The monitor helped

88、 the teacher the graded test papers.【答案】give out人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【答案】woke up10) The terrible shaking of the buildingall the people who were sleeping.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. What do you think may happen before an earthquake? (P25)疑问词 + do you think/suppose + 陈述句语序的句子?When do you think he will arrive he

89、re? 你认为他什么时候能到这里?即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 你认为是谁拿走了我的雨伞?2) 你想我们什么时候来制定计划?【答案】1) Who do you think has taken my umbrella? 2) When do you think we should make our plan?2. It seemed that the world was at an end! 似乎是世界末日!(P26)It seems/appears/happens + that从句 “似乎/碰巧”人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习=Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to

90、 do sth 某人似乎/碰巧要做某事。Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to be doing sth 某人似乎/碰巧在做某事。Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to have done sth 某人似乎/碰巧做过某事。It seems that we will have a hard time. = We seem to have a hard time.似乎我们将要过一段艰难的时光。即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 似乎他从未思考过这样的问题。【答案】It seems that he has never thought about such a pro

91、blem.He seems not to have thought about such a problem.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习 2) 碰巧当时大家都在室外干活。【答案】 It happened that all of us were working outdoors.All of us happened to be working outdoors. 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. (P26)rise:1) vi.

92、 上升The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west. 起立;起床Knowing that she wouldnt help, he rose and set off for home. 知道她不帮忙,他站起来回家了。增长The cost in supporting a family is rising quickly recently. 维持一个家庭的费用近来迅速地增加。2)n. 上升;上涨;升起 a rise in price 价格的上涨 give sb. a rise 给某人提工资 at the rise of the sun 日出

93、之时人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词语辨析】rise与raise(1) 两者都可表示“升起”之意,这时rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。The price of meat has risen sharply lately. 最近肉价上涨很快。The butchers will raise the price of meat in a few weeks. 肉商几个星期内将提高肉价。 (2) 表示“起立、起床、增长”时只能用rise。Although very tired, when hearing the alarm, he rose from the bed quickl

94、y.虽然很累,当听到闹钟响起时,他迅速地从床上爬起来。 (3) 表示“饲养、提出”时要用raise。He is just the person who raised such a good plan. 正是他提出了这么好的计划。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. Two thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. (P26)injure 受伤;伤害He was badly/seriously injured in the accident. 他在事故中严重受伤。Drinking too much sur

95、ely will injure ones health. 喝太多酒当然会伤害到一个人的健康。injured adj. 受伤的injury n.伤口;受伤处【词语辨析】injure: 受伤wound: 受伤(一般强调外伤)harm: 意指无形的伤害,“对有害”人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习hurt: (肉体或精神上的)伤害,强调疼痛Dont often listen to the loud music. It will harm your hearing.In the modern war, not many soldiers were wounded or killed.Your wor

96、ds really hurt him a lot.He fell from the second floor and was badly injured /hurt.3. In the farm yards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. (P26)too.to. 太以至不能。例如: The boy is too weak to lift the heavy box这男孩太虚弱,举不起那个重箱子。当too.to.跟少数形容词(如ready,glad,pleased,apt,willing,inclined,eag

97、er, easy, satisfied等)搭配时,不定式无否定意义。例如: 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习He is too ready to promise他轻于许诺。 Beginners are too apt to make mistakes初学者极易出错。 He is too much inclined to give himself airs他太喜欢装模作样了。需要注意的是,too. to. 的否定形式not too. to. 的意思是“不是太而不能”。 例如: He is not too young to dress himself他不是小得连衣服都不会穿。 It is ne

98、ver too late to learn活到老,学到老。too还因此形成一类特殊而重要的用法,具体如下: cannot(或can never). too. 表示“怎么也不会过分”、“越越好”的含义。如: 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习One can never be too careful in ones work工作越细越好。One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以在做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不过分。 You cannot praise

99、the play too highly这出戏你无论怎样称赞都不会过分。4. But one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night. (P26)think little of 不重视;认为没价值It is wrong to think little of everything. 对什么都不在乎是不对的。She thought little of my work. 她不看重我的工作。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词汇网络】类似词组:thi

100、nk much of 认为某人很重要think better of sb. 对某人印象好;看重某人think better of sth. 改变念头;打消主意think highly of 看重;器重think well of 重视think little of 看轻;看不起think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起as usual 照例;和平常或习惯一样:As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning. 和平时一样,那个星期六早晨我起得很迟人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5

101、.Sand now filled the wells instead of water. (P26)instead adv1) 替代;更换If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,让他替你去。2) (与of连用)代替Well have tea in the garden instead of in the house. 我们将改在花园喝茶,而不在屋里喝。6. Describe your feelings about the city, which is known as the “Brave City of China”. (P29)1) be

102、known as +身份 2) be known for. 因出名人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习The area is known as a green tea producing places. 这个地方是以绿茶生产地而闻名的。The town is known for its fine park. 这个小镇以它精致漂亮的公园而闻名。3) be known by 根而得知 A person is known by the company he keeps. 根据他经营的公司可知道他这个人。4) be known to 被某人所了解It is known to all that theo

103、ry comes from practice.大家都知道理论来自实践。7. One other thing to remember. (P31)one other :应该注意限定词顺序, 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习 “限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。8. An outline will prepare y

104、ou to write a better story. (P31)prepare 1) prepare “准备;预备;筹备;制作;配制”prepare + 名词或代词。例如:He has prepared his lessons. 他已备好课了。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习prepare + 双宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语)。例如:The secretary has prepared the president a long report. = The secretary has prepared a long report for the president.秘书已为董事长准备好了一份长

105、篇报告稿。prepare + 动词不定式短语。例如:They are busy preparing to go on vacation. 他们正忙着准备去度假。prepare + for (或 against )引起的短语。例如:The students are busy preparing for the mid-term examination. 学生们正忙于为期中考试作准备。The peasants are preparing against the drought.农民们正在为抗干旱作准备。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) prepare“使(人)作好准备;叫(人)作准备”:p

106、repare + sb/oneself + for sth.例如:He was preparing himself for the marathon race then. 他当时正在为参加马拉松比赛而作准备。prepare + sb/oneself + 动词不定式短语。例如:He prepared himself to take out a license for a driver. 他为取得汽车驾驶执照作了准备。3) 过去分词 prepared 用于系表结构,意思为“为做好准备;打算”:be prepared + for (或 against )引起的短语。例如:They were prep

107、ared for the worst. 他们已准备好应付最坏的情况。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习 be prepared + 不定式短语。例如:I am not prepared to listen to all your weak excuses. 我不愿听你那些不成借口的借口。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1.重点单词拼写1) We should pay more attention to the qas well as the quantity.【答案】quality2) He is always wto help anyone who

108、is in t. 【答案】willing, trouble3) Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h .【答案】heart4) Everything needs to be done according to a certain(原则,原理)【答案】principle5) People in Iraq are dreaming of living a plife, that is they hope to live in p.【答案】peaceful, peace人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习6) The t

109、hief was caught and was sin pfor 3 years.【答案】sentenced, prison7) During the pwhen I was in my university, I studied l myself and became a lafter graduation.【答案】period, law, lawyer8) The final examination is coming. Our teacher aus to go over our lessons carefully.【答案】advises9) If it cto rain for som

110、e days, the crops would be destroyed.【答案】continued10) If he gets that (职位),I think he can do it well.【答案】position人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习11) He received a sum of money, but he didnt want to ait.【答案】accept12) They dont want to solve the problem with v. Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.【答案】v

111、iolence13) In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really eto men.【答案】equal14) If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a bon your quilt.【答案】blanket15) As a well-eperson, its hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such (残忍).人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1) The pupils

112、got to know that Liu Hulan was aand died and they were moved by her deeds. (hero)【答案】heroine; heroicly; heroic2) They were sothat they cut the man into pieces. We all felt sure that they would be punished by their. (cruel)【答案】cruel; cruelly; cruelty3) He is really a man with many , but do you think

113、you are enough to do the work? (quality)【答案】qualities; qualified【答案】educated, cruelty2. 重点词词形变换人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习5) pay forwork. Thats our rule. If we cant treat every client, we will break thein our company. (equal)【答案】Equal; equal; equally; equality6) We all enjoy theof the countryside, for we can

114、 live with the natureand live alife there. (peace)【答案】peace; peacefully; peaceful7) You are not allowed to commit any , or you will become aand be sentenced to prison for theact. (crime)【答案】crime; criminal; crime4) Let him do what he. He is notto do that if it is against his. (will)【答案】will; willing

115、; will人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习9) If this proposal isto you, you mustit. In this way the proposal will meet with general. (accept)【答案】acceptable; accept; acceptance10) She is always having theof snakes. She finds itto come across a snake, which willher very much. (terror)【答案】terror; terrible; terrify8) The

116、 big waves beat the coast . The wind blew with great , which caused astorm. (violence)【答案】violently; violence; violent人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习put.into prison 把投进监狱in fact, as a matter of fact 事实上fight against 与作斗争come to power 上台执政break the law 违反法律without pay 没有报酬lose heart 灰心;泄气be active in 积极参加;活跃be wi

117、lling to do something 愿意做某事be out of work 失业be stopped from doing something 被阻止做某事answer violence with violence 以暴制暴be in good health 健康良好1.短语积累人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习blow up 发脾气;爆炸ask for 索取be in trouble 处于麻烦中die for 为而死advise somebody to do something 建议某人干某事in reward for 作为的回报set up 建立be sentenced to 被

118、判处worry about 为担心be free from 免去之苦2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中1) Whatever great difficulty we meet, well never.【答案】lose heart人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2) If you cant finish the work on time, youll be.【答案】in trouble3) Your parents areyou: do make a phone call to them.【答案】worrying about4) She has beenfor a year

119、 and is looking forward to being in work again.【答案】out of work5) People expect topollution and live in a pleasant environment.【答案】be free from6) I thought you wouldnt mind. Well, I dont; but you should have asked me first.【答案】as a matter of fact人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习7) Several people were killed and man

120、y were hurt when a bombat the busy street.【答案】blew up8) As soon as he arrived in Paris, hefor the wrongs his family had done.【答案】was put in prison9) As a Jew, Einstein was forced to leave his homeland after Hitler.【答案】came to power10) The government hasa working party to look into the problem of dru

121、g abuse.【答案】set up11) Hedeath because of killing someone on purpose.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习12) The women workers shouldthe men in pay since they do the same work.【答案】be equal to【答案】was sentenced to人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and pro

122、gress. (P34)拟人用法:时间、地点 + see/eyewitness + 事件。1949 eyewitnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China.即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 我们学校是1993年成立的。2) 在这个村庄曾经发生过一次灾难。【答案】1) 1993 saw the foundation of our school. 2) This village has ever seen a disaster.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习2. Only then did we decide to answe

123、r violence with violence. (P34)Only+状语+部分倒装句Only in this way can we find the correct answer.即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 只有当你遭遇过这样的事情后你才会相信。2) 只有在这样的一个家庭你才有这样的好生活。【答案】 1) Only after youve met with such a thing will you believe it.2) Only in such a family can you live such a happy life.人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1. Will

124、you help others with their work if they ask you? (P33)help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事Would you please help me with my homework? help的其它用法:1)help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 Can you help me to learn English?2)help oneself ( to sth )自用(食物等);随便拿Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。 3)help sb. into/ out of 搀扶某人进入 /

125、走出。He helped the patient out of the hospital.他搀扶病人走出了医院。Can you help the patient into the hospital?你能搀扶病人进医院吗?人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习4)help sb. out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。 When Im in trouble, he always helps me out with money. 每当我处境困难时,他总是用金钱帮助我渡过难关。Please help me out with this problem. 请帮我解这道试题。5)help

126、(to) do sth. 有助于做某事。This program helps to improve our English.这个计划有助于我们提高英语成绩。6)help做不及物动词时常表示“有作用;有帮助”Have you tried this way? Perhaps it will help.你试过这个方法吗?或许回有用。【词汇网络】常用短语:be of help to sb. 对某人有帮助cannot help (doing) 不禁, 忍不住, 不得不人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习cannot help but 不能不, 不得不(I cannot help but be sorry

127、. 我不能不感到遗憾。)cannot help oneself 情不自禁; 不能自制come to sb.s help 赶来帮助某人with the help of 在帮助下2. Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble? (P33)lose heart 表示“丧失信心”或“情绪低落”lose ones heart 是“爱上了”的意思。Dont lose heart;make another try不要灰心,再试一回。After graduation he was sent to work in TibetNot long afterwa

128、rds he lost his heart to the people there毕业之后他被派往西藏工作。不久他就爱上了那里的人。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词汇网络】不用ones 的短语: “掉磅” lose weight “增加体重” put on weight 或 gain weight “丢面子” lose face,“失去优势” lose ground。 要用ones的短语:“惊慌失措” lose ones head,“发火” lose ones temper,“迷路” lose ones way。3. He died for his ideas but his work

129、 was later used in the Bible. (P33)die for 为某事而牺牲He died heroically for national liberation 他为民族解放事业而英勇牺牲人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习He would rather die for his belief. 他宁愿为他的信仰而死。be dying for 很想I am dying for a beer. 我真想喝杯啤酒。【词语辨析】die of: “因(患)而死”,后常接年老、疾病、情感、贫寒等内因的死。die from: “由于而死”,后常接灾祸、衰弱、负伤等外因。die in: 死

130、于战争、自然灾害die by:死于暴力4. He fought for his country to be free from the UK. (P34)1) free adj 意为“自由的”、“自发的”、“独立自主的”,有比较等级的变化 (freer, freest);表示“空闲的”、“空着的”、“免费的”等义,没有比较等级变化。如:人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习She believes that women should be freer. 她相信妇女应该更自由些。He gets a free afternoon once a week.他每周有一个下午空闲。Are the drin

131、ks free? 这饮料是免费的吗? 2) be free to do sth 可以自由地做某事。如:You are free to go or to stay. 要走要留悉听尊便。Please feel free to ask questions. 有问题请随便问。3) be free构成的短语:be free with 对随便。如:be free of “免除”或“无的” 多用来指费用,如charge/cost/expensebe free from “免除”或“无的”,多用来指一些不好的东西,如pain/disease/fear/danger/error人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复

132、习4) 除用作形容词外,还可以用作动词 (意为:放走,解除)或副词 (意为:免费地)。如:I freed the bird from the cage. 我把笼子里的鸟放了出去。Children (are) admitted free. 儿童免费入场。【词语辨析】用作副词的 free 与 freely 不同。前者指“免费”,后者指“无限制地”、“自由地”。试比较。如:You can travel free with this special ticket. 你用这张特别的票可以免费旅行。You can travel freely to all parts of the country. 你可以

133、自由地到这个国家的各地旅行。5. It was in 1952 that he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems. (P34)advise: 人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习1)vt,注意后接动名词 (不能直接跟不定式)或不定式的复合结构:正:He advised leaving early. 他建议早点出发。正:He advised us to leave early. 他建议我们早点出发。误:He advised to leave early.【注意】advise 后接不定

134、式复合结构时的被动语态形式 (不要与上面第一个句型混为一谈):He advised us to leave early. (主动式)We were advised to leave early. (被动式)2) 后接 that 从句,通常要用虚拟语气 (shouldv. ):He advised that we (should) leave early. 他建议我们早点出发。 3) 相关短语人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习advise sb. of 把报告通知某人advise with sb. on/about sth. 同某人商量某事, 就某事请教某人6. I was worried a

135、bout whether I would be out of work. (P34)out of work:失业【词汇网络】含有out of 的短语:out of accord with 与不一致;同不协调out of action 失去作用,停止运动out of all relation to 和毫无关系 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of character 不相称,不适当out of control 失去控制 out of date 过时out of balance 失去平衡人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习out of doubt 确定无疑 out of fash

136、ion 不合于时尚out of gear 脱节,失调 out of harmony 不和谐out of kindness 出于好意 out of necessity 出于必要out of order 不整齐,次序颠倒 out of ones power 力所不及out of place 不适当,不相称 out of question 毫无疑问out of the question 不可能,成问题 out of shape 变形人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习out of step 失调,不同步 out of sympathy with 出于对的同情out of touch with 与脱离

137、接触 out of true不诚实,不准确out of style不合时宜out of 表示的意思很多,现将其用法归纳如下:1) 表示地点(从里向外)Fish can not live out of water鱼离开了水就不能活。2) 表示动作或运动的方向As my car pulled out of the garage,I saw the gun pointing against the car window当我们把车开出车库时,我看见那支枪顶住了车窗玻璃。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习 3) 表示部分关系This will happen in nine cases out of t

138、en 这种情况十之八九会发生。4) 表示“在范围以外”,“越出界限之外”The ship is out of sight船已看不见了。5) 表示“出于动机”,“由于原因”The traffic accident was out of carelessness in driving这起交通事故是由于粗心驾驶所致。6) 表示竭尽和缺乏We are out of tea我们的茶叶用完了。This book is out of print这本书绝版了。That novel is out of stock那本小说脱销了。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习7)表示材料或来源He made the box

139、 out of old planks 他用旧木板做了箱子。This paragraph is out of Marxs works in the original 这一段引自马克思原著。8) 与某些动词连用,表示“放弃”;“丧失”He talked his wife out of buying a new bicycle 他说服他的妻子不要买新自行车。I couldnt persuade him out of the resolution 我没能说服他改变决心。7. We have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. (

140、P34) reach a stage = come to a stage “到达某个阶段”人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习【词汇网络】reach/come to a conclusion/an agreement/a decisioon/an end/8. As a matter of fact, I dont like violence. (P34)as a matter of fact “事实上”,其他含有类似含义的词或短语:in (actual) factFor eight years she was in fact spying for the enemy. 八年来它实际上一直为敌人作间谍工作。as a matter of factIm going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact.说实话,明天我要去那里。actuallyActually, I am busy at the momentcan I phone you back?说是在的,我现在正忙着我给你回电话行吗?in truthIt was in truth a miracle. 这确实是个奇迹。人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习人教版高一英语必修一全册课件_总复习



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