外研版一起二上Module 4Unit 2 He doesn’t like these trousersppt课件3

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《外研版一起二上Module 4Unit 2 He doesn’t like these trousersppt课件3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版一起二上Module 4Unit 2 He doesn’t like these trousersppt课件3(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、partyarcarfars sSam like T-shirts.sSam likes this T-shirt.=He likes this T-shirt.Amy like dresses.sAmy likes this dress.=She likes this dresses.Its too small.9/5/2024likelikeA AB BC CD D9/5/2024HeHe doesnt doesnt like the like the yellowyellow T-shirt.T-shirt.HeHe doesnt doesnt likelike thetheT-shir

2、t.T-shirt.HeHe doesnt doesnt likelike thethe redred T-shirt.T-shirt.9/5/2024AmySamdoesnt doesnt What doesnt Sam like?What doesnt Sam like?9/5/2024西方宴会服装礼仪男士宴会服装大礼服: Swallow Tail or White Tie为西方男士晚间最正式的穿着。早礼服: Morning Coat 为西方男士日间常用之礼服。小礼服: Smoking or Tuxedo or Black Tie 为晚间集会最常用之礼服。便服:一般指西服或国服晚间通常着深

3、色西服;夏天或白天可着淡色西服 (应特别注意皮鞋不可配白袜及领带的色泽 、质地及适当的长度)。女士宴会服装旗袍洋装或套装,白天着短旗袍,晚间正式场合着长旗袍。女士白天可戴帽,晚间宴会则不宜。穿着的三个基本要求:穿出自己的风格及特色;合乎场合、年纪、身材及身份;要予人大方、稳重的良好印象。9/5/2024likeslikesdoesnt likedoesnt like9/5/2024likeslikesdoesnt likedoesnt like9/5/2024likeslikesdoesnt likedoesnt like9/5/2024Listen and imitate P23Listen

4、 and imitate P23(听音模仿(听音模仿(听音模仿(听音模仿P23P23)9/5/2024likesdoesnt likeSams at a_. He doesnt like it.He doesnt like these_.He doesnt like _.He doesnt like _.He doesnt like _.partythese trousersthis shirtthese shoesclothesate9/5/2024Amy9/5/2024Finish AB P16Finish AB P16(完成活动用书(完成活动用书(完成活动用书(完成活动用书P16P16)9/5/2024



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