浙江省慈溪市金山初级中学八年级英语《unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music》课件

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《浙江省慈溪市金山初级中学八年级英语《unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music》课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省慈溪市金山初级中学八年级英语《unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music》课件(100页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、vPleaseopenthewindow.vCan/couldyoupleaseopenthewindow?vWouldyoupleaseopenthewindow?vWouldyouliketoopenthewindow?vWhydontyouopenthewindow?vWhynotopenthewindow?I think it is a little bit hot in our classroom I think it is a little bit hot in our classroom and I want to ask someone to open the and I wa

2、nt to ask someone to open the window . What can I say ?window . What can I say ?-Wouldyoumind openingthewindow?-Wouldyoumind not closingthewindow?Wouldyoumind(not)doingsth.?Turndownthemusic!Helpmotherdohousework!Eatquietly!Dontcometoschoollate.Dontdrivequickly.A:Wouldyouminddoingthedishes?B:No,notat


4、ldyoumindnotwearingthoseoldjeans?B:OK.Illputonanotherpair.A:Wouldyoumindnotsmoking?B:Imsorry.Iwontdoitagain.A:Wouldyouminddoing?B:Imsorry.Illdoitrightaway.dothelaundrymakethebedsweepthefloorcleanthekitchenfoldtheclothesdothedishesturn off the lightnot close the windownot play basketball here cook fo

5、r meA:Wouldyouminddoing?B:Imsorry.Illdoitrightaway.Would you mind cleaning your room?Im sorry. Ill do it right away.Would you mind not playing baseball here?Sorry. Well go and play in the park.Would you mind moving your car?No, not at all. Would you mind doing sth.表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。“请你做请

6、你做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请你做请你做好吗?好吗?”, 是一种比较客气的表达方式。是一种比较客气的表达方式。 Eg. Would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗你介意打开窗户吗? 如果要表示如果要表示“请你不要做请你不要做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请你不要做请你不要做好吗?好吗?”,只需在,只需在doing 前面加前面加not。 Eg. Would you mind not sitting in front of me?请你不要坐在请你不要坐在我前面好吗?我前面好吗?应答用语:应答用语: 如果同意表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:如果同意表

7、示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达: Certainly not. / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all. 如果不同意表示介意时,常用如果不同意表示介意时,常用“Sorry / Im sorry.” 并陈述某种并陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对。理由来表示拒绝或反对。 Eg. -Would you mind turning off the light in the room? -Im sorry, but I am doing my homework now.a.Wouldyoumindcleaningtheyard?_b.Wouldyoumi

8、ndnotplayingbaseballhere?_c.Wouldyoumindmovingyourbike?_d.Wouldyoumindturningdownthemusic?_2431Listenandnumbertherequestsintheorder.abcMatchtherequestswiththethingsandwritethelettera-dinthecorrectboxes.1ad1bWoman1:Wouldyoumindturningdownthemusic?Woman2:No,notatall.Conversation 1TapescriptMan1:Wouldy

9、oumindcleaningtheyard?Man2:Sorry.Illdorightaway.Conversation 2Man1:Wouldyoumindmovingyourbike?Boy1:Notatall.Illdoitrightaway.Conversation 3Man1:Wouldyoumindnotplayingbaseballhere?Boy2:Weresorry.Wellgoandplayinthepark.Conversation 4Lookatthepictureandmakeconversations.A: Would you mind moving your bi

10、ke?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.1c Suppose you are on duty today. And you are helping your teacher remind the classmate of being in good manners. What will you say to your classmate if he breaks the rules. Work in groups and act.talkcutinlinewalkonthegrasssmoke#* & # !Whatwillyousaytothem?Trouble2




14、onsesandmakeconversations.A: Nick, would you mind not wearing those old jeans? They look terrible.B: OK. Ill put on another pair.2cHomework1.Review the new words and sentence patterns .2.Make at least five different requests.Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.礼貌无所失,却有所得。礼貌无所失,却有所得。Would y

15、ou mind?Trouble4:Somestudentsplayfootballintheclassroom.Trouble3:Somestudentscopyothershomework.Trouble5:Somestudentsplaycomputergamestoolate.Wouldyoumindnot? Would you mind doing sth.表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。“请你做请你做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请你做请你做好吗?好吗?”, 是一种比较客气的表达方式。是一种比较客气的表达方式。 Eg. Would you mind ope

16、ning the window?你介意打开窗户吗你介意打开窗户吗? 如果要表示如果要表示“请你不要做请你不要做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请你不要做请你不要做好吗?好吗?”,只需在,只需在doing 前面加前面加not。 Eg. Would you mind not sitting in front of me?请你不要坐在请你不要坐在我前面好吗?我前面好吗?应答用语:应答用语: 如果同意表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:如果同意表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达: Certainly. / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all. 如果不同

17、意表示介意时,常用如果不同意表示介意时,常用“Sorry / Im sorry.” 并陈述某种并陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对。理由来表示拒绝或反对。 Eg. -Would you mind turning off the light in the room? -Im sorry. But I havent finished my homework yet.Dear Larry.Your father is at a meeting and Im going shopping.I need your help.1. Would you mind washing the dishes?2. Cou

18、ld you please _?3. Would you mind _? 4. Please _.5. Also, you have to _. If you finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight. Love, Mom feed the dogcooking dinnergo to the librarydo your homework3aLarryissleepinglate.Hismotherleftanoteonhisdesk.Lookatthepicturesandcompletethenote.GRAMMAR (语法语法)W



21、ecousinUsing“couldyou”,“wouldyou”,“haveto”3bposterItstheschoolopenday.Makealistofthingsstudentsneedtodo.Decidewhoshoulddothesethings.JobsStudentsMake postersYan MingClean the classroomWelcome the people at the school gateHand out the teaching plans or the books to the peoplePrepare the chairs for pe

22、opleA:YanMing,couldyoupleasemakesomeposters?B:Sure,thatsnoproblem.Andcouldyou?CutinlinewaitinlinespitspatdroplittersteponthegrassdrawonthewallspeakloudlyComplaintsEveryone has something to complain, what do you often complain about?peopleclothingweatherstudyingfoodMakealistofthingsyouhavecomplaineda

23、bout.Thenranktheitemsfromthemosttotheleastannoying.vThereispollutioneverywhere.vThefutureishardtopredict.vMydreamnevercomestrue.vItsdifficulttolearnaforeignlanguage.Hisbarbergavehimaterriblehaircut.WHATS THE PROBLEM?Thestoreclerkgavehimthewrongsize.Theirfriendswerelate.Themoviewasterrible.Yourbestfr

24、iendsaiditwasgreat.Thewaitressbroughtthemthewrongfood.Thepensheboughtdidntwork.Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.The store clerk gave you the wrong size.Your friends were late.1aHaveyouevercomplainedaboutthesethings?Wouldyouevercomplainaboutthem?The movie was terrible. Your best friend said it

25、 was great.The waitress brought you the wrong food. The pen you Bought didnt work.1aHaveyouevercomplainedaboutthesethings?Wouldyouevercomplainaboutthem?A:Yougavemeaterriblehaircut.Wouldyoumindgivingmeanewone?B:Notatall.PleasesitdownandIlldoitforyourightaway.Whatwillyousayifyouhavetheseproblems?1232a

26、Listenandnumberthesentencesintheorderyouhearthem.2bListenagainandfillintheblanksinthechart.PlacesProblemsSolutionsclothing storeordered a hamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburgerwill get a new penrestaurantstoregot the wrong size shirtgot a pen that doesnt workwill get a smaller shirt w

27、ill get some French fries2cLookattheproblemsinactivity2b.Roleplaytherequestswithyourpartner.A: This shirt is too big. Would you mind giving me a smaller one?B: Not at all. Here you are.Whatusuallyannoysyou?Whenithappens,whatdoyouusuallydo?I get annoyed when someone smokes in front of me.When this ha

28、ppens,_I get annoyed when someone speaks loudlyWhen this happens, I _3aReadthearticle.Underlinethethingsthatannoypeople.Circlewhatpeopledowhenannoyingthingshappen.TrueorFalseuWhatannoysthegirl?uWhenthishappens,whatwillshedo?1.Thegirldoesntcareifshewaitsinline.()2.Whentheshopassistantishavingalongtel


30、inthefuture,heshouldtrynottobesopolite.()TFT uWhatannoystheboy?uWhenthishappens,whatwillhedo?Whataretheotherthingsthatareannoying?1.Orderonefoodbutgetotherkind.Whenithappens,saytothewaitress_2.Waitforquitealongtimetogetthefood.Whenithappens,saytothewaitress_3.Thedishesarentcleanenough.Whenithappens,

31、saytothewaitress_ Would you mind changing the right food?Would you mind being quicker?Would you mind bringing me a new dish?”At the restaurant At home 1.NeighborsplaymusictooloudWhenthishappens,saytohim/her_2.ChildrenmakemuchnoiseWhenthishappens,saytothem_3.NeighborupstairsthrowlitteroutofthewindowW

32、henthishappens,saytothemWould you mind turning your music down?Would you mind keeping your voices down? Would you mind not throwing anything out of the window? It is very dangerous to people outside and it makes our surroundings dirty._In the clothing store1.TheshopassistantiscoldtomeWhenthishappens

33、,saytoher_2.Theshopassistantfollowsmearoundallthetime._3.Getlargersizeshirt_ Would you mind helping me ? Could you please not follow me around? Could you please get me a small one?At School1.SomeonetalkstomewhenIamdoinghomework_2.Someonedropslittereverywhere._3.Someonespitseverywhere._4.Someonetalks

34、loudlywhentheteachersisgivingalesson._ Would you mind waiting for a moment? Would you mind picking it up? Would you mind not spitting anywhere? You have to care for the environment. Would you mind stopping talking? You have to listen to teachers carefully. 1.Igetannoyedwhensomeonestandsinthesubwaydo


36、meofthethingsthatannoysyourclassmatesandfillthechart.Whatisthemostcommonproblem?Whatdodifferentstudentsdoforthem?Name ProblemSolutionLinZhen ClassmatesdontreturnmyeraserA:Whatannoysyou,LinZhen?B:Igetannoyedwhenmyclassmatesborrowmyeraseranddontreturnit.A:Whatdoyoudo?B:Isay,“Wouldyoumindreturningmyera

37、ser?”Linzhengetsannoyedwhenhisclassmatesdontreturnhiseraser.Write a polite letter to your neighbor to remind (提醒提醒)them.I get annoyed when my neighbors make a lot of noiseWhen this happens, I _My neighborsWriteapolitelettercomplainingaboutthingstothem.Dear Mr and Mrs Harris, Im your neighbor,I have

38、something to tell you. Would you mind yours, Mary turn down the music/not play soccer in the room/not talking on the phone too loud /not play the guitarHow to make request(请求请求)Please. Could you please.Would you mind.Would you mind not.Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Welcome to our neighborhood. Would you

39、 mind not telephoning so loudly at noon? Would you mind turning down the music? Playing the guitar is very good. But please pay attention to the time when you play it. Would you mind asking your children not to play football on the floor? I cant get asleep if you make so much noise. Thank you very m

40、uch. Yours sincerely, Linda1.Imtryingtosleep.Couldyou_themusic,please?2.Imgoingtobeabitlate.Couldyouaskthebusdriverto_forfiveminutes?3.Wouldyou_closingthedoor?Itscoldoutside.4.Idontknowthewaytothesportsclub.CanI_you?5.Sorry,I_myfoodhalfanhouragoandithasnt arrivedyet.turn downwaitmindwaitfollowordert

41、urndownmindfolloworderedWhen this happens, what will you do?What are their problems?stand in the right placepickup/pick upput out the cigarettekeep .down捡起捡起把烟熄灭把烟熄灭压低声音压低声音When you want to go into others roomWhen you meet someone for the first timeWhen others give you somethingWhat will you doetiqu

42、ette1.Lookuptheword“etiquette”inyourdictionary.Whatdoesitmean?礼节,礼仪礼节,礼仪What are they doing?dropping littersmokingtalking loudly on the mobile phonespittingtalking and laughing loudlydrop V. 扔,丢litter N.垃圾smoke V. 抽烟抽烟spit V. 吐痰吐痰Bad Behavior(行为行为)Lookatthetitleandpicture,predictwhatwellreadabout.Fr

43、om the passage, we may know_. A. how to catch a bus B. speaking to others loudly C. someone who break the rules D. talking loudly on the bus is not goodDListenandtellthestatementsTorF1. “Etiquette” is very common in English-speaking countries.2. “Etiquette” is always the same in Asia and Europe.3. W

44、hen someone put his feet on the chair, we may shout at him, “Put down your feet!”4. Well know some rules which are almost the same everywhere in the world in Para. 4.TFTFAsweread,weneedtofind“topicsentences”.Thesesentencesusuallygiveusa“summary”,oroverallmeaningofeachparagraphandhelpusunderstandwhat

45、theparagraphisabout.Afterthetopicsentencecomesmoredetailandexplanation.-TopicSentence主题句Topicsentencesofeachparagraph.Para 1: , but it can be very useful to understandPara 2: Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation.Para 3: If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, w

46、e may politely give them some suggestions. Para 4: , some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world.1.Matchtheparagraphswiththebestsummaries._ Para. 1 _ Para. 2_ Para. 3_ Para. 4a. We have to be very careful how we criticize people.b. The way people behave is different in different cultures

47、and situations.c. Sometimes, rules of etiquette are the same almost everywhere.d. Etiquette is very important idea to understand.e. We might want to ask someone to behave more politely if we see them breaking a rule of etiquette.f. People in China and Europe have different ideas about etiquette.dbec

48、概要概要If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the term etiquette. It means normal and polite social behavior. This may seem like a difficult word at first, but it can be very useful to understand.keep down 压低声音压低声音voice n. 声音声音term n. 术语术语normal adj. 正常的;正规的正常的;正规的etiquet

49、ten.礼节礼节behaviorn.行为;举止;表现行为;举止;表现seemlike+名词名词似乎像似乎像atfirst首先首先Paragraph 1 Etiquette is not the same in every culture, or in every situation. For example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However, if you do this in Europe, some people m

50、ight feel uncomfortable. Even in China, we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our town homes is fine, but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. For example, most people would agree that talking loudly in a library,

51、 a museum, or a movie theater is impolite. Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down in public places. In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public if possible.Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的亚洲的;亚洲人的Europe 欧洲欧洲uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的不舒服的allow v. 允许;承认允许

52、;承认 impolite adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的无礼的;粗鲁的public n. 公众公众sneeze v. 打喷嚏打喷嚏cough v. 咳嗽咳嗽Paragraph 2If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may give them some suggestions politely. Perhaps one of the most polite ways is to ask someone, Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that. For

53、example, if someone cuts in front of you in line, you could ask them, Sorry, would you mind joining the line? If someone is smoking on the bus, we could ask, Excuse me, could you please put out that cigarette? People dont usually like to be criticized, so we have to be careful how we do this.break t

54、he rule 不服从;不遵守不服从;不遵守politely adv. 客气地;斯文地客气地;斯文地smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟抽烟;吸烟put out 熄灭熄灭cigarette n. 香烟;卷烟;纸烟香烟;卷烟;纸烟criticize v. 批判批判Paragraph 3Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world! For example, dropping litter is almost never allowed.

55、If you see someone you know doing this, you can ask them, would you mind picking it up?drop v. 扔;丢扔;丢litter n. 垃圾垃圾pick up 捡起捡起Paragraph 42.Scanthetextforinformationtocompletethesentencesbelow.1.Standing very close to the person you are talking with is _ in Asian countries.2. Talking loudly in publi

56、c is _.3. If someone _, you could ask, “sorry, would you mind _? ”4. Usually, people ask them to pick it up politely when they_.quite commonimpolitecuts in front of you in linejoining the linedrop litter浏览浏览3.Focusonparagraph3.Thinkofsomepolitesuggestionstothem.Roleplaywithapartner.littering on the

57、bustalking loudly on a mobile phonesmoking on the busspitting on the bustalking and laughing4.Findexamplesofbehaviorfromthereading.Arethesethingsalwayswrong,ordoesitdependonsituationorculture?Puttheminthecorrectcolumn.Thinkofmoreexamples.AlwayswrongInsomesituationsInsomeculturesstanding very close t

58、o someonestanding very close to someoneVirtue is a jewel of great price.美德乃是无价宝。美德乃是无价宝。Thinkofatimeyousawsomeonebreakingaruleofetiquette.Youmayhaveseensomeonespitting,slammingdoors,ortalkingloudlyonamobilephone.Writealetterofcomplainttoyourlocalnewspaper.Dear Mr Etiquette, Im writing to complain_IT IS TIME FOR YOU DISCUSS ABOUT WHAT ANNOYED YOU.A:Whatannoysyou,*?B:Igetannoyedwhensomeonecutsinline.A:Whatdoyoudowhenithappens?B:Iusuallyasksomeonetowaitinline.You can ask your partner and your classmates these questions and write their Nameproblemsolution on the chart(表格表格).



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