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1、Unit4Reading-Unit4Reading-陈媛陈媛海王星海王星 Neptune水星水星Mercury 金星金星Venus 地球地球Earth 火星火星Mars 木星木星Jupiter 土星土星Saturn天王星天王星Uranus Scientists think Pluto is too small to be called a planet.Goodbye!Life is beginningUnit4 Reading How Life Began on the EarthPart Two:A guessing gamesharp eyes, remeber quickly What

2、 can you see in the video?Big Bangglobeatomviolent surfacewaterreptilealieneggsmammalsfishhuman beingsdinosaurcowboyatmosphereMain ideaAfter watching the video clip, what is the main idea of this passage?A brief introduction on how the _developed and how _ began on the earth.lifeearthPara.1 Para.2Pa

3、ra.3Para.4Para.5 A theory about how the universe (宇宙)(宇宙)was formedThe formation(形成形成)of the earthThe importance of water for lifeThe development of plants and animalsThe arrival of humans and their effects on the earthPart1: The development of _Part2:The development of_ Part Three:Fast reading the

4、earthlifePart Four:Careful ReadingStage 1: The development of the earth(para1-3)Task 1:Fill in the form on learning plan paper. (para1-2)(tips:Read the passage carefully , find some detailed information)Time What happened to the earthAfter the Big Bang_ began to form and combine to_ stars and other

5、bodies.Several billion years after the “Big Bang”The earth was still_.Between 4.5 and 3.8 billion yearsagoDust settled into _ .Atomsa cloud of dusta solid globecreateTime What happened to the earthNextThe earth began to become_.It exploded to _ C/N, water vapor, etc, which made up_. As the earth _ b

6、egan to _on its face.violentatmosphereproduceWaterappearcooled downBig Bangatom? Atmosphere A solid ballwater学.科.网.A cloud of dust 1.Why was the earth different from other plantes?2.Why is water so important for the beginning of life?Task2:1.Why was the earth different from other plantes?A . It prod

7、uced a lot of heat B . The water remained on the earthC . A cloud of dust was around the earthD . It was the oldest planet 2.Why is water so important for the beginning of life? Because water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into oceans and seas, which made it possible to develop life.Tas

8、k3: Read para(4-5) and put the development of life in time order.(tips:Find out and underline key phrases which can show a time line, such as .later,.ago)Stage2: The development of the life (para4-5)Manymillionsofyearslater,thefirstextremelysmallplantsbegantoappearonthesurfaceofthewater. Theymultipl

9、iedandfilledtheoceansandseaswithoxygen,whichencouragedthe later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.Next,greenplantsbegantogrowonland.Theywerefollowedin time by land animals. Some were insects. Others, calledamphibians,wereabletoliveonlandaswellasinthewater.Laterwhentheplantsgrewint

10、oforests,reptilesappearedforthefirsttime.Theyproducedyounggenerallybylayingeggs.After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed.Theylaideggstooandexistedontheearthformorethan140million years. However, 65 million years ago the age of thedinosaursended.Whytheysuddenlydisappearedstillremains

11、a mystery. This disappearance made possible the rise ofmammalsontheearth.Theseanimalsweredifferentfromalllifeforms in the past, because they gave birth to young babyanimalsandproducedmilktofeedthem.Finallyabout2.6millionyearsagosome small clever animals, now withhandsandfeet,appearedandspreadallover

12、theearth.Thustheyhave,intheirturn,becomethemostimportantanimalsontheplanet.Buttheyarenotlookingaftertheearthverywell.Theyare putting too much carbon dioxideinto the atmosphere, which preventsheatfromescapingfromtheearthintospace. As a result of this, manyscientists believe the earth maybecometoohott

13、oliveon.Sowhetherlife will continue on the earth formillions of years to come willdependonwhetherthisproblemcanbesolved.想一想想一想( ) Insects and amphibians appeared.( ) Dinosaurs appeared.( ) Small plants grew on the water.( ) Reptiles appeared.( ) Green plants began to grow on land.( ) Shellfish and o

14、ther fish appeared.( ) Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.( ) Mammals appeared.1 2345678Greenhouseeffect Task4:What problem is caused by human beings?(para5)putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphereprevents heat from escaping from the earthinto spacetoo hot to live onWhether life

15、will continue on the earth depends on human beings.Only if we care will we help;only if we help shall all be saved!Long long ago, there is an ancientcity called Handan.Handan CongtaiFuyang River亲,我是康德,亲,我是康德,我在雾霾中我在雾霾中.空气污染,光靠戴口空气污染,光靠戴口罩可不管用罩可不管用.Part Five: DiscussionDiscuss in groups and give a re

16、port to the class.How can we control the air pollution and make our city a better place to live in?summaryAfter the “big bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of _,it _loudly with fire and rock, which were _ to produce the_, water vapour and other gases. Then _ began to appear on the earth. dustex

17、plodedin timecarbonwater _ in water are considered to be the earliest lives on the earth. The oxygen supply encouraged the lives of_. Slowly_ grew on land, which were followed by _like insects & _. When the plants grew into_, _ appeared. Then _ developed but disappeared later, which made the rise of a totally different animal,_, possible, and finally _ spread all over the world.shell-fish and fishamphibiansforestsreptilesdinosaursmammalhumansThe small plantsland animalsgreen plantsGoodbye! Many thanks!结束结束



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