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1、定定语语从句从句The Attributive Clause1a 带定语从句的谚语:1. God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助之。2. He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑的最好。3. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。2a定定定定语语语语从句从句从句从句: 由一个句子充当定由一个句子充当定由一个句子充当定由一个句子充当定语语语语, ,即在复即在复即在复即在复合句中修合句中修合句中修合句中修饰饰饰饰名名名名词词词词或代或

2、代或代或代词词词词的从句的从句的从句的从句定定定定语语语语从句的位置:从句的位置:从句的位置:从句的位置: 在修在修在修在修饰饰饰饰名名名名词词词词或代或代或代或代词词词词后后后后 先行先行先行先行词词词词:引引引引导词导词导词导词: 引引引引导导导导定定定定语语语语从句的从句的从句的从句的词词词词 关系代关系代关系代关系代词词词词 that,that, who,who, whom, whose, whom, whose, which, aswhich, as关系副关系副关系副关系副词词词词 when,when, where, why where, why 被定被定语语从句修从句修饰饰的名的名

3、词词或代或代词词3aFor example:This is a book which tells about space knowledge.先行先行词词关系代关系代词词定定语语从句从句4a定定语语从句四步:从句四步:第一步第一步,找出先行找出先行词词;第二第二,找出定找出定语语从句从句第三第三,看先行看先行词词在定在定语语从句中的从句中的语语法功能(主法功能(主语语、宾语宾语)第四第四,选择选择合适的关系合适的关系词词。5ae.g. This is the car which he bought last year.先行先行词词定定语语从句从句引引引引导词导词导词导词的作用:的作用:的作用:

4、的作用: (1) (1) 引引引引导导导导定定定定语语语语从句从句从句从句 (2) (2) 在从句中作一成分在从句中作一成分在从句中作一成分在从句中作一成分 (3) (3) 代替先行代替先行代替先行代替先行词词词词在从句中的在从句中的在从句中的在从句中的 位置位置位置位置关系代关系代词词6a关系代关系代词词的用法的用法关系代关系代词词在从句中可以:在从句中可以:指人指人指物指物subject (主主语语)object (宾语宾语)attribute(定(定语语)whomwhowhichthatwhose何何时时可以省略?可以省略?做做宾语时宾语时可以省略可以省略7a8athat在从句中作主在从

5、句中作主语语或或宾语宾语,指人,指人和物和物 1)A plane is a machine that can fly.( 主主语语)2)The noodles that I looked were delicious.(宾语宾语)9a1.This is the factory.2.The factory is near our school.3.This is the factory4._which/that is near our school10a1.This is the factory.2.I visited the factory.This is the factory_which/

6、that I visited.11a12aWhich 在从句中作主在从句中作主语语或或宾语宾语,指物指物1) They planted the trees which didnt need much water. ( (主主语语 ) )2) The fish which we bought were not fresh. (宾语宾语)13a1.This is the factory.2.The factory is near our school.3.This is the factory4._which/that is near our school14a1.This is the fact

7、ory.2.I visited the factory.This is the factory_which/that I visited.15a16awho 在从句中作主在从句中作主语语和和宾语宾语, ,指人指人1) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada.(主(主语语)2) Comrade Li is a man who we should learn from (宾语宾语) 17a1.I have a friend.2.I have a selfless friend.3.I have a friend 4

8、. _who is selfless18a19awhom 在从句中作在从句中作宾语宾语, ,指人指人3) The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li. (宾语宾语)4) Mr. Read is the professor to whom you should write . (宾语宾语)20a21a2) This is the book whose cover is blue. whose 在从句中作定在从句中作定语语,指,指人或物人或物1) Miss Flower is the teacher whose house caught fire la

9、st week.22a whose 引引导导的定的定语语从句从句应应注意注意以下几点:以下几点:1.whose 引引导导定定语语从句,在从句从句,在从句中作定中作定语语其后其后应紧应紧跟名跟名词词 Thats the child whose drawing we looked at just now.23a2. whose 引引导导定定语语从句,其从句,其先行先行词词可指人,也可指物可指人,也可指物 I saw some trees whose leaves were black with disease.24a 3. whose 在定在定语语从句中与它从句中与它所修所修饰饰的名的名词词一起可

10、作介一起可作介词词宾语宾语,可以与介可以与介词词一起放在先一起放在先行行词词与从句之与从句之间间 Tom , on whose bike I went to school is a friend of mine.25a4. Whose 的先行的先行词词指物指物时时, 可用可用of which 代替代替whose.指人不可指人不可 whose + n = the + n + of which= of which+ the + n. He lives in the room whose window faces south. = He lives in the room, the window o

11、f which faces south.26a1) Do you know the man _is standing over there?2) The girl _ we were talking about is Mary. who/that who(m)/that27a3) The book _ is about the USA has been lost.4) Did you see the pen _ I lost yesterday?that/whichthat/which28a5)There are some people _ faces you cant forget.6) I

12、 am sitting in the chair _legs are broken.whosewhose29a关系代关系代词词who, that作主作主语语1. Your friend came to see you yesterday.2. Your friend studies in Beijing University. Your friend who/that studies in Beijing University came to see you yesterday.30a关系代关系代词词whom, that 作作宾语宾语1. He is the man.2.You have be

13、en waiting for the man. He is the man (whom/that) you have been waiting for.31a关系代关系代词词 which, that 作主作主语语1. It sounded like a train.2. A train was going under my house. It sounded like a train which/ that was going under my house.32a关系代关系代词词which/ that 作作宾语宾语1. The earth is a big ball.2. We live on

14、 the earth. The earth (which/ that) we live on is a big ball.33a关系代关系代词词whose 作定作定语语1. Do you know the man?2. The mans watch is missing. Do you know the man whose watch is missing?34a35awhere引引导导的定的定语语从句修从句修饰饰表示表示地点的名地点的名词词,并在定并在定语语从句中作从句中作地点状地点状语语, 相当于相当于“介介词词+ 关系代关系代词词(which)”。where=in which=at wh

15、ich36a1.This is the factory.2.I worked in the factory.This is the factory_which/that I worked in. This is the factory in _ I worked.which=where37a1.We visited the house. 2. Luxun once lived in the house. We visited the house _ Luxun once lived.where=in which38a1.This is the library _ has many books.

16、2. This is the library _ I visited.3. This is the library _ I read books.which/thatwhich/thatin which/wherethe librarythe libraryin the library39a40a when引引导导的定的定语语从句修从句修饰饰表示表示时间时间的名的名词词,并在定并在定语语从句中作从句中作时间时间状状语语,相当于相当于“介介词词+关系代关系代词词(which)”。关系副关系副词词 when=in which=at which=on which41a1. Ill never for

17、get the day. 2. I joined the Party on the day. Ill never forget the day _ I joined the Party. when=on which42a We still remember that August _ we traveled together.in that Augustin which/when43a1.This is the day _ we cant forget.2.This is the day _ I was born.which/thaton which/whenthe dayon the day

18、44a45a why引引导导的定的定语语从句修从句修饰饰表表示原因的名示原因的名词词,并在定并在定语语从句从句中作中作原因状原因状语语,相当于相当于“介介词词+关系代关系代词词(which)”。why=for which 46a1. There are many reasons.2. People like traveling for many reasons.There are many reasons_ people like traveling.for whichwhy=47a1.This is the reason _ he gave me.2.This is the reason _

19、 he was late.for which/whywhich/thatthe reasonfor the reason48a49a方式方式 关系副关系副词词 that = in whichThis is the way that( in which) he did it50aI dont lie the way that(=in which) you laugh at her51a提醒一:关系代提醒一:关系代词词或关系副或关系副词词的的选择选择有两个原有两个原则则:1)先行)先行词词是人是人还还是物是物;2)先行先行词词在从句中在从句中作什么成分。若先行作什么成分。若先行词词在从句在从句中作

20、主中作主语语,宾语宾语,或定,或定语语,则则选选关系代关系代词词;若在从句中作状;若在从句中作状语语,则选则选关系副关系副词词。52a1We will remember those days that/which we spent together.(作作宾语宾语)2we will remember those days when we played by the sea.(作状作状语语)53a提醒二:关系代提醒二:关系代词词在定在定语语从从句中作主句中作主语时语时,根据先行,根据先行词词的的单单复数决定从句复数决定从句谓语动词谓语动词的的单单复数。复数。54a1He is the only

21、one of the students who knows French (the only one 为为先行先行词词)2He is one of the students who know French (students 为为先行先行词词)55a提醒三:关系代提醒三:关系代词词的省略:在的省略:在限制性定限制性定语语从句中,关系代从句中,关系代词词作作动词宾语动词宾语或介或介词宾语词宾语(这时这时介介词词不能在关系代不能在关系代词词前)前)时时常常可省略。可省略。56aThe boy (that/who/whom) we saw last night was Tom57a提醒四:定提醒四:

22、定语语从句常从句常见错误见错误1缺先行缺先行词词:Is this school that you visited last year?该该句缺先行句缺先行词词,应应在在school后面后面加上加上the one58a2 缺引缺引导词导词:Children eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth应应在在children后面加上后面加上who 关系代关系代词词作主作主语时语时不能省略不能省略59a3成分重复:成分重复:This is the house where I lived there years ago.Where 和和there 句子成分重句子成分

23、重复,复,应应去掉去掉there60a提醒五提醒五 关系副关系副词词和关系代和关系代词词的判断方法的判断方法关系副关系副词词和关系代和关系代词词的的选择选择是根据先行是根据先行词词在定在定语语从句中从句中作的成分。若是做状作的成分。若是做状语语,则则用关系副用关系副词词或或“介介词词+which” 若是作主若是作主语语或或宾语宾语,则则用关用关系代系代词词。例如:。例如:61aI will never forget the days (that/ which) I spent with my teacherI will never forget the days when I played w

24、ith you 62aThe factory (that/which) we visited yesterday was built last year The factory where he works was built last year63aThis is the reason (that/which) she gave me for doing itDo you know the reasons why he came late?64a 但要注意在以下但要注意在以下8种情况下种情况下,指物指物时时用用that 不用不用which, who注意!注意!65a1.先行先行词词是是all

25、, any, everything, anything, nothing ,something, much, little, few, none ,the one 等等时时 There is much that should be used. You can take any seat that is free.66aall, any , no, only, little, much, very, every, some, few, none 等修等修饰时饰时 I have read all the books (that) you gave me. Every dictionary that

26、 our library bought is good.67a3.先行先行词词被序数被序数词词或最高或最高级级修修饰饰时时。 This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.68a4.先行先行词词被被the only, the very, the same, the last修修饰时饰时。 This is the very book that belongs to him. The Great Wall is the

27、last place that Mr. Smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing.69a 5. 在以在以 which, who作主作主语语的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句中的定句中的定语语从句中从句中 Who is the man that is reading a book there? Which is the magazine that you borrowed from the reading room?70a人人又有表示又有表示物物的的词时词时 We talked of the things and persons that we rem

28、embered.71a7. 当先行当先行词词在定在定语语从句中做从句中做表表语语时时, ,无无论论先行先行词词是人是人还还是物是物 China is no longer the country that she was.72athere be 开开头时头时 There is little that I can do to make up for the lost time.73a(1) 关系代关系代词词在限制性定在限制性定语语从句中从句中紧紧跟跟介介词词作作宾语宾语(介(介词词提前)。提前)。 There are many trees _ they can have a rest. This

29、is the ring _ she spent 1000 dollars.2、只用、只用which不用不用that的情况的情况(2) 在非限制性定在非限制性定语语从句中。从句中。 Football, _ is a very popular game, is played all over the world.under whichon whichwhich74a3. 表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全部时,用介词of, 有时可用whose转换。1) Im painting a house, the roof _ isround.Im painting a house _ is round.2) T

30、hey live in a house, _ windows facesouth.They live in a house, the windows_ face south. of whichwhoseof whichwhose roof75a不用不用that的的场场合如下:合如下:1)非限制性定)非限制性定语语从句中从句中 Last night ,I saw a very good film, which was about the Long March . 2)介)介词词放在关系代放在关系代词词之前之前时时 This is the man from whom I learnt the ne

31、ws3)句中出)句中出现现了了that,或先行,或先行词词是是that时时 I have found that which I was looking for.76a二、只用二、只用who的情况的情况One _ has nothing to fear dares to tell the truth.The ones _ laugh at the disabled are not good students.Anyone _ fails to finish the task should be punished.Those _ want to go to The Great Wall sigh

32、up here.whowhowhowho先行先行词词是是one, ones, anyone, those时时用用who.77a限制性定限制性定语语从句和非限制性定从句和非限制性定语语从句从句 限制性定限制性定语语从句是先行从句是先行词词不可缺少的部分,去掉它不可缺少的部分,去掉它 主句意思往往不明确;主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定非限制性定语语从句是先行从句是先行词词的附加的附加说说明,去掉了也明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间间通常用逗号分开。通常用逗号分开。(1)This is the house which we bought last month

33、.(限制性)(限制性)(2)The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.(非限制性)非限制性)(3)Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.(非限制性)非限制性)78a定定语语从句必从句必须须注意的特殊例子注意的特殊例子1.先行先行词为词为situation , case , stage, point, position关系关系词词要用要用where, in which eg. Can you imaging the situation where/ in

34、 which you can use the word.2.先行先行词为词为way ,关系关系词词要用要用that, in which 或省或省略略eg. Do you know the way (that/in which/-) he worked the problem.79a3.定定语语从句的必从句的必须须注意的两个句型。注意的两个句型。Is this school the one we visited that year?Is this the school that we visited that year ?He is one of the students who are fro

35、m the south.He is the (only) one of the students who is from the south.80a修修饰饰人人时时关系代关系代词词that 和和who, whom的区分的区分。当主句中的主语是who时,只能用that。eg. Who is the girl that is standing over there?在非限制性定语从句中以及介词后面时只能用who 或者whom。eg. I have a son, who is really lovely and interesting.There are 40 students in the cla

36、ss, most of whom are boys.关系代词whose既能修饰人,也能修饰物,在定语从句中充当定语,修饰先行词。eg. She is the girl whose English sounds very beautiful.Mary has a very good dog, whose hair turns out white and black. 81a关系副关系副词词when, where, why的用法以及与关系代的用法以及与关系代词词的区分。的区分。关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,当一个句子能够完整地表达一个意思时,我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系副词。eg. I

37、 wont forget the time when I got married.Have you still remember the days when we stayed together?This is the place where we had a good time.Is this the house where Mr Smith lives?I dont know the reason why he wont join us.Do you know the reason why he didnt come to sweep the classroom?82a关系副词when,

38、where, why 和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词when, where, why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。如:when=in/on/at+which, where=in/on/at+which, why=for+which介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。eg. 1. I wont forget the date when( on which) I was born.2. This is the room where (in which) I lived. = This is the room which I lived in.3. I dont

39、 know the reason why (for which) he havent come today.4. Tom still remembers the days when (in which) they lived in Tianjin. 83a1 . whose 既可引既可引导导限制性定限制性定语语从句,又可引从句,又可引导导 非限制性定非限制性定语语从句。从句。 My uncle whose office we have just passed , is a lawyer . Once there was a wise king whose name was Alfred . 2

40、. whose 代指“的”,既可以指人,也可以指物。可以指人,也可以指物。 Look at the building , whose roof is white . The girl lives in the house , whose windows face south . whose 在定在定语语从句中的用法从句中的用法 84a关系副词when, where和关系代词that, which的区分。同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用where,有时使用that/which;同样是修饰一个时间,有时使用when, 有时使用that/which。这主要看两点:一是定语从句是否完整;二是定语从句中的谓

41、语动词是否是一个及物动词。请比较以下句子:This is the park that we visited last year.This is the park where we held a birthday party.She wont forget the days that she spent on the island.She wont forget the days when they stayed together.Thats the date when we went to the college.Thats the date that she wont forget for

42、ever.I like the time when we lived together.I like the time that we had together.85a注意注意: 1. : 1. 介介词词关系代关系代词词引引导导的定的定语语从句从句, ,关关键键是判断介是判断介词词的的选择选择看看从句从句谓语谓语部分缺少什么介部分缺少什么介词词( (习惯习惯搭配搭配) )先行先行词词放在从句放在从句中需不需要添介中需不需要添介词词通通过过整个整个句子整体含句子整体含义义来判断来判断2. 2. whom, whichwhom, which作介作介词宾语时词宾语时, ,介介词词一般可放在一般可放在

43、whichwhich之前之前, , 也可放在从句原来的位置上也可放在从句原来的位置上, ,在含在含有介有介词词的的动词动词固定固定词组词组中中, ,介介词词只能放在原来的只能放在原来的位置上位置上. .86a关系代关系代关系代关系代词词词词和关系副和关系副和关系副和关系副词词词词如何区如何区如何区如何区别别别别?1.1.取决于从句中的取决于从句中的谓语动词谓语动词。不及物。不及物动词动词后面无后面无宾语宾语,就必就必须须用用关系副关系副词词或介或介词词+ +关系代关系代词词;而及物;而及物动词动词后后接接宾语宾语,则则要求用要求用关系代关系代词词。在从句中作什么成份在从句中作什么成份而定。或者

44、而定。或者说说,假如,假如把先行把先行词词放放到从句中到从句中是作主是作主语语、宾语还宾语还是状是状语语而定。而定。1)This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.2)Ill never forget the days when I worked together with you.3)Ill never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.87a1.Ill never forget the days _we 1.Ill never forget the days

45、_we spent together in Paris.spent together in Paris.2.Ill remember the days _we stayed 2.Ill remember the days _we stayed together.together.3.This is the factory _we visited 3.This is the factory _we visited last year.last year.4.This is the house _Lincoln once4.This is the house _Lincoln once lived

46、. lived.thatwhichthatwhichwhenwhenthatwhichwherevt.vi.vt.vi.during whichin which88a5.The reason _he missed the speech is that he forgot the time.6.The reason _he gave us sounded reasonable.whythatwhich(合理的)合理的)for which89aThis is the house .I lived in it two years ago.This is the house_ I lived in t

47、wo years ago.This is the house _ I lived two years ago.This is the house _ I lived two years ago. (that/which)in whichwhere90a“介词关系代词”即“介词whom/which”引导定语从句应注意:1介词的选用至少要考虑以下的两个因素1)I will never forget the day _ I joined the army.2) I will never forget the days _ I worked in the school.3) I will never

48、forget the year _ my sonwent to college.4) I got home at 7:00 p.m. yesterday, _ most people had had supper.on whichduring whichin whichby which91aB. 与谓语动词的搭配习惯1)Have you found the book _ I paid29 US dollars?2) Have you found the book _ I spent29 US dollars?3) Have you found the book _ we learnt a lo

49、t?4) Have you found the book _ she often talks?for whichon whichfrom whichabout which92a关系代关系代词词as的用法及其与的用法及其与which的区的区别别。关系代词as在定语从句中指代整件事,充当句中的主语或者宾语,它经常和the same, such, as一起搭配使用,共同构成一个固定词组。eg. As we all know, he is a famous scientist.He is a diligent boy, as is expected.She has the same book as y

50、ou have.关系代词as可以放在句子的开头,可以使用被动语态,而关系代词which则不可以。请比较:As everyone knows, it is necessary to build a hospital in this small town.It is necessary to build a hospital in this small town, which is clear to us.Our department will hold the meeting,as is known by us.93a非限制性非限制性定定语语从句从句a. As we expected, he p

51、assed the exam.b. He took away my photo, which made me unhappy. c. The house, which they built 2 years ago, fell down in the earthquake.1)1)asas引引导导非限制性定非限制性定语语从句从句时时只能指代整个只能指代整个句子句子。而。而whichwhich既可指代前面既可指代前面整个句子整个句子,也,也可可指代指代前面句子中的前面句子中的一个一个词词或短或短语语。94a限制性限制性定定语语从句,指代从句,指代主句的某一个主句的某一个词词,在,在从句中充当主从句

52、中充当主语语或或宾语宾语。但但asas通常用在通常用在the same.as , the same.as , suchas , asassuchas , asas结结构中构中I will give you such things as you I will give you such things as you may need.may need.This is the same watch as I lost.This is the same watch as I lost.This is the same watch that I lost.This is the same watch t

53、hat I lost.“as”“as”和和”which”which”引引导导定定语语从句从句的区的区别别同一同一同同样样95a3)as 3)as 本身有本身有“正如正如.正象正象”. ”. 的含的含义义, ,常用于常用于as is announced / expected / known / reported / said / imagined / shown或或as usually happen, as is often the case, as we know等句型等句型2)as2)as和和whichwhich引引导导的的非限制性定非限制性定语语从句从句指代整指代整个个主句主句, as引引

54、导导的从句的从句可放在可放在主句之前、之后主句之前、之后或中或中间间, ,而而whichwhich引引导导的从句只能放在的从句只能放在句末句末. .96a4 4)当后置的非限定性定)当后置的非限定性定语语从句是从句是否定否定结结构构时时,只能用,只能用whichwhich引引导导 He made a long speech, as was expected.He made a long speech, which was not expected/unexpected.Tom drinks a lot everyday, which his wife doesnt like at all.97

55、a区分定区分定语语从句与其相似句型从句与其相似句型 Mr.Wu has two sons, and both of them are fond of playing golf. ( (这这里里andand连连接的是并列句,不能用接的是并列句,不能用whomwhom代替代替themthem。如去掉。如去掉andand,就必,就必须须用用whomwhom代替代替themthem成定成定语语从句。从句。 It was last night that the terrible fire broke out. ( (这这里是里是“It was+“It was+被被强强调调部分部分+that. ”+tha

56、t. ”构成的构成的强强调调句型,故句型,故连连接接词词不用不用whenwhen。) )98a1. Ive read all the books which I borrowed from the library.which that或去掉或去掉which。当先行。当先行词词被被all, every, no, some, any, little等等修修饰时饰时,常用常用that引引导导定定语语从句。从句。99a2. This is the best film which I have ever seen.which that或去掉或去掉which。当先行。当先行词词被序数被序数词词、形容、形容

57、词词的最高的最高级级或或the only, the very等所修等所修饰时饰时,常用常用that引引导导定定语语从句。从句。100a3. My father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons who they remembered in the country.如果先行如果先行词词既指人又指物既指人又指物时时, 常用常用that引引导导定定语语从句。从句。that101a4. Everything which we saw was of great interest.当先行当先行词为词为something, anything, eve

58、rything, nothing, all等等时时,常由常由that引引导导定定语语从句。从句。which that或去掉或去掉which。102a1. That book that you want it is on the desk. 2. Is this factory that we visited last week?the oneThis factory is the one that we visited last week?3. He is the person for whom you are looking. for4. The person to whom you tal

59、ked is Lily. The person whom you talked to is Lily.归纳:1定语从句要避免成分重复 2定语从句要避免漏用先行词 3含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开103aFill in the blanks.1. I still remember the day _ we spent inthe forest.2. I still remember the day _ I first came to Beijing.3. The factory _ we will visit is large.4. The factory _ his father works i

60、s large.5. Ill never forget the time _ we work on the farm.6. This is the house _ we lived last year.that/whichwhen/on whichthat/whichwherewhen/at whichwhere/in which归纳:关系副词when指时间,关系副词where指地点,在定语从句中作状语。即使先行词是时间地点,若作从句中的宾语,只能用关系代词that, which.104aFill in the gaps:1.The terrible typhoon killed the pe

61、ople and cattle_ were in the fields.2.The wind blew down the tallest tree _ is in front of our school gate.3.This is the very thing _ I was looking for.4.This is the second novel _ I have ever read.5.There is nothing in the world _ can frightenme.6.Who is the man _ is reading under the tree?7.My hom

62、etown is not the same one _ it usedto be twenty years ago.thatthatthat/that/thatthatthat105a看看图连图连句句106aThe man _ is Liu Xiang.who ran fastestLiu Xiang is the man _.who ran fastest107aa boy, has a scar, forehead Harry Porter is a boy _ _. who/that has a scar on his forehead108aChangzhou is a cityCha

63、ngzhou is a city _ _._ _.Changzhou a citydevelop fast which /that develops fast109aWhich house is mine? ?房顶是棕色的房子是我的。The house _ is mine.whose roof is brownMy house110aThe city _ _ is Beijing. whichthat hosted the 2008 Olympic GamesThe city host(举办举办) 2oo8 Olympic Games Beijing111aBeckham is a football player.He is handsome.Beckham is a football player, _. who is handsomeBeckham, _, is a football player.who is handsome112a



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