英语Unit 4 Sharing 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit 4Unit 4SharingSharing-2-主题语境:人与社会公益事业与志愿服务 -3-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.adjust vt.&vi.调整;(使)适合教材原句The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.(Page 30)小屋内很黑,因此眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。(1)adjust to使适应于(2)adjust oneself to.使自己适应于(3)adjustment n. 调整;修正(4)adjustable adj.可调节的;可调整的注意该词做不及物动词时,其意思是“适应于”,后

2、常跟介词to。-4-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)单句语法填空It takes him quite a while to adjust to (work) night shifts.With the continuous changes of job market,I made(adjust) to my job expectations time and again.He stopped to try to adjust his eyes the light.working adjustments to -5-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)完成句子She the seat the h

3、eight of her child.她调节座椅以适合她孩子的身高。It took several seconds for his eyes to (适应)the dark.You will quickly the student life.你很快就会适应学生生活的。adjusted toadjust to adjust yourself to -6-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.participate vi.参与;参加经典例句Everyone in class is expected to participate in these discussions.希望全班同学都能参与这些讨论。(1)p

4、articipate in参加;参与(2)participant n.参加者;参与者(3)participation n.参与;分享词语辨析participate in,attend,join,take part in与join inparticipate in为正式用语,表示“参加;参与”。强调与他人共同参加某一活动,暗示以一种积极的态度参加。attend为正式用语,一般用于指参加会议,出席典礼或招待会等,也可以指上学,听课,听演讲或讲座等。-7-高频单词重点短语难点句型join为常用词,做及物动词,通常指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员,其宾语往往是the army/party/team

5、/club 或sb等。take part in指参加群众性的活动,侧重说明主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥一定的作用。part 前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。如take (an active) part in school/activities。join in指参加正在进行的活动,其宾语一般是竞赛、娱乐、谈话、讨论、聚会、游戏等名词,可以用于join in (doing) sth/join sb in (doing) sth结构中。-8-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空join;join in;take part in;attendAt the age of

6、 eight,he a group of child dancers.The children the English Evening and had a good time.He didnt school yesterday because of his illness.Zhou Enlai the student movements actively when he was at school.joined joined in attend took part in -9-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)用participate的适当形式填空Encouraged by the teacher

7、,the activelyin the English speech contest.Their inspired the rest of the class to study hard.(3)同义句改写She actively participated in local politics.(用part短语改写)participants participated participation She took an active part in local politics. -10-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.(be) dying to极想;渴望经典例句She is dying to know

8、 where youve been.她极想知道你到哪儿去了。(1)be dying for sth渴望/想要某物(2)die out灭绝(3)die away(声音、风、光线等)渐息;渐弱(4)die from/of死于表示“渴望”的短语还有:long to do,be hungry for,be thirsty for,desire to do,be keen to,be eager to,be anxious to等。-11-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)单句语法填空California condors attract researchers interest because th

9、ey almost died in the 1980s.(2016北京卷)Before the training was introduced,66% of set-free birds diedelectrocution.(2016北京卷)We lay shaking in the dark until the winds died .(2014湖北卷)out of/from away -12-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)一句多译他渴望回到他的祖国。 (dying) (anxious) (long) (eager) (keen)He is dying to return to his mo

10、therland.He is anxious to return to his motherland.He is longing to return to his motherland.He is eager to return to his motherland.He is keen to return to his motherland.-13-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.up to取决于;到达(某数量、程度等)经典例句What shall we do tonight then?Its up to youwhatever you want.那么,我们今晚做什么呢?你说了算你想做什么都行。(

11、1)be up to(doing) sth胜任(做)某事;适于(做)某事;正在忙于(做)某事(2)be up to sb由某人决定(3)up to now到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用)-14-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)单句语法填空There is the only one of the oldest customs that (keep) in this district up to now.I can take up four people in my car.Hes not really up to (see) any visitors.has been kept to se

12、eing (2)一句多译他太小不能胜任这项工作。He is so young that he.(up to)He is so young that he.(qualify)He is so young that he .(equal)He is so young that he.(fit)cant be up to the jobcant be qualified for the jobcant be equal to the jobcant be fit for the job-15-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.in need在困难中;在危急中高考佳句 A friend in need is

13、 a friend indeed.(2016北京卷)患难见真情。(1)in need of需要(2)satisfy/meet ones needs=satisfy/meet the needs of sb满足某人的需要(3)There is no need(for sb) to do./for (doing) sth(某人)没必要做-16-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)单句语法填空It is thought that he often helps the people need.Do you often offer to help people when they are in nee

14、d help?There is no need for you (come) if you dont want to.in of to come -17-重点短语难点句型高频单词1.We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.(Page 29)我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里先是爬山,爬到山脊能看到奇妙的景色,然后走下一个陡坡

15、,一直走到下边的山谷。句中from where引导的定语从句修饰a ridge。在“介词+关系词”引导的定语从句中,关系词常为which和whom;关系副词where和when之前一般不加介词,比较特殊的有from where和since when。-18-重点短语难点句型高频单词四维热练(1)单句语法填空Noise is coming to the point we cant put up with it.China is the birthplace of kites, where kite-flying spread to Japan.Put the key it was.(2)完成句子

16、After supper,he usually stood near the window,(从那里他能看到塔),the tallest building in this city.where from where from where he could see the tower -19-重点短语难点句型高频单词(3)写作升级The little girl was finally found hidden behind the door,and from there she could hear what her parents said.满分表达The little girl was fi

17、nally found hidden behind the door what her parents said.from where she could hear -20-重点短语难点句型高频单词2.The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.(Page 34)你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。句中not.but.意思是“不是,而是

18、”,连接两个表语。(1)not.but.连接两个平行成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。(2)not only.but (also),either.or.,neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。-21-重点短语难点句型高频单词四维热练完成句子It is how much we do how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most.能给我们工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少,而是我们对于自己所做的事情付出了多少爱。Not you but she wanted on the telephone.电话里找的是她而不是你。Not only his family but also he Chaplins movies.不但他的家人而且连他也喜欢卓别林的电影。not but is likes



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