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1、小马过河国际教育 2005 年 11 月 SAT 写作真题及要点解答17. Think carefullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below: (2005.11)Beauty is not a quality in people or in objects themselves. It existsin the mind that perceives thoseobjects, and each mind perceives beauty differently. To seek realbe

2、auty, in some absolute sense, ispointless. Where one person sees beauty, another may even see theopposite. For this reason, we allought to accept our own perceptions of who or what is beautiful, andnot be influenced by theperceptions of others.Adapted from David Hume, “Of the Standard of Taste”Assig

3、nment: Should our perceptions of beauty be influenced by theperceptions of beauty of otherpeople? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. Support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies,experience, or observation.18. Think caref

4、ullyabout the issue presentedin the followingexcerptand assignment below: (2005.11)There are situations where flattery is mandatory: The bride is alwaysbeautiful. If we look at someonesartwork, we are obliged to say something complimentaryto the artist.If we visit someone with a newbaby, we are requ

5、ired to say the infant is cute. In such situations,to say nothing is interpreted as小马过河国际教育 rudeness. We compliment each other because we understand thatflattery makes life run smoothly.Adapted from Richard Stengel, Youre Too Kind: A brief History ofFlatteryAssignment: Is praising others, even if th

6、e praise is excessive orundeserved, a necessary part of life?Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view onthis issue. Support your position withreasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience,or observation.19. Think carefully about the issue presented in the

7、 following excerptand assignment below: (2005.11)Conflict is not necessarily bad, and it does not necessarily indicatea failed interaction. It is a signal, amessage that says, “Things arent working around here. Weve gotto do something different.” Thus,conflict can be a catalyst-a motivating force-en

8、couraging people tointeract and communicate in waysthat are more satisfying. Conflict can actually benefit people bypushing them to make necessarychanges.Adapted from Beverly Potter, From Conflict to CooperationAssignment: Is conflict helpful? Plan and write an essay in which youdevelop your point o

9、f view on thisissue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken fromyour reading, studies, experience,or observation.20. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerptand assignment below: (2005.11)小马过河国际教育 What explains our increasing obsession with money and the th

10、ings itcan buy? It seems as though theacquisition of money is gradually replacing real measures of success,such as integrity, honesty, skill,and hard work.AdaptedfromAlanDurning,“LimitingConsumption:TowardaSustainable Culture”.Assignment: Has the acquisition of money and possessions replacedmore meaningful ways ofmeasuring our achievements? Plan and write an essay in which youdevelop your point of view on thisissue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken fromyour reading, studies, experience,or observation.



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