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1、 Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Words:outgoing, better, loudly,quietlyGarmmar:comparatives with-er and moretallshortWhat does she look like?She isWhat does she look like? She isthinheavyWhat does she look like? She haslong hairshort hairPart two: Part two: New words.New words.Tina reads (大声的

2、)大声的)_.Tara reads(安静的安静的)_ . loudlyladlquietly kwatlMorenewwords:What is he like?He is友好的,友好的, 外向的外向的outgoing atg 严肃的,的,稳重的重的serioussris Tinas food looks Tinas food looks goodgood. . But Taras But Taras food looks (food looks (更好)更好)_._.betterbet(r) Tinas foodTaras foodMatch each word with its oppos

3、ite.Tara is _ than Tina.Tina is _ than Tara.tallershorterTaraTinaTaras hair is _than Tinas. Tinas hair is _than Taras.Tara Tina longershorterCan you change the adjs into the comparatives? cheap short quick cool tall- er形容词变成比形容词变成比较级,一般情较级,一般情况下在后面加况下在后面加ererTara Tina Tina is _than Tara.heavierTara

4、is _than Tina.TaraTinabusier heavy easy busy happy early y-i+er以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y+y”结尾的双音节词,结尾的双音节词,先改先改“yy为为”i,i,再加再加ererTaras appleTinas appleTinas apple is_than Taras.biggerTara Tina Tina is _than Tara.Tara is_than Tina.fatterthinnerbiggerhotterthinnerfatterbighot thinfat“双双写写”重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母时,重读闭音节词尾

5、只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加双写这个辅音字母,再加er.er.Tinas bag is_than Taras bag.Taras bagTinas baglarger large late nice- r以字母以字母e e结尾的词,结尾的词,在词尾加在词尾加r.r.Tinas car is _than Taras car.more expensive¥30000000¥30000Tinas carTaras carTaras food is_than Tinas food.Taras foodTinas foodmore delicious delicious dangerous

6、 interesting popular beautiful friendly more + adj .多音节和部分双音节词前加多音节和部分双音节词前加moremore实际上,形容词还有一些不规则变化,比实际上,形容词还有一些不规则变化,比如说,如说,good/wellbetter bad/badlyworse littleless等等,等等,其余的大家自己课后找吧,相信你们一定其余的大家自己课后找吧,相信你们一定会记忆深刻的!会记忆深刻的!我们来个检测吧!他们的比较级分别是:1、funny2、late3、smart4、outgoing5、hard6、thin7、early8、good9、bi

7、g10、high11、little12、friendly13、slowly14、healthy15、interestingWhatcanyoufind?vTara is taller than Tina.vTina is shorter than Tara.vTaras hair is longer than Tinas. vTina is heavier than Tara.vTara is busier than Tina.vTinas apple is bigger than Taras. vTina is fatter than Tara.vTara is thinner than T

8、ina.vTinas bag is larger than Taras bag.vTinas car is more expensive than Taras car.vTaras food is more delicious than Tinas food.Languagepoint:1、在英语中,当指_者比较时,通常会出现一个标志词,这个标志词为_.3、当句子中出现than时我们应该用_。4、形容词比较级的表达句式之一:TaraistallerthanTina.两两than形容词或者副词的形容词或者副词的比较级比较级A+be+形容词的比较级+than+B.2、taller意为_,moreo

9、utgoing意为_,earlier意为_,由此推断,形容词或副词的比较级应该翻译为_.更高更高更外向更外向更早更早更更 Every group prepare a performce, and then lets check which group is better.Fillintheblankswithproperformsv1.Tina is _ (short) than Jill. v2.His nose is _ (big) than hers.v3.Is this bag _ (large) than that one?v4.My father is _ (busy) than

10、my mother.v5.Is Kate _ (beautiful) than Lily ?shorterbiggerlargerbusiermore beautiful6.DoesSamhave_(long)hairthanTom?7.Tinais_(thin)thanTara.8.Peteris_(friendly)and_(heavy)thanTom.9.IsTara_(serious)thanTina?10.Whois_(outgoing),MrChengorMissQu?longerthinnerfriendlierheaviermore seriousmore outgoingPl

11、easetranslatetheChineseintoEnglish.v1.Sue 比比Ann 更安静。更安静。v2.七月比十月更七月比十月更热吗?v3.英英语和数学,那个科目更有趣?和数学,那个科目更有趣?Sue is quieter than Ann。Is July hotter than October?Which subject is more interesting,English or math?1、说说你们这节课的收获吧!2、Themore,thebetter.越多越好。Theharderyoustudy,themoreprogressyoumake.你越努力,取得的进步越大。 homework:完成课本上的2a、2c、3c.



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