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1、Laozi11.Laozi 1.1 A Brief Introduction 1.2 His Hometown2. Primary ideology 2.1 Naturalness and Non-action 2.2 The Philosophy of Non-contention 2.3 Returning to Newborn State3. Cultural Heritage2Name: Lao Dan, Lao Zi770476BC, the Spring and Autumn PeriodBirth place: Luyi, (鹿邑) Henan ProvinceFounder o

2、f Taoism3 河南鹿邑太清宫位于李鹏总理亲笔题写的“老子故里”河南省鹿邑县城东十里太清宫镇,太清宫镇有一座驰名中外的“太清宫”,这里就是老子的诞生地,也是历朝历 代供奉祭祀老子的祠庙。曾做过周朝“守藏室之官”(管理藏书的官员),是中国最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,被道教尊为教祖,世界文化名人。45河南鹿邑太清宫67 鹿邑还是中国第一大姓李姓的发源地,是全球李姓华人寻根问祖的胜地。天下李姓,根在鹿邑。老子是李姓子孙的先祖,据李氏祖脉源流记载李渊、李世民认老子为先祖。鹿邑作为李姓的发源地,充分利用这一优势,成立了中国鹿邑李氏文化研究总会,撰写了李姓起源鹿邑、老子与李姓等论文,在全国多次获奖;拍

3、摄了电视剧李氏春秋;举办了海峡两岸李氏宗亲恳亲会。8Laozi/Classic of the Way and Virtue/Dao de jing910 Classic of the Way and Virtue 5,000 Chinese characters 81 chapters two parts, Dao (the way) and De (Virtue). It became the basis of Daoism, the school of philosophy parallel to Confucianism in Ancient China. The thought of

4、Laozi formed the foundation of Daoism, the most influential indigenous school of religion in China.11 It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in the development of Chinese thinking

5、. Laozi was first introduced into Europe possibly as early as the 15th century and has been one of the most translated philosophical works of ancient China.12Many of Laozis enlightening views are based on his philosophy of naturalness (自然主义) and non-action(无为).13Naturalness自然主义;顺其自然自然主义;顺其自然 It refe

6、rs to a natural state of being, anattitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and developing: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, flowers bloom and flowers fall. He admonished people to give up on any desires to control th

7、e world. 14Non-action无为Dao or the Way acts through non-action.He did not mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved. Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on any attempts to

8、interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the ways of nature.15Great Ingenuity Appears toBe Stupidity 大巧若拙This is the essence of naturalness and non-action.Great ingenuity refers to the highest level of ingenuity, arising so naturally that it dos not resemble inge

9、nuity at all. Ingenuity can be achieved through human effort, but great ingenuity is superior to ordinary ingenuity. 16 To Laozi, resorting to deceit is true futility and would accomplish just the opposite result. Those who intend to play tricks are not genuine and therefore are not natural. Deceit

10、is detrimental to naturalness and to the harmony of life.17The Philosophy of Non-contention 无争On the basis of “naturalness” and “non-action,” Laozi proposed the view of “overcoming the strong by being weak.”The era Laozi lived in was replete with endless wars. Therefore, war was an important theme f

11、or philosophers, andanti-war thinking was the norm. 18 According to Laozi, war springs from humanitys bloated desires. Conflicts arises out of peoples struggles to satisfytheir desires, and conflict escalates intowar. Therefore, Laozis philosophy is basedon “non-contention.” To him, human strivingan

12、d competitive strife is the root of decline;desiring nothing is the natural way of life.19 The greatest virtue is like water. “上善若水”意为最高境界的善行就像 水的品性一样,泽被万物而不争名利。上善:至善,最完美;水:这里喻指与世无争的圣人。达到尽善尽美的境界,就和圣人差不多。水有滋养万物的德行,它使万物得到它的利益,而不与万物发生矛盾、冲突,故天下最大的善性莫如水。2021 Water nourishes everything but contends for no

13、thing. 水善利万物而不争。 Water nourishes everything butcontends for nothing.水善利万物而不争。老子的道德经第八章:“上善若水。水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无尤。”22 最高的善像水那样。水善于帮助万物而不与万物相争。它停留在众人所不喜欢的地方,所以接近于道。上善的人居住要像水那样安于卑下,存心要像水那样深沉,交友要像水那样相亲,言语要像水那样真诚,为政要像水那样有条有理,办事要像水那样无所不能,行为要像水那样待机而动。正因为他像水那样与万物无争,所以 才

14、没有烦恼。23Nothing in the world is weaker than water when it comes to breakingsomething strong.天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者莫之能胜。Water is a typical example of the weak winning over the strong. Water is invinciblebecause it desires nothing and contends fornothing.24 Aware of the strong, one should remain weak. One shoul

15、d start withones own weak points, accumulatingstrength by keeping low, just as water does. Giving up the desire to flaunt ones superiority is the basic way toprosperity. Remaining weak is not only the way to prosperity, but also the way to preserving life.25Returning to a Newborn State Laozi saw the

16、 world as a madding crowdof vanity. He chose to live a simple, quitelife, and to keep his mind undisturbed inthe face of temptation. He said he would rather remain a “newborn baby.”The state of the newborn is free of any knowledge, desire, impurity or falsehood.(complete innocence)26 When human bein

17、gs come into the world,they gradually acquire external knowledgeand accept social norms. Step by step, theiroriginally pure minds become tainted withchaotic colors. As human mature, they become more and more hypocritical. Theprocess of acculturation is the process of losing ones true life.27The deve

18、loping of human culture is a process of “decoration”:clothing as decoration of the bodyhousing as decoration of the way of livinglanguage as decoration of communicationstate politics as decoration of human organization28 文化遗产文化遗产 老子的著作、思想早已成为世界历史文化遗产的宝贵财富。欧洲从十九世纪初就开始了对道德经的研究,到二十世纪的四五十年代,欧洲共有60多种道德经译

19、文,德国哲学家黑格尔、尼采,俄罗斯大作家托尔斯泰等世界著名学者对道德经都有深入的研究,并都 有专著或专论问世。29 黑格尔说:“中国哲学中另有一个特异的宗派是以思辨作为它的特性。这派的主要概念是道,这就是理性。这派哲学及与哲学密切联系的生活方式的发挥 者是老子。”30 英国科学家李约瑟一生研究中国,对中国文化情有独钟,著有多卷本中国科技史专著。他说,中国文化就像一棵参天大树,而这棵参天大树的根在道家。李约瑟越研究中国,越认识老子、道家在中国文化中的重要地位,越发相信老子学说的正确,越来越按照老子说的去做,他晚年干脆自称是“名 誉道家”、“十宿道人”。31 李约瑟对中国古代文化的研究很有成就,是上个世纪国际上知名的汉学家,而他的最大贡献是他发现了道家思想的现代意义,从而为上个世纪后半叶世界“老子热”的形成做出了历史性的贡献。在现时的德国、法国、英国、美国、日本等发达国家相继兴起了“老子热”,老子一书在这些国家被一版再版。上世纪80年代,据联合国教科文组织统计,在世界文化名著中,译成外国文字出版发行量最大的是圣经,其次就是道德经。3233



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