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1、英语二英语二Unit 9 Facing Lifes ChallengesUnit 9 Facing Lifes ChallengesA FAMOUS QUOTEA FAMOUS QUOTEThe only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin Delano Roosevelt我们唯一要恐惧的就是恐惧本身。富兰克林德拉诺罗斯福Text A 300 HurdlesText A 300 HurdlesNew WordsNew Wordshurdlehurdlen.hurdles pl. a race in which runners or ho

2、rses have to jump over hurdles 跨栏赛each of a series of vertical frames that a person or horse jumps over in a race 栏架;跨栏a problem or difficulty that must be solved or dealt with before you can achieve something 难关;障碍negativenegativen.a word or statement that means no; a refusal or denial 否定词;否定;拒绝adj

3、.bad or harmful 坏的;有害的despairdespairv.to stop having any hope that a situation will change or improve 绝望;失去希望;丧失信心pettypettyadj.small and unimportant 小的;琐碎的;次要的individualindividualadj.connected with one person; designed for one person 一个人的;供一个人用的lanelanen. a narrow marked section of a track or a swi

4、mming pool that is used by one person taking partin a race (比赛的)跑道,泳道spotspotn.a particular area or place 地点;场所;处所symbolizesymbolizev.to be a symbol of something 象征;是的象征;代表incrediblyincrediblyadv.extremely 极端地;极其positivepositiveadj.good or useful 良好的;正面的toughtoughadj.having or causing problems or di

5、fficulties 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的arisearisev.(especially of a problem or a difficult situation )to happen;to start to exist 发生;产生;出现lostlostadj.unable to deal successfully with a particular situation 不知所措的;一筹莫展的leapleapv.to jump high or a long way跳跃yardyardn. a unit for measuring length, equal to 3 feet(36 inc

6、hes)or 0.9144 of a metre 码inchinchn.a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimetres.There are 12 inches in a foot. 英寸cinchcinchn.something that is very easy 很容易的事;小菜Phrases and ExpressionsPhrases and Expressionsline upline up to stand in a line or row; to form a queue/line 排成一行;站队;排队(等候)end u

7、pend up to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in最终成为;最后处于keep up withkeep up with to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as somebody/something(与)齐英语二英语二步前进;并驾齐驱;跟上pace oneselfpace oneself to find the right speed or rhythm for your work or an ac

8、tivity so that you have enoughenergy to do what you have to do 调整自己的工作(或活动)节奏fit infit in to live, work, etc.in an easy and natural way with somebody/something(与)合得来;适应get overget over to deal with or gain control of something解决;克服;控制wear outwear out to make yourself/somebody feel very tired 使疲乏;使筋疲

9、力尽;使厌烦with easewith ease with no difficulty 轻而易举地make itmake it to be successful in your career 获得成功fall overfall over to hit your foot against something when you are walking and fall, or almost fall被绊倒;几乎被绊倒get lostget lost to be unable to deal successfully with a particular situation 不知所措;一筹莫展look

10、 back onlook back on to think about something in your past 回首(往事);回忆;回顾inch by inchinch by inch very slowly and with great care or difficulty 缓慢而谨慎地;一步一步at a timeat a time separately or in groups of two, three, etc.on each occasion 每次;逐一;依次重点词汇重点词汇hurdlehurdle hurdles pl. a race in which runners or

11、horses have to jump over hurdles 跨栏赛each of a series of vertical frames that a person or horse jumps over in a race 栏架;跨栏a problem or difficulty that must be solved or dealt with before you can achieve something 难关;障碍eg: He won the 400 metres hurdles.他在 400 米跨栏赛中获胜。Ive passed the written test; the i

12、nterview is the next hurdle. 我书面考试已经及格了, 下一个难关是面试。negativenegativen. a word or statement that means no; a refusal or denial否定词;否定;拒绝adj.bad or harmful 坏的;有害的eg: The majority of people, when asked whether or not they are creative, will reply in the negative .当被问有没有创造性时,大部分人会给出否定回答。He has a very negat

13、ive attitude to his work.他的工作态度很消极。反义词反义词 positivedespairdespairv. to stop having any hope that a situation will change or improve绝望;失去希望;丧失信心despair of sb./sth.despair of sb./sth.eg: Weve despaired of him; he cant keep a job for more than six months. 我们对他已经绝望了, 他做什么工作都不能超过半年。其他词性其他词性n.state of havi

14、ng lost all hope 失去一切希望; 绝望eg: He gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了斗争。symbolizesymbolizev. to be a symbol of something 象征;是的象征;代表eg: A lily symbolizes purity.百合花象征纯洁。衍生衍生symbolsymboln. (of sth.)image, object, etc.that suggests or refers to sth.else; emblem 象征;标志eg: The cross is the symbol of C

15、hristianity.十字架是基督教的标志。The lion is the symbol of courage.狮子是勇武的象征。英语二英语二 (for sth.) mark or sign with a particular meaning, eg plus and minus signs in mathematics, punctuationmarks, musical notation, etc 符号,记号(如数学中的加减号标点符号乐谱等)eg: On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church.在地图上, 十字符号代表教堂。Au is the c

16、hemical symbol for gold.“Au”是金的化学元素符号。symbolicsymbolicadj.eg: The power of the monarchy in Britain today is more symbolic than real. 今日英国君主的权力多为象征性的,无甚实际意义。symbolismsymbolismn. use of symbols to represent things, esp.in art and literature; the symbols thus used符号的使用;(尤指文艺中的)象征主义,象征手法eg: poetry full

17、of religious symbolism 用大量象征手法表现宗教色彩toughtoughadj.having or causing problems or difficulties艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的eg: Its tough finding a job these days.近来很难找到工作。其他词义其他词义not easily cut, broken, or worn out 坚韧的;不易切开 打破或磨损的eg: as tough as leather 坚韧如皮革able to endure hardship; not easily defeated or injured 能耐劳苦的

18、; 不易击败的; 不易伤害的eg: You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。very strict or firm 严厉的;强硬的tough on/withtough on/witheg: My mother was very tough on my sister.妈妈对妹妹很严厉。arisearisev.(especially of a problem or a difficult situation )to happen;to start to exist 发生;产生;出现eg: A new diff

19、iculty has arisen.出现了新困难。其他词义其他词义follow as a result of sth.因某事物而产生 造成 引起arise from/out ofarise from/out ofeg: problems arising out of the lack of communication 由于缺乏交流而产生的问题Accidents from carelessness.意外事故起因于粗心大意。300 Hurdles300 HurdlesP1P1Life may give you a negative, but dont despair it may just dev

20、elop into a beautiful picture oneday.This year, I realized my theory that I have on life.Life is like a 300m hurdle race.Since I run the300m hurdles, I would know what the race is like.P2P2The first thing to any race is worrying about whether you are going to win or not.This relates toworrying about

21、 the petty things in life.Does it really matter if you win? Is it really going to be theend of the world? Or will you be upset if you lose and then forget about it? In life we worry too muchand live in the moment too little.P3P3Next is the lining up in our own individual lanes.We each start at diffe

22、rent spots, but the race isstill the same distancefor everyone.This relates to our lives taking us to different placesand puttingus in different situations, but hopefully we will end up in the same place, but maybe at different times.P4P4Now comes the beginning of the race.We all try to keep up with

23、 everyone and pace ourselves with other英语二英语二people.This symbolizes that at times in everyones lives we worry about fitting in or being the same asother people, instead of worrying about being unique.If everyone were the same, the world would beincredibly boring.P5P5Now comes the first hurdle.This h

24、urdle is the easiest to get over because you are not worn out fromrunning.We all make it over this hurdle with ease.This symbolizes those obstacles in life that we struggleto get over, but we always manage to do so.You can look at that hurdle in two ways: I cant make it over,Im too tired or I am one

25、 more hurdle closer to finishing this race.This is an example of taking anegative situation and seeing something positive in it.P6P6The next part of the race is every hurdle between the first and fast one.These hurdles get tougherand tougher and you may feel as though you cant go on.This happens a l

26、ot in life too.There may be a situationthat arises where you feel as though you cant make it and all you can think about is giving up.You mayfall over that hurdle or struggle getting over it, but somehow you find it in yourself to jump overit and move on with the race.P7P7Next is that last 100m of t

27、he race.You feel as though you just want to say, No I cant do this.Again, you must find it in yourself that you can do it, and you must finish the race stronger than whenyou had started it.P8P8Now lastly is the last hurdle.This hurdle is the toughest out of all of them.In life we find ourselvesfalli

28、ng and falling, and maybe getting too lost in our problems that we feel like we have been throughenough and theres no hope.That last hurdle symbolizes these situations.Its one step close to the endof the race.P9P9Once you finish, you look back on it and you realize that you made it not by leaping, b

29、ut step bystep.Yard by yard, life is very hard.But inch by inch, life can be a cinch.P10P10All it takes is one step at a time, one hurdle at a time.ExercisesExercises Checking Your Comprehension Checking Your ComprehensionDirections:Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the inform

30、ation given in the passage.1.What is the authors opinion on the result of a race?A)It really matters whether you are going to win or not.B)It is really going to be the end of the world if you lose it.C)We should not worry too much about the result of it.D)We should not feel upset and forget about it

31、.答疑编号 506431090201【正确答案】C【答案解析】题目问作者对于比赛的结果是如何看待的。 作者一连三个反问句, 说明的是输赢并不重要,不是世界末日,输了也是就沮丧然后忘记,所以选项ABD 都错误。C 正确,不要太担心结果。答案为 C。2.At times, we think too much about being the same as other people, instead of _.英语二英语二A)thinking about living in the momentB)thinking about taking actionsC)worrying about being

32、 uniqueD)worrying about winning or not答疑编号 506431090202【正确答案】C【答案解析】课文第四段第三句原话,选项A、B 文章中都未提及,不选,D 选项也不对。答案为 C。3.Getting over the first hurdle indicates that in a negative situation, you should _.A)see the positive aspects of the situationB)take it easy in dealing with the situationC)struggle to get

33、over the situationD)get over the situation with ease答疑编号 506431090203【正确答案】A【答案解析】课文第五段说,跨过这第一栏标志着我们努力挣扎并取得成功。 我们可以从两方面看待第一栏,但是应采取积极的态度面对。答案为A。4.In even tougher situations in life, people are likely _.A)to become strongerB)to complain too muchC)to think of giving upD)to ask for help答疑编号 506431090204

34、【正确答案】C【答案解析】 课文第六段第四句话, 在遇到更棘手的困难时, 人们容易放弃, 选项 A 变得更强,此处不对,是在克服了困难之后,变得更强。选项B 抱怨和 D 寻求他人帮助,文章均未提及,不选。答案为 C。 Building Your Vocabulary Building Your VocabularySection ASection ADirections:Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in5.What message d

35、oes the author intend to convey to the readers?A)Life will not be so difficult if we deal with the obstacles bit by bit.B)Life will not be so difficult if we can see something positive in it.C)You will become stronger after you have got over the obstacles.D)You will be closer to your goal after you

36、have got over each obstacle.答疑编号 506431090205【正确答案】A【答案解析】 题目问作者想传达给读者什么?由文章的最后两段可知, 作者一直在强调要一步一步来应对生活中的困难和问题。答案为A。英语二英语二the brackets.1.I _ of him; he cant keep a job for more than six months.(despair, despairing)答疑编号 506431090206【正确答案】despair【答案解析】despair 动词,绝望,丧失信心。短语搭配despair of 对绝望,此句注意时态,从后半句可知

37、此句话是一般现在时,所以不用加ing,不用进行时。答案为despair。2.I hope the divorce wont have a _ effect on the children.(negative, negation)答疑编号 506431090207【正确答案】negative【答案解析】negative 形容词,意为消极的,有害的。短语搭配have a negative effect onsomebody 意思是对某人有消极影响。答案为negative。3.The mayor has been meeting with city council members _.(indivi

38、dual, individually)答疑编号 506431090208【正确答案】individually【答案解析】individual 是形容词,意为一个人的。此句需要用其副词形式individually 来修饰动词 meet,意为单独地,个别地。答案为individually。4.The competition is a lot _ than what it was even a few years back. (tough, tougher)答疑编号 506431090209【正确答案】tougher【答案解析】tough 是形容词,意思是艰难的,棘手的。不选择原形是因为此句话是比较

39、级,注意句子中比较级的标志词than,所以tough 加比较级-er 后缀,构成tougher。这句话意思是竞争比几年前艰难的多。答案为tougher。5.There are a lot of other great things to do in this _ city.(incredible, incredibly)答疑编号 506431090210【正确答案】incredible【答案解析】incredible 是形容词,意为难以置信的。而副词incredibly 意思是极端地,极其, 此句需要一个形容词, 来修饰后面的名词 city, 所以选择 incredible。 答案为 incr

40、edible。6.For many people cars usually _ personal freedom.(symbol, symbolize)答疑编号 506431090211【正确答案】symbolize【答案解析】symbolize 是动词,意为象征,代表。而symbol 是名词,此句子缺动词,故选symbolize。答案为 symbolize。Section BSection BDirections:Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.

41、lose through positive leapnegative pace fit arise1.Scott _ to the rescue when he spotted the youngster in difficulty.答疑编号 506431090212英语二英语二【正确答案】leaped【答案解析】leap 动词,跳跃。短语 leap to 意思是立即做出,迅速作出某种反应。这句话是说他看到少年处于困境之中, 立即去营救。 本句应选用一般过去时态, leap 的过去式为 leapt或 leaped。答案为 leaped/leapt。2.Problems _ over plans

42、 to build a new supermarket in this part of the city.答疑编号 506431090213【正确答案】arose【答案解析】arise 动词,产生,出现,此句话意思,在这个城市建一个大型超市的计划出现了问题,时态可用一般过去时。答案为arose。3.His father was _ in thought and did not hear the door open.答疑编号 506431090214【正确答案】lost【答案解析】固定短语 be lost in thought沉思,陷入沉思,想得出神。整句话意思,他的父亲陷入深深的沉思之中,没听

43、到门开了。答案为lost。4.I _ myself so that I was not too far ahead of the other students.答疑编号 506431090215【正确答案】paced【答案解析】固定短语 pace oneself,意思是调整自己的工作(或是活动)节奏。整句话意思:我调整自己的进度节奏以便我不会超过其他同学太多。答案为paced。5.He went straight _ to the kitchen and took a can of beer from the fridge.答疑编号 506431090216【正确答案】through【答案解析

44、】through,介词,意为穿过。整句话意思:他径直走过厨房,然后从冰箱里拿了一罐啤酒。答案为 through。6.All the signs are extremely _ and David will be well again soon.答疑编号 506431090217【正确答案】positive【答案解析】positive 形容词,积极的。整句话意思:所有的迹象都显示极其良好,大卫很快就会恢复健康。答案为positive。Section CSection CDirections:Directions: Complete each of the following sentences

45、with a suitable word.1.Deal _ each question separately, one at a time.答疑编号 506431090218【正确答案】with【答案解析】固定短语 deal with,处理问题。答案为with。2.My sister and I ended _ staying at the same hotel as our parents.答疑编号 506431090219英语二英语二【正确答案】up【答案解析】固定短语 end up,最终成为,最后处于。答案为up。3.There are many hurdles still to get

46、 _ before the new restaurant can open.答疑编号 506431090220【正确答案】over【答案解析】固定短语 get over,解决,克服,控制。答案为over。4.Young children seem to master computer games _ ease.答疑编号 506431090221【正确答案】with【答案解析】固定短语 with ease,轻而易举地。答案为with。5.The clock said it was only eight oclock but it felt _ midnight.答疑编号 506431090222

47、【正确答案】like【答案解析】固定短语 feel like,感觉好似。这句话意思是钟表显示才八点钟,但感觉上好像半夜了似的。答案为 like。6.We are only interested in events that relate directly _ the murder.答疑编号 506431090223【正确答案】to【答案解析】固定短语 relate to,涉及,与有关。答案为to。考试题型第三题:标题配对和补全句子考试题型第三题:标题配对和补全句子(第 1625 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)标题配对标题配对解题技巧:先看首句;首句没有答案,看尾句;尾句没有答案,通读段落,看

48、反复出现的是答案。判断技巧:细节非解;同义替换为解;反复出现为解;原词出现为解;首句定位原则。补全句子解题技巧补全句子解题技巧1.判断题目空格处语法特征2.判断选项语法特征,根据题目和选项语法特征进行初步排查3.根据题目定位词回归原文定位4.根据原文进行语义判断Identity TheftIdentity Theft (教材 p272)1 College students have a lot to worry about: tests, quizzes, homework, organizations, and jobs.Onething they might not think they

49、should worry about is identity theft.Identity theft is actually a big英语二英语二problem on college campuses and students are easy targets.Knowing how to protect yourself against identitytheft is the first thing you need to do for yourself.2 One of the major reasons why students are targets is because the

50、y are naive.Many students dontknow or dont realize the dangers ofgiving out their personal information unless they have already beenthrough it or they are older.A majority of the time, students get sucked into getting free stuff justfor applying for a credit card.Students are one of the easiest targ

51、ets for scammers(骗子).In order toprotect yourself from having your identity stolen, you need to understand how scammers get yourpersonalinformation.3 For students, being frugal is just about a must.One of the costs they may skimp on is paying fortheir own Internet.Instead, they will log on to someone

52、 elses WiFi or an unsecured network.While thismay cut down on costs while you are in college, there is a chance that someone will be able to get yourpersonal information.These unsecured networks may be full of people who are simply sitting and waitingfor you to log on to your bank account, shop onli

53、ne, apply for a job online, or apply for a credit cardonline.If you are going to shop online or do any of the previously mentioned activities, make sure youare on a secured network that has the proper privacy settings.4 Something that students may not think about is shredding (撕碎)their documents.It

54、is very easyfor anyone to have their identity stolen if they dont shred important documents, bills, or even creditcard offers.You should always shred anything that has any type of personal information, especially thosewith account numbers, your social security number, or even your birthday.If you ge

55、t a credit card offersaying you are pre-approved, so on and so forth, you need to shred it before throwing it away.Some peoplego through others trash and take the pre-approved cards.They can then use it to open a credit card underyour name, stealing your identity.5 While you have many things to thin

56、k about while in college, you should always think about theinformation you are giving out.Remember never to give out your bank account information or PIN (personalidentification number), even to a friend.Also, watch out for scams (骗局)like signing up for a creditcard to get a free shirt; your identit

57、y may not be stolen right away, but that information could be usedin the future.Shred any and all personal documentation before throwing it away.Moreover, when you do shredyour documentation, make sure it cant be put back together.Task 116.Paragraph 1:_17.Paragraph 2: _18.Paragraph 3: _19.Paragraph

58、4: _20.Paragraph 5: _A.Being naiveB.Easy targetsC.Being frugalD.Protecting informationE.Shredding documentsF.Seeking help答疑编号 506431090224【正确答案】1620 BACED【答案解析】16.第一段作者指出大学生是个人信息被窃用的主要目标。本段中心句是英语二英语二Identity theft is actually a big problem on college campuses and students are easytargets.答案为 B。17.第二

59、段作者举例说明为什么大学生是个人信息被窃用的主要目标。本段中心句是oneof major reasons why students are targets is because they are naive.答案为 A。18.第三段作者指出如何可以避免信息外泄,并列举了几种造成信息外泄的途径。本段中心句 for students, being frugal is just about a must.答案为 C。19.第四段是对上一段的进一步阐述。 本段中心句 Something that students may not thinkabout is shredding their docume

60、nts.答案为 E。20.第五段具体说明我们如何保护自己的个人信息。中心句是youshould always thinkabout the information you are giving out.答案为 D。Task 221.What you need to do first for yourself is _.22.The dangers of releasing personal information are unknown to many students _.23.A good chance stands that your personal information will

61、be stolen _.24.If a credit card offer is said to be pre-approved, you need to _.25.When you do shred your documentation, make sure _.A.it cant be put back togetherB.knowing how to protect yourself against identity theftC.unless they have already been through it or they are olderD.because college stu

62、dents arent experiencedE.shred it before throwing it awayF.while you log on to someone elses WiFi or an unsecured network答疑编号 506431090225【正确答案】2125 BCFEA【答案解析】 21.从第一段最后一句 knowing how to protect yourself against identity theftis the first thing you need to do for yourself可以得出答案。答案为B。22.从第二段第二句 many

63、 students dont know of giving out their personalinformation unless they have already been through it or they are older可以得出答案。答案为 C。23.从第三段第三句 instead, they will log on to someone elses WiFi or an unsecurednetwork 可以得出答案。答案为F。24.从第四段第四句 If you get a credit card , you need to shred it before throwingi

64、t away 可以得出答案。答案为E。25.从最后一段最后一句Moreover, when you do shred your documentation, make sureit cant be put back together可以得出答案。答案为A。Text B A Violin with Three StringsText B A Violin with Three StringsNew WordsNew Wordsstrickenstrickenadj. seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a di

65、fficult situation受煎熬的;患病的;遭受挫折的poliopolion. an infectious disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or英语二英语二permanent paralysis 小儿麻痹症bracebracen. a metal support for weak or injured legs双脚规形夹aidaidn.help that you need to perform a particular task(某工作所需的)帮助,助手,辅助物crutchc

66、rutchn. one oftwo long sticksthat you put under yourarms to help you walk after you have injuredyour leg or foot(腿脚受伤病人用的)腋杖awesomeawesomeadj.very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rather frightening令人惊叹的;令人畏惧的majesticallymajesticallyadv.in a way that is impressive because of size or beauty 威

67、严地;壮丽地undoundov.to open something that is fastened, tied or wrapped 打开;解开;拆开claspclaspn.a device that fastens something, such as a bag or the ends of a belt or a piece of jewellery(包、皮带或首饰等的)搭扣,扣环tucktuckv.to put something into a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or comfortable 把塞进狭

68、窄的空间;把藏入chinchinn.the part of the face below the mouth and above the neck 下巴conductorconductorn.a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs theirperformance, especially somebody who does this as a profession 乐队指挥proceedproceedv.to do something next, after havin

69、g done something else first 接着做;继而做ritualritualn.something that is done regularly and always in the same way 程序;仪规;礼节reverentlyreverentlyadv. in a way that shows great respect and admiration 恭敬地;虔诚地barbarn.one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes

70、that are in it (音乐)小节snapsnapv.to break something suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way (使)断裂,绷断figurefigurev.to think or decide that something will happen or is true 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)limplimpv.to walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured 瘸着走;跛行;蹒跚orchestraorchestran.a

71、large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor管弦乐队puritypurityn.the state or quality of being pure 纯洁;纯净;纯粹symphonicsymphonicadj.of, for, pertaining to, or having the character of a symphony or symphony orchestra交响乐的modulatemodulatev.(music)to change from one

72、 musical key(=set of notes)to another 变调;转调de-tunede-tunev.to render or cause a musical instrument to become out of tune 使改变调子outburstoutburstv.a sudden strong expression of an emotion (感情的)爆发,迸发applauseapplausev.the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands and sometimes shouting to show

73、their approval or enjoyment 鼓掌;喝彩auditoriumauditoriumn.the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc.in which the audience sits 礼堂;会堂appreciateappreciatev.to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something 欣赏;赏识browbrown.the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair 额头bowbown. a long thin pie

74、ce of wood with thin string stretched along it, used for playing musicalinstruments such as the violin 琴弓boastfullyboastfullyadv.in a boastful manner 自吹自擂地;自夸地pensivepensiveadj.thinking deeply about something, especially because you are sad or worried沉思的;忧伤的reverentreverentadj.showing great respect

75、and admiration 非常尊敬的;深表崇敬的sacredsacredadj. connected with God or a god; considered to be holy 上帝的;神的;神圣的英语二英语二shakyshakyadj.not firm or safe; not certain 不稳固的;不牢靠的;摇晃的;不确切的bewilderingbewilderingadj.making you feel confused because there are too many things to choose from or becausesomething is diffi

76、cult to understand 令人困惑的;使人糊涂的Phrases and ExpressionsPhrases and Expressionswith the aid ofwith the aid of with the help that you need to perform a particular task 在的辅助下make ones waymake ones way to move or get somewhere 去;前往;到地方去go offgo off to make a sudden loud noise 突然发出巨响at one pointat one poin

77、t at a particular time or stage of development 在某个时刻all of a suddenall of a sudden quickly and unexpectedly 突然;猛地重点词汇重点词汇aidaidn.help that you need to perform a particular task(某工作所需的)帮助,助手,辅助物eg: with the aid of a friend 在朋友的帮助下其他词性其他词性v. help sb.帮助某人.aid sb.in/withaid sb.in/with (doingdoing)sth.st

78、h.eg: Mrs Coxen was aided in looking after the children by her niece.Coxen 夫人的侄女帮助她照看孩子。tucktuckv. to put something into a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or comfortable把塞进狭窄的空间;把藏入eg: Jack tucked his shirt in.杰克把衬衣下摆塞进裤子。be tucked awaybe tucked away if a place is tucked away, it

79、is in a quiet area 隐蔽eg: His house was ed away in the deep woods.他的房子隐于森林深处。proceedproceedv.to do something next, after having done something else first 接着做;继而做eg: Sammy took off his coat and proceeded to undo his boots.萨米脱下外套,然后继续脱靴子。构词:构词: 前缀前缀 pro-pro-前前 词根词根 ceedceed 走走proceed v.继续proclaim v.宣布,

80、声明progress n.进步prolong v.延长promote v.促进;提升prospect n.景象;前景词根词根 ced, ceed, cess ced, ceed, cess 走走ancestor n.祖先excess n.过度,过分precede v.先于,在之前precedent n.先例unprecedented adj.史无前例的procedure n.程序process n.过程succeed v.继任;成功successive adj.连续的figurefigurev.to think or decide that something will happen or i

81、s true 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)eg: From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk.从他的行为表现来看,我认为他喝醉了。其他词义其他词义figure outfigure out to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has英语二英语二happenedfigure out how/what/why etc.figure out how/what/why etc.eg: Can you figure

82、 out how to do it? 你能想出怎么做吗?其他词性其他词性n.written symbol for a number, esp.0 to 9 数字(尤指 0 至 9)eg: Write the figure 7 for me.给我写个“7”字。He has an income of six figures/a six-figure income, i.e.100000 or more. 他有六位数字的收入(至少为 100000 英镑)。puritypurityn.the state or quality of being pure 纯洁;纯净;纯粹eg: The white co

83、lor is a symbol of purity.白色是纯洁的象征。衍生衍生purepureadj.1)not mixed with any other substance 纯的;纯净的;纯粹的eg: pure cotton/gold/silk/wool, etc.纯棉纯金纯丝纯毛2)without harmful substances; clean or unadulterated 无有害物质的; 洁净的; 不搀杂的eg: The air is so pure in these mountains.这些山区里的空气格外清新。purifypurifyv.make sth.pure by re

84、moving dirty, harmful or foreign substances 使某物纯净; 净化某物eg: Water is purified by passing through rock.水在穿透岩石的过程中获得了净化。appreciateappreciatev.to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something 欣赏;赏识eg: You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。其他词义其他词义used to tha

85、nk someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for something they have done感激;感谢eg: I appreciate your concern , but honestly, Im fine.非常感激你的关心,但老实说,我很好。Thanks ever so much for your help.I really appreciate it.非常感谢你的帮助,我真的很感激。sacredsacredadj.connected with God or a god; considered to be h

86、oly上帝的;神的;神圣的eg: a sacred rite/place/image 宗教仪式圣地圣像其他词义其他词义 (to sb.)regarded with great respect or reverence 受崇敬的;不可冒犯的eg: Her marriage is sacred to her.她认为自己的婚姻至高无上。A Violin with Three StringsA Violin with Three StringsP1P1On Nov.18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the violinist, came on stage to give a conc

87、ert at Avery Fisher Hallat Lincoln Center in New York City.P2P2If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that getting on stage is no small achievementfor him.He was stricken with polio as a child, and so he has braces on both legs and walks with the aidof two crutches.To see him walk acro

88、ss the stage one step at a time, painfully and slowly, is an awesomesight.P3P3He walks painfully,yet majestically, until he reaches his chair.Then he sits down, slowly, puts hiscrutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other footforward.Then he bends d

89、own and picks up the violin, puts it under his chin, nods to the conductor and英语二英语二proceeds to play.P4P4By now, the audience is used to this ritual.They sit quietly while he makes his way across the stageto his chair.They remain reverently silent while he undoes the clasps on his legs.They wait unt

90、il he isready to play.听众对他的这一套动作习以为常。从他上台到坐到椅子上,观众始终静静地坐着。当他打开夹板时,每个人都保持肃静,等待他开始演奏。be used to sth.习惯于某事make ones way to someplace找到去某地的路,一直向前,前行undov. 取消;解开;破坏;扰乱P5P5But this time, something went wrong.Just as he finished the first few bars, one of the strings onhis violin broke.You could hear it sn

91、ap it went off like gunfire across the room.There was no mistakingwhat that sound meant.There was no mistaking what he had to do.P6P6We figured that he would have to get up, put on the clasps again, pick up the crutches and limp hisway off stage to either find another violin or else find another str

92、ing for this one.But he didnt.Instead,he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again.P7P7The orchestra began, and he played from where he had left off.And he played with such passion andsuch power and such purity as they had never heard before.P8P8Of course, anyon

93、e knows that it is impossible to play a symphonic work with just three strings.I knowthat, and you know that, but that night Itzhak Perlman refused to know that.You could see him modulating,changing, re-composing the piece in his head.At one point, it sounded like he was de-tuning the stringsto get

94、new sounds from them that they had never made before.P9P9When he finished, there was an awesome silence in the room.And then people rose and cheered.Therewas an extraordinary outburst of applause from every corner of the auditorium.We were all on our feet,screaming and cheering, doing everything we

95、could to show how much we appreciated what he had done.Hesmiled, wiped the sweat from his brow, raised his bow to quiet us, and then he said not boastfully,but in a quiet, pensive, reverent tone You know, sometimes it is the artists task to find out howmuch music you can still make with what you hav

96、e left.P10P10What a powerful line that is! It has stayed in my mind ever since I heard it.And who knows? Perhapsthat is the definition of life not just for artists, but for all of us.P11P11Here is a man who has prepared all his life to make music on a violin with four strings, who, allof a sudden, i

97、n the middle of a concert, finds himself with only three strings; so he makes music withthree strings, and the music he made that night with just three strings was more beautiful, more sacred,more memorable, than any that he had ever made before, when he had four strings.P12P12So, perhaps our task i

98、n this shaky, fast-changing, bewildering world in which we live is to make music,英语二英语二at first with all that we have, and then, when that is no longer possible, to make music with what wehave left.ExercisesExercises Checking Your Comprehension Checking Your ComprehensionSection ASection ADirections

99、:Directions: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with theinformationgivenin the text;N (for No)if the statementcontradictsthe informationgivenin the text;NG (for Not Given )ff the information is not given in the text.()1.Itzhak Perlman became disabled in an acci

100、dent in his childhood.答疑编号 506431090401【正确答案】N【答案解析】文中第二段说了,不是儿时发生车祸,而是患病,即小儿麻痹症。答案为N。()2.Itzhak Perlman was so excellent that the audience couldnt wait to see him on stage.答疑编号 506431090402【正确答案】NG【答案解析】文中没有提及这种说法, 所以不知道是不是因为这个原因, 听众都等不及要见他出场。答案为 NG。()3.The audience were all respectful and patient

101、while the violinist was getting ready to play.答疑编号 506431090403【正确答案】Y【答案解析】文章第四段说了听众都很安静,很尊重他,所以正确。答案为Y。()4.When the string of his violin broke, Itzhak Perlman went off the stage to find another one.答疑编号 506431090404【正确答案】N【答案解析】文章第六段提到断了一根琴弦后,他没有下台, 而是坚持用三根弦继续演奏。答案为 N。()5.His performance with a vi

102、olin with three strings turned out to be very successful.答疑编号 506431090405【正确答案】Y【答案解析】第九段首句提到And then people cheered,即沉默之后,人们起身欢呼鼓掌,可见是很成功的演出。答案为Y。()6.Life is no longer the same as it used to be when you are deprived of something.答疑编号 506431090406【正确答案】N【答案解析】译文: 当你被剥夺一些东西的时候,生活和以前再也不一样了。本文讲述了残疾演奏家

103、身残志坚, 在演奏现场用三根琴弦的小提琴完成近乎完美的表现。 这个故事告诉我们即使生活让我们失去了一些东西, 但是我们应积极面对, 依然可以热爱自己喜欢的事物。 答案为N。英语二英语二 Building Your Vocabulary Building Your VocabularySection ASection ADirections:Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given inthe brackets.1.It was only decid

104、ed yesterday.Its all been very _.(sudden, suddenly)答疑编号 506431090407【正确答案】sudden【答案解析】sudden 形容词,突然的,意外的。suddenly 副词,突然地,此空应填形容词,在 be 动词后作表语。答案为sudden。2.You cant really _ foreign literature in translation.(appreciate, appreciation)答疑编号 506431090408【正确答案】appreciate【答案解析】appreciate 动词,欣赏,赏识; appreciat

105、ion 名词,赏识,感激。此空缺动词。答案为 appreciate。3.I really enjoy the _ and beauty of his writing.(pure, purity)答疑编号 506431090409【正确答案】purity【答案解析】purity 名词,纯洁;可指文笔清新。 pure 形容词,纯洁的。此空需要一个名词,和后面的 beauty 美丽,也是名词,构成并列的平行结构。答案为purity。4.He won standing _ when he ended his speech at the student centre. (applaud, applaus

106、e )答疑编号 506431090410【正确答案】applause【答案解析】applaud 是动词,鼓掌,喝彩。 applause 是名词,掌声。此空需要一个名词,句子意思:在学生中心,他演讲结束时,赢得了长久的掌声。答案为applause。5.After a _ start, the host team fought back to win three-two.(shake, shaky)答疑编号 506431090411【正确答案】shaky【答案解析】shake 是动词,动摇。shaky 是形容词,不稳固的。此空需要一个形容词,来修饰名词 start 开端。句子意思是:经过了一个不太

107、牢靠的开场,主场球队(东道主)以三比二扳回比分。答案为 shaky。6.I dont want to sound _ but I always finish everything on time. (boastful, boastfully)答疑编号 506431090412【正确答案】boastful【答案解析】boastful, adj.自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的。boastfully 副词,自夸地。此空需要一个形容词,因为表感官类的半系动词sound 之后,应该接形容词。Section BSection BDirections:Directions: Fill in the blanks

108、with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.英语二英语二outburst undo figure aidproceed signal strike bewilder1.The pupils created the wall painting with the _ of a local artist.答疑编号 506431090413【正确答案】aid【答案解析】固定短语 with the aid of在的帮助之下。答案为aid。2.Tragedy _ two days later when Tammy was in a

109、serious car accident.答疑编号 506431090414【正确答案】proceeded【答案解析】proceed 动词,继续进行,接着做,这句话意思:Tammy 发生严重的车祸,两天后悲剧继续发生了。答案为proceeded。3.The taxi driver _ Ted and his little sister to cross the road.答疑编号 506431090415【正确答案】signaled【答案解析】signal 动词,意思是暗示。这句话是说出租车司机暗示Ted 和他妹妹穿过道路,注意句子时态用过去时。答案为signaled。4.His litter

110、 brother quickly _ the screws that held the cassette together.答疑编号 506431090416【正确答案】undid【答案解析】undo 动词,打开,拆开。注意这句话的时态是过去时,所以变为undid,如果是完成时,分词形式为 undone。答案为 undid。5.I _ if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning.答疑编号 506431090417【正确答案】figured【答案解析】figure 动词,认为,认定。答案为figured。6.There

111、 is a _ range of skin care products to choose from.答疑编号 506431090418【正确答案】bewildering【答案解析】 bewildering 形容词,令人困惑的。 句子意思: 有一大堆令人困惑的各类护肤品,令人不知该如何选择。答案为bewildering。Section CSection CDirections:Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.1.She rushes to pick _ the baby as s

112、oon as it starts to cry.答疑编号 506431090419【正确答案】up【答案解析】短语 pick sb.up 举起、抱起某人。答案为up。2.You can either come by bus or _ a taxi.英语二英语二答疑编号 506431090420【正确答案】take【答案解析】take a taxi 乘出租车,打出租车,坐出租车,打的。答案为take。3.It took me weeks to get used to having someone else _.答疑编号 506431090421【正确答案】around【答案解析】have som

113、ebody around有人在身边。句子意思,我要花费几个星期的时间来适应和别人在一块儿。答案为around。4.All of a _, the bedroom window flew open.答疑编号 506431090422【正确答案】sudden【答案解析】all of a sudden固定短语,突然,猛地。答案为sudden。5.Thousands of refugees are making their way _ the border.答疑编号 506431090423【正确答案】to【答案解析】固定短语 make ones way to 去,前往,到地方去。句子意思:上千难民去

114、往边境。答案为 to。6._ first he wouldnt even talk about it.答疑编号 506431090424【正确答案】At【答案解析】固定短语,at first 起先,首先,最初。答案为At。考试第三种题型 标题配对和补全句子(第1625 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)Twitters Most Influential UsersTwitters Most Influential Users(教材 P362)1 Twitter is todays most popular social networking site.What is it that drives

115、 people to Twitter,drives the trending topics, and directs the discussions people are having on Twitter? The most influentialTwitter users! These are the people that can get Twitter users tweeting and can get a large number offollowers.These are the top categories of Twitters most influential users.

116、2 Celebrities will always have a large influence on society.The influence they have on twitter isincredible.Twitter is an easy way for fans to connect with their favorite celebrity and many celebritiesare taking advantage of Twitters popularity.Every celebrity tweet starts a firestorm of retweets, r

117、eplies,and discussions about what a celebrity just tweeted.A good example of this is that the trending topicsoften revolve around a celebrity or something that a celebrity recently tweeted.Celebrity tweets alsobecome news in the world of celebrity news.Celebrities now use Twitter to communicate with

118、 the publicinstead of issuing statements, and also use their accounts to dispel rumors, make announcements, andpromote their movies, albums, or books.Moreover, because there are so many celebrity tabloids(小报),simple tweets about their everyday lives will also become front-page news.3 News organizati

119、ons do play a large role in getting news out to people through Twitter and influencingthe discussions that take place on Twitter as were all affected by the news of the day.Retweets by twitterusers of important stories are an easy and powerful way to get the word out about a story they think is英语二英语

120、二important.Twitter allows news organizations to let people know about an event very quickly, and when astory is important or gains attention, it will quickly be retweeted by enough people to make it a trendingtopic or a top tweet.We will always have the need for news organizations to provide us with

121、 informationon the worlds events.Twitter makes spreading those news stories quickly very easy.4 With more politicians creating Twitter accounts, Twitter has become a way for users to spread theword about a politician they support and for politicians to get the word out to more people about upcominge

122、vents and their general message.Following and listing politicians gives users a simple way to stayconnected with and informed about what those politicians want to communicate.Politicians will always havean influence on our daily lives and they also have quite an influence on Twitter.5 Twitters popul

123、arity blows out of proportion with millions of people joining, including celebritiesand businesses.This will, in turn, prompt a good majority of the internet society to join and see whatthe whole fuss was about by joining, tweeting and using all the Twitter related services.Task 116.Paragraph 1: _17

124、.Paragraph 2: _18.Paragraph 3: _19.Paragraph 4: _20.Paragraph 5: _A.News organizationsB.The most influential usersC.InfluencesD.CelebritiesE.Twitters popularityF.Politicians答疑编号 506431090425【正确答案】B D A F E【答案解析】16.第一段简单介绍了 Twitter 网站的使用者对这个网站的影响。其中有影响力的使用者更是推动了这个网站的发展,并引导了一大批的追随者。下面几段分别介绍了几类“有影响力的使用

125、者”。所以本段的关键词应是最后一句中的most influential users。答案为 B。17.第二段主要讲了 celebrities(名人)利用 Twitter 网站与网友互动,并可利用这个网站展示自己的生活情况,如照片、音乐、书籍等。所以本段的关键词为celebrities。答案为 D。18.第三段主要讲了一些news organizations(新闻组织)在 Twitter 上传播世界各地的新闻、 消息等的巨大作用。 这些组织可以让某一话题或新闻迅速成为热点, 以满足大众的需要。因此本段的关键词为 news organizations。答案为 A。19.第四段主要讲了 politi

126、cians(政治家们)也在 Twitter 网站上与网友交流,由此大家可以得知最新的政治动向, 并提交自己对政府的建议。 因为政治家们对我们日常生活的影响很大,因此他们对 Twitter 网的影响也很大。所以本段的关键词为politicians。答案为 F。20.最后一段主要讲了 Twitter 网站的流行吸引了更多人的加入,这样也会让这个网站更加的壮大,从而更好地服务于网站社会。因此本段的关键词为首句的Twitters popularity。答案为 E。Task 2英语二英语二21.The most influential Twitter users can get _.22.Celebri

127、ties _.23.Twitter makes important news stories _.24.Politicians Twitter accounts help them get more people to know about _.25.With millions of people joining, Twitter _.A.their upcoming events and general messageB.a large number of followers tweetingC.spread quicklyD.influence Twitter incrediblyE.is

128、 becoming increasingly popularF.great popularity答疑编号 506431090426【正确答案】B D C A E【答案解析】21.第一段的第三行指出These are the people numbers of followers,其中的 these 指的是前面的 the most influential twitter users。因此本空答案应为B。22.本题缺少谓语,因此只可以从C、D 和 E 项中选择。第二段前两句给出了相关信息,Celebrities will always have is incredible,由此我们可以得出名人们对

129、Twitter 网的影响令人不敢相信。答案为D。23.第三段的中间部分有相关信息,and when a story is a trending topic or a toptweet,也就是说Twitter 网可以快速传播任何被很多人关注或很多人讨论的消息。答案为C。24.第四段前三行给出了答案for politicians to get the word out to more peopleabout upcoming events and their general message,也就是说政治家们可以通过网站告知人们一些即将发生的事情和通常的信息。答案为A。25.最后一段的第一句话就给出了我们答案: Twitters popularity blows millions ofpeople joining,也就是说 Twitter 网站变得非常流行,吸引了众多人来参与到这个网站。F项缺少了谓语,不符合语法结构。答案为E。



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