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1、Unit1 friendship Warming up学习目标:1.掌握本课的生词和短语。2.学习重要的句子结构。第一次自学指导第一次自学指导请同学们认真朗读本课生词,注意发音,请同学们认真朗读本课生词,注意发音,3分钟后,教师检查学生朗读情况。分钟后,教师检查学生朗读情况。第一次自学检测:第一次自学检测:叫全班或个别学生朗读单词。叫全班或个别学生朗读单词。第二次自学指导 同学们快速阅读并完成第同学们快速阅读并完成第1页的调查,页的调查,注意一些有用的注意一些有用的 单词、词组和句子结构单词、词组和句子结构. 10分钟后,教师检查分钟后,教师检查.要求同学们正确使用。要求同学们正确使用。 im

2、portant words and expressions:1.add up合计合计 add up to加起来总共是加起来总共是 add to 添加添加 addto把把加到加到之上之上 eg. The traveling costs added up to 5000 yuan. 这次旅行的费用加起来总共是这次旅行的费用加起来总共是5000元。元。 Her coming added to our pleasure. 她的到来增添了我们的快乐。她的到来增添了我们的快乐。2.walk the dog 遛狗遛狗I like walking the dog after supper.3be concer

3、ned about sb.sth. 对某人某事担忧对某人某事担忧Eg. Toms parents are concerned about him his school work. 汤姆的父母很担心他汤姆的父母很担心他 他的功课。他的功课。4. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. While you were alking the dog, you were careless 5 .Should have done 该结构该结构 表示表示“本应该做而实际上没做本应该做而实际

4、上没做” 否定结构否定结构 shouldnt have done 表示表示“本不应该做而实际上却做了本不应该做而实际上却做了”。 Eg. You should have finished your homework yesterday, but you didnt.第二次自学检测第二次自学检测1.Finish the survey on page1. 完成第完成第1页的调查。页的调查。2.用词组用词组walk the dog和和 be concerned about 造句。造句。变式训练变式训练1.Mr White at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt s

5、how up(出现出现)。 A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving 选选A should have done 表示过去表示过去“本该做某事而实际上没有做本该做某事而实际上没有做 2.While his dog in the street, he was knocked down by a car. A. walked B. Walking C. was walking D. was walked答案选答案选B while walking the dog wh

6、ile he was walking the dog当堂训练当堂训练一一. Dictation 听写听写 (必做题)(必做题)二二. 用用walk the dog和和 be concerned about 各造一个句子。(选做题)各造一个句子。(选做题)三三.选择题。(必做题)选择题。(必做题)1They last night, but they went to the cinema, so they failed in the exam.A.should study B.Should have studiedC. should have had studied D. should be studying2. - My cats really fat. _ You have given her so much food. A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt3. While in the countryside, he made many friends. A. worked B. working C. he works D. he is working



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