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1、Lesson 61-Lesson 62 一、填入适当单词,或用所给单词正确形式填空。1.He _(look) ill. He _ (have) measles. 2.You must _ the doctor. (call) 3.He _(not like) school. 4.Can you remember the _(teacher) telephone number? 5.This is good news for_(she). 6. You must stay _bed for a week. 7.Whats the matter _him? 8.I have a _(head).

2、Lets see a doctor. 9.I have _ earache. 10.I think I should take some _.(medicine) 11.I have a toothache. _I must see a dentist. 二、用 Susan作主语改写句子。1. I have a stomache ache. _ 2. I must stay at home. _ 3. I feel well now. _ 4. I am watching TV._ 5. I dont like swimming._ 6. What do you do after school

3、?_ 7. What are you doing now?_ 三、按要求完成句子。1. I have mumps. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ 2. She has a headache. (划线部分提问 ) _ 3. I have flu. I must call the doctor. (用 so连接下列句子 ) _ 4. She takes some medicine. ( 否定句 ) _ 5. Whats the matter with you?( 同义句 ) _ Lesson 63-Lesson 64 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - -

4、 - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 一、单项选择( )1. -How is Jimmy? - He is _, but he still cant get up. A.well B.ill C.better ( ) 2. Dont lean _ the window. A.out B.out of C.of ( ) 3._in the library. A.Dont talk B.Talk C.Not talk ( ) 4.- Can I get up now? -No, you mustnt ge

5、t up _. A.either B.too C.yet ( ) 5.Dont drive so _. A.quick B.quickly C.quicker ( ) 6.Tom _better today. A.sees B.watches C.looks ( ) 7.You must remain in bed for_two days. A.others B.another C.other 二、填入适当单词,或用单词的正确形式填空1. Mrs. Williams _the house very clean. (keep) 2. I can play the _. (fire/footba

6、ll/piano) 3. Dont play with _. (match) 4. _ make a noise! (not) 5. Can you see _? Yes, I can. (he) 6. Sam mustnt_ to school. (go) 7. Come _.(downstair) 三、按要求写句子1. Jimmy is better today. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ 2. He must stay in bed. ( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ 3. Mr. Williams is in bed. (划线部分提问 ) _ 4. He feels ill. (一般

7、疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ 5. You mustnt come in. ( 改为祈使句 ) _ Lesson 65-Lesson66 一、用 past, to表示下列时间1. 4:10_ 2. 5:15_ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 3. 5:32_ 4. 7:30_ 5. 8:45_ 6. 10:55_ 二、填入适当单词。1. I always enjoy _. 2.She is enjoying _.

8、3.Let us enjoy_. 4.They are enjoying _. 5.I hope you can all enjoy _. 6. He is enjoying _. 三、填入适当单词或用所给单词正确形式填空。1. You must take some medicine _seven oclock. 2. Can I have the key _ the door? 3. Give_some flowers. (she) 4. You must _home before twenty past five.(be) 5. What are you going _this eveni

9、ng? (do) 6. I _a bike tomorrow . (ride) 7. There are seven _in the park. (baby) 8. He enjoys _basketball. (play) 9. _ can finish the housework by_. (I) 四、按要求完成句子。1.I am going to meet my friend. (划线部分提问 ) _ 2.She is going to make the tea. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ 3.Sam is twenty years old. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ 4.My birt

10、hday is on June 2nd. (划线部分提问 ) _ 5. He must see the dentist at 8:00.( 划线部分提问 ) _ 6. He always enjoy himself. (同义句 ) _ Lesson67-Lesson 68 一、用 was / were填空1. I _ a baby nine years ago. 2. We _ at school last Sunday. 3. _it rainy last week? Yes, it _. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11、- - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 4. The rabbits _ in the cage 10 minutes ago. 5. Where _ the pictures yesterday? They _ on the table. 6. When _he at the bakers? He _ there 2 hours ago. 二、改写句子。1. I am a student. (last year)_ 2. There is a park near the river. (two years ago )

12、_ 3. Where are the birds? They are in the cage.(last night) _ 4. The books are on the table.(yesterday)_ 5. Is it sunny? Yes, it is. (yesterday)_ 三、写句子。1. Today is Tuesday. It _ yesterday. 2. I am 13 years old. I _last year. 3. Where were you yesterday? _ 4. How was the weather yesterday? _ 5. Were

13、you happy on Children s Day? _ 四、按要求完成句子1.I was absent from school last week. ( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ 2.She was at the greengrocer yesterday. (划线部分提问 ) _ 3.They were at school on Sunday. ( 划线部分提问 ) _ 4.I was at home yesterday. ( 你能提出几个问题 ) _ _ _ _ Lesson 68/Lesson 70 一、写词组1.在 8:10_ 2. 在 9:45_ 3.在周六 _ 4.在周

14、三 _ 5.在 8月 3日_ 6. 在 6月 17日_ 7.在 9 月_ 8.在 11月_ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 9.在理发店 _ 10. 在教堂 _ 11.在澳大利亚 _ 12. 在俄罗斯 _ 二、填入适当疑问词1. -_ are you today? -Im fine, thank you. 2.- _ were you in England? -I was in England on Januar

15、y 15. 3.-_ was your mother? -She was at home. 4.-_is wrong with you? -I have a temperature. 5.- _ do you get up every day? - I get up at twenty past six. 6.-_season do you like best? - I like summer best. 三、按要求完成句子。1. He was at the dairy on Monday. ( 一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ 2. They were at school 5 hours ag

16、o. ( 否定句 ) _ 3. The teacher was at the grocers on Tuesday. (划线部分提问 ) _ 4. Sam and Jill were in the park on Thursday.( 划线部分提问 ) _ 5. 你周六在哪儿呢?我在家里。_ 6. 他们 3 天前在哪儿?他们在学校。_ 7. Nicola 什么时候在面包房?她在8 月 7 日在那儿。_ 8. 你们什么时候在办公室?我们周一在那儿。_ Lesson69-Lesson70 一、二、填入适当单词或用单词的正确形式填空1. There is a sports meeting in my

17、 school every _. (year) 2.3. Every boy _in the classroom now. (be) 4. There are _ of students in my school. (hundred) 5. This is _exciting finish. (冠词) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 6. The _ of the race is Bolt. (win) 7.8.

18、 My friend _goodbye to me last night. (say) 9. The driver drives very _. (quick) 10. I want to buy an _car. (England) 11. The news is very _. We are _. (excite) 二、三、填入适当介词。1.2. My wife and I were _ the race. 2. He is standing _ my left. 3. 3. I met my teacher _ the way home. 4.Its half _five. Its ti

19、me to go. 5.He is sitting _his mother and his father. 6.He was _car number five. 三、四、用 there+is/are/was/were填空1. _a good film on TV yestserday morning. 2.3. _24 hours in a day. 4.5. _a party at the clab last Friday but I didnt go. 6. _ some people at church 2 days ago. 7.8. _a filmstar in the shop. Can you see him? 四、看图,运用所给单词完成下列句子。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -



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