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1、New Star Junior English Level 2 Unit 4Teaching ContentsTeaching Contents 教学内容:教学内容:Listen and talkListen and talk Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its too cold.Lets performLets perform Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all? Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White. No! Kill Snow White!Words

2、Wordswinter cold kill wallTeaching AimsTeaching Aims 教学目标:教学目标:语言知识目标:Listen and talkListen and talk :能流利进行书本内容对话,并尝试进行拓展及交流。LetLets performs perform : 能深情并茂的进行童话剧表演,并尝试进行角色扮演。Words :Words :能识记词形,并尝试进行造句。情感价值目标:训练学生的思维能力,观察能力,团队协作能力。引发学生对于口语表达的爱好,运用多种方式提高说的兴趣。通过各种教学法,丰富孩子对于剧本的理解能力,提高学生对于表演的热爱。培养学生对英

3、语的进一步热爱,并识记词形,试着尝试培养孩子阅读能力。Key PointsKey Points 教学重点:教学重点:句型学习: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.能力培养: 1.培养学生对于询问喜好及回答的灵活运用。 2.加强学生童话剧理解及表演能力,提高兴趣。 3.尝试对于所学单词进行造句活用。Difficult PointsDifficult Points 教学难点:教学难点:发音难点: winter/cold/ wall/fairest/them教学开展:如何设计情景教学开展学生询问他人喜好的练习如何引导学生进行童话剧表演及角色扮演如何开拓学生思维

4、,进行单词造句运用Teaching StepsTeaching Steps 教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Greetings and Lets move (Step 1 Greetings and Lets move (3 3 min)min)Teaching stepsTeaching steps教学步骤教学步骤1.Self-introduction1.Self-introduction Free talk with studentsTeaching instructionsTeaching instructions教学指导教学指导PurposePurpose目的目的活跃课堂,让孩子在律

5、动当中学习指令性用语的操作方式操作方式第一步:老师播放音频,并示范动作,学生观看。第二步:学生尝试跟着老师动作,说出指令性用语。第 1 页2.Lets move2.Lets move Do a rhyme with students:It is fall,cloudy and cool.Its winter,snowy and cold.第三步:集体一起跟随音频,边跳边唱。表达,加强孩子对于指令性用语组织语言组织语言Hello children. Be quiet, please.Now, Listen to me.Lets do a rhyme. Do with me.的反应,丰富老师课堂掌

6、 控能力,训练孩子听说能力。准备物料准备物料录音机 Unit4 I can move 的音频Step 2 Listen and talk(30 min)Step 2 Listen and talk(30 min)Teaching stepsTeaching steps教学步骤教学步骤Teaching instructionsTeaching instructions教学指导教学指导1.story telling1.story telling故事导入 (围绕图片进行新知导入以讲解故事方式进行) ,导入次数:2-3 次导入句型:Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its

7、 too cold.PurposePurpose目的目的操作方式操作方式老师围绕第四单元口语部分情景图讲解故事,老师讲解的故事以 810 句为宜,学生认真听,并根据老师说出的英文,用手指书或作出相应的动作反应。本课着重导入句型 Do youlike? No, its too)Mom and Henry are having breakfast today. Henry is having some bread, milk and crackers. Mom is drinking some juice. What are they talking about? They are talking

8、 about winter. Look (指着下雪图),its winter now .Its snowy. Winter, winter, snowy day.(学 mom 女生): Henry, do you like winter?(学 Henry 男生):No, I dont. Its too cold.Windy is too cold. What about spring? Spring is warm.How about summer? Summer is hot.第四单元口语的情景图(或者开书)2.situation imitating2.situation imitating

9、Hot, hot summer!And fall? Fall is cool. Cool cool fall!为了帮助孩子积累语言信息量,训练孩子对于情境的理解能力。组织语言组织语言准备物料准备物料情景输入(创设情境,在情境当中输入本课重点句型) ,输入次数:2-3 次导入句型:Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its too cold.操作方式操作方式T 准备春夏秋冬四张图片,每张图片在呈现时先用白纸遮住,由一个小角落慢慢全部呈现出来,期间学生可以根据自己看到的部分图片猜测是什么季节,进而老师询问学生关于季节的喜好,学生只回答:Yes,I do./No, I d

10、ont. 老师以自己为例,描述自己的喜好,并说明原因:Its warm./Its too hot./Its cool./Its too cold.第 2 页意在达到输入量的同时,让学生Please look here,I have some pictures, they all about seasons. Can you guess what产生思维 的训组织语言组织语言seasons are they? First, let s look at this picture. Yes, it s spring. And I like练,情景 的理spring very much, becaus

11、espring is warm, andin spring, Ican fly a kite.How about解,以及对语言you? Do you like spring? Ss answer the question. Then show other pictures.功能性的初步接图片:春夏秋冬图片一套。触,技巧地达到会意目的。3.Practice: pronunciation/game(palm leaf fan)3.Practice: pronunciation/game(palm leaf fan)准备物料准备物料练习句型: Its too cold1. 定音: / /u/2. 带

12、读:Its too cold (建议带读次数达到 25 次左右)3. game: palm leaf fan操作方式操作方式T 手拿芭蕉扇,用力扇,学生要假意很冷,说 Its too cold。要说的大声说的好,否则老师就使劲扇。说的好,老师则扇的力度稍微小一点。模拟练习新知,达到从多方面了 解 熟 记 新组织语言组织语言准备物料准备物料T: Now, you should read the sentence loudly and correctly. Or I will make you cold.知,并尝试运无4. Practice: game(shoot the card)4. Prac

13、tice: game(shoot the card)练习句型: Do you like winter?1. 定音: / /n/ /:/用新知的目的.2. 带读:Do you like winter? (建议带读次数达到 25 次左右)3. 复习:spring,summer,full4. Game:shoot the card操作方式操作方式老师呈现春夏秋冬四张图片,以闪卡的方式快速闪过,可以变换闪卡的位置,如:头顶,左spring/summer/full/winter?Now lets play a game. Shoot the card.通过游戏,降低学习难度,真正边,右边等等,学生看到后

14、要伸出手指枪,瞄准图片,并说出相应的句子:Do you like达到学习语言的功用性组织语言组织语言准备物料准备物料春夏秋冬四季卡片一套5.Practice: game5.Practice: game(paper scissors stonepaper scissors stone)练习句型:Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its too cold.操作方式操作方式1:每个组选一个代表出来剪刀石头布,赢的人提问,输的人回答,赢的组可以加分,输的组回答的好也可以加分,否则不能加分2:加大难度,赢的人可以提问春夏秋冬任何一个季节,输的人回答相应的问题。通过问答形式,

15、为学生创造语言环境,运用句型组织语言组织语言Now,lets play a game: Paper Scissors Stone. I need two students to play this game,the winner can ask question, and the other one should answer the question.第 3 页准备物料准备物料无6.Listen and repeat6.Listen and repeat跟读口语音频,跟读次数:35 遍操作方式操作方式老师播放录音带,孩子们跟读口语内容的音频,通过跟读音频,模拟练习,精确孩子们的发音,积累语流

16、语感,感知语言情景,训练用英语思维的能力。组织语言组织语言T: Now, listen to the tape.Point on the book and imitate. Read after the tape. Follow the tape, try to imitate.准备物料准备物料DVD 播放器一个,碟片一张.7.Practice: Lets check2.(match and talk)7.Practice: Lets check2.(match and talk)练习句型:Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its too cold.操作方式操作方

17、式翻到书上第四单元(match and talk)部分先单个做连线,然后两个人一组进行练习。以活动的形式,使本课口语句型得到一个替换及延伸。让孩子们在真实情境中运用口语,理解口语句型的功能运用性。组织语言组织语言Work in pairs.Ask and answer.无8.picture talking8.picture talking主要练习句型:Do you like winter? No, I dont. Its too cold.准备物料准备物料操作方式操作方式老师围绕第四单元口语部分情景图讲解故事,老师讲解的故事以 810 句为宜,学生认真like? No, its too)让孩子

18、跟着老师听,并根据老师说出的英文,用手指书或作出相应的动作反应。本课着重导入句型 Do you尝试进行口语表达。扩大学生的语言说出量,丰 Henry is having some bread, milk and crackers. Mom is drinking some juice. What are they talking about? They are talking about winter. Look(指着下雪图),its winter now .Its snowy. Winter, winter, snowy day.(学 mom 女生):Henry, do you like w

19、inter?(学 Henry 男生):No, I dont. Its too cold.Winday is too cold. What about spring? Spring is warm.How about summer? Summer is hot.Hot, hot summer!And fall? Fall is cool. Cool cool fall!富 口 语 表 达 能力。递进式的引导学生说出词到学生说出简单词组再到学生跟着老师说出句子最后到学生自由发挥进行看图说话组织语言组织语言Mom and Henry are having breakfast today.第 4 页准

20、备物料准备物料口语情景图(或者开书)Step 3 LetStep 3 Lets perform (45 min)s perform (45 min)Teaching stepsTeaching steps教学步骤教学步骤1.story telling1.story telling导入句型:Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all?Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White. No! Kill Snow White!导入次数:2-3 次Teaching instructionsTeaching instr

21、uctions教学指导教学指导PurposePurpose操作方式操作方式老师围绕本单元童话剧图部分讲解故事,以 58 句为宜。学生认真听,并根据老师说出的英文,用手指书或作出相应的动作反应。重点导入本课课文内容:Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all?Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White.No! Kill Snow White!组织语言组织语言T: Now listen and point on the book.Whats on the wall? There is a mirror on

22、the wall.Mirror, mirror on the wall.And who is looking into the mirror.The queen is, she wants to know who is the fairest of them all?(模仿皇后)Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?What does the mirror say? It says: Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White.Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White.(模

23、仿魔镜)So the queen is very angry, she wants to kill Snow White.(模仿皇后)No,no, no, kill Snow White.准备物料准备物料课文的童话剧图,新皇后和魔镜的图片或者是布偶,(或者开书)2.situation imitating2.situation imitating输入句型:Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all?Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White. No! Kill Snow White!输入次数:2-3 次帮助

24、理解童话剧情 节 , 导 入 新知,积累语言信息量,技巧地达到会意目的。操作方式操作方式T 准备一个皇后的皇冠,一面背面粘了透明胶的镜子,并贴到黑板或者墙上请两个学生上来扮演皇后和墨镜, 老师和学生演双簧, 老师说, 学生做动作, (进行情景输入)以情景方式输入本 课 童 话 剧 内T: Now,lets perform. I need two students to come here, who wants to be the queen?容,让学生更直Who wants to be the mirror?Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the faires

25、t of them all?观的了解童话剧情节的发展,同组织语言组织语言第 5 页Sorry, my queen. Its Snow White.No! Kill Snow White!准备物料准备物料一面背面粘了胶布的镜子,一个皇后的皇冠。3. Practice:3. Practice: 句型替换(书中句型替换(书中 LetsLets practice practice 部分)部分)练习句型: She has a magic mirror.(pencil/ruler/rubber/bag)时达到一定的知识输入量及会意目的。操作方式操作方式通过练习书本上老师问学生借东西:Who has a p

26、encil ?有的学生举手,老师输入:She /He has a pencil.lets第二次开始,老师输入:XXX has a ruler,全班学生指着她说:She has a ruler。以此类practice 部分,推,操练所有替换内容。组织语言组织语言让学生充分理解该句型的同时,Oh,I forget my pencil, who has a pencil? (The student who has a pencil will put up替换该句型,并their hands). Thank you! So, she has apencil. Oh, who hasa ruler? X

27、XX has aruler.且通过活动联系Everyone, please say: “She has a ruler.”实际生活,提高准备物料准备物料可以提前准备好需要替换的东西图片或者实物,事先发给学生。 4. Practice: pronunciation/game (tapping the desk) 4. Practice: pronunciation/game (tapping the desk)练习句型:Mirror,mirror on the wall.1.定音:/w/ 2.带读:wall,on the wall 建议带读次数达到二十五次以上 3.Game: Tapping t

28、he desk句型的功用性。操作方式操作方式在游戏过程中,组织语言组织语言以击掌的形式来操练这句话 mirror mirror 拍手两下, on the 拍桌面一下 wall 拍手一老师尽量以词代下,从慢到快,从快到慢,进行操练。 (如果有条件,准备一个鼓来敲,课堂气氛会更好。 )句的方式输入句Everybody please do after me.Lets clap our hands,tap the desk and say English with me.子,并且再次对童话剧的情景进行再现。准备物料准备物料无(如有条件可准备鼓) 5.Practice: pronunciation/ga

29、me (the little train) 5.Practice: pronunciation/game (the little train)练习句型:Whos the fairest of them all?1.定音:/f/ / / /r/ /m/ 2.带读:Whos the fairest of them all?建议带读次数达到二十五次以上 3.Game: the little train操作方式操作方式一人一个单词开火车读句子,比赛哪个组读得又快又准确。在游戏过程中,老师尽量以词代句的方式输入句组织语言组织语言have a match, which group can read the

30、 sentence fast and correct.Now, lets play a game: the little train. Please read the words one by one, lets子,并且再次对童话剧的情景进行再现。准备物料准备物料无第 6 页6. Practice: pronunciation/game6. Practice: pronunciation/game(shoot the cardshoot the card)练习:Sorry,my queen. Its Snow White.1.定音: / r/ / m/ / n/ /w/ 2.带读:Sorry,

31、my queen. Its Snow White.建议带读次数达到二十五次以上 3.Game : shoot the card操作方式操作方式老师准备 queen 和 Snow White 图片各一张,出示哪张图,学生说相应的句子,出示 queen图,学生就说:Sorry,my queen。出示 SW 图,学生就说:Its SW.在游戏过程中,老师尽量以词代句的方式输入句子:Sorry,myqueen.Its组织语言组织语言Now, lets play a game: shoot the cardQueen 和 Snow White 图片各一张。 7.Practice: pronunciati

32、on/game 7.Practice: pronunciation/game(best performerbest performer)Snow White.准备物料准备物料练习句型: No!Kill Snow White!1.定音: / k / /i/ 2.带读:No!Kill Snow White!(建议带读次数达到二十五次以上)操作方式操作方式2Ss 戴上新皇后和白雪公主的头饰,看谁模仿得最像。通过模仿,使学生们更加了解童组织语言组织语言话剧内容,再次Ok. Who wants to be as the new queen?And who can be Snow White?Please

33、 come here and try to perform as well as you can.对童话剧的情景进行再现。准备物料准备物料New queen Snow White 的头饰 8.Lets check(1). 8.Lets check(1).(read and match)read and match)操作方式操作方式第一步第一步将图片和单词连线。将图片和单词连线。第二步第二步老师指单词或图片,学生说出相应的英文。老师指单词或图片,学生说出相应的英文。通 过 完 成 书 上letscheck活动,使孩子对单词的理解更加透彻组织语言组织语言Now, turn to page 16.

34、Lets match the pictures.Ill say English, please point to the words.Ill point to the words, now you say English.准备物料准备物料无 9.Listen and repeat 9.Listen and repeat跟读口语音频,跟读次数:35 遍。操作方式操作方式老师播放录音带,孩子们跟读童话剧内容的音频,以 35 遍为宜。通过跟读音频,模拟练习,精确组织语言组织语言T: Now, listen to the tape.第 7 页孩子们的发音,Point on the book and i

35、mitate. Read after the tape. Follow the tape, try to imitate.积累语流语感,感知语言情景,训练用英语思维的能力。准备物料准备物料DVD 一个,碟片一张. 10.Perform and role-play 10.Perform and role-play1.Perform together. (声情并茂的表演童话剧,配以动作,模拟声音,全英文的表演)表演次数:2-3 次2.Roleplay演出次数:2-3 次操作方式操作方式挑选一个女孩上来扮演新皇后,一个男孩扮演魔镜。老师充当导演,拿上 action 的牌子,让学生表演。将童话剧情景以

36、角色扮演的形式展示出来,加深组织语言组织语言Lets put on a play. The story of Snow White.Ill be your director this time.I want a girl to be new queen and a boy to be magic mirror.Whod like to try? Put on your head wears.学生对于童话剧的理解,丰富学生的语言能力,加强学生表演欲望,提升学生对于剧本的热爱程度。准备物料准备物料皇冠,镜子,action 的牌子。Step 4 words (5-7 min)Step 4 words

37、 (5-7 min)Teaching stepsTeaching steps教学步骤教学步骤11. Words11. Words练习单词:winter/cold/kill/wall1.read the book together2.make a sentence (词造句)Teaching instructionsTeaching instructions教学指导教学指导PurposePurpose操作方式操作方式学生根据老师给出的单词卡片,以及老师给出的某一个词组或者造句范例,思考并尝试造词组或者造句。引导学生根据所学单词进 行造句,活用所学单词,激发学生创造能力,并扩大Please rea

38、d the words book together.Repeat after me.Now, lets try to make a phrase or sentence.第 8 页组织语言组织语言Ill do it first.(T 示范如何用单词造句,可以给出图片示范降低难度)学生语言 积累量。依次递进的练习方法 应该是:先造词组造简单句子造长句根据单词进行适当 topic的谈论.sentence 范例 Winter: 1. I like winter. 2. Its winter now. Cold: 1. Winter is cold. 2. Im cold.3. Its a cold day. Kill: 1. I will kill you (her/ him ). 2. Kill the big bad wolf. Wall:1. There is a/an () on the wall.2. The wall is white (black, red).准备物料准备物料单词本,和单词卡片:winter cold kill wall第 9 页



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