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1、49强调句型我来考考你我来考考你 This is the farm _ he used to work. A. that B. which C. where D. in whichCwhere = on which where = on which 定定语从句语从句 成分分析成分分析(缺什么用什么缺什么用什么)变式呈现变式呈现(1)It is the farm_ he used to work. A. that B. which C. where D. in whichThink!(2) It was I _ lost the book.(3) It was the book _ I lost

2、.(4) It was yesterday _ I lost the book.(5) It was in the street _ I lost the book.思考解题思考解题答案:答案:thatA. that B. which C. in which D. where分析比较分析比较 (1) It is the farm _ he used to work.(5) It was in the street _ I lost the book.不同:不同:第一,例第一,例(1)(1)为为It isIt is,例,例(5)(5)为为It wasIt was;第二,例第二,例(1)(1)为名

3、词短语为名词短语the farmthe farm,例例(5)(5)为介词短语为介词短语in the streetin the street。所以。所以 wherethat定语从句定语从句强调句型强调句型强调句型的特点强调句型的特点: : 用来强调一个句子中除用来强调一个句子中除谓谓语语以外的以外的句子成分句子成分。去掉强调句。去掉强调句式式It is/wasIt is/wasthat (who, that (who, whom)whom)后,剩余句子的结构和后,剩余句子的结构和句意是完整的。句意是完整的。结论结论 A.A.常见的强调句的陈述形式常见的强调句的陈述形式 I bought this

4、 car in that shop I bought this car in that shop last month.last month.It was It was I I who/that bought this car in who/that bought this car in that shop last month.that shop last month. ( (强调强调主语主语) )It was It was this carthis car that I bought in that that I bought in that shop last month.shop la

5、st month. ( (强调强调宾语宾语) )It was It was in that shopin that shop that I bought this that I bought this car last month.car last month. ( (强调强调地点状语地点状语) )It was It was last monthlast month that I bought this that I bought this car in that shop.car in that shop. ( (强调强调时间状语时间状语) ) 注:在此种句型中注:在此种句型中, ,被强调部

6、分可以是主语,状语,宾语,被强调部分可以是主语,状语,宾语,谓语部分不可以被强调谓语部分不可以被强调B.B.强调句的一般问句和特殊问句强调句的一般问句和特殊问句 一般问句形式一般问句形式是:是:Is/Was it + Is/Was it + 被强调部被强调部分分+that/who+that/who+句子其他成分?句子其他成分?如如: : Was itWas it this car this car thatthat you bought you bought in that shop last month?in that shop last month? 特殊问句形式特殊问句形式是:是:Wh-

7、Wh-疑问词疑问词 + is/was + is/was +that/who + +that/who + 句子其他成分?句子其他成分?如:如: When When was it thatwas it that I bought this I bought this car in that shop?car in that shop? c. c. “notnotuntiluntil”句型的强调结构为句型的强调结构为 I didnt finish my homework until 5:00.It was not until 5:00 that I finished my homework.It w

8、as not until he graduated from high school that he realized his mistakes.He didnt realize his mistakes until he graduated from high school .“It is/was not untilthat”新旧知识联系新旧知识联系 (11) It was three hours ago _ he left here. ( 答案答案: that ,强调句型强调句型)(12) It was three oclock _ he left here. ( 答案答案: when,时

9、间状语从句时间状语从句)(13) It is three hours _ he left here. ( 答案答案: since,时间状语从句时间状语从句)(14) It will be three hours _ he leaves here. ( 答案答案: before,时间状语从句时间状语从句)(15) It wasnt long _ he left here. ( 答案答案: before,时间状语从句时间状语从句)解题法:删除法解题法:删除法 缺什么用什么缺什么用什么 用用that ,before, when, sincethat ,before, when, since完成句子完

10、成句子 探究探究 交流交流 发现发现 (6) It was 6 oclock _ he got up.(7) It was at 6 oclock _ he got up.(8) It was at the station _ I met him.(9) It was there _ I met him.(10) It was this morning _ the accident happened.Keys: whenthatthat that that注 意1.当被强调部分指人时,可用当被强调部分指人时,可用that,也可用,也可用who;指物时,只用;指物时,只用that It was

11、Tom ( ) I met last week. It is a new book( ) his brother wants to buy. v2.强调状语时强调状语时, It is at 5 oclock( )the train will arrive. It was in the park ( ) I saw Kate last week.who(that)that that(不用不用when)that (不用不用where )只用只用that,不用不用when, where.注 意3.被强调的部分是主语时,注意句子的谓语动词和被强调的部分是主语时,注意句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致

12、。如:被强调的主语保持一致。如: It is he who _ late. It is they that _ late. isare4、在强调句型中考察主谓一致与比较结构。、在强调句型中考察主谓一致与比较结构。1It is not luck but difficulties that_ him success. A. makes B. make2Personally I think it is the sales manager, rather than the sales girls, who_ to blame. A. is B. are 句式结构为:句式结构为:It is/was no

13、tbutthat ; 不是不是而是而是(that后的动词与后的动词与 _ 后的名词或代词保后的名词或代词保持一致)持一致)It is/was rather than that ;是是而不是而不是 ( that后的动词应与后的动词应与rather than _ 的名词或代词保持一致的名词或代词保持一致)but前面前面5、强调句型中的、强调句型中的be动词和情态动词的结合。动词和情态动词的结合。句式结构句式结构: It may be+ 被强调部分被强调部分+ that It must have been+被强调部分被强调部分+ that Could it be +被强调部分被强调部分+that?

14、1It might have been John _bought a new book for Mary yesterday.A. what B. since C. that D. then 再如:再如:2It may be next week _ she leaves for Tokyo.that6 6、强调句型中含有名词性从句。、强调句型中含有名词性从句。句式结构为句式结构为: 整个强调句型用作名词性从句整个强调句型用作名词性从句; Ive already forgotten _you put the dictionary. A. that it was there B. where wa

15、s it that C. that where it was D. where it was that7.强调句型中含有强调句型中含有 :It was at the very beginning _Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more firefighters消防队员消防队员 there. A. when; which B. where; what C. then; so D. that; that同位语从句同位语从句8、强调句型中含有定语从句。、强调句型中含有定语从句。 It was in the small house _was b

16、uilt with stones by his father _he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which9、强调句型中含有、强调句型中含有状语从句。状语从句。 It was because he was ill that he didnt come.It was since she came here that she began to crying.It is when he found a mouse that he realized it was a dirty

17、 room.被强调的部分是被强调的部分是原因原因,时间,时间,等状语从句。等状语从句。巩固练习巩固练习 完成练习完成练习 小结小结 2.2.去掉去掉It was It was thatthat后,句子还是完整的,所以后,句子还是完整的,所以 它们仍然是强调句型。反之则是其他从句。它们仍然是强调句型。反之则是其他从句。 It was in the hall that we held theIt was in the hall that we held the English party. English party. (强调句)(强调句) We held the English party in

18、 the hall.We held the English party in the hall.It was the hall where (in which) we held the It was the hall where (in which) we held the English party. English party. ( (定语从句定语从句) ) 1.1. 强调句型:强调句型:“It isIt is(waswas)被强调的部分)被强调的部分thatthat(whowho)原句其它部分)原句其它部分”来强调说话人来强调说话人的意愿。的意愿。 that that 前为被强调部分,前为被强调部分,that that 后为句后为句子的其余部分。子的其余部分。PracticePractice makesmakes perfect!perfect!May you succeed in your May you succeed in your studies!studies! Do more exercises about the Emphatic Sentence.



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