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1、数字口译数字笔记英译汉:紧跟源语,记录阿拉伯数字听到数位( trillion, billion, million, thousand )下标注逗点逗点之间不足三位,在左边加零汉译英:紧跟源语,记录阿拉伯数字听到数位(万亿 /兆、亿、万)上标注逗点逗点之间不足四位,在左边加零数字口译英语每三位下标逗点汉语每四位上标逗点 /划斜线1234567891234 1,234,567,891,234 t b m k 1 / 2345 / 6789 / 1234 兆亿万数位转换1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 Trillion Billion Million Thousand 万亿千亿百亿

2、十亿亿千万百万十万万千9.6m 960 万(平方公里)1.3b 13 亿(人)数字、单位、中心词数字 + 单位 + 中心词 = 完整口译数字表述= CATTI 全部分数实际工作中常适当四舍五入分数名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 分子用基数词 ,分母用序数词当分子大于一时 ,分母要复数one fourth 四分之一three fourths 四分之三倍数A + 谓语+倍数+the +n.(size/ height/

3、 length )+of B A + 谓语+倍数+as + abj. + as B A + 谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级 +than BA + 谓语+adj. 比较级+than B+by+倍数翻番 = double 翻两番 = 四倍 = quadruple 百分比% = percent = per mill 百分点 percentage point 成 = 10 % 同比Year-on-year 环比Quarter-on-quarter 趋势表达Rise, increase, go up, grow, step up, upgrade, climb, jump, hike, boost, Fa

4、ll, slow, lessen, minify, drop, decline, recede, reduce, decrease, dive, shrink, Level off/out, remain stable, fluctuate, stand, remain Peak, bottom Dramatically, sharp, substantially, considerably, far, much, a little, slightly, somewhat, marginally 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5、- - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 介词Of, to, by, at 排名Rank Australia is one of the most cost competitive countries in the developed word, ranking ahead of UK, Italy, France, the US, Germany. Australia is ranked 4th in the world for the adequacy of its communication infrastruc

6、ture. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 练习1. 数字听记8666 801806 2009005 363605401 45060130 945063505 1278865000 12.5 million 15.28 billion 1.03 trillion 203.7 亿1.306 万123.45公顷42.192公里60.25 公斤600.53亿美元5.8 万元166.68万吨866.9 万人次436.75

7、万名新生2. 数字口译世界 100 家银行中我国 7 家银行实力排行榜英国杂志银行家数字以千美元为单位Bank Name Primary Capital Total Assets Profits Industrial & Commercial Bank 22213000 391213000 417000 Bank of China 14712000 299007000 425000 Construction Bank of China 5988000 203116000 1215000 Agricultural Bank of China 4802000 190095000 95000 Ban

8、k of Communications 2816000 58454000 322000 Merchants Bank 974000 16679000 242000 Xiamen International Bank 163000 1208000 22000 沪市成交综述成交金额增减成交量增减A股554909.96 260319.05 7191568 2280274 B股9480.59 5386.62 171386 98150 合计564390.55 265705.67 7362954 3478424 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9、- - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 3. 数字、单位、中心词4. 综合练习汉译英欧盟的总面积是 4 325 675 平方千米。如果欧盟列为国家的话,则是世界上第七大国家。到 2006 年为止,欧盟共有人口大约4.96 亿。欧盟是世界上第一大经济实体,2006 年的国内生产总值达到13.3 万亿美元,超过美国( 13.0万亿美元)。截止 2006 年,欧盟公民人口为4.96 亿,按一国算位居世界第三位(在中国和印度之后) 。根据马斯特里赫特条约,所有欧盟成员国的公民都是欧盟的公民。欧盟委员会日前斥资31.5 万

10、英镑,相当于320 万人民币设计了新的欧盟logo,引起巨大的争议;英国就有议员批评,如果不注意观察,新设计的欧盟logo 看上去和原来的没有什么区别, 何况欧盟现在面临许多经济问题,其举动可说是非常浪费。对此欧盟委员会官方解释说真的不太贵。英国每日邮报报导,新的欧盟logo 只在旗帜四周围插入了简单的线条,就要花费 11 万英镑;再加上该标志取代了原本欧盟委员会使用的各标志,又花了21.5 万英镑。中美关系正常化、 特别是中美建交以来, 两国经贸关系迅速发展。 据中国海关统计,从 1973 年到 1992 年,中美贸易额从 2.6 亿美元增加到 174.9 亿美元,20 年间美国对中国贸易顺

11、差为280.2 亿美元。从 1993 年到 2009 年,中美贸易额从276.5 亿美元增加到2982.6 亿美元,加上1972 年,18年间中国对美国贸易顺差为10583.36 亿美元。虽然中国对美国贸易顺差不断扩大,但是,翔实的数字和实例告诉我们:顺差虽在中国,利润却主要在美国。截至今年 2 月底,美方在华投资项目达到58362 个,在华实际直接投资累计达到682 .2 亿美元,仅次于日本。而中国对美投资,所有的加上是45 亿美元,与美国相比少得多,这反映出两国的获利程度。中国制造业的 29 个大类和中国承诺的100 个服务部门美国都有投资,比如电子行业、通信行业很多都被美国跨国公司控制。

12、此外,我国所需大豆的70%已依靠进口,主要来自美国。到目前为止,中国资产和市场的1/3 为跨国公司控制,其中主要是美国跨国公司。每年,近六万家美资企业在中国市场的销售额超过2200 亿美元。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 今年 6 月, 科技日报社社长张景安在第十一届政协全国第十次常委会议上发言时指出,信息产业被形容为“缺芯少肺” ,活儿都是我们辛辛苦苦干的,钱全被外国人赚走了,还消耗我们的资源,损害我们的环境。

13、20 世纪 70 年代以来,美元不断贬值,迫使其他货币升值,原因在于美国高财政赤字,实施宽松货币政策,形成储蓄率低、高负债,国债急剧增加,所以美国就大量印发美元。而新发行美元的 2/3 在国外, 60%的美元在海外流通,52个国家货币与美元挂钩,80%到 90%的交易用美元, 2/3 的外汇储备也是美元,这样,美元的升值和贬值都影响全球。英译汉China s economic development has entered a new stage which is characteristically one of high growth and low inflation. The nati

14、onal economy continues to grow rapidly and market prices remain basically stable. Statistics for the last year show that China s gross domestic product (GDP ) reached 7,477.2 billion yuan(US$900.87 billion), an increase of 8.8 percent over the previous year, among which primary industry grew by 3.5%

15、, secondary industry 10.8%, and tertiary industry 8.2%. The margin of price rise continued to fall. Retail prices rose by 0.8 percent, representing a drop of 5.3 percentage points compared to the year before, and consumer prices rose by 2.8 percent, 5.5 percentage points less than that of the previo

16、us year. Progress has been made in shifting the mode of economic growth. Economic efficiency improved, with the energy consumed for each 10,000 yuan of GDP decreasing by 5.2 percent compared to the level of the year before. Agriculture was further strengthened. Despite droughts in a large part of no

17、rth China, grain output reached 492.5 million tons. The stage grain reserves hit a record high. Cotton output was 4.3 million tons. The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons. Animal husbandry and aquaculture have become significant points for rura

18、l economic growth and a major source of the increase in farmers income. The added value of township enterprises reached 1,800 billionyuan (US$216.87 billion). Basic industries and infrastructure continued to develop. National primary energy production reached 1.34 billion tons of standard coal. Powe

19、r-generating capacity increased by 13.78 million kW, and the power supply basically met 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - production needs and household use. Newly built railways open to traffic totaled 896km, electrified rail

20、ways, 1,916 km, and double-track railways, 551km. A total of 35,000 km of new roads were added, including 1,313 km of expressways. The passenger transport of highways was 511.8 billion passenger-km. The post and telecommunications sector registered the most rapid development. The total length of lon

21、g-distance optical cable installed increased by 27,000 sheath km, that of digital micro-wave links by 14,400 km, and the number of telephone lines by 19.61 million. The mobile telephone network in China, having 13.23 million subscribers, has become one of the largest in the world in terms of its cov

22、erage. The countrys financial revenue (excluding liability revenue) totaled 864.2 billion yuan (US$ 104.12 billion), up 16.7 percent on the previous year, and financial expenditure (excluding liability expenditure) reached 919.7 billion yuan (US$110.8 billion), up 15.9 percent, with the latter excee

23、ding the former by 55.5 billion yuan(US$6.69 billion). The deficit of the state treasure stood at 56 billion yuan (US$6.75 billion ) , which was within the budgeted goal. The state treasury s liability revenue was 247.7 billion yuan (US$29.84 billion ) , fulfilling the budgeted goal by 99.6 percent.

24、 Currency supply increased by 17.3 percent. A total of 137.6 billion yuan(US$16.58 billion) , was issued throughout the year, exceeding the controlled plan by 17.6 billion yuan(US$2.12 billion). The total savings deposits in all financial institutions increased by 1,294 billion yuan (US$155.9 billio

25、n ) , a rise of 18.6 percent over the previous year, and loans rose by 1,070.3 billion yuan(US$128.95 billion), up 16.7 percent. The interest rate on loans was lowered in due course, helping reduce the burden on enterprises. Chinas foreign exchange reserve reached US$139.9 billion at the end of last

26、 year, a record high and an increase of US$34.9 billion over the figure at the beginning of the year. Fairly rapid growth was registered in foreign trade, and foreign capital utilization improved in quality. Last year, China rose as the worlds 10th largest country in foreign trade. Imports and expor

27、ts totaled US$325.1 billion, an increase of 12.1 percent over the previous year, with a trade surplus of US$40.3 billion. Exports accounted for US$182.7 billion, rising by 20.9 percent. A total of US$64 billion of foreign investment and US$12 billion of foreign loans, and US$6.7 billion was gained t

28、hrough issuing stocks overseas. China invested US$1.83 billion abroad, playing a certain role in making up for the shortage of domestic resources and in promoting export. The peoples living standards continued to improve. Retail sales of consumer goods in the country totaled 2,684 billion yuan(US$32

29、3.4 billion ), representing an 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - actual increase of 10.2 percent. The per-capita disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4 percent and the per-capita net income of rural residents by 4.6 pe

30、rcent. Last year, 7 million people in cities and towns found their first jobs, and 2.45 million laid-off workers were re-employed, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1 percent. The natural population growth rate was 10.06 per thousand. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -



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