高考英语大一轮复习 写作必备 写作基础技能提升 九、开头与结尾写作导练课件 外研版

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《高考英语大一轮复习 写作必备 写作基础技能提升 九、开头与结尾写作导练课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语大一轮复习 写作必备 写作基础技能提升 九、开头与结尾写作导练课件 外研版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、九、开头与结尾写作导练九、开头与结尾写作导练写作要领写作要领名师指导名师指导即时演练即时演练写作要领写作要领 俗话说得好俗话说得好: :好的开头是成功的一半好的开头是成功的一半(Well begun is half done.);(Well begun is half done.);结尾好结尾好, ,一切都好一切都好(All is well that ends well.)(All is well that ends well.)。一篇英语作文的开。一篇英语作文的开头如果写得好头如果写得好, ,就会给阅卷老师留下良好的印象就会给阅卷老师留下良好的印象; ;结尾再写得好结尾再写得好, ,就会进一

2、就会进一步强化阅卷老师对你所写作文的好感步强化阅卷老师对你所写作文的好感, ,从而给你的作文打高分。从而给你的作文打高分。1.1.写好开头写好开头, ,引人入胜引人入胜好的开头能马上抓住读者的阅读兴趣好的开头能马上抓住读者的阅读兴趣, ,缩短与阅卷人的距离缩短与阅卷人的距离, ,为实现为实现作者与读者的交流奠定了基础。例如作者与读者的交流奠定了基础。例如: :(1)We are (1)We are throwing a surprise partythrowing a surprise party for Xiaoming for Xiaomings s birthday. birthday.

3、 ( (开篇妙语点名主旨开篇妙语点名主旨) )(2)Ms.Li,our English teacher, (2)Ms.Li,our English teacher, must have found itmust have found it strange on strange on Teachers Teachers Day.( Day.(开篇设疑开篇设疑, ,吸引读者兴趣吸引读者兴趣) )(3)(3)I have good news to tell youI have good news to tell you.(.(开门见山开门见山, ,直入主题直入主题) )2.2.写好结尾写好结尾, ,

4、升华主题升华主题同样同样, ,好的结尾无疑起到画龙点睛的作用好的结尾无疑起到画龙点睛的作用, ,使文章锦上添花。例如使文章锦上添花。例如: :(1)(1)It isIt is for these reasons for these reasons thatthat I finally made my choice.( I finally made my choice.(结尾结尾 用强调句突出主旨用强调句突出主旨) )(2)(2)IsnIsnt itt it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you a pleasure to have gr

5、eat calm in mind while you are reading? ( are reading? (结尾用反问句增强语气结尾用反问句增强语气) )(3)Ms.Li spent a wonderful time with us,but(3)Ms.Li spent a wonderful time with us,but we know that we know that we we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance cannot thank her enough for all her hard wo

6、rk and guidance. . ( (尾句画龙点睛尾句画龙点睛, ,呼应主旨呼应主旨) )名师指导名师指导 那么具体怎样写好开头句和结尾句呢那么具体怎样写好开头句和结尾句呢? ?首先保证句子正确首先保证句子正确, ,避免出现避免出现语法错误和拼写错误语法错误和拼写错误; ;其次选择一些精美句式充当模板。开头句做到开门其次选择一些精美句式充当模板。开头句做到开门见山见山, ,直击要点直击要点; ;结尾句做到切合题意结尾句做到切合题意, ,不随意发挥。不随意发挥。 (1)(1)开头方法一开头方法一: :名人名言名人名言 When it comes to how to succeed,many

7、 people may think of When it comes to how to succeed,many people may think of the proverb the proverb “Where there is a will,thereWhere there is a will,there is a way. is a way.”( (适用于已适用于已记住的名言记住的名言) ) It goes without saying that. It goes without saying that. 不言而喻不言而喻( (适用于自编名言适用于自编名言) ) As the pro

8、verb says As the proverb says正如谚语所说正如谚语所说 As the saying goesAs the saying goes俗话说俗话说 (2) (2)开头方法二开头方法二: :数字统计数字统计 要想更有说服力要想更有说服力, ,就应该用具体的数字来说明就应该用具体的数字来说明, ,所以不妨用下面的句型所以不妨用下面的句型: : According to a recent survey,about According to a recent survey,about 70%of the college students 70%of the college stu

9、dents wanted to further their study after their graduation.wanted to further their study after their graduation. Recent statistics show that. Recent statistics show that. (3) (3)开头方法三开头方法三: : 描述图画描述图画 As is vividly shown in the picture,oneAs is vividly shown in the picture,one person is asking the p

10、erson is asking the other to do some voluntary labourother to do some voluntary labour. . (4) (4)结尾方法一结尾方法一: :结论结论 Obviously(Obviously(此为过渡词此为过渡词)we can draw the conclusion that good )we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.manners arise from politen

11、ess and respect for others. 更多过渡方式更多过渡方式:In conclusion.;In brief.;Thus,it can be :In conclusion.;In brief.;Thus,it can be concluded that.;Therefore,weconcluded that.;Therefore,we can find that.;To sum up. can find that.;To sum up. (5) (5)结尾方法二结尾方法二: :建议建议 Obviously,itObviously,it is high time that w

12、e took some measures to is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.(solve the problem.(经典的虚拟语气的句型经典的虚拟语气的句型) ) 更多句型更多句型: : Accordingly( Accordingly(因此因此),I recommend that some measures (should)be),I recommend that some measures (should)be taken.taken. Consequently( Consequently(因此因

13、此),to solve the problem,some),to solve the problem,some measures measures should be taken.should be taken.即时演练即时演练根据短文内容根据短文内容, ,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。项中有两项为多余选项。 How Learning Habits Influence Learning ResultsHow Learning Habits Influence Learning Results 1.1.As As

14、 we we all all know,learningknow,learning habits habits play play a a key key role role in in our study.2.our study.2. 3.3.If we go over our notes and textbooks regularly,If we go over our notes and textbooks regularly,they they will will become become more more meaningful meaningful and and be be r

15、emembered remembered easily.How easily.How should should we we do do to to develop develop such such a a good good habit? habit? I I think think making making a a practical practical plan plan and and sticking sticking to to it it will will be be of of great great help.In help.In addition,Iaddition,

16、I think think it it also also important important to to turn turn to to our our teachers teachers for for advice.advice. 4.4. For For example,I example,I cancant t take take down down what what the the teachers teachers say say in in class.To class.To improve improve this this situation,Isituation,I

17、 decide decide to to learn learn to to take take notes quickly and try to focus on the important points.notes quickly and try to focus on the important points. 5. 5. A.I believe that through my efforts,IA.I believe that through my efforts,I can gain good learning can gain good learning results by ha

18、ving good habits. results by having good habits.B.ButB.But there also exist many problems. there also exist many problems.C.ItC.Its s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.D.WhatD.Whats more,Is more,I find out that I still have some bad lear

19、ning find out that I still have some bad learning habits as well. habits as well.E.Among learning habits,reviewingE.Among learning habits,reviewing regularly is a most important regularly is a most important one. one.F.OnlyF.Only if we form a good learning habit can we learn efficiently. if we form a good learning habit can we learn efficiently.G.Thus,goodG.Thus,good learning habits can help us gain great learning learning habits can help us gain great learning results including high scores and abundant knowledge. results including high scores and abundant knowledge.答案答案: :1-51-5CFEBACFEBA



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