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1、say the opposite word(反义词反义词)tallshortheavythincurlystraightRevisiont:l What does Yao Ming look like?He is tall.Presentationheight:t What does he look like?He is short.中等身高中等身高He is of medium height. 他中等身高。他中等身高。mi:dim hait What does he look like?shortof medium heighttallheightHe isPracticeininHe is

2、 thin.What does he look like?Presentationbuild heviheviShe is heavy.What does she look like?mi:dim 中等的中等的 bild身材身材He is of medium build.他中等身材。他中等身材。What does he look like?thinof medium buildheavybuildHe/She isPracticeshort straight hair 短直发短直发短发短发直发直发streit She has (留有留有) short straight hair.Present

3、ationhairshort curly hair短卷发短卷发短发短发卷发卷发k:li She has short curly hair.What does she look like?long straight hair长直发长直发长发长发直发直发She has long straight hair.What does she look like?long curly hair长卷发长卷发长发长发卷发卷发She has long curly hair.What does she look like?short straight hairlong curly hairshort curly h

4、airlong straight hairWhat does he/she look like?He/ she has hair.hairPracticeB: He is . He is . He has hair. A:What does he look like?of medium heightof medium buildshort straightA:Who is he?B:He is Zhou Jielun.PresentationChoose three people you like from them, then ask and answer questions with yo

5、ur partner.Height: 168cm Height: 158cm A: Who is he/she?B: He/She isA: What does he/she look like?B: He/She is He/She has2aListen and answer the questions.1.Is David tall or short?2.Does Sally have long or short hair?3.Is Peter tall or short?Notes: Alternative questions选择疑问句选择疑问句2aListen and answer

6、the questions.1.Is David tall or short?2.Does Sally have long or short hair?3.Is Peter tall or short?He is tall.She has long hair.He is short.DavidSallyPeterisheavy, has2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart. DavidSallyPeterisheavy, hascurly hairshort hairshort, of medium buildof medium height, thinlong straight hair2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart. tallHomework:Describe what your father or mother looks like and write it down. Writing



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