八年级英语Unit5 Topic 1 Section D 1课件湘教版

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1、一根据一根据汉语提示完成下列句子。提示完成下列句子。1 Who _ (扮演扮演 ) the role of Maria? 2 _ _ (多少多少 ) will the tickets cost? 3 The Sound of Music is one of _ _ _( 最流行最流行) American movies. 4 She went to _ _ (关心,照关心,照顾 ) a family with seven children. 5 Maria was able to _ _ (使使振振奋起来起来 ) the family by teaching them _ _( 唱唱) live

2、ly songs and perform short, crazy plays. 6 _ _ (起先,起先, 开始开始 ) she taught in a small school in a village. playsHow muchthe mostpopularcare forcheer up tosingAt first用所用所给单词的正确形式填空的正确形式填空1Beijing Opera _(express) Chinese culture.2. After fighting, the two countries found a way to make _(peace) with ea

3、ch other.3. There are four main _(role) in the movie.4. Beijing Opera is full of beautiful music, singing and _ (gesture).5.These stories end with_ (happy) and laughter.expressespeacerolesgestureshappinessReviewDo you like Beijing Opera? Do you know anything about Beijing Opera? Which do you like be

4、tter, movies or Beijing Opera?ReviewBeijing Opera has a history of 200 years. There are four roles in it. They are Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou. Would you like to know them? Lets look at 1a.Do the true or false exercise.( ) 1.Beijing Opera came into being more than 200 years ago.( ) 2.Wusheng and Huadan a

5、re roles in Beijing Opera.( ) 3.Its stories are from Xipi and Erhuang.( ) 4.Few people in China like Peking Opera.TTFFUSEFUL EXPRESSIONS e into being 诞生,形成生,形成eg: 中中华人民共和国人民共和国诞生于生于1949年。年。 The PRC came into being in 1949.2. express (v.) - expression (n.) 表达;表情表达;表情 express sth. to sb. 向某人表示向某人表示3.

6、be full of = be filled with 充充满,装,装满eg: 大大厅了弥漫着烟味。了弥漫着烟味。 The hall is full of/filled with smoke.4. be popular with 受受欢迎迎eg: 周杰周杰伦受年受年轻人的人的欢迎。迎。Jay Chou is popular with young people. The stories in Beijing Opera are very _. Some of them are from history books, but most are from famous novels. The peo

7、ple in the stories usually cant _with each other. They become angry, unhappy, _and lonely. Sometimes they are frightened and_. Then they find a way to make peace with each other. The stories usually end with happiness. Everyone is_ in the end.interestingagreesadworriedhappy5. agree with sb. 同意某人的意同意

8、某人的意见 agree on sth. 在某事上达成共在某事上达成共识 agree to do sth. 同意做某事同意做某事Eg: 我不同意他的看法我不同意他的看法/他所他所说的的话。 I dont agree with him/what he said. 我我们在在这个个问题上达成共上达成共识。 We agree on this problem. 你同意他你同意他骑马吗? Do you agree him to ride the horse?6. find a way to do sth. 找到一种做找到一种做的方法的方法Eg:你找到学:你找到学习英英语的的简易方法了易方法了吗? Do y

9、ou find an easy way to learn English?7. make peace with sb. 与与和解和解 make friends with sb.与与交朋友交朋友Eg: 美国和日本和解了。美国和日本和解了。 America made peace with Japan.8. each other 彼此,互相彼此,互相9. begin/end with 以以开始开始/结束束 at the beginning of + 时间 在在开始开始时 at the end of + 时间/地点地点 在在结束束时/尽尽头 by the end of + 时间 到到结束束时(一般用一

10、般用 于完成于完成时) in the end 最后最后 from beginning to end 从从头到尾到尾 come to an end 告告终,结束束1. 在街尾在街尾 2. 到年底到年底3.音乐会以一首诗开始,以一首歌结束。音乐会以一首诗开始,以一首歌结束。The concert _a poem and_a song. 4.在新年之初,人们互相祝福在新年之初,人们互相祝福(bless)。_the New Year, people bless each other.5.这个故事结束了最后,每个人过上幸福的生活。这个故事结束了最后,每个人过上幸福的生活。The story _. In

11、the end, everyone lived a happy life. at the end of the streetby the end of the yearbegan withended withAt the beginning ofcame to an end One day, Mr. Wang was on his way to the hotel. He was very excited. But when he reached the hotel, he found his ID card was lost. He was very upset. He looked for

12、 it everywhere, but he couldnt find it. Mr. Wang was so worried. What should he do? Just then, a man talked to him and asked if it was his ID card. He was so surprised because he thought he wouldnt ever find his card again. He was very happy and grateful.SUM UP 系系动词(常加形容常加形容词)A. 状状态系系动词: 表示主表示主语的状的状

13、态be动词 (am/is/are/was/were)。eg: 1. I am tall and he is short. 2. She is a student. B. 感官系感官系动词: feel (感感觉起来起来)、sound(听起来听起来)、smell(闻起来起来)、taste(尝起来起来)、touch(摸起来摸起来)等。等。eg: 1. The music sounds very beautiful. 2. The flower smells sweet.C.表像系表像系动词:用来表示:用来表示“看起来像看起来像”这一概念,如一概念,如look, seem, 等。等。eg: 1. He

14、 seems very sad. 2. Her skirt looks very nice.D.持持续系系动词:用来表示主:用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或或保持一种状况或态度,度,有有“保持保持”之意,如之意,如keep, stay,remain等。等。eg: He kept silent in the meeting. 他在会他在会议上保持沉默。上保持沉默。E. 变化系化系动词:表示主表示主语变成什么成什么样,如,如go、get 、become、turn、grow等。等。eg: 1. 她很她很伤心并且心并且变疯了。了。2. 春天春天树变绿了。了。3. 夏天天气夏天天气变热了。了。4. 她正

15、在她正在发胖。胖。 1. She was sad and went mad. (go常用于性常用于性质的的变化。化。) 2. The trees turn green in spring (turn常用于常用于颜色的色的变化。化。) 3. It gets hot in summer. (get常用于天气的常用于天气的变化。化。) 4. She is growing fat. (grow 常用于身体或年常用于身体或年龄的的变化。化。)用smell,taste,go,get,become,grow,seem,look,feel,turn的适当形式填空。1. You _very young.2. A

16、t first those questions _ easy, but later I found them difficult.3. After the sports meeting, he _ very tired.4. My younger brother _ a student last year.5. When we _ up, were going to help build up our country.6. The flowers _ very sweet.7. Her face _ red.8. It _ colder and colder now.9. The moonca

17、ke _ good.10. The meat _ bad.lookwent/goesgetssmellturnsgrowbecamefeelsseemtastes检测题( ) 1. Our school is No. 4 Middle School of Binzhou _about 150 years of history. A. of B. with C. for( ) 2. The friendship between us came _ being when we were about 15 years old. A. to B. into C. in( ) 3. When New Y

18、ear comes, the station _ people. A. is full of B. was full of C. is filled in( ) 4. Ju Hua Tai is a song of Jay Chous. It _ most young Chinese people. A. is pleased with B. is pleasure C. is popular with ( ) 5. There are so many people here. They _ different countries. A. come from B. is from C. com

19、e toBBACA1. say thanks to 向向道道谢2. be popular with 受受欢迎迎3. be filled with/ be full of 装装满,充,充满4. be pleased with 对感到感到满意意5. be proud of 以以为傲,自豪傲,自豪6. be able to do sth. 有能力做某事有能力做某事7. make peace with sb. 与某人和解与某人和解8. express Chinese culture 展展现中国文化中国文化9. cheer up 使使振作起来振作起来10. at last 最后,最后,终于于 11. a

20、t first 开始,首先开始,首先12. set the table 摆放餐具放餐具13. come into being 形成,成立形成,成立14. fall into 落入落入15. invite sb. to do sth. 邀邀请某人做某事某人做某事16. prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准某人准备某物某物17. smiling faces 笑笑脸18. a ticket to 一一场的入的入场券券19. ring up 打打电话给20. feel sorry for 为感到感到遗憾憾 21. care for/ look after/ take care of 照照顾,照料,照料22. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事害怕做某事23. on ones way to 去去的路上的路上24. go mad 变疯25. end with 以以结束束



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