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1、Module 1 第一模块Unit 1 The Great Wall 第一单元长城1.Listen,point and findis/s,are. 1. 听,分并发现 “is/s, are”。Daming is visiting America.Hes in New York with his cousin,Simon. 筑坝于将访问美国。他与他的堂兄弟,西蒙在纽约。Simon:These postcards are great! 西蒙:这些明信片是大的!Daming:Yes,they are.And look at this one.Its a picture of the Great Wa

2、ll. 筑坝于:是的。看这一张。这是一张长城的图Simon:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it? 西蒙:告诉我更多有关长城的东西。是多长?Daming:Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. 筑坝于:它是大约6,700 公里。Simon:Wow! 西蒙:哇!Daming:Now you tell me something about New York.How big is it? 筑坝于:现在你告诉我关于纽约的某些事情。有多大?Simon:Its very big.Its g

3、ot eight million people. 西蒙:非常大。它有800 万人。Daming:That is big. 筑坝于:这很大。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 21 页Simon:How big is Beijing? 西蒙:北京有多大?Daming:Beijings got about fourteen million people. 筑坝于:Simon:Fourteen million! Thats a lot! 西蒙: 1400万!这很多啊!2.Listen and say. 2. 听并说。A:These

4、 postcards are great! A:这些明信片太棒了!B:Yes,they are. B:是的。A:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it? A:告诉我更多有关长城的东西。是多长?B:Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. B:它是大约 6,700 公里。Unit 2 New York is in the east of America. 第二单元纽约在美国的东方。1.Look,listen and point. 1. 看,听并分。What a big map of

5、America!Wheres New York? Its here,in the east. 多么大的美国的地图!纽约在哪里?在这里,东方。3.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 21 页3. 听并重复。注意压力。* Tell me more about the Great Wall. 告诉我更多有关长城的东西。* How long is it? 多长?* Its about six thousand seven hundred k

6、ilometres. 它是大约 6,700 公里。* Beijing has got about fourteen million people. 北京大约 1400 万人。4.Listen and say,then chant. 4. 听并说,然后圣歌。America,America,there are lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有许多事情看见。From New York to Tennessee,its such a big country. 从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。The flags got fifty stars.Its red and

7、blue and white. 旗有 50 颗星。 它有红,蓝和白。You can always see it,every day and night. 你总是可以看见它,每天和晚上。America,America,there are lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有许多事情看见。From Nes York to Tennessee,its such a big country. 从纽约到田纳西,它是这样的一个大的国家。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 21 页Module 2 00:02.39

8、第三模块00:04.78Unit 1 Chinatown in America 00:08.16第一单元在美国的唐人街00:11.551.Listen,point and findThere is/There are. 00:18.471. 听,分并发现 “ 这是/这是.”00:25.39Simon:What are you doing,Daming? 00:27.12西蒙:你在做什么?筑坝于。00:28.84Daming:Im sending an email to my family in China? 00:31.12筑坝于:我正寄给在中国的我的家庭一封电子邮件吗?00:33.41Sim

9、on:Do you miss China? 00:35.03西蒙:你想念中国吗?00:36.65Daming:Sometimes. 00:38.13筑坝于:有时。00:39.60Simon:Do you want to go to Chinatown? 00:41.22西蒙:你想去唐人街吗?00:42.84Daming:Chinatown? But this is America,not China. 00:45.87筑坝于:唐人街?但这是美国,不是中国。00:48.90Simon:Theres a Chinatown in New York! 00:50.94西蒙:这是在纽约的唐人街。00:

10、52.98There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 00:55.46那里有许多中国商店和餐厅。00:57.94Daming:Really? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 21 页00:59.26筑坝于:真的吗?01:00.58Simon:Yes,and theres Chinese dancing. 01:02.90西蒙:是的,并且有中国人跳舞。01:05.23Daming:Lets go to Chinatown now. 01:07.27筑坝于:我

11、们现在去唐人街。01:09.30Simon:We cant go now. Its nine oclock. 01:11.68西蒙:我们现在不能走。 9 点了。01:14.06Daming:Then lets go tomorrow. 01:15.73大明:那么我们明天去。01:17.40Simon:Ah! You do miss China! 01:19.39西蒙:啊!你确实想念中国!01:21.372.Listen and say. 01:25.942. 听并说。01:30.51A:Theres a Chinatown in New York. 01:32.43A:这是在纽约的唐人街。01

12、:34.35B:There are lots of Chinese shops there. 01:36.39B:那里有许多中国商店。01:38.43A:There are lots of Chinese restaurants there. 01:40.51A:那里有许多中国餐厅。01:42.58B:And theres Chinese dancing. 01:44.31B:并且有中国人跳舞。01:46.03Unit 2 Postcards from China 01:49.86第二单元来自中国的明信片精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

13、第 5 页,共 21 页01:53.681.Look,listen and find. 02:23.621. 看,听并发现。02:53.563.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress. 02:59.493. 听并重复。注意压力。03:05.42* Theres Chinatown in New York! 03:07.74这是在纽约的唐人街。03:10.07* There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 03:12.73那里有许多中国商店和餐厅。03:15.40* Lets g

14、o to Chinatown now. 03:17.58我们现在去唐人街。03:19.76* We cant go now.Its nine oclock. 03:22.48我们现在不能走。 9 点了。03:25.194.Listen and say,then sing. 03:31.764. 听并说,然后唱。03:38.33Theres a Great Wall in China.It is very,very long 03:41.51在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常长。03:44.68Theres a Great Wall in China.It is very,very strong.

15、 03:47.62在中国有长城。它非常,非常,非常强大。03:50.56There are many,many people and they like to sing this song. 03:53.64有很多,很多人,他们喜欢唱这支歌。03:56.72Theres a Great Wall in China and its very,very long. 03:59.65在中国有长城并且非常,非常,非常长。04:02.57In China theres a Great Wall,a Great Wall,a Great Wall. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归

16、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 21 页04:05.90在中国有一个长城,一个长城,一个长城,一个长城。04:09.23It is very,very,very big and its a very famous wall. 05:17.27它非常,非常,非常大并且它是一堵非常著名的墙。06:25.31Words list 06:27.83单词表06:30.35miss sometimes restaurant 06:37.02思念有时饭馆06:43.70really dancing square 06:50.92真的舞蹈广场 Module 3 00:02.30第五模块00:

17、04.60Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby 00:08.14第一单元收集邮票是我的爱好00:11.681.Listen,point and findstamp/stamps. 00:17.711. 听,分并发现 “ 邮票/邮票” 。00:23.75Daming:Do you collect stamps,Simon? 00:25.77筑坝于:你收集邮票吗?西蒙。00:27.79Simon:Yes,Ive got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 00:31.07西蒙:是的。我有许多邮票。收集邮票是

18、我的爱好。00:34.35Daming:What are those? 00:35.83筑坝于:这是什么?00:37.30Simon:These are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 21 页00:40.39西蒙:这是一些来自加拿大的邮票。他们是著名的先生和妇女。00:43.47Daming:Have you got any stamps from China? 00:45.39筑坝于:你有来自中国的邮票吗?0

19、0:47.31Simon:Yes,I have.This stamp is from China. 00:49.88西蒙:是的,我有。这些是来自中国的邮票。00:52.45And all of these stamps are from China,too. 00:54.58并且这些所有也是来自中国的邮票。00:56.71Daming:Oh!These stamps are from my letters! 00:59.19筑坝于:噢!这些邮票来自我的信件!01:01.68Simon:Thats right!Simons mum:Look,boys!Letters! 01:04.50西蒙:对了

20、!西蒙的妈妈:看,孩子!信件!01:07.32Daming:Is there a letter for me? 01:08.90筑坝于:这封信是我的吗?01:10.48Simon:Yes,there is.This letter is from your mother! 01:13.35西蒙:是的。这封信来自你妈妈的。01:16.23Daming:Great!Now you can have another Chinese stamp,Simon. 01:19.35筑坝于:好的!现在你有另一张中国邮票,西蒙。01:22.472.Listen and say. 01:27.092. 听并说。01

21、:31.72A:Do you collect stamps? 01:33.34A:你收集邮票吗?01:34.96B:Yes.These are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 21 页01:38.49B:这是一些来自加拿大的邮票。他们是著名的先生和妇女。01:42.03A:Have you got any stamps from China? 01:43.86A:你有来自中国的邮票吗?01:45.69B:Yes,

22、I have. This stamp is from China. 01:48.26B:是的,我有。这些是来自中国的邮票。01:50.84Unit 2 Ive got a hobby 01:53.92第二单元我有一个爱好01:57.001.Look,listen and point. 02:02.021. 看,听并分。02:07.03I collect dolls. 02:29.96我收集玩偶。02:52.883.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress. 02:59.003. 听并重复。注意压力。03:05.13Do you collect

23、stamps? Yes,collecting stamps is my hobby. 03:09.20你收集邮票吗?是的,收集邮票是我的爱好。These are some from Canada.Have you got any stamps from China?这是一些来自加拿大的邮票。你有来自中国的邮票吗?4.Listen and say,then chant. 4. 听并说,然后圣歌。03:33.00H - O - B - B - I - E - S.We all love our hobbies. 03:41.48H - O - B - B - I - E - S 。 我们都喜爱我们

24、的爱好。03:49.96Painting,drawing,flying kites,reading,singing and riding bikes. 03:54.53画,画,放风筝,阅读,唱歌和骑自行车。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 21 页03:59.10Collecting animals,dolls and cars.Playing computer games and looking at stars. 04:03.49收集动物,玩偶和汽车。玩电脑游戏和看的星。04:07.88H - O - B - B -

25、I - E - S.We all love our hobbies. 05:19.79H - O - B - B - I - E - S 。我们都喜爱我们的爱好。06:31.71Words list 06:34.23单词表06:36.75collect stamp hobby 06:48.62收集邮票业余爱好 ,嗜好Module 4 00:02.44第七模块00:04.88Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving! 00:08.22第一单元愉快的感恩!00:11.551.Listen,point and findI,me,my,we,our. 00:19.931. 听,分并发现 “

26、我,我,我,我们,我们” 。00:28.32Simon:Look,Daming.Tomorrow is Flag Day. 00:30.96西蒙:看,筑坝于。00:33.59Damng:What do you do on Flag Day? 00:35.42筑坝于:明天是国旗纪念日。00:37.25Simon:We carry flags and we sing songs. 00:39.43西蒙:我们进位标记和我们唱歌。00:41.61Daming:Can you tell me more about American festivals,Simon? 00:44.13筑坝于:你能告诉我更多

27、关于美国节日吗?西蒙。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 21 页00:46.65Simon:Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. 00:49.23西蒙:好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。00:51.80Daming:What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? 00:53.77筑坝于:你感恩节会做什么?00:55.75Simon:We always have a special meal.Its a big family dinner. 00:58.8

28、3西蒙:我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。它是一顿大的家庭晚餐。01:01.91Daming:Thats good. 01:03.33筑坝于:这太好了!01:04.76Simon:On Thanksgiving Day,we saythank-youfor our food,family and friends. 01:08.24西蒙:在感恩节上,我们为我们的食品,家庭和朋友说谢谢你。01:11.73Daming:That sounds nice. 01:13.40筑坝于:那听起来好。01:15.08Simon:And after Thanksgiving dinner,we watch a big f

29、ootball game on TV. 01:18.46西蒙:并且在感恩晚餐之后, 我们在电视上看一场大的足球比赛。01:21.84Daming:Thats great!I think I like Thanksgiving,too! 01:24.77筑坝于:太好了!我认为我也喜欢感恩!01:27.692.Listen and say. 01:32.322. 听并说。01:36.94A:Can you tell me more about American festivals? 01:39.36A:你能告诉我更多有关美国节日的东西吗?01:41.77B:Well,Thanksgiving is

30、 my favourite festival. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 21 页01:44.25B:好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。01:46.74A:What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? 01:48.71A:你感恩节会做什么?01:50.68B:We always have a special meal.We saythank-youfor our food,family and friends. 01:54.91B:我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。 我们为我们的食品, 家庭和朋友说谢谢

31、你。01:59.14Unit 2 02:01.57第二单元02:04.00Whats your favourite festival? 02:05.83你最喜爱的节日是什么?02:07.661.Look,listen and find. 02:12.651. 看,听并发现。02:17.64I love this festival.We all go to see the Dragon Boat race. 02:38.60我爱这个节日。我们全部去看龙舟赛。02:59.573.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress. 03:05.643. 听并

32、重复。注意压力。03:11.71* Can you tell me more about American festivals,Simon? 03:14.44你能告诉我更多关于美国节日吗?西蒙。03:17.17* Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. 03:19.69好的,感恩是我最喜爱的节日。03:22.21* We always have a special meal.Its a big family dinner. 03:25.39我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。它是一顿大的家庭晚餐。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

33、 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 21 页03:28.56* We saythank-youfor our food,family and friends. 03:31.68我们为我们的食品,家庭和朋友说谢谢你 。03:34.804.Listen and say,then chant. 03:40.984. 听并说,然后圣歌。03:47.16I am me(clap,clap) and you are you.(clap,clap) 03:49.80我是我(鼓掌声,鼓掌声 ),和你是你。(鼓掌声,鼓掌声 ) 03:52.44I am me and you are you.Now l

34、ets see what we can do. 03:56.21我是我,你是你。现在让我们看见我们能做什么。03:59.99We can jump(clap,clap)and we can run.(clap,clap) 04:02.35我们能跳 (鼓掌声,鼓掌声 ),和我们能跑。(鼓掌声,鼓掌声 ) 04:04.72We can jump and we can run.So were having lots of fun. 04:07.60我们能跳,我们能跑。因此我们正有许多开心。04:10.49We look at them.(clap,clap)They look at us.(clap

35、,clap) 04:13.01我们看他们。(鼓掌声,鼓掌声 )他们看我们。(鼓掌声,鼓掌声 ) 04:15.53they look at us. Now lets stop,we really must. 05:04.01他们看我们。现在让我们停止,我们真的必须。05:52.50Words list 05:55.12单词表05:57.75festival special meal 06:04.63节日特殊的,特别的一餐06:11.51sound lantern race moon cake 06:21.49听起来灯笼比赛月饼精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

36、 - - - - -第 13 页,共 21 页Modlule 10 00:02.39第十模块00:04.78Unit 1 Pleased to meet you! 00:08.11第一单元很高兴见到你!00:11.441.Listen,point and findcan. 00:17.821. 听,分并发现“能够”。00:24.19Laura:Hi,Simon. 00:26.37罗拉:你好,西蒙。00:28.55Simon:Hi,Laura.This is my cousin.Hes from China. 00:32.52西蒙:你好,罗拉。这是我的堂兄弟。他来自中国。00:36.49Laur

37、a:Hello,Daming.Pleased to meet you!Can you speak English? 00:39.67罗拉:你好,筑坝于。很高兴见到你!你会讲英语吗?00:42.84Daming:Yes,I can speak some English. 00:45.18筑坝于:是的,我会讲一些英语。00:47.52Simon:You speak very good English,Daming!Laura is from England. 00:50.90西蒙:你讲英语非常好,筑坝于!罗拉来自英国。00:54.28Daming:Ive got two friends from

38、England.Their names are Sam and Amy. 00:57.72筑坝于:我有两个来自英国的朋友。他们的名字叫萨姆和埃米。01:01.15Laura:Can I write to your friends? 01:02.82罗拉:我能写信给你的朋友吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 21 页01:04.50Daming:Yes.This is their address. 01:06.87筑坝于:可以。这是他们的地址。01:09.25Laura:And can you be my Chinese

39、 pen friend? 01:11.33罗拉:并且你能成为我的中国笔友吗?01:13.40Daming:Yes,of course.This is my address in China. 01:16.38筑坝于:是的,当然可以。这是我的中国地址。01:19.36Laura:Thank you!But I cant write Chinese. 01:21.63罗拉:谢谢!但是我不会写中文。01:23.91Daming:Oh!But I can write English! 01:26.09筑坝于:噢!但是我可以写英语。01:28.272.Listen and say. 01:32.842.

40、 听并说。01:37.41A:Can you speak English? 01:39.13A :你会讲英语吗?01:40.86B:Yes,I can speak some English. 01:42.99B :是的,我会讲一些英语。01:45.12A:Can I write to you? You can be my Chinese pen friend. 01:48.06A :我能写信给你吗?你是我的中国笔友。01:50.99B:Yes,of course.This is my address in China. 01:53.57B :是的,当然可以。这是我的中国地址。01:56.14U

41、nit 2 Pen Friends 01:59.67第二单元笔友02:03.191.Look,listen and find. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 21 页02:30.071. 看,听并发现。02:56.953.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stress. 03:02.943. 听并重复。注意压力。03:08.92* Can you speak English? 03:10.75你会讲英语吗?03:12.57* Yes,I can speak some Eng

42、lish. 03:15.06是的,我会讲一些英语。03:17.54* I cant write Chinese. 03:19.56我不会写中文。03:21.59* Oh!But I can write English. 03:23.91噢!但是我会写英语。03:26.244.Listen and say,then sing. 03:33.024. 听并说,然后唱。03:39.79I can speak EnglishHow do you do?You can speak English,so speak to me,too. 03:44.17我会讲英语“你好吗?”“你能讲英语,因此也对我讲。”

43、03:48.55I can write English,Dear pen friend. 03:50.97我能写英语,”亲爱的笔友”。03:53.40Ill write to you again and again.I can sing English songs. 03:57.09我将再三给你写信。我能唱英语歌。04:00.77Listen to me! I can sing the A - B - C. 04:54.54听我的!我能唱“ A - B - C”。05:48.325.Listen and do. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

44、 - -第 16 页,共 21 页05:53.155. 听并做。05:57.98Can you do what I can do?Can you do what I can do? Yes,we can! 06:02.51你能做我能做的吗?你能做我能做的吗?是的,我们能!06:07.05Can you say what I can say?Red lorry,yellow lorry. 06:11.02你能说我能说什么吗?红运货汽车,黄的运货汽车 . 06:14.99Can you say what I can say? Yes,we can! 06:18.02你能说我能说什么吗?是的,我们能

45、。06:21.05Can you sing what I can sing? A B C D E F G. 06:24.73你能唱我能唱的吗? A B C D E F . 06:28.41Can you sing what I can sing? Yes,we can! 06:31.38你能唱我能唱的吗?是的,我们能。06:34.34Words list 06:36.83单词表06:39.31pleased meet address pen friend 06:49.29高兴的, 满足的见到, 遇到地址笔友06:59.27Australia French pet 07:06.98澳大利亚法语宠

46、物精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 21 页Module 6 00:02.74第六模块00:05.49Unit 1 A Postcard from New York 00:09.17第一单元来自纽约的一张明信片00:12.851.Listen ,point and find have got. 00:19.421.听,分并发现 “ 已经有” 。00:25.99Youve got a postcard from New York,but its not from Daming. 00:29.22你从纽约有一张明信片,但这不

47、是来自筑坝于。00:32.44Dear Sam and Amy,Daming is my friend and I want you to be my bfriends,too. 00:36.13亲爱的萨姆和埃米,筑坝于是我朋友并且我也想你们成为我的朋友。00:39.81I live in New York,but I am not American.I am from London in England. 00:43.55我住在纽约,但我不是美国的。我来自英国的伦敦。00:47.28So we are all English! Do you like China? I want to vis

48、it China someday. 00:51.11所以我们都会英语。你喜欢中国吗?我想要有一天访问中国。00:54.94Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park 00:57.90筑坝于有一只中国风筝,我们在公园飞越它01:00.87Ive got some chopsticks,but they are difficult. 01:03.50我有一些筷子,但是他们难。01:06.14Have you got a book about America? I can send you one. 精选学习资料 - - - - -

49、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 21 页01:08.92你有一本关于美国的书吗?我可以寄你一本。01:11.71Please write to me and we can be pen friends. 01:14.08请给我写信,我们可成为笔友。01:16.46Daming says he will write to you soon.From,Laura 01:19.14筑坝于说他不久将给你写信。来自,罗拉。01:21.822.Listen and say. 01:26.492. 听并说。01:31.17Daming has got a Chin

50、ese kite and we fly it in the park. 01:34.29筑坝于有一只中国风筝,我们在公园飞越它01:37.41Ive got some chopsticks,but they are difficult. 01:39.98我有一些筷子,但是他们难。01:42.56Have you got a book about America? I can send you one. 01:45.44你有一本关于美国的书吗?我可以寄你一本。01:48.33Unit 2 01:50.85第二单元01:53.37Ive got some stamps from China. 01

51、:55.41我有一些来自中国的邮票。01:57.451.Look,listen and point. 02:02.531. 看,听并分。02:07.61Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? 02:24.54你有一副刀叉还是筷子?02:41.463.Listen and repeat. 02:46.033. 分并重复。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 21 页02:50.61* I want you to be my friends,too. 02:52.84我也希望你们

52、成为我的朋友。02:55.07* Chopsticks are difficult. 02:56.74筷子很困难。02:58.42* I can send you one. 03:00.10我能寄你一本。03:01.79* We can be pen friends. 03:03.56我们能成为笔友。03:05.344.Listen and say,then chant. 03:11.414. 听并说,然后唱歌。03:17.49Im happy!I have a new pen friend.Here is an email and now I cansend. 03:21.81我愉快!我有一

53、位新笔友。这是一封电子邮件现在我能送。03:26.13My pen friends in England. Her name is Sue. 03:28.86我的笔友在英国。她的名字叫秀。03:31.59Give me your address. You can be my friend,too. 03:34.32给你的地址我。你也能成为我的朋友。03:37.05We can write about hobbies and families and friends. 03:40.08我们能写嗜好和家庭和朋友。03:43.11We can always write emails and always be friends. 04:26.70我们总是能写电子邮件,总是朋友。05:10.28Words List 05:12.96单词表精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 21 页05:15.64someday chopsticks soon 05:23.60(将来)有一天筷子不久,很快05:31.57knife fork 05:36.44餐刀,小刀叉子精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 21 页



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