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9、钟分值:100分分)基础知识过关基础知识过关一、根据所给的汉语提示及句意写出单词一、根据所给的汉语提示及句意写出单词(4(4分分) )1 1There were some beautiful There were some beautiful _ _ ( (鲜鲜花花) in a glass of water on the table.) in a glass of water on the table.2 2We had great difficulty in We had great difficulty in _( (筹集筹集) the money.) the money.3 3I wro

10、te him _(I wrote him _(几个几个) letters but ) letters but he didnt answer.he didnt answer.4 4Are you for it or Are you for it or _( (反对反对) it?) it?5 5My gloves are worn out, Im going to My gloves are worn out, Im going to buy a new _(buy a new _(双双) )flowersraisingseveralagainstpair6 6You must put a Yo

11、u must put a _( (邮票邮票) on the ) on the envelope before you post it.envelope before you post it.7 7Ive Ive _( (收集收集) over three ) over three hundred Chinese stamps.hundred Chinese stamps.8 8We are very happy to have the We are very happy to have the _( (机会机会) to take part in the sports meet.) to take

12、 part in the sports meet.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10(10分分) )1 1Jack is Jack is _ in the in the _ _ (interest)(interest) computer puter games.2 2The football player got The football player got _ _ (injure)(injure) in the match.in the match.stampcollectedchanceinterestinginjuredinterested3 3There

13、are two There are two _ _ (thousand)(thousand) students in our students in our school. school. 4 4The The _ _ (foreign)(foreign) speaks English.speaks English.5 5I I _ (miss) (miss) my parents very much when I studied in my parents very much when I studied in Australia.Australia.三、根据汉语提示完成句子三、根据汉语提示

14、完成句子(16(16分分) )1 1他辞去了办公室的工作,改以务农为生。他辞去了办公室的工作,改以务农为生。He left his office job to try to He left his office job to try to _ on the land. on the land.2 2我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。thousandforeignermissedmakealivingI want to _the book which you showed me yesterday.I want to _the book which you showed

15、 me yesterday.3 3我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。I have a dog and a cat, but they fight I have a dog and a cat, but they fight _. .4 4我对音乐不太感兴趣。我对音乐不太感兴趣。 Im not very much Im not very much _ music. music. 5 5成千上万的人到车站给他们送行。成千上万的人到车站给他们送行。 _ people went to see them off at the station. _ people

16、went to see them off at the station. 6 6我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。We can talk to those who live We can talk to those who live _ by telephone. by telephone.takeawayallthetimeinterestedinThousandsoffaraway7 7顺便问一下,我给你的那些钱呢?顺便问一下,我给你的那些钱呢? _, what happened to all the money I gave you?, what hap

17、pened to all the money I gave you?8 8假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?What if you were to What if you were to _money? What would you do?money? What would you do?综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )1 1(2011(2011淄博淄博)Look)Look!There is a big river.There is a big river. Lets swim in Lets swim in it!it!

18、NoNo,I think its _ dangerous.I think its _ dangerous.A Amuch too Bmuch too Btoo muchtoo much C Ctoo many Dtoo many Dmuch moremuch moreBythewayrunoutof【解析解析】考查副词区别。考查副词区别。much too“much too“太太”,用作副词修饰形容词;,用作副词修饰形容词;too too much“much“太多太多”,修饰不可数名词;,修饰不可数名词;too many“too many“太多太多”,修饰可数名词;,修饰可数名词;much mo

19、re“much more“更多更多”。【答案答案】A A2 2Ill go to the West Lake this weekend. What about you? Ill go to the West Lake this weekend. What about you? _. Lets go together. _. Lets go together. A ANo, I wont BNo, I wont BI wont go CI wont go CMe, too DMe, too DSorry, Im busySorry, Im busy【解析解析】考查一般将来时的答语。由答语考查一般

20、将来时的答语。由答语“让我们一起去。让我们一起去。”可知,可知,回答是肯定的,直接排除回答是肯定的,直接排除A A、B B、D D项,选项,选C C。【答案答案】C C3 3It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town. It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town. Im _ it. Zoos are terrible for animals. Im _ it. Zoos are terrible for animals. A Athrough Bthrough Bbeside

21、sbesidesC Cagainst Dagainst Dexceptexcept【解析解析】考查介词的用法。考查介词的用法。through“through“通过通过”;besides“besides“除了除了还还有有”;against“against“反对反对”;except“except“不包括在内,除不包括在内,除没有没有”;根据句意;根据句意选选C C。【答案答案】C C4 4(2011(2011邵阳邵阳)We didnt go home _ the old man was )We didnt go home _ the old man was sent to the hospital

22、.sent to the hospital.A Auntil until B Bwhen when C Cwhilewhile【解析解析】考查连词的用法。考查连词的用法。not.until.“not.until.“直到直到才才”。句意为句意为“直到把老人送去医院,我们才回家。直到把老人送去医院,我们才回家。”故选故选A A。【答案答案】A A5 5(2011(2011广安广安)How much is the pair of shoes?)How much is the pair of shoes?Twenty dollars _ enough.Twenty dollars _ enough.A

23、 Ais is B Bare are C Camam【解析解析】考查考查bebe动词的用法。动词的用法。twenty dollarstwenty dollars看成一个整体,表示单看成一个整体,表示单数概念,故用数概念,故用isis。 【答案答案】A A6 6_ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one. _ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one. A APick BPick BBring Bring C CCarry DCarry DTakeTake【解析解析】考查动词词义辨析。考查动

24、词词义辨析。pick“pick“拾起,捡起拾起,捡起”;bring“bring“带来带来”;carry“carry“搬走搬走”;take“take“带走,拿走带走,拿走”。句意为。句意为“拿走这件脏衬衫,给拿走这件脏衬衫,给我拿件干净的来我拿件干净的来”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D7 7Ill go for a walk with you if it _ tomorrow. Ill go for a walk with you if it _ tomorrow. A Awont rain Bwont rain Bdoesnt raindoesnt rainC Cwill rain D

25、will rain Dnot rainsnot rains【解析解析】考查条件状语从句的用法。含条件状语从句的主从复合句,考查条件状语从句的用法。含条件状语从句的主从复合句,当主句是将来时态时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,故选当主句是将来时态时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,故选B B。【答案答案】B B8 8(2011(2011湘西湘西)What are you doing?)What are you doing?Im _ TV.Im _ TV.A Awatching watching B Bwatches watches C Cwatchedwatched【解析解析】考查时态。上句用

26、进行时提问,所以答语也用进行时,构成考查时态。上句用进行时提问,所以答语也用进行时,构成进行时用进行时用“be“be现在分词现在分词”,所以选择答案,所以选择答案A A。【答案答案】A A9 9Dont _ out of money, I think you should save Dont _ out of money, I think you should save money for your future. money for your future. A Atry Btry Brun Crun Cget Dget Duseuse【解析解析】考查固定短语的用法。考查固定短语的用法。ru

27、n out of“run out of“用光用光”,句意为,句意为“不要不要用光钱,我认为你应该为将来攒钱。用光钱,我认为你应该为将来攒钱。”【答案答案】B B1010(2011(2011邵阳邵阳)_ trees were cut down.)_ trees were cut down. And many birds And many birds lost their home.lost their home.A ATwo thousands BTwo thousands BThousands of CThousands of CThousand ofThousand of【解析解析】考查数词

28、的用法。考查数词的用法。thousandthousand前边有数字不加前边有数字不加s s;后边有后边有ofof加加s s。【答案答案】B B二、完形填空二、完形填空(20(20分分) )(2011(2011山西山西) )根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。 Years ago Years ago,I lived in a house in a large city.I lived in a house in a large city. The house n

29、ext The house next door was only a few meters away from _door was only a few meters away from _1 1_.Through the window_.Through the window,I I could often see a woman _could often see a woman _2 2_ I had never met doing_ I had never met doingThat was quite an _That was quite an _8 8_ lesson for me._

30、 lesson for me. How often had I How often had I looked at others through my own shortcomings(looked at others through my own shortcomings(缺点缺点)!)!Since thenSince then,I _I _9 9_ used to asking myself whether I am _ used to asking myself whether I am looking through my own dirty window.looking throug

31、h my own dirty window. Before I want to judge(Before I want to judge(判断判断)someone)someone,I always think _I always think _1010_ than before and try to clean the _ than before and try to clean the dirty window so that I may see the world around me more clearly.dirty window so that I may see the world

32、 around me more clearly.【答案答案】1 1minemine【解析解析】由句意由句意“隔壁房子距我的房子仅仅几米远隔壁房子距我的房子仅仅几米远”可知可知用用I I的名词性物主代词的名词性物主代词minemine表示表示“我的我的( (房子房子)”)”。2 2whowho【解析解析】先行词是人,并且关系代词在定语从句中先行词是人,并且关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,故用作宾语,故用whowho引导定语从句。引导定语从句。3 3monthsmonths【解析解析】go bygo by表示表示“(“(时间时间) )逝去逝去”,故此处应填一个时间名,故此处应填一个时间名词;词; se

33、veralseveral后接名词复数,故用后接名词复数,故用monthsmonths。4 4reallyreally【解析解析】修饰动词用副词形式,故填修饰动词用副词形式,故填reallyreally。5 5washingwashing【解析解析】wash the window“wash the window“擦窗户擦窗户”;includingincluding是介词,是介词,后接动词时用动名词形式。后接动词时用动名词形式。6 6surprisingsurprising【解析解析】作者擦完窗户之后发现,并非隔壁妇女的窗户不作者擦完窗户之后发现,并非隔壁妇女的窗户不干净,而是自己的窗户脏了。所以

34、这是一件非常令人惊讶的事。干净,而是自己的窗户脏了。所以这是一件非常令人惊讶的事。howhow后接形后接形容词,故填容词,故填surprisingsurprising。7 7be seenbe seen【解析解析】由句意由句意“她能被很清楚地看到她能被很清楚地看到坐在窗户旁边坐在窗户旁边”可知用被动语态;含情态动词的被动语态的构成为可知用被动语态;含情态动词的被动语态的构成为“情态情态动词动词bebe及物动词的过去分词及物动词的过去分词”,故填,故填be seenbe seen。8 8importantimportant【解析解析】此处应填入一个形容词作定语修饰名词此处应填入一个形容词作定语修

35、饰名词lessonlesson。由句意由句意“对我来说,那是一个非常重要的教训对我来说,那是一个非常重要的教训”可知填可知填importantimportant。9 9have beenhave been【解析解析】be used to“be used to“习惯于习惯于”;由;由since thensince then可知用现可知用现在完成时。在完成时。1010moremore【解析解析】句中有句中有thanthan说明要用比较级;由句意说明要用比较级;由句意“我总是想我总是想得比以前多得比以前多”可知填可知填muchmuch的比较级的比较级moremore。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(

36、10分分) )(2011(2011山西山西) )阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a new school.new school. I loved my small special class more than any group I I loved my small special class more than any g

37、roup I had taught in the past.had taught in the past. They were hungry for knowledge and I was They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching.enjoying teaching.Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families

38、 and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift.families and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift. In factIn fact,I wasnt expecting any gifts.I wasnt expecting any gifts.Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gi

39、ft on the day before our holiday break.the day before our holiday break. FirstFirst,I got a muchlovedI got a muchlovedstuffed monkey from a shy girl.stuffed monkey from a shy girl. I was toldI was told,“He is my favorite“He is my favorite,but I love you and I want him to be with youbut I love you an

40、d I want him to be with you,Miss Taylor.”Miss Taylor.” How How thrilled I was!thrilled I was! Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was “missing” from a mothers cupboard.“missing” from a mothers cupboard. Finally Finally,I came to one

41、 little boys gift which I had never I came to one little boys gift which I had never received.received. It was an oldIt was an old,dirty and broken Christmas story book.dirty and broken Christmas story book. Just when I wanted to express my happinessJust when I wanted to express my happiness,I was i

42、nterrupted(I was interrupted(打打断断)by the giver)by the giver,“And see“And see,it is newit is new!It still has the price It still has the price tag.”tag.”When other children laughed at himWhen other children laughed at him,I stopped them and saidI stopped them and said,“Oh“Oh,books are good in that wa

43、y.books are good in that way. The story is always new if The story is always new if you have not read it before.you have not read it before. NowNow,lets share one together.”lets share one together.” Everyone listened quietly as I read the most wonderful Christmas Everyone listened quietly as I read

44、the most wonderful Christmas story of my life.story of my life.I still keep those Christmas gifts.I still keep those Christmas gifts. They always remind me of They always remind me of my lovely kids.my lovely kids.1 1Why did the teacher like her small special class?Why did the teacher like her small

45、 special class?_【解析解析】由第一段的第二、三句由第一段的第二、三句“I loved my small “I loved my small break.”break.”可知,在假期的前一天,孩子们给老师带来了礼物。可知,在假期的前一天,孩子们给老师带来了礼物。【答案答案】On the day before their holiday break./On the day before On the day before their holiday break./On the day before their holiday breaktheir holiday break,the

46、y brought their teacher gifts./They they brought their teacher gifts./They brought their teacher gifts on the day before their holiday brought their teacher gifts on the day before their holiday break.break.3 3Who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?Who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?_【解析解析】由

47、第三段的第二句由第三段的第二句“First“First,I got a muchI got a much loved stuffed loved stuffed monkey from a shy girl.”monkey from a shy girl.”可知答案。可知答案。【答案答案】A shy girl./A shy girl sent a stuffed monkeyA shy girl./A shy girl sent a stuffed monkeyto the teacher.to the teacher.4 4Was the Christmas story book new?W

48、as the Christmas story book new?_【解析解析】由第五段的第二句由第五段的第二句“It was an old“It was an old,dirty and broken dirty and broken Christmas story book.”Christmas story book.”可知,那本圣诞故事书不是新的。可知,那本圣诞故事书不是新的。【答案答案】NoNo,it wasnt.it wasnt.5 5How did the teacher feel when she got the gifts?How did the teacher feel whe

49、n she got the gifts?_【解析解析】孩子们来自贫穷的家庭,却给老师带来了各种圣诞礼物:自己孩子们来自贫穷的家庭,却给老师带来了各种圣诞礼物:自己最心爱的玩具,偷偷地从妈妈的橱柜里拿来的装饰圣诞树最心爱的玩具,偷偷地从妈妈的橱柜里拿来的装饰圣诞树的灯,很旧的圣诞故事书等,由此推测老师的感受可能是高兴、满意、激的灯,很旧的圣诞故事书等,由此推测老师的感受可能是高兴、满意、激动、感动等。动、感动等。【答案答案】Happy./Thrilled./Pleased./Excited./Moved./.Happy./Thrilled./Pleased./Excited./Moved./.S

50、he felt happy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/.when she got the She felt happy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/.when she got the gifts.gifts.When she got the giftsWhen she got the gifts,she felt she felt happy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/.happy/thrilled/pleased/excited/moved/.四、把下列对话内容补充完整,使其意思连贯四、

51、把下列对话内容补充完整,使其意思连贯(10(10分分) )(S(SSalesman; DSalesman; DDaniel)Daniel)S S:1._1._?D D:I am looking for a birthday present.I am looking for a birthday present.S S:2._2._?D D:I want to buy a Walkman for my father. Can you show me I want to buy a Walkman for my father. Can you show me some?some?S S:Sure.

52、 Here are some Walkmans. 3._?Sure. Here are some Walkmans. 3._?D D:It looks nice. But I wonder why you recommend this one to It looks nice. But I wonder why you recommend this one to me.me.S S:Because old people like the color and its cheap.Because old people like the color and its cheap.D D:4._4._?

53、S S:It costs only 150 It costs only 150 yuanyuan. . D D:Wow! Thats a good price. Can you show me how to use it?Wow! Thats a good price. Can you show me how to use it?S S:Certainly. Oops! We dont have any more batteries. Could Certainly. Oops! We dont have any more batteries. Could you come back late

54、r?you come back later?D D:Sure! When shall I come back?Sure! When shall I come back?S S:In five minutes, OK?In five minutes, OK?D D:5._.5._.【答案答案】1 1What can I do for you/Can I help you/Is thereWhat can I do for you/Can I help you/Is thereanything I can do for you/Anything I can do for youanything I

55、 can do for you/Anything I can do for you【解析解析】由情由情境知是在商店里,故此处是售货员常用语境知是在商店里,故此处是售货员常用语“有什么可以帮您吗?有什么可以帮您吗?”2 2What are you going to buy/What will you buy/Who will you buy What are you going to buy/What will you buy/Who will you buy it for/What do you want (to buy)/What would you like (to it for/What

56、 do you want (to buy)/What would you like (to buy)/Who/ Whom do you want to buy it for/For whom/Who/ Whom would buy)/Who/ Whom do you want to buy it for/For whom/Who/ Whom would you like to buy it for/What to buyyou like to buy it for/What to buy【解析解析】由下句由下句“I want to buy “I want to buy a Walkman fo

57、r my father.”a Walkman for my father.”可知此处询问顾客要买什么东西,或是为谁可知此处询问顾客要买什么东西,或是为谁买礼物。买礼物。3 3What about this (one)/How about this (one)/What do you think What about this (one)/How about this (one)/What do you think of this (one)/How do you like/ find/ feel thisof this (one)/How do you like/ find/ feel thi

58、s(one)/Do you like this (one)(one)/Do you like this (one)【解析解析】由下句由下句“It looks nice.”“It looks nice.”可可知此处是询问顾客知此处是询问顾客“这个怎么样?这个怎么样?”4 4How much (is it)/How much does it cost/Whats the price (of How much (is it)/How much does it cost/Whats the price (of it)/Whats its price/How much should/ shall/ wi

59、ll I pay for itit)/Whats its price/How much should/ shall/ will I pay for it【解析解析】由下句由下句“It costs only 150 “It costs only 150 yuanyuan.”.”可知此处是询问价格。可知此处是询问价格。5 5OK/All right/Sure/Of course/Certainly/Yes, of course/Yes, OK/All right/Sure/Of course/Certainly/Yes, of course/Yes, certainly/No problemcer

60、tainly/No problem【解析解析】由上文由上文“Sure“Sure!When shall I come When shall I come backback?”可知此处为肯定回答。可知此处为肯定回答。五、书面表达五、书面表达(20(20分分) )(2011(2011扬州扬州) )在家庭里、在社会中,只要我们从自身做起,我们的行在家庭里、在社会中,只要我们从自身做起,我们的行为就可以为实现和谐社会为就可以为实现和谐社会(harmonious society)(harmonious society)起到推进作用。你们学校起到推进作用。你们学校的的EnglishEnglish Newsl

61、etterNewsletter正在以正在以Doing Our Part(Doing Our Part(从自身做起从自身做起) )为题举行征文为题举行征文活动,请根据下列表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。活动,请根据下列表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。行行为作用作用在家庭里在家庭里(1)帮助父母做家帮助父母做家务事事(2)和父母多交流和父母多交流(1)让父母不太父母不太累累(2)在社会中在社会中(1)不乱扔垃圾不乱扔垃圾(2)(3)(1)使使环境美化境美化(2)(3)展望:如果我展望:如果我们每个人每个人要求:要求:(1)(1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;(

62、2)(2)必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;(3)(3)词数:词数:100100左右左右( (征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数) );(4)(4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Doing Our PartDoing Our PartWe have grown up and its time for us to do something for We have grown up and its time for us to do something for our family and socie

63、ty.our family and society.At home,At home, _we can help our parents do housework.we can help our parents do housework. Then our Then our _parents wont be so tired.parents wont be so tired. We should also spend time chatting We should also spend time chatting with them so that parents and we can unde

64、rstand each other with them so that parents and we can understand each other better.better. When we are out When we are out, its more important to pay attention to our its more important to pay attention to our behavior.behavior. To make the environment beautifulTo make the environment beautiful, we

65、 should pick we should pick litter up instead of dropping it.litter up instead of dropping it. BesidesBesides its bad manners to its bad manners to talk loudly in public places.talk loudly in public places. Others will be disturbed.Others will be disturbed. FinallyFinally, we should help those people in need and theyll live a better we should help those people in need and theyll live a better life.life.Im sure if each of us does our partIm sure if each of us does our part, our family and our family and society will be more society will be more harmoniousharmonious. .结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!56



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