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1、M3U3ProjectAlexanderanM3U3ProjectAlexanderandSocratesdSocratesRevision1.这座座图书馆是是为了了纪念那位科学家而建的。念那位科学家而建的。 This library was built_ _ _ the scientist.2.对这位患者位患者进行了多次行了多次试验。 Many tests have been _ _on the patient.3.我既然恢复了健康,就可以工作了。我既然恢复了健康,就可以工作了。 _ _ Im well again, I can go on with my work.4.在在1941年年11

2、月月26日,一支日,一支39艘日本艘日本轮船船组成的武装力成的武装力量起航去了夏威夷量起航去了夏威夷岛屿。 On 26 November 1941, a powerful force of 39 Japanese ships _ _ _ the Hawaiian Islands.in memory ofcarried outNow thatset sail forBrainstorm: Do you know someone famous in history in China? educator & ideologistConfuciusGenghis Khanstrategist & po

3、litician Are you familiar with the two statues, and who are they?Alexander the Greatstrategist & politician educator & philosopher Socrates Read Ancient Greek statue found in Xinjinag and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.Step1:Fast readingglory(u)/victories/achievements discoveryinfluencee

4、arlydeatheffectAlexander the Great 1. Which of the following statements is true? A. The metal statue was send to China by a Greek soldier in ancient times. B. Nothing could stop him from taking control of the entire world including his own army. C. All people are not in favor of Alexander, when he w

5、as 20 years old. D. His son inherited(继承)(继承)his fathers kingdom.Step2:Detailed informationAlexander the Great做题技巧:高考阅读理解中常见的做题技巧:高考阅读理解中常见的all all 与与notnot的的用法:表示用法:表示半否定,并不是所以的都半否定,并不是所以的都.2. What happened to his kingdom after he died? A. His kingdom was occupied by another king. B. His kingdom wa

6、s taken over by his son. C. His kingdom became the largest in the world. D. His kingdom was divided into several parts. Step2:Detailed informationAlexander the GreatDRead The father of Western philosophy and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.Step3:Fast readingSocratesmeaningintroductionSocr

7、atic MethodreasonsStep4:Detailed readingSocrates1. Which of the following statements is true? A. Socrates earned his living by teaching. B. He wrote many books about his philosophy. C. He was popular among many people in Athens. D. He became famous after his death.D2.What was his special way of teac

8、hing? A.He made his students get embarrassed when teaching. B. He made an argument with his students when teaching. C. He raised hard questions when teaching. D. He discussed with his students when teaching.Step4:Detailed readingSocratesC3. Find the same meaning of this sentencesome people had had e

9、nough of him(line 20). A. Some people disliked him. B. Some people decided to kill him. C. Some people couldnt tolerate him any more. D. Some people thought that he did many things which were wrong.Step4:Detailed readingSocratesChave enough of sb/sth 不能或不愿再容忍某物不能或不愿再容忍某物/人人Alexander the GreatSocrate

10、sStep5: Comparison:Step5: Comparison:figurespreadAchievementaffectedbattleDeathofNationality注意单复数注意单复数Step5: Comparison:figureSimilarityDifference Choose one question to discuss with you partner,and write a short passage within 50 words.(You and your partner cant have the same topic)1. What period o

11、f history do you wish to do research on? Any why?2. Could you give us some information about a famous person who you admire?Step6: Writing进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少





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