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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载My hobby 用英语写出你的兴趣,爱好,应包括你的兴趣爱好是什么,你为什么喜欢这个爱好?你从什么时候开始对这个爱好产生兴趣的?你一段时间内要花多少时间在这个爱好上?你能够从这个爱好上学习得好什么?问题答案提示解释你的爱好是什么?My hobby is 爱好兴趣: hoppy hoppy 你收集一些东西吗?I have a collection of/I like collecting 用 have a collection of/ like collecting have a collection of =collect sth. : 收集 ; 例如 I have a

2、collection of stamps. / I like collect stamps. 你为什么喜欢它呢?Because it s 因为: Because 回答为什么的句子用Because 什么使你对它感兴趣呢?Because 可以是多种理由你 一周 或 一 个月 在这 个 爱 好上 花多长?I spend in doing it / on it. 花费时间: spend Spend time in doing sth. 或 spend time on sth.例如I spend an hour in collect ing stamps./ I spend an hour on col

3、lection.你 能够 从 这 个爱 好上 学 习 或得 到什么?It can not only make us,but also help us to . 不 仅 而 且 : not onlybut also not onlybut also连接两个句子: swimming can not only make us strong and healthy,but also help us to keep in good shape. 你还有其他的哪些爱好?举例说明I enjoy ,such as 例如: such as such as 前面要加逗号,其后只能举一个例子你除了是一个 你也是一个

4、 ?I am a as well as a 也,同,和: as well as as well as 连接并列的成分My friend s hobby 假如你是以用英语写出你朋友的兴趣,爱好,应包括他(她)是谁?什么性别?兴趣爱好是什么,他(她)为什么喜欢这个爱好?你从什么时候开始对这个爱好产生兴趣的?他(她)一段时间内要花多少时间在这个爱好上?他(她)还有其它的哪些爱好?问题答案提示解释你朋友的名子是?My friend s name is. 某人的名子:one s name one s name 是单数谓语用is 你朋友是男孩还是女孩?She /He is a girl/boy. 人称代词

5、she/he 她/他的爱好是什么?His/Her hobby is . 爱好兴趣:hobby hobby是可数名词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载她/他为什么喜欢它呢?Because it s 因为: Because 回答为什么的句子用Because 什么使她/他对它感兴趣呢?His/Her father taught him to play when he was only five years old. 可以是多种理由所以,她 /他现在擅长它吗?As a result , She /He

6、is good at it. 所以,因此: as a result 擅长: be good at as a result 常用于引导一个句子她 /他一周或一个月在这个爱好上花多长?She /He spends in doing it / on it. 她/他还有其他的哪些爱好?举例说明She /He enjoys , such as 例如: such as such as , 其后以同类事物或人中的几个为例且前面要加逗号她/他除了是一个 也是一个 ?She /He is a as well as a 也,同,和: as well as as well as 连接并列的成分;例如:She has

7、 played in the school team as well as in the national competion. 翻译我朋友的爱好我朋友叫汤姆,My friend s name is Tom. 他是个男孩。He s a boy. 他喜欢下棋( play chess ). He likes playing chess. 当他只有五岁的时候,他的爸爸就教他下棋了,His father taught him to play when he was only five years old, 所以,and as a result, 现在他非常擅长它了。he is very good at

8、 it now. 他已经参加过学校和国际象棋比赛。He has played in the school team as well as in the national competitions. 但是汤姆不仅仅是个棋手。他喜欢户外运动,例如在乡村散步或爬山My friend s hobby2 模块精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载My best friend 以用英语写出关于友谊的文章,应包括你最好的朋友是谁?你们的友谊是如何开始的?你为什么对这个朋友如此看重?你们在一起做什么很愉快?你们的友

9、谊在继续着还是结束了?会改变吗?问题答案提示解释你最好的朋友是谁?. is my best friend.最好的: best 你们是在哪里认识的?I met in primar school. 遇到 :meet 这里要用一般过去时态你们的友谊是如何开始的?At frist we were just friends at school,but we were grew older,we started doing other things together. 刚开始:at frist 开始做某事: start doing句子表达要用一般过去时态你为什么对这个朋友如此看重?We were like

10、 像: be like We were like brothers( sisters). 你们在一起做什么很愉快?We spend time at the weekend/after school. 在周末:at the weekend 放学: after school你们现在常见面吗?为什么?Then we,and we didn t see each other very often. 后来: Then 不同的: different 互相: each other We went to different junior school. 如果很久没有见面, 后来又是怎样遇见的?But some

11、day when I ,I found she/he ,too.So we tarted together ; 但是: But 当时候: when 一起: together When I joined a new football club,I found Peter in the club,too 你们现在还是好朋友吗?In fact,we built ship,because we knew each other so well. 实际上: in fact 建立: built We built a great goal-scoring partnership. 你们的友谊会改变吗?I th

12、ink we llin the future. 在将来: in the future 在将来,用一般将来时态My friend 假如你是莉莉,以用英语介绍你的朋友露西,你们是初中认识的并且已经有几年了。在学校,开始你们只是朋友。但是随着年龄的增长,你们发现有许多共同点。你们都喜欢下课后一起玩。你们就像姐妹一样。但是,现在你们是年轻人,似乎都变化了。你们对友谊不再有相同的看法。你很怀念以前的友谊。你该怎么办?或许你该交新的朋友,或许你应该尽量挽回你们的友谊。问题答案提示解释精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 13 页优秀学习资

13、料欢迎下载你是谁?I m Lily. 你的朋友是谁?Lucy is my friend.你们认识多久了,在哪里认识的?Lucy and I have been for years since we were at primar school. 长达 :for 自从:sinceFor 后要跟一段时间,since 后跟时间点你们的友谊是如何开始的?At frist we were just friends at school,but we were grew older,we had many things in common. 刚开始:at frist 开始做某事: start doing句子表

14、达要用一般过去时态你们的关系好到哪种程度?We were like sisters. 像: be like We were like sisters(brothers). 你们喜欢什么时候在一起玩?We would like to spend time after school. 放学: after schoolWould like to do sth. 喜欢做某事你们现在为什么没有以前感情好了?But now that we are teenagers,we seem to be changing,we don t have the opinion about friendship any

15、more. 似乎: seem to be 不再: not any more We seem to be changing. We don t have the same opinion any more. 你想继续你们的友谊吗?I want to stay friends with Lucy. 和 保 持 友 谊 : stay friends with想要做某事: want to do sth. 你想继续你们的友谊,你该怎么办?Maybe I shoud try to get our friend ship back again. 或许: Maybe Maybe 通常位于句首如 果不 能 继

16、续你 们的 友 谊 你该 怎么办?Maybe I should make new friends. 应该: should I should make new friends. 翻译下列短文:我最好的朋友我在中学遇到了皮特。我们发现我们是同桌。起初,我们仅仅在学校是朋友,但是随着我们长大,我们开始一起做其他的事情。在周末,我们喜欢在彼此家里一起度过,而且我们的父母带我们一起去度假。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载我们就像亲兄弟一样。后来, 我们去了不同的高中( junior)就没有经常见面了。但

17、是,一天晚上当我加入一个新的足球俱乐部时,我发现皮特也在俱乐部里。因此,我们开始一周两次在一起练习,后来 在一个队里踢球。事实上,我们建立了非常好的搭档关系,大概因为我们很了解对方。我认为我们将来仍然是亲密的朋友。I met Peter in primary school. We found ouselves sitting next to each other. At frist we just friends at school, but as we grew older, we started doing other things together. We would spend tim

18、e at each other s houses at the weekend, and our parents took us away on holiday together. We were like brothers almost. Then we went to different junior high schools and we didn t see each other very often. But one evening when I joined a new football club, I found Peter in the club,too. So we star

19、ted pratising together twice a week, and later play in the same team. In fact,we bulit a great goal-scoring partnership, Probaly because we knew each other so well. I think we ll still be friends in the future. 关于广播节目的文章你是几年级学生?经常收听什么节目?为什么喜欢这个节目?通过收听节目你学到了什么?还希望该节目怎么?问题答案提示解释精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

20、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载你是几年级学生?I am a .student.经常收听什么节目?I often listen to 经常:often 听: listen to 你为什么收听这个节目?I like very much。什么情况下收听这个节目?When I ,I ll turn on the radio and listen to the programme. 通过收听节目你学到了什么?I ve learned from从学到 : learn from此句要用现在完成时态你最喜欢该节目中的什么项目?I like best.

21、最:best还希望该节目主持人怎么?I hope希望: hope 作文: 假如你是李芳,是个中学生,经常听音乐节目,请用英语给节目主持人写一封信。内容包括:(1) 你很喜欢这个节目,特别是英文歌曲;(2) 学习很忙,疲劳时,你会打开收音机,收听这个节目;(3) 从英文歌里你学了很多句子;(4) 你最喜欢“我能飞”这首歌,希望得到歌词(5) 注意信的格式问题答案提示解释信的称呼怎么写?Dear Sir 你是几年级学生?I am a middle school student. 你经常收听什么节目?I often listen to your music programme. 经常: often

22、听:listen to 你 喜欢 收 听 这个 节目吗 ? 尤其 是什么?I like the programme very much,especially the English songs. 什么情况下收听这个节目?When I study,I m busy.when I fell tired ,Ill turn on the radio and listen to your 当时候: when 打开: turn on精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载programme. 通过收听节目你学到

23、了什么?I ve learned many Einglish from these songs. 从学到: learn from 此句要用现在完成时态你最喜欢该节目中的什么?I like “ I can fly” best. 最:best 你希望该节目主持人怎么?Would you please send me the lyrics of the song. 送: send 歌词:lyricsWould you please do sth.? 你可以做某事吗?信的结语是什么?写哪里?Yours, 右下角4 模块本单元的写作内容是如何写介绍新技术的说明文。写新技术的文章,一般是介绍性的说明文。说

24、明文的段落一般以一个主题句开头,提出文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容,然后对文章的主题进行展开说明,在英语说明文的写作中,展开文章主题的常见方法有以下几种:罗列法、举例法、定义法、过程分析法和比较法。英语中的说明文的时态一般用一般现在时,采用客观表述,避免主观色彩,说明要层次分明,条理清楚。1. Recently,more and more people are interested in. 2. Using. . . ,people can get the latest information about. 3. First. Then. . Next. . . Finally. 问题答案提示解

25、释介绍新技术的说明文,一般以什么为开头句?Recently,more and more people are interested in提出文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容介绍新技术的说明文,一般用什么时态?一般现在时接着怎么介绍新科技给人们带来的好处?Using. . . , people can get the latest information about. 怎么用罗列法介绍新技术?First. Then. . Next. . . Finally. 随着科技的发展,网络的应用已越来越广泛,那么网络的使用对学生来说是有利还是有弊呢?请用英语谈一下你自己的观点。不少于60 词。问题答案提示解释

26、文章要引出话题网络,一般怎么开头?Recently, more and more people are interested in the Internet 提出文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容书写词文章,用什么时态?一般现在时通过网络,人们获得什么好处?Using the Internet, people can get the latest information from literature to sports. 学生通过网络可以干什么事情?Students can also , and so on. 可以罗列多个例子精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

27、- - - - -第 7 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载通过网络拓宽了学生们的视野,但是网络也会 给他们带来哪些坏处?Through the Internet,students can broaden their views. But if students spend too much time on line, it will not be good and it will do them harm. 通过: through对某人不好:do sb. harm在日常生活中我们经常用到收音机,你能用first , next , then , finally 等词来写一篇介绍用录音机听音乐

28、的说明吗?要求:1 说明要条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰规范;2 词数不得少于30 。翻译下面的范文:句子答案提示解释第一步把磁带放到收音机里面First , put the tape into the recorder.put sth. into 把放进 接着,按一下“play”按钮Then, press the play button. 按: Press然后,你可以把收音机开大或开小Next ,you can turn up or turn down the recorder.开大声音: turn up 开小声音: turn down最后,如果你不想收听,你可以按一下“stop”按

29、钮Finally,if you don t want to listen to it, you can press the stop button. 如果: if 想做某事: want to do sth. 作业:W 书面表达(15 分)John 是你班来自澳大利亚的同学。他患了感冒,去药店买来一盒药问服药的方法。请根据下面的药品说明,向他解释。词数不少于80 。服用说明:【 适应症】 适用于感冒引起的咳嗽、头痛等症状。【 用法与用量饭前口服。一次1 一 2 片,一天3 次,一个疗程3 一 5 天【 不良反应】 偶尔有磕睡感。【 禁忌】 服药期间忌鱼、酒、辛辣食品。This medicine

30、is used for cough or headache caused by cold a like that. Take one or two pills each time, and three times a day I Sometimes you might feel like sleeping after you take it. But it do Don t have fish,wine or hot food while you re taking this medicin be fine in three or five days.Moudle 5 书信是我们生活中的一个重

31、要组成部分,写信是我们每个人经常从事的活动,英文书信写作与汉语书面格式不同。问题答案提示书信的信头包括什么?寄信人的地址和寄信日期信头写在信的什么位置?信纸的右上角,距信纸的顶头约一英寸英语书写地址是什么顺序?门牌号码,街名,城市,国名等由小到大的顺序与汉语表达相反英语书写时间是什么顺序?日期按“日,月,年”或“月,日,年”的顺序年必须在最后面收信人的姓名和地址写在信的什么位置?信纸的左上角,低于信头最后一行精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载称呼写在信的什么位置?信纸的左边,低于收信人的地址信的

32、正文格式?信的内容,从左到右横写,低于称呼语,常在缩进四,五个字母处起笔结束语是什么内容?写在信的什么位置?寄信人表示对收信人的一种客套称呼,写在书信正文结尾下面低两行的位置上。收信人与写信人之间是朋友关系时,常用哪些结束语?Yours,/Yours ever, / Ever yours, / Always yours, 结束语的第一个字母必须大写,后面须加上逗号信的签名写在信的什么位置?寄信人自己的姓名写在结束语的下面一行。可与结束语齐头或略靠右一点信的开头句 通常是下列句子,请翻译:问题答案我很高兴听到你的好消息。I was glad to hear your good news. 请原谅

33、我没能及时给你回信Forgive me for not writing sooner. 现在我已有几个月没有收到你的来信了I have not heard from you from you for a few months now. 感谢你送给我漂亮的明信片。Thank you for sending me the nice postcard. 收到你的信真好。It was very nice to hear from you. 信的结尾句 通常是下列句子,请翻译:问题答案我将期待不久能收到你的回信。I shall be looking forward to hearing from you

34、. 我祝你好运。I wish you good luck. 请替我向你的父母问好。Please give my regards to your parents. 我希望不久你能好起来。I hope you will be well again soon. 我希望你不久能喜欢你的新工作/新学校。I hope you will soon like your new job/ school. 书信中常用的 致谢用语 ,请翻译问题答案非常感谢您。Thank you very much. 确实感谢您Thank you indeed. 最真诚地感谢您Thank you most sincerely. 衷心

35、感谢您。Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载感谢您友好而热情的来信。Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 万分感谢。Thanks a million. 请接受我真挚的感谢 Please accept my sincere appreciation for再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要There is nothing more important to me than

36、to reiceive one of your letters. 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴。I can t tell you how your letter delighted me. 假如你叫李凡,收到好朋友林华的来信,惊奇地发现林华因英语成绩不佳,丧失信心,决定放弃英语。你便写信鼓励他,信中谈到学习英语的重要性,劝他别灰心只要下苦功他一定能学好英语的。写信时间为:2008 年 3 月 20 日。不少于80 词。问题答案提示信头怎么写?位置?March 20,2008 ;写在信的右上角日期按“日,月,年”或“月,日,年”的顺序称呼怎么写?Dear Lin Hua, ;信纸的左边,低

37、于收信人的地址称呼后面必须加逗号正文的开头句怎么写 ? It was very nice to hear from you. 或 I got your letter just now.开头句都比较客气正文首先要写什么内容?To my surprise,you said youwould drop English just because you haven t done well in it these days. You weren t interested in itany longer and didn t want to go on learning it. 首先要表达对林华英语学不好

38、的惊奇,并陈述这个事实。接着写什么?I know it is not easy to learn English, but you should go on learning it. You see English is widely used in the world today and it will be an important tool in our future work. English has become important in our daily life. Where there is a will there is a way. Can t you remember

39、that? If you study hard,I m sure you will t well at last.鼓励林华并且告诉他英语的重要性结尾句怎么写?I would like to hear good news from you. 结束语怎么写?位置?Yours, ;写在书信正文结尾下面低两行的位置上。朋友关系用Yours, 信的签名怎么写?位置?Li Fan ;写在结束语的下面一行,可与结束语齐头或略靠右一点。Please accept my sincere appreciation for正确的格式如下:March 20,2008 Dear Lin Hua, I got your

40、letter just now. To my surprise,you said you would drop English just because you haven t done well in it these days. You werent interested in it any longer and didn t want to go on learning it.I know it is not easy to learn English, but you should go on learning it. You see English is widely used in

41、 the world today and it will be an important tool in our future work. English has become important in our daily life. Where there is a will there is a way. Can t you remember that?If you study hard,I m sure you will t well at last.I would like to hear good news from you. Yours, Li Fan 用英文翻译下面由Helen

42、写给 Agony 阿姨的信:亲爱的 Agony 阿姨 , 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载我的朋友皮特觉得数学很难。他想让我给他抄我的家庭作业。我想拒绝,因为我认为那是不诚实的。但是我不想皮特和他父母陷入麻烦。他父母已经警告他要好好学习。其实他学习很努力,只是他没有理解而已。Yours, Helen Dear Agony Aunt, My friend Peter finds maths very difficult. He wants me to let him copy my homew

43、ork. I want to refuse because I think it s dishonest, but I don t want Peter get into trouble with his parents. They have warned him about not hard. And he does work hard it s just that he doesn t understand the work. Yours, Helen 模块 6 本单元的写作内容是如何写描写文。描写文是一种用生动、形象的语对任务、事物、景象等特征和性质进行描述的写作形式。叙述与描写常常是结

44、合的,因此描写文分为主观描写与客观描写。主观描写是作者在描述人或事物时,把自己的看法、观点表达出来,而客观描写只限于就事论事。1. It is a. 2. At first, I 3. But then,I 4. I think it is a 5. I was deeply moved. 习作要求:音乐在人们的生活中越来越占据着重要的地位。你去过由残疾人表演的音乐厅吗?把你听见残疾人音乐会的感受描述下来,要有描写有感受。100 个词以内。问题答案题目怎么写?Listen to the Concert 在你去听音乐会以前对残疾人是什么态度?I know nothing (a little)ab

45、out the disabled children,even sometimes I 你是什么时候听的音乐会?I listened to it . 听音乐会过程的感受是怎样?At first, I showed no( some) interest in it But then,I was deeply moved by 经过这次经历,你对生活和学习的态度? From this special experience, I 经过这次经历,对残疾人的态度?l have changed my attitude towards 范文:Listen to the Concert As a normal

46、girl, I know nothing about the disabled children,and even sometimes I look down upon them. However,l have changed my attitude towards them since last week, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载or rather the concert of last Friday. We were told to listen to a special co

47、ncert played by the children of a handicapped school. At first, I showed no interest towards it. But then I was deeplymoved by their singing. I could imagine how they worked hard in the pra:r- time. During the rest time,their teacher told us these disabled children just ws to show they were as cleve

48、r as us. From this special experience, I am forced to stody harder. Thanks for the courage they gave me, I will remember the concert forever. 169 页你最喜欢看的电影是哪一部?描写一下,写出电影名字,主要故事情节,以及你的感受,不少于80 词。问题答案题目怎么写?A Nice Film 你最喜欢的电影名字是什么?什么时候观看的?I saw a film namedon电影的主要故事情节是什么?It is about电影告诉了人们什么?The film

49、tells us that 你对这部电影的看法 ? From this special experience, I 经过这次经历,对残疾人的态度?I enjoyed the film very much. It s worth seeing although it s very long.用英语翻译下列范文:一部好看的电影前天,我看了一部叫作“指环王”(King Ring ) 。据说这部电影获得了奥斯卡奖。拍电影前,导演花了七年时间策划。这部电影里大约有一千个男女演员。这部电影是关于一个很有权利的戒指,它影响了很多生物(beings)的命运 .在他们为和平的斗争中,许多人失去了它们的生命。但是

50、最后,正义战胜了邪恶。这部电影告诉我们坚持(persistence)和勇气( courage)是成功的源泉。有了坚持和勇气,不管你有有多弱小,你一定可以获胜的。我非常喜欢这部电影。尽管它很长,但值得看。The day before yesterday, I saw a film named King Ring. It is said the film has won the Oscar award. Before filming ,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and ac

51、tresses in this film. The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of beings. In their fight for peace , many people lost their lives. But in the end ,justice defeated evils. The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success. With persistence and courage, you are s

52、ure to win no matter how weak you are. I enjoyed the film very much. It s worth seeing although it s very long.模块 7 本单元的写作内容是如何用英语写与旅游相关的文章。写与旅游相关的文重一般是以介绍风景区、旅游景点、旅游常识为主,所以文体以说明文为主,在介缎风景区的大小、所在的位置、需要看的景点以及住宿情况时,还可以在文中写出一些自己在该风景区的感受及注意的事项等。若文章主要以旅游的经历为主,则应为记叙文。常用句型:1. I had a great vacation. 2. We w

53、ent to. 3. We visited. . . ,it s a very exciting place.4. We really had a good time. Mary 一家上个周末去了北京。他们过了个开心的假日。他们先去了天安门广场那里游人很多。然后他们去了动物园,看了好多有趣的动物。接下来他们主了王府井大街。午饭后他们攀登了著名的万里长城。遇见了几个外国游人,聊一畏并拍了照留念。1 要紧扣所提供的内容;2 正确使用时态;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 13 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载问题答案提示解释整篇文章用

54、要用什么时态?一般过去时记叙已经发生的事Mary 一家上个周末去了哪里度假?Mary had a great vacation last weekend. She went to Beijing with her family. 提出文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容他们先去了哪里?First they went to Tiananmen Square.它们在天安门广场看见了什么?There were lots of visitors there. 学生通过网络可以干什么事情?Students can also , and so on. 可以罗列多个例子通过网络拓宽了学生们的视野,但是网络也会 给他

55、们带来哪些坏处?Through the Internet,students can broaden their views. But if students spend too much time on line, it will not be good and it will do them harm. 通过: through对某人不好:do sb. harmMary had a great vacation last weekend. She went to Beijing with her family. Then lsv visited Beijing Zoo. The animals

56、 there were very interesting. Next they went Wangfujing Street. After lunch,they climbed the Great Wall. h s very famous . :hey met some foreign tourists there. They talked and took photos together.really had a good time. 194 页旅游是一项有益的活动。其中有很多人都爱好旅游,但也有人不爱旅游:扮认为是什么原因让有人酷爱旅游而有人却从不旅游呢?你对旅游持什么观点呢Travel

57、 People who like traveling have their reasons, They maintain that traveling c.n help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historica learning. They go on to point nut that touring will provide more chance for ther to enjoy 1od and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot

58、 possibly have, Those who dislike traveling also have their reasons. They would argue th: traveling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, trafr and accommodation require money, walking and seeing sights often tire you. In practice,traveling is better than harm. If your finance and health perxm:. you might as well do some traveling from time to tiwe, It will at least enable yo to get familiar with people and things that you will probably grow to like. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 13 页



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